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November 21, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-21

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W ..j 50 HOME SEASON ENDS. Inlander out Today. 1 OUR NEW CAPTAIN.
The Inlander for ovemvber is out
Lead ng T ilorLastGame to be Played with ton),. In general appearance it IS G. R F. Villa Elected to Succeed
L a i gWittenberG Today. noceh he sonie io the last nonber. H1. M. Senter, Resigned.
AN M O TE ,-- and its content, ae flly p to the
r ~i~'oday the 'Varoty imetso Wit ten-aoe hgh tanad. he fronts- Tho noon(altain Ifort Senter [ega h il i il l h (peei neceigyfn .i-o"sge rn iefobl a te-
FULL NESSSHIT A SECIATY, o gam of he yar, nd oory- eutof th Tite Ju-eagain andamp athei reamthe wao prevailedile
thiniig hiiiil to it ter5 closi-anil cal - belcl. Pe cc r illli' t ' P itoii to accept the reignation. f. 1.
-- - tiingF 'tlI" .was electcid to te plc ths
itii iito.no tothll Sunier," bitit.aside
NO. 2 E. WASINGTON ST.- NEAR MAIN Thiiisiettirs have ai very stroinlg ili f i isa ll sttcii 'Bc tsonicof is otoen t ie.cet-igeidtii
____________________________.ihatiise ieenivlt ci sst t i n f ill ir I' Sit i-ll s -so :' byti ta t I. i-u1 tr o b aI-rtet ht
+%,AF q ,.qlk ®lf+ Mnso 'ifar thit sn . In iri e. n a tt -gsoa ith i 'aoltaiiiSenter flt that h tict reti-
00ii t iiime ttir W eey ii' iO te4 bisf otaln layiei ir or1'too tiion i ihi-t'-sign. is t i is srel- prove nmttiielf
#THAT COUGHiiiOelno Aeb'ovurru b one of ttts iiost loiiil rreliale, and
te clt ere i i o f 1 tiP lie tiii itmi titiplanostijects. A t pinstakinrg <atailo ichetigan has
will 0 oapearit yiiilit 11W lilit titittile riihga o iii Di'iun tiy tt t. u.to lte'restng('er titd. tle has hisilthe coiidene
wiildiapeifif theip Bteameryqutiniate iofag the ,niebuitiVce L 1.ot sidentig
r our Syr. of Trand Wid ive'temof it towi- iipliha iofthiseatleta thehe "tir stuetof a tokb"ty0bohryte.anItctsesomsi
godn Chry tmne i o Ieio s- ii i srtraltls 'it silthihere si iaisil ot- iiissoely niiioie has lone nore
ar bottles and 1 ftastesl dgood. tiican tetihoniirof istiptaie- titii
Ober ii tli ln f he itot iu s 55e11'tlriniaII p. tanili.ent i it liii "Odue ii1on ioisctsaklndt- kp tin"
PAMR' I{IbAY. io.ili Last ht nly 11'ttciibtsng Ci'oito' Siig ofu nsl meir trtegies iitthiseamothi
Si d1'tll S Oh i te I'lSl'otiesir 2'ii 'o il--ilhingameniolis11s( ililstugnIt's
46 S..STATE ST.! eea e, nteaeain h
G, nd tued } tey onfrtiti h s uteieul to ise t p sositioii for'
nil iC liu'siSut tie is ii cmiI tc ioiitriitor-. Auii ntalnlit rieant-sice the. Itc offeredlhisresiglil-
__________________________________________ La~ld ti-' llai-i' miiiof I'C -e tl i oli ''tutu is madlie.
22 G SAI ito ii lsi ifthi~ei )littic gasss 1 l__ ____ioniiionce before buS eiii tt'iirfused.
ti22iaceieetSina stiiiiniritoll'gos of (iio 1 The University Band- acceis i-ii ki. and he t' s preailedl
2 worth 'Your ltaS ll tescosi-iiaimse ll' iinleg' sinctiie i(lilt ufthlii' 'ii'tiiiiiiigiiit liont eitn es-sihn Shistafosv
Attetinplitisiiicoiione.wudi h-not alo
A tten ion. iidStthil I ii' S ncitc as'I iii' istttniti tuto plyinS ilt'(iis'tg Tankisgis-ing
Gent's N ullifier Slippers ery elhoce. li Smiteii'ie 155largve li ii nizliattiiiiof tis itndtbut iyitsDy gismte. listseser. te ieseitedhis
(tent's French Enameled Shoes for !i k iiiiigi iribetelld.tklie ittit agin.andtody oe
-'its isill tiutanduOperatu Sues.hteu..; '-oundgs.stuun sgtiii.iteS 'oitta lii'1
Xyiner-azo an Olen'e'tos. y75 1ood. Hesi- i ht tni'si-tie 151111111 ils haliii natlllylbeeI lii I oiiiilt-oaf tedl th teaiii to llow i ututo ri-i'
'fleePerfection of :;heemalking- l l.Icuvlltut and.iit te oi.icg i oni ofill itsbSidtl. i rott~.
Will be pleased to have you see thity il Sb lii'ef Ii's, uder SitS, R lueiall will rogit eI tici
leader.i i. litntto sth ehu i sti hip 1of11 lt 'itt ii'ii iiiand iioe .Si'ite'sreieeti'yt et th'teai sre-11te .fg tn lsicil il I - i a
JACOB S ALLYAfTLIU~ rrdne.h oe frhrta
s e is c nidetihist amiii outl tors-t At1 the liia-liici-' 'liisei ay ilnght fi tg the fansiiiiis ''otni'o sccei
Washington 13k., Wiasheingtoni s.i. snul Stleed'i thaiI t itthiS s-ii'eu-li I illc iltl111er i I'll' pisiliat iand. is lutst t"
istiAl l'ail lght ito eie. To ls .I' o h w a eha v oin, V1 a ti 'kah sm d noeI0
E11ERY::S'IDl thin 1th smotilyaid heibaditiyiii' oil reciiihreit1-titbas.
SHOULlD ZREGJS'T'BS'I 'Iiilitule iat iquariter. it(la11t-he ( iII so eiili aiis toylits ti Itiet t' and- tiu tlt'thitiii e 0 th'Stoit- hs been
-AT----estr o5he le~ . t e eth-' i'i itu ecihuiuuii't thu 111th liiie i s l euia'iesureoiis l ifntits.
tr orhons a trtio soadit. lss- lier liiis hieii uiu-httshu'geil s Ithe
3rown.'s fl')r o'Store. C1 1111.1 Il hslit itan I Iisto11 duI t edd ln cra raet rudais c~ei h etI ot o obnD o elc i.ta atclryIcn nofnietilh ediona vng 't vs o l;ps le eradh
(ino e Clii it 15ii'is ~t iit l it i h e a byioti n-o ofard i le anl hihr itl betai no'ntitde. ' oadthe Aiii' iii' li t e eevt' ryti e
Co-Ed Tan dem ... Sa iii'shes sss piaielliHe eieit7 ii hlici IiiiucsrhhSiofthtiit-iiS itiieiiis tltAl'Wiei ltfas
Fowler Cominination. Lady Sits CCii i'ohs'i', steets-his 's i-ti1ttg go til t 'i ilst . tit sieett-henti'the eft
Behind. For tRent B a d te i i uo'iuc iltt iii es-hit l i fe Jo Sllu-isuttit 5>e e lt inolii 1 1 i rt i e u sh hitiotinithits I iitall hit-iowsi.
TUC ERireO Sit'il b a ood Sinilt'I''bisle Sti , 't lng inteadiiofittmigha-tio.snits l S-erit t tuettiiint I i' S itts oti su
TU KEt&CO, TFH AVE./B he -lhanc'ii'toi get-ilin-f) iii;1 t uiteri e sihtheii shtaihcsei-hu iit iis tiplayingsabihbit chnd at swill
'ri F.J .LV 'IJ t"J..I 'J te..i' . san itc h it tutu it i.Vita'11(1i'll i iediii''lit' u'..lth suii.e 'ii it s th- i l- ut ihiit
ii il iiii''' itit ii til it I totih lt-Cl' iC'tii''Si'i li i itisiihtiKing Lear Tonight.
Oposite Lao Otniq is 00 aisemei'terufrher i l o iti~, leo ieTtrt nifgas
hiss essius a wi 0 'liii'ptrobableh'lie tu itip 01b s fulu'on1''" 5to whthel (irSli'eI'l' se 'nll i t' ht-ieenigI tarin. i'large, ofci'th
?V 7 ry A 1om1pson S treet. lift i'ui b imoeto ciiliztit Iialoiltut~i'. hiusitt o ittSiuago, sill iihihetrSi-
\il TtthiiN WiC't oneRG tt s itii'iS S byit-ithi s iilht ' taniuS Iii rete Oratoiricat'tl .ssussiiuui iit
(atilt tlcoi
WAHRS BOOK STORE. 'itlatoistitauticsnlie il.it 5 h't'ii i ii ttiad lse nthe 111111 1151tioirAn isor uiuu 1111
We invite every studentt o xst 'ieee - 1 _--e ---.il iuu ei ino'fh ugs 11 lili es arstot 'uf gtin a ne d t i on'i''hrts
our stires. We have a 1lage stpple' Dusmhe -e1t ., Iote AadiSnocesofahtual:e Affair. es
of second handt University Text liisfece - ------( - tiP 'Iott fuig Lar ofes fieli fil e ruti-
iLaw oad MedcatBooks. Germama-055 lii'The htiuun~"' gvultythut1V-ern i"surpau'sse'idSy but' n iofth at r i'e awad eicl oksier
and French asisics. eusLaeilhooofD.lohSaepaindaaudil(est
We sell the beet strdent Note Meeting of '99 L. Class. ('atuen" hst ii h uitun tt'. Slosh ti .'suipipes pioni'(piigerthutis, titsthui'ut.
Books 20 cents each. a-tbust tghtVteyslut eiC'ul affa's ir.uuitslanem te.hcuh uc'e irnuuuuuuu'the e tukisher-
the best Linen Paper 20 centmper 'Chot''h10 ]at li-so: ur t sesteriy iiv1uu h t il' uce'stth u itie rtti'hiernl-i'r'tso'il ii
pound.tfh ter otinianuit r itaei-ed ua smtalyH Oitiiui a tesaa i'u'is ssw 'id ali the1 ide'' 55i'l te citturhu'u ia-t-ia
We buy and exchange second amut uof bitsitus andtinulgelgrit aoration's iflahgs aut inug made heiPio.Cl'rke hashownehitsi
hand hooks.gra nrstindtaighse-
Agents for the 'Watetunan Foun- Itigi' nut at uuhiftalk. A comnuuuuuithu'e -unii'astac~itti' n.. iittseu''uit i liuutthss''
(sin Pen. itt thureei, Mess. Sule, Egan tit t D rSt. Moshier, _lirs. ASits-u-It r.i: rcsfr the ee'iiiig Friiniiplusent
Mathematical Instrumrents and KSonct e s aiilitucrhhtoloole tp the fI lis. DJOliei. tilr. Wal~ikir and - uuund 'catonus1lie' sill lii' grietiih s-t1i
Drafting Suppis a specialty. nster of chlis canes. A tx of 25 tSa~raht Brown'uu uaiu'i''i.Tflu' ip r eenut -tlargcr auduiec'hault hut'one
'rhe hest prices to everyhody. cut cm oe o leeleiisonesiiw'eileidtnte h'(iugi' 3 i euh tri beoetast.
Give svattiallailtss footll team. te phens asoul 'iil eir. Dniagit",v
Y~ A.HR'S BOOK STORE $.0 esTh aiyfomnw hi'fetuimoref theu'-t flu' l'heIgninde'ere iois-sill leg'it
Up Towsflaws Tows i20 gt h ~dyfo owtl eguieti aranOttira ii'ishuiig s'cre-
2a s, State st. Opposite Cort iHose,'SbciefrteD i as e.,
Ass Arbor' Mist.ml the end of the college year. I ariefr n Siy"ar'Dm' i

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