THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Pusblished Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, OFFIE: Times building, 79 S. Male St. be- tweet Liberty and William Ste. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 97. BUSINESS MANAGER 0. IH. RANS, '98. EDITORS E. L. EIsM ER, '98 L. F. S. SIMONSs, '98. B. B. METREANY. '99. IH. H. SKILLMAN, '98 L. F. M. Loomis, '98. H. H. COowIN. '99. C. Mt.GRoENs,il9. Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Hughes, '9S. S. W. Smith, '97. F. A. Pacib, '98SE. Looise Dodge, '99. W. P. Morrill, '11. Htler Lomb, 1900. A. M1. Smith, '97. C. Loll, jr., 99 M. Bicycle Riders Organize. Last night tile first steps were takeni to forin abicycle club in Ann :arbor which, It is hopced, will brinig s0111 much necded rcformis. The meeting wits coiled to order at 8 o'clock and L. D. Wines was 10011 tennloraly; chiairmn. Plof. Taylor oulitied till object of the. associaotion, sayingl 111a1 if tile riders iii the city had 1110e 011- ied influence, they couilsd havceiiany' plri-Vileges which are now\\ lackinig. The roads leading 0ou7 of tie city arc ini very110poo onition, un10111one gels 11010 the coulntrv., ondO even withini the limits tie r'idingi is often ditlicult. Ie osmg- gestedi that the orgavization olI try to ha,' certalinl sistricts seled in ,wbichlthe sideiwalks coul1d1be' u1sed biy wvleelincn; and thlat is ciiider 11t111 I ' S ' J$4N5TE Co. 1THERE'S NOTHING LIKE LEATHER, WHEN WELL PUT TOGETHER. OU -IT- Russia, Enamel, Box and Ameri- can Calf art World Beaters, BEAUS SHOE STORE, 6 N. MAN., OPP. COURT HOUSE. ® "ATS@@@ 4 OlMen sear. gilone of our IMI PIERIALIS Thesotcrptoo rie o te Hll 15t. Ise 010111111rom theiiampuslo itile bis- ' eldomi go by a mirror sithiout for the college yeas, with a reglar delivey iittlirit lilio itiir smielobeslyerth before noon echebday. Nined, com1 i Lk s 15 l111101 01 he(o tiona, and other matter itne o ulc-1t~ sas Mne.$.0te ae- Lionse bp.hindeormailed tto the editor h aiybeforeofi b1-' commliittee 1was5 lloint1 to 10fraiiile p. in., of the day poet 100s to that on whichprc $30 thev are espected to appear. al ii (itet1111111anld reported liater, pre- sbsrptos a$b et tTh aiyEtr Office, Meyer's or Stodtlet's N ewtind, or ti 11 thieordinarv niettioclsof lsof with Boiness Manager. Suberibers will ion- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this ela tion, 11a1dilnaming thei'organization TJheI P asea... office aty failure of carriers to delivser paper11. i rbrtceCub n'1-171~1 L. Au iportanat meletilig of the Daily'11ital fee of 25 c11110 was deeidid 111on.1 Somnething Board 'will be held this afternloono at 5, tihe'01111 being pints0 lotw in ortder to to see it. 11n Roomn 9, University 11111. Falutre inake til e i111bershipsla r lge' 15 1111- to -attend will be regarded as a resign- sile. It is5lprotball'thalt t'elassoeia- 1111011. tiOli till eventulally' becomlil'albranchl of the Leagtue of Amiericanl Ileelliell, Judging from the 01110 of reserved hut s01110lllllositionl to theidtean lre- seats, Chicago sems to appltrecate a vented it dec1isionl. 'Tilattt'ldllllle greait football gameii. Let our otv-i lookedlihke a faculty~ meeting, bnnt iti students sows a like' spirit nnd crowd 1107 inte'nde'd to snalke 1110ecltub aiin- the nipecial train. ve'rity affair. Aumong 1111100 present E AD 1 tv ere 1.. D. lueo trots.Stanley, D* R I Several songrob s a 'lrg Tlonno, Fleel', Drain', Johnson,G have been received at the Daily office, Caiipbi'll ar.S ieiGotrstrents' mmii11 blot here is rooiiifor niore. Catchy rowShermanllMarlin 1a1111Darlinig. A C A - . - At the last Harvard-Princeton game we were told ou7 of the 1,870 studeots, 1,500 wore the YALE SHAPE HATS We have them. $1.00, $1.50 AND $2.00 All Shades aiid Colors. g nOw in a low crown soft SHat. Ask RN & CO. shiers and Hatters,.. yells especially are soliteed. '1110e will all be printed, with credit, in the special Thlanksgiving football numnbler. The unprecedented offer of the Daily for the remnainder of the year, begin- ning with the Thilanksgiving nimber. for olly' $2.00 tosade toiday'.('0111- parison withially othier college daily ina the country' will shiowtth1111we print nmiore lnetw1107day tmall liy of them and yet they charge f ronm $4.00 to $4.50 per year. If you twant a good thing chleap here is your l'hance1'. The Daily will be delivered at youtr '0011 everyvslay for the relll:lnder of 1110 college year for but $11.Snbscrip- tions may' be left wvith any aulthorzed nolicitor, at .tieiaewsostands or at the Daily office, Timnes building, 7)9 S. .Ntain st., betweenLaliberty anld 'NVil- Lianm. Orchard Lake Will Not Play, Late last night a telegramo iwas re- ceived froin Coachl Bloomningstoni stat- lng that the Orchard Lake teamn was bsadly disabled, and therefore coulid not meot the Al-Freshmsen on Satur- day afternoon at Orchard Lake. It is much regretted that the manager of the All-Freshmen was 1101 informed of this fact in time to negotiate with oilier teams for a game. Write-Up of Regent Barbour. The tOracle has b leenlobliged to 11050- lionie pulbli('ationi1111111after Than~lks- givinlg. '[lie leaching iketchi is to be' one1 of ihegelnt Barblour by Miss tGer- 1t1111e1Buck. '1his is5lsesonable'ill tiewt- of the apprlloac'hig comple1ttionlof the Woma~n',, Gyminaisiumllfol' which Mr. Da tbour hisll eso1'm1u11101. Dr. Wenli'y' will also lhire atvrite u11)andl pictulre', andt Mort Sinter wll ret-letw athletics sf thits fasl. A short story' by' thurl Ha~rrlimanl islpro~mised, anid thiete together with the prizi' story- and dratvings bid fair to ma~ke tup a very creditale a nnuial. Lens for Chicago Completed. Till lenis of the great tlescope of the observatory of lie livcrsity of Chicago, at Lake Geneva, Wisconsini, ha~s been icimpleted. after ttvo and a half years' labor, by Professor Alvan Chalk, of Canibridge, Mlass. Its focal distance in sixty-one feet; the extremeS dianmeter of tile clear aperture in forty. one and three-eighithn inches, Tile cost of the glass plates in Paris wtas $10,000, and the entire cost of the lenls is estimated at $000,000. *2.00 gets The Daily from now till the end of the college year. Z+±1 ± _omun l __ate ct., .Lnnn.ArbOrr and see THE NOBBIEST SHIRTS, e that ever came down the pike. 1Shos Slined Free.-- - --- --- --- -------Shoes Shined Free. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT __O F-' Leland T. Powers___ _______ Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra._ -Nov. 30 --Dec. 11 Charles A. Dana---------- ------------------------ Jan. 21 Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1 Luther Laflin Mills, (Chiago Alumni Number) ___-------Feb. 12 Imperial Quartet-------------------------------- March 12 Oratorical Cnet--------------March10 Lucius Perry Hills---------------------------- -- April 2 John Kendrick Bangs---------------------------- April13 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $0.00 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 1.50 SINGLE ADMISSION .50 Harrison Needier $1.00 Oratorieal Coolest .215 TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tichets oe sale Thursday,;Oct. 8th, at 'Palmer's drug store, State street, and Wahr's both store, Main street. JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.