THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for Men: AND YPSILANTI +CELEBRATED SWEATE-PRS Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor. Call and examinze before buying. 28 and 30 South Rain t:. MIG HTIGAN -G------ Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27, 18196. Mnllgd Ex_-1 347 N. . Special---- 7115 N. Ucal... 4158 Mai-i ____ _8 41 Esa 2;x___-10 17 N. S. Limied.--- 9 25 Atlantic Exs-_7 .i Pacific Ex---12 15 D.N.Express.... 5 411 Western Es-__1. 71 0. R. Expresos.11 15 Chi. Nt. Eu-1 _ 910 GR.Ex-----55 0. W. RoOOLeeS, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Acboe %i - 4 RAILROAD. Time Tale~l, Oct. 27, 1896. NOOTH. SOUTH. R 7:30 a.m. 1:0 a.m . 430 p. 8:2 p. M. - *Run between Ann Actor anod Toledo only. All trains tdally except Susndoy.., E. S. GILMORIE, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY l e po fetlerR8, 10 11n. GEO. S. PAR _____Whsat Bali Besriogs ar to the:icycle.A perfrct Prn Company, JanetsvilltWiso Time Table, May 17. 1896 J.C. FRE L Leave Ypsilanti frnm Congress St., 0:30, 8:00 and 11:00 a. in.; 12:41, 2:00, 1:30,5:00, 0:41, 8:30 a 10:10 o p. cio, m0,830an ave 1annpArborJunct or7:00, :10and 11:0 a. m.; 1:11, 2:50, 4:00, 1:10 7:15, 0:01 and Try 10:45 erfume 104 ~. SUNDAY TIME. We have a very fine linet Leave Ypsilanti from Congress s.. 1:10,3:10, 5100, 1:10 antI 0:00, :0m-0.J1 we will be glad to show y, 7:00 and 9:30 p. m. Camra n on city time Fare: single trIp 15 M m m r ' ]r r cents; round trip tickets 25l tents. WM. F. PARKER, Soot LKER Fountain Pen tPcn solowarrantedlbyile. Patke: JD, '99, 47 S. University Ave. of Perfumes which rOH. 4 17 E. Washington. 4toPC, Cor, 4th Ave. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos anod Cigaretites. Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. HURRAH? Ann Arbor at last hooso a fine Restaurant and LanchCounoter, The :Portland Cafe 660S. Moon Stret.Anythisgin sea-os als.othe finest 'Calel BIoard in city, $.0a per week. Regular mralts c. GiENoDAY ANOD NIGHT. P. S.-Don't forget-A spec- ialty of eanday Dinners. 12:311t002:300P. ai FOOTBALL SUPPLIES Everything for the player -Jackets, Shoes, Sockins, Jerseys, Shin Guards, etc. Spalding't official Intrrcollegiate Foot Ball, officially adopted by the Inter- collegiate Association. Complete Catas- loguso Pall and Wioter Sporta free. ' Thot Name the Goarantee." A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Newe York, Chicago, Philadelphia. Advertise in THE DAILY., Among the Colleges. log del::-oped8 111(11tlh: osubject, Iand it Kalls,1 11151rsil]),111chl-edg::heor ! 1'robable:'t10:11it, will 1be' ivoesa C'lolos1:11:0t(810110011 10 reda:1 s "6.O ril Theloc lrot ('orlislo'Idin110 mva1Oerln010 Ad 11:plae0a11e ond:111tie'gamel1'Wednesdl~y 10inlthecon- or1'fnillocthree11108 ars ag o:, with o 10 [0:1817 0). ,1:'W('11, I f::1-1001 8 Otol~~~l0'10 1-1 :111 :: 11 0(,12: 01111 (test: for111he 199') lc:oosiof11 1IOio. bc arrcyo~~g0 o). Jewell, a fooe t Lell 111 frsW 'oiesl.n (bc otol ~ ~(. tlIoolG.oTheselltwolgteams110 eX1learly orcheiostrat will furn'lish m111081 11102d:class 1118 hrl--sing 8:'e-ti:1o a-ve11lready 1:1:01r ticke:tos will 1001 admi01. Tic-kets for'l t rrved tby Pr 1inctonl lnl111' ad1111111'0 1'lla llsgiS-illg 1pa81rt911111i)1w :rcnts f'or 011: Y1111-1811188001 f:1game. a0 0-:1111. Tloe'chape::l serviceos:11 (0810:11ar180 ANTED-Tw90ooinmbcrs of freoso- so1 interestin11g ta eashvltleomeaand0110l::-' o1:n1:10e1:o :1:o111f jun~iorlass-1io 1 reserved':lfor Itoc studentsioil 110ccount:111ap111111-0t0it S. T1115-cl- s11:e0 (0011111 of the' large' a11tendan1c-e. "pis 01:12s:1)01:1e). A goodul 0l0:llcO'for hler~asvwho at Mlicligan. want t11 akel o ney 1100. I'8e1nnylliall' ibrary hbas lot beeryo. WAN l7ID-Plain and gcncral new- ,ind1 is 0not (111 01081 evenin1gs. Now iog at 47 S. Fifith avenue. bowev-cr,0conside1:rale agitatioln10is, b-IStubscribe for thocDaily. ch ngDaig Ru mne ewe T Ped, oslsmsaTasECe riea Phellman SleepinrsGaetwien oubuseeno ler ndToluomodCuso Th2eOnlYSIeeihortDraingRoo ars Sundeysehoween Toledo00Colusbend The OnlY LOOwn 0om Gruineoeweeanl Tedeo, Tolod.ul angChaletna Wt.en sbVa nd. iletn W a THE ONLY IRECwthLINEthaineh way da aewnd heTorludoandoubs THE OPLALINE t 3tains Ted, wae on PnallbermtweneniTledto mnownmbns THuiEONeL, LINE)bwthtlyranieahewdy n Tewe oeo olge, Ond STEfdY NEwihV tnsieach N y da2 HAONevrYpoeDIREC IE btweeTagedo an-heVinritards.eor RH OE R LICLAwenGToeRosoLL 'isfomaioolen reClatinertoorahesthmee tins ta.illPeheeofuloly uihedratoy PRIeSofteLhoCnr iea$.,Gley5n wh rosp1pokeomretEnirst geas ImoThe d audum estcrLaiesartis tic ER hidrsuG, aNbtoGEplRSL sir..R.ToanowChil10.Sae "In thi.leMArINolFunerl Hreacorhf~ies h Mo1naneake IcfCSubrts andFleor" -N w W r u .L w RCEm S . $. l i g 0 0Spec al y No 17 NWasLinktn lckff PATENT AAPnIEDbor. Michigan o Teachers' o Agency!I U~p to date ino its business methods. WVide awahe to th~e iuterests of its patroes. lReasonable is its terms. All those contemplatise teaoching atd those desiroas of advaincemeint ini their profession are cordially incited to call asdoe as. 28 SOUTH STATE STREET. Room 1 and 2. - Ann Arbor, Mich. Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed. WATE]PRMAN'S IDEALE at the STUD~i1TSBtJU T zR Crane'sfine St ationery for polite correspondence. Bdest linen papers slbythe pound. CallinCadEgrv . SHEEHAN &C&O. , - - STA'TE ST0