THE UNIVERSITY 0F ICHIGAN DAi.HA. E WWANT EVERYSTUDET TOKNow THAT WE POSITIVELY SELL THE Finest Line of e 's uits and Overcoats in this city. We are immensely proud of. OUR OVERCOATS AT $30,00, $2500, $22.00, $2000. $1800 AND $1500 AND SUITS AT $20.00 $18.00, $16.00, $500 ANI $1350 Every one of these garments is especially made for our Fine Trade in tho very ~est manner, trimmings according to our own instructions indl styles after tho deigns of the ntoAt fashionabie tailors of New York. Jst permit us to show you throughl our tock. We can and will please yen. LA N O T I L MINST-E GH G N R X44 HAPPY IS THE 'udoprteoue Ti r Table ( esed) Sept 2, 1851. T e d y '" " EAST. PM wsT. AWHO WRInTES WIrH A T e d y c.6 Mail ad e _ 3 4:' N. Y. Special.--.^;51P I ( De7an 75snsl~ics ly N. Y. Speci... 53 Mail - 8431 1a(y 1p n Po }Eastern YP -...117 N.S. lJimited... 925 t-. !~ a 1ik r 3IIinF1 i les11i1bc11nsas1sl Atiantic F- _740 Pacific __ 2[ laat huhsaehs .NEpe 4 t~nEx -i1i, .,- . THE 0OLDHOM STEAD G.NR ap rss 11 (540 WesternIx 1 We15 haeidtos impiss pn UdrCcmn.,mno rn hl c.. cs.iii7 CiNS a 5l51 {Wou.tlesct that-ourI dccliavesoanin, r teinili amp 0".Ru1.ur. is, - ILIVW.IAY1.i5, 1 v I c ah~sle les d~od Pit rices,$35C, gOc,"75c and 1. 1.P:,.An. iiag ; n Abrf-a .e - lss-seilno by tdy niby other pen.Tikt' _________________________5 5 -yfiavr artssilein antd i Ti-eior sale a ithe-If.. Fprsos office - - w_ 5~ t i ls/scli-aibit etsa ebar. t . er for i, icluss ioneldetyor mese gueb Groceries, Provisions _._. -" . Yse l OUJ Biitim JUDG&E. ,~ ~ o31s iyo want a Pen that wil not and all kinds cf Saniariiim t sie YOUii ri~sn or isstre Feds for sle by Lm RAILROAID Acapby Osly te ARi~j sl im on & Co. Timse Tble~, fSept., 196. icFi. 1 .ST IN 5 ii san In . O.forice fHours, 7-9 ~. C ~ UNVRIYAE *1:WO i rr. . .FEUD, '99,47 .UIVRIY V THE ANN ARBOR flSAVINGS BANK -10:04 pin. 855ti. ' Capital Stock, 95,5c5 Sulsi$150,ncus ib5nssay osly ,btsencss oledo midI"an- Pocket - Knivj es - and _- 5 c' Orgrsnre nndrthOenr$i1,a100n00 a nily saeprs betaween Toledo and of this htate. Recess deoasits, bys and Frnkrt.iy sells echstsge on he priscipal cities nf theP *aialy ecept eunda y We ihave jst receivead a iew assortmneit of Pocket Knives aiid CUnied Stti. iDetft etisied upn proper E. s ci moiz, AentIdentifiatiton, Safey dessin So.esinoren. W. H. BENNNETTGe P. A. Toledo . Scissois which die Selliig at the Popular laice of 25 ceniis each. 0 ICrisnosChristian SMneS Pis.; WV. D,. _________________________Harr imarn,ViTC-Pre.; Chas7E.bIlIsenc, ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. {umimery's Drum sstore, 17CCahirsSi 5 PimAsitanACsher _________________________________________FIRST NATIONAL BANK I Ann Arbor Time Tab, Nayr17ee a1lt896llcmunt. (l~t. 71h. Ilsrtsifhter shudntnhs desis- Ctpitl, miosuic. rpla d Pro i4000i Trascsiis genesiulisibiig asiess Leave Ypsilanti roin Congress st., 6ills.RA)itn lug t-tsssishiu ill int[ I'isil-s T rascsa geea.bnin-uies and i11:Wlha. i.; 12:45, 200, :1, 500, 6i45, 'Pr~u la, ssis I tsssigs eshisge o-t and sld. iFurnish and t0:15 p. in. Lierary Department, Sesiie atr1si tHaii4 7Tssiisisi l~i, on i itesof edhi. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 70, 8:0 and E1 . D i. tI /NE, ies llARiditlN SOUL, iti:5 aun" si,27,4s ,uSSitinan S.NSIi I: Dr. 1Wsie sil be iiim aiti sVtiS iiti~5cc res. i1 a n.ia I- ni 101so L yd it i i =-i l 1n )sc- S. 5. CAiRKON, Crsier. SUNDSAY TiIE. Rol2Iscin t 1/, o andO1tisii ,lb i. is.. tsi (r. Leave Ypsiianti f1mmCongressst~,isdfl,1t35,5, G, 7 sani 5 for csssitihisss. shisf-l ltl i~l i ri ii - a st 4 p it.,51 F. P irN, the ttStieSreti rubs. Latet- 5;s,tslland9tS0p. inri-1.r o,. 1 S n "/,L i e yhs' e is-SGoriaih inide lPrtes. SWe dn 70Leave Ann Abor Junction, 2:00,4:00,5:30, 1 NGO Li: i S thdesssiis desshlsg u th Sr ttIt 1 atti75. Oil r v iitiistcin ousiteuseteesisg, presing Cams ran oencity tine aret single rips1 i s ulssit with Profiessrs ti lsnt ssiwill GislthsIssiii h ).,ii uh r.issG :os .t pee-.or n ieredsit gnnnsround trip ticketsn25 cents. iii lihia!,idtio mi10, T. II., at 4p.I.,, 1(1STiOitYs ie esi n-hicous i ll ;hGiisl-st t.]hiir. )'e o m ines wsn orh, or WM. F. P'AsRKEnR,Supt '-s tSsmoneyb ici, Giveiu a ora.h20tStSiatt ilaly. 1no e o /5t5 wiltPstfo cI- tiet. THE KINDERGARDEN BILLARD HALL ldirlI3Iil/W ,w~hi7PI:1N, .sRA to inghih-ath si i htttClahy st is-). 1 i 1 t1-10(iJg ad n ADlTiCKTlGREE: bror. Craig is obsigd gtoisi) Siihtiisr iisis0s. AL ot Cos), Cannel Cal RAILROAD ~ ~~ TICKE 1RKR ilonie woiltointhese subiJ e cios ii Dr.). ixioni sil hiss ii ir. h -liigt ,iitoioslsii MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL Oct. 29. Students ws-oling useleet ns Of ItsDowsnworsr l yoi -r. It PROPERTY, ITSIisr uProf. Oneso isill bScliI O'011;N(7I rofe'sssor la-i will is t Oice iiwSt M. GC.: t.s t Phone Nn. & Wholeale igar, TobccosaldRoiim 7, 1. II., fiom 12 to 12.0 cel inii Rosis J, it 3 p. ii., Ws-ldii-say, Yards ,t ICP1I lipe Cigarettes. dsy, fcir coisultaisiini. stndiuis wisih- (Ot. 7, to airansge hioutrs withstlise lug to rlctCosuse 2 mis nfeser wih sishig bce-,t Ol resel. Lowniey's Chocolates. Co. Main and Liberty Sts. Prof. Iios dnoi. lPO~IrCIOXl. 11lli.OS(5tI1 : rhni-V Just Received aLarge and Elegant -U. Dixon im vlibSrin iRbosm Pst hlisifor te course us 'iiiiiesl uPil- Hot Lunches. q ±ooof~'wPpe 0t. SinlysWssuiiis shili (Hurs 1. still lbi' uhsisigd, i o n odLunscies alai iouss Agents mamulrildays, fr cnisslailim. desiiedi i-csuit itus V1iIssi o t ak n Sii 1R StateC Hnt and Cold ndWilisamsn and Si/crrss n Poiic eLaghiin willi toRoom ilsiherouse. All iitereseud, owevr, . .$1, J,4 . SaeSt ilcleBnas. T.0H., Cfroimi11:45 1o 12~0 diy, or sholdiimeet ule istrnucor at the place TSJLJ R.1.JO0T-1idY & CC0.ucoisltatioin relative o won iAimer- amihorEriinili:mionien, it- 1' C I.&H, 205. State St., Sager Block. icaim Hisoiy. esisi, (ot. 7 2 i. n., oiii 2.A5j . 14 mnia ith Season Now Opus. ASTRuONoOY:t'rofessr Dl ill hiAll coossi'a cnuuiPsr iss AriaARBOR. MICH. GTii~ rangers Siseiofilne b i loui 2,V.ii, isni2D0ii1ell ANAL W 3 0 nUI 1ge rsnsdhilno ne- b oin.s. fomto2 ...i.xe (ut bi9iibei iE DTH PHOTOGRAPHER hhIWMaynard St. eceldaysipto imeutstudents wisliiiig to d'isiu-wil be gisuioby '%I.i JMng iiud ieriN. IANA TEWashington :Block, elect ork. drope Annf U. OF M. SHAVING PARLORl and Ba-th- GIRIIN: Tie ciass in Cou1, POIOTIiICAl ECO)NoSIIY: Prafessism An Arbor. rooma. Ali %pointment- irt clans. eriia ni t ici mi, 1m1eeton ls Aa Ass u iiiibe)0coiisilteud in IRoomsi 3 Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies artis- tic hair rissin" and battling palors, up at WVednrdays at 4 p. u., Rotesn 5. Tappan iiHal, every aftrnoniiuitai +3 : tairs. J. R. Troanowski, 305-.State t. l~llur OSOPJY: Tueeclastakin, o'lock. ___M._MRTINFunealDiecto, C9 MMATNFueaOletb iohCOurVSe.1 (PileSspbi a I nti tOu)1a 0. andMetligCakta and FineiGrae -will metin Rolomn 24 nisersity amll, Agnts - imir't' t-missioii, low oss-mamn pcat.N.1 ,Fu~v.adHti omCa none pie od;eeybd ed hm rvosy h ls aigCus re apessl vl od.RgTORN-Oepro ae ey2 'h eat~nbtenScec n oe o e n oe.JylrefraehafgtadbtPi~o