THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pres. J. G. Rodger to Lecture. f Piesident J. G. Radger, of Itenzonlia - ('aollege, will dieliveir sev'en lectures in Puablished Daily (Sundays eacepted) during Attn Arbor on his "IReasons ( utside the College year, at the Bible for Belef": THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 1. In a i'erssiial (tart, at _Newbrerig OFICE:s Timtes buidiag, 79 S. Main St. be- Hlll next Sunday. 9:15 a.n. tweea Liberty antIWilliamn Sts. 2. In Jesns Christ, at the bredt sly MANAGING EDITOR eil hrhnx 'ldy 0:01 n J. F. TEOMAS, 97. liithe Italy Spirit, it the Bits - list ci lucli next Sunday. p1iii1 BUSINESS MANAGER 4.Inishe Bile, at tin' i ancreca- 0. IH. HArtS, '9 liotllutili iext Stinta,7:0p n EDITORS 5.I11 the tteasoaibttlentess'o.af1itt, E. L. anioSuEa, '9a L. F. S. SisiONS, '98b ait sew)erry- Halt next Mottay. T:3 B. Bs. lE-REANeY, '99. 11. n. SK~iu LMAN,198L. P, F. M. Lotis, 'Is. it.H. COossN,'9. I Ini Ainswer 1oIa i-teer ii a N\i-s 0. It, GaEsN, 99,Athietic Editar.I b iersyIHail inext FTusdasits 1. ) I R r " f , _ j . 1. ' o I i ' r -_- , . : a A GOOD CASE winis the jnry of shoe buyers and it's onrs by a lieav-yumajority. Footwear should be top tduality. The feet can't stanid ainythinug else. Prices should be low, so as to keep the shoe tax within bounds. You won't feel our shoe priceo, but they wvill make you feel pleased. 'there are no corn growcrs like bad soos. Cane to its and get sontetting that yoaict wear yourself, intstead of the shoe wearitig your foot. L. GRUTNER, No . ainrb.t., I, ooc HAT.S@@@ ASSOCIATE EDITORS 7. Ill the ('hristiatn Cot'iseees at W. W5. itoghes, '9b. S. W. Smith, It7. Nr'wberrry b1tall next Tuesday, 7:)t() p. F. A. FactO, 'FE. Louise nodge,'951. W.P. li1oreili, '1. Bltter Lomb, 14100. . 'e le aru , one of our At the lost Haorard-Peinceton A. Mi. Smith, 'Of. C. Lull, jr., o9t a. lrsiits'it RIl te is ito -ible andil1*'g e swtere told out of the tell0 pleasing s scilser. lei 1 iilate' I NI ~ j. .,J.S student,1,500woie the Os of Ysale IUniv-ersitsyatnd its sit sev-' YALE SHAPE HgATS orlyasi dnug n xtnal edma yi irrwtot3 dThe subtcription price of the Gaily i 25 nsuy mln to thmele ve hbWSae hm fer the colege year,rwits a regulaor delivery i td- ellot hsel-soe i ehr hm before noon eacti day. Notices. commoelca- -$.0te ae- tions, andiother matter ititeoded Car publica-s. Church Notices. 1.000hey $1ed 50 AND $2.ne0 eloit most be baiideddiloot t he natty effice be-: lO,$.( fo. pin,., aiedofth ethe efreday t taosprviustotht that h ',urooofChishic.hnvesiyPve.illSh they are expiected to apealr. 'ttrl f'es.s ili sl si l hdes oast Colors. :sobscriptions may be leertsat The IDaily__ Offcce, Meye's or Stoitict s Newstond, or niesir 8,te ti' ., «'. J.. F-orest'r. pisl '-i with Business Itlaooeer. Soberibers still eon- 10:30na. Ii.. subject of s.'riisii. ''Ai t h P a a. . frafvrbreotnprmtyathsolee any ailore of carriees to deirverpaper. iEvidense sit Stitritual tifele'11.. Bbl " a si-6301)ta.....P. .C.1'. (litleSetiiil; i::ls . ii..~ C ' '. 2.:Soitething new in a low crown soft Hat. Ask Artisgentetits hasvt'liieeniii111,i160 liwit t 30 . ii.subtit o f sermtoni. Curist 1 e t tiii yell-nuter toerte'Chica-sgo gamies' tndi IIisBMirsales.' Mallsre'initedl to bsy sviIiel lls'eyells anid slings pellishtesei cseesii'i's. 1 ciFi ~t elw su bu'eltois-l irst -At. 1;. i-lht .ii--ti it I i-lti'ii , 0d i 'te Tllo«and.'sue eitin w tlr(ut"ol):30l)a. ill., class :servieiss; 10:30l lit pr'actics'd orttlie'speial t rain. Sinil . lli.. selron. "'Ills'Possesitfsa 1-s1(It' hi gaoodlcolleetioni.ssorth Li'siisi; 7::30 p.Ii. st, sit'mioiiito y oung misit. subtjecst.,''A Yotinig - 1 iiis '1Te' ristitliti Isiwsclass seemss to hi' (fttsrrs'l ssitl Ii Isiitty-";:spec-il ousg-siti-ITsoo to mre iselfseenin 5151 oby leot. i Sitley-. elcci'iinel t inlse isi't ect ii lii lre'sbtseianuti stit-it l::yi a. i.,' E ~ vs-ioiy-circeis. If thse embryo Din- Eu' lili'- sl lslsi~ Isist iiel Webster's snoitoiutuire lire'sidetr-ts oitsril'l st' iiil'ftr iiy tolilf iii ~ ~ sIed t ieissil.r'uisii slits I 'it" hii.. 1"W.halt- 9 G Et' Furnishers and Hatters ilirrying -lsasI'sild'ssAse shah exple-s lti-l iis'tetchi 11,'Gi ti'y tbronzei' enjiittoftrank]liiiliioii'isBott________44_____South S a e t, A nn A rbor, esttorits to break his elilraiItl'ric;tle Committee Continued.,t te ~ . silenre and 1rebtiker'this lrel'lplilli. Xi'stiesday i 12 1 i.tet''loaiand. see ilass iso'sin the celto hear11th'eii Iliewsitsi' theii'recett ollllilts report olithei" yeill l'iiillittr'l. 'Ibis conce-lringlalscksit sventilationuin iiclass I,.iIli' i li-' siitisntiii'rsI lii Iosity-tone T H E N O B B IE S T S H IR T S rom n nth so tn.t giti. oibehr Iyllsii'ad en pnu ss tttribecause wrel Is liggi-s lelt ugs htalrenmeif i ythe i'c-s. oifs'iteliirells th-at ever came down the pike. of stuslnts taket'asios-si es- a eininisg titd so citable Ithemuselvs -t1oI u ista aicotiuedtirunttillillotsiy. Shoes Shiied Free.- - - - - Shines Shined Free. little nlirsft. Bird t: f thein!i sie's-itoIii B i. Neinil a i iss "Ippiii silyell-I be is seositive'iste fesh air ait liiiuuisis(e. 'le in iuanciei-iiiuiuuittus-u'ITH riE ANNUAL .A.NN'OU'N0CEE .'T ge'ntlemuan sihotonutratedhpatilsiti il orel-Ithait$32 is needtieldlthuaelilit trinu'thu r saft ecausrd by ia huntuliI si-t-usfri t'-soialhal ii-IOF luhat only .2:1 luls beiei't llecl'tedi. U Wiords of Prahse., ostlt:i ihe'last ineuc iIn l'r'sireu 'tus51Ih' tuesd0 11,~sIiiheicilosr esil lil i' esoonu. Leland T. Powers-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -N'ov. 30 Wsehly salyt stsrilly:-___________ :'hue harshest foiotbsallut11 b he Tin from Chicago's House. Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra---------Dec. 11 su-sssoiu renitit i's Iaus' betplaed, and I --- Charles A.. Dana----------------------------------- Jan. 21 ouur ltet' ii isill lht-cve -st-Isorkhu-uushi ( Iiui-sis('ilitrify is ulaiushisat Iisl Ex-Presidlent Hrio-------------Feb. 1 thasuiit hils yet'ivssuurhnulslotierouliuoss th (ar' isil'luiriatuils-. 8. 'fle Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicaigo Alumni Nitntber)------Feb. 12 -illit. i'-u i tilsit-sto e-rlisleu-h <1s' 10 wsuidhstychi r ch B euiitterscsuld 1. Imperial Quartet--------------------------------March 12 fist's',leu' line is heaviy- utndihur arci- k ar sistosit'uts'sesuu.-o raoianots--------------- ac1 fatutt 1r1th'aliis aw iy lay t a 'l 's u itui S.Iijsst ea .John Kenriclk Bns-------------April1l3 slppr lie'nd clrive il) or11115 2)) sit av. iuug'sull ite ouOiuuraN siu~lhl tithl'hul iesergie ulltit iiI msss'si~ us~.,siu' ~uls a roll ltGENERAL ADAIISSION TICKETS .nit).0 Iistanut, andi it isill r'eadsilybeli'wefit $"2'tals11101' siteit ' i5:tri-iici5e1heiast, RESERVED SEA >a(ET 11111 our teati huts ntoieay tas behfre light andh bathu. SING-iE ADMISSION.0 it. Ihssss-s'er,.the muuagnificunt game 'EXCET lint rtp 8aituirllly bysthe ' Varsity thow's Haoih'hly ufc'uusugitliiru. 1rrisn m amuler ;51.01 ring, lostone sething. Iliase re- Ooriclentatest .25 that oantleamuthasoimnfinite lpossibuiies, tr oT .Tyor-- it ae atd is-i feel that si- have 'a rigihtto D sya' 4S uth u-' TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Rleserved ticetsl on tale Thnrsdoy,.Oci. 8th, at -Palmer's exptect 'a greut g1n rm i si $.0gesTeDiyfo'~tl drug store, State street, and iiahr's bohk store, M1ain street. T1hoanksgiinug Duty. the end of the college year. JAMES H. PIIUITT, Corresponding Secretary. I.