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November 20, 1896 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-20

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5 Cents.
S Hot Coffee Hot Chocolate
Beef Boillion Beef anti Celery
Tomato Boullion Hot Oyster Juice'.
0 Hot Ginger HotLemon
0 10 Cents.
r Hot Egg Phosphate Hot Lemonade
Hot Egg Lemonade
o Hot Lime Jice Flip
0 o Hal ated Milk Hot Clam Broth
Be Sure
You're Right
On Footwear.
Thee's los of tricks is the trade amd
they're pciced spoec than you think
hu ot hee.
This sorsesis.eS Ya sare yore right
This sory gaatees ya a soiinet
mot of covery ollr yos pt into shoe
we sell. It is a ted Shoe Store, foilso
goodi Shoes asisrices osy down.
Gootiotubers too, if yoosalthem.
W. C. RKeinhardt,
42 ®S. M1anStreet.
KE. .L42./yEaS,
Can foresh youswith asrs. las ouairs
Pe.' e n ae Bn retlls pairig spciaslty
---Special aes toleuclo at
Bl erry rna,-n' s
6 E. Huron Street
.Aziton 0eufel,
Truks, Vaises Drs Suit Cas,
Tronks ad Valie'leared Neatly ass.
Cleaply No a SMats st
Your Tailor !
Have you senl those hoby
Suits Miward is turning out
MILWARD 40 State St.
20 S. Ingalls st-One single r0011
lighted, T5c.
Subscribe for the Daily.

gr0rr[[ im iINIflhA anid you will acknowledge we have too 0 A 1. m
0 U li UIEUV many Guitars, Mandolitss. and Banjos. Bahylon Coal Is THE BEST.
r o want them--We don't. A few dollars All grades og hard and soil Cool.:
0 a OHCamel Coal ad Coke.
0 will make us both hiappy. Somne odd U. X,! STAEBLER,
0of M. and Wasburn Guitars at bargains. Telephone No. 5. One door East of Ameni-
0cen House,
i A N A RB R M SIC 0.9 and get the best service.
0e 21 AND 23 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. Office and Stable, 32 Forest
e Ave. Telephone 106.
s° Branch Office at Palm ers' Pharnmacy
anwlen ,o 0aasampe TH NN ARBOR SAVINGo
a an addess Pries: el~r 0 p, d~jmund, * P80 5555n5. Capital Stock.X,00. .Surplus, $Ill
m trost pa Utagn.nn Rtesources,5$1,,t0
d stretlo5wo . Organizedounder the G eealtBanking Lawn
0 ? sells esehange on the priscipal cities of the0-I el--owom t UidSaesDrfschdupnrpr
Old Ceedticaton. Safety deposit hoses to rent.
OFrocCooS: Christian Mack Pres.; W. D.
®s eeooo~e ettr®o arrimn, esVice-Pres.:Chss E. Hiscock,
Casier M.J. rit Asis oft ass Ache
oup wn owFIRST NATIONAL BANK of AnnedArbo
\w! VV ii. Y~dd olital, $100,00. Surplus and Protito,$40,000
Transac to a geeral bsanking husiness.
'3' W etergsexchasge hought andnsold. Purnish
You Buy d FA N CY S f letters of credit.
Vice Pres.
a11(tl votc"i n ihave the choice Of over S. W. CLARKPSON. Cashier.
d4Ties fi &it rh ninM -nk


01 r . ,lS. Man ,Street Capital e 010SPrplus'-sin O eass~
g ,eneral bn~n .IE11" rs .F GiEa Vc rs
- ~ sJ * Ann'Arbor. 1. FRoED.l'es1. N lso Cshe. Vc 'e
Th'is ester good tar fthis sseek._______________________
U..NIVERSITY NOTES. j Student Control at Chicago,
Dii. ..A. tic-hpon, '>1tl. is PltntilO" Tiii stitisi l odo f leslii".g O ld;it
ts of hl ilt' ltcst''i lst lsls A itstia r.A.111. jill5 n i i t'rtl b tsp it ts 10 15stld at-siltco' Jcso ,MPh, as o tted assonfce as
In r wie bes e n te lutte>>>lt-No. SI S. Main St.. cest dloor to Times
ltie tC h iandtlhlist'lit er I'lstis, is 'i .ts blt't ilt littlinil a1pltition tl i slis icie, wss lsesris prer eos' otress t l Ifott
sist Plililsil Iss's isll~tI I stllsP ssi riitttfee l st t 'sllt't' is atctl (I*ti' i _ troubllsia isssc'iestfis'mannoses'. All ores-
old lieti: ft cec pla et, IIo~tiatbust'tntirely paintless. lir. Gifford comes
r;..ill intl li s'Tl ii l ,, .nels' st ' l s-el t's 111 l lIt's so-Ictt Hi ss-h ere'highly s'es'ommesnsdedl, by tse membters
atoftthe medicali profe~ssito of Jackson, City
pz~at ia~l a pize fi;ht. c t' opiess etl 'c. Prices reasonable. Consuslta-
Pt'lissls. flt-~p st '~ t''. I 5 1 sittti sis tilsthe s'r oflth st 011 . lo s spe m, sst~ ee. Ofce sos
t itt'i obess altl lti' l s-iis'.s issg is iWil litrsisis tsinkl'ssos alt o w 'e ' O o a es
to be(110 s s tot'ltisI Isi's i tIli.Tt Iilt' isisissstps'ti fis b"O1ll5 . H ot .. 'r5 . ( c> le
be'st Itl tlsel t t w1 h t a 111;_lctsl is t's to le itia el sil Istudts'sH L un48 s. S t t
j'1''PiI'. ill ii'siceit otill Psis'' i . 4 1 itt lct' I\111 I Ilit' itplsol TU TTLE'S.1
I. I'ilitilte cl'g'l. I. I'. for OI. 5. 1'.. W<s INFO I t'l- CO DiTiONS IN CAIGDSE

laidl stll. IIIs t "1s'sstc. st-i to 11'511i si-s
su5[11 e Ps-s-c )isg ho lst' 'sos-st
fotba'lllt -n'ineI '--nsls' st ill It e'sll'sl -
i114-.t ' A(cois. 1 . th ikoi;i
'T'e I'llilt's 'ils Ss'hoosl of 'lictssisg
swill ctss s'si'ss girsasil~rl p' 11111 iss"y'
ot'ssl I' ssiil fIsishbs lllist'. Oils'
Lsost-Disslilelldclisusestick inis lt
iyttilisitlli Fridayst'et-elinig. Fieil'rI
toill receive r'ewa'rd's is' Ieoig rsankl
at 3 Monroe st.

sude'nt's s-stiltine'tlisiolis.Itsiil " TABLE KETTLES,
sltllt'ctil -ol.'s'stli i ,'Ire s' 0 ire t siadome Vl~ltS l in e and
iiks' 1l11 ilt' swork inilt hiAnn Artitti Chea~p.
1tig11 Schoossl soc in I e ss iis I.,u111/ 1 AR NLDfln LEDINGJEWELER.
fsor tlliet lslrlss'inilt'e l usts Isis I11,r.IIUU
woill list's-MPr. iittitsi'sl in 1Ro111127, 1J S17 571 1.1111)10
Sssl il'slssv. Nsso'-. ltl.,it 12 ss o~: oE I
tI'srangels thseurof leeillllg Vis's'e PIANO AND COMPOSITION. 4j
ofi $2.0 willlbe t'lrar1gs'Iifor51'he o' 'ssl's' R 1-I iIEP LF'
of' t'll l1s'os. NV. V1'. 1I[PIN.
_______________ 1FrestsStuttgart I sConsetyGeemsty.
NOlI-1l'. I 22 S. DIVISION ST.
All is' os' t o'fsst t'e S. I'. A. stils sit
'''i ( t's llsNsthe s' setie lto'inslil 'hstp roceriesI .PIrovisions
SsItd1 s issy' .lis dill. sou t ose to'ill st'
s-ly p' hIttisisiBulle'tini 1s'e ltBledI.sit's andtiall kinds of Sanitariuml
l'stllt'ss'l It 'st'' llt-i' 1111 l'Foods for sole by
(Pcsp--s s its' hulls'siliil stx, Ns'sslss'ls pISt lmIsoI17. & C'o.,

If you liso rooeiso ItsI's-lladvosr- I11 1. Nve tns' l hereaflteIs 'sr s1iltjtl '240 S. STATE ST.
tise in this'Dailys. h,!. JsReevdaLrendle;t
A That leave perfect combuntioun and do not !Line1 of Neow Pipes!T
Ls~moke or nmell: Httasnd Cold Ltmsss t alsOl hssoss Agento
for llsyles's ansliOllass ansd Wtrnts o.a
Thie Now Rocestter, Thse 'alo,'The New Royal,'FTePerfec-Gis.ciBte ot Htssso 00
tion StudesntThse Prinsceis Studetst, Th'le Empress Stuldent, all 20lOS. Stsste St.. Sager tBetch
nlickel plated, with latest improvementts. We sell w ait ve ad- P.F. TGsss, thse taste Street Taller. Latst
vertise and guarantee quality of goodes nd are neverlundersold. Styles.host Goos Inside Prices. PWe do
'es'ryittGinnesse Iine. Cl einz, rre-sint
x , T and rp, irl ast lee- es' prisces co' steiw ith
-DEAN & CO MPA NY.it gowork. Goodo sllrd for ssnd delivered.
445o. h Mai Stree. us'callto piese. 20 5. 'tate Street.. Give,

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