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November 20, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-20

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@ (ILD,~l
Leading Tailor
will disappear if ysu try
our Syr. of Tar and Wiled
Cherry. It comes in 25-c
bottles and tastes good.
Gent's Nullitier Slippers v ery choice.
Gent's French Enameled Shoes for
Winter-Razor and Opera Toe.
The Perfection of Shioe making-
Correct in Style-Righit ins Price.
Wil be pleased to have you see
Washington Btk., XWash ington ot.
3r'own's Drug Store.
It costs ro oatting.Dtenet nelect it.
Corere la Maend lias te.
Co-Ed Tandewm...
Foawler Comhination. Lady Sits
Rebind. For Rent By

TH TA KS IIN AM .Palladium Fraternities to Consider. 1 A U BL IT
- liPepresentaitees fromi the naie Pal-
Tickets Are Selling Very Fast laditititfraternities mnet tiae colmmittee A Collection of Works on Arch-
in Cicag-o. fisotthe jutniitr claald after catasil geology for the Library.
tlattle dita-assisit. it ca-s agreet sl)
T1he ('ictta-o-JI-teltiglen Titeiksgtving tiftoti theI fraternittese apttti sitiiler At the lest sessiont of the Regents a
Day gete itatleiago this rea _will t toteliaregl-etatoitie Daili- of th-e tote of thanks taes lpassed'to Mr. . . R
iutdiuitttatdly prove Ite gretteat (etet I t. A arert NWill tte tttd:1 1 x- . -- t,,of Detroit. f i-it - l ift to i-la
of itslklitd tioetases tr eve n. I Ctulkins. Psi 1 , at ttie i-i astisteet-l-Uiversity itt a -li-iattle eollec tin of
It ftthte etomles(:is attratit hgso iii its io aN-list atitonl tte fre tcriiii-s Wrtks ott Ltati retiselo gy. 1This
i-lie- ettitteit.ttltaorii-ies gle it t close 1'1 stit'etittle is i--it.lite frterities itattltei lumitiies, asiplresentted iti the
cnt-eslitt New Yttrki. The -leg e ties tier if it-e ftt-a-.tltywo inttui-i tresetselentde te-artiiof these sefsa

iiet eelIreitill eattiblilto akeliteli
lit i-ittt lor 15t000iieople;i.ofithils5,0
'tleas ill be ires-tivu-u. Thl sao
tteeIthisblitsit ttilipitd trltuetiiad
(..go avetieltdispedtioaifiliiiltdIthile
tnoointatlt 1tittit ii illlt tltsotl ofi lii- itit
sieit toitt 1111ttit-li-i- iill lie iitttt-tii-to i
sl-rtliiaIsliii VtdiilteliTheil
ttil tti-of tse l it I linve beeniii it lt-ill
lttlitsat i-ill i--it- oti.t- andi itu.l prott
ics iobeatypicate i lit tiii NillI
iht will ti pwftthe it'theei-oca.rae
waiil - diliiiti ilt- lii I litusul ll Iti
tetrlu iltrsit-i ll litofi the ii ti -
cri;' t andt -IttolA dit-t it. '111ltin

1111 dcll do--ll, it i l - iitto tll w ilitthe vailtie is ttie editions it-iri- se-i--Iiit-
tfi-tli aswill iotc-tr. i-il I. ie sets pubtilsedcIarte itnlposses-
Appootments tor Glee Club, 'lioni if liltrui-i--r einc-ttiiatl lstit-
-- t itn.Tle efli t ttelitLionitof itt latestrliad
it.-. Ii- et..-'littil iof thelt V I ityt tl-i -tilt a-- ta ie el
Im ll 1wi 11a litit1 l-it- itsiti otil ItheliiI- itlt sitv esie nafotttttiitt iiitnot
XlIti-a s pir ti ta t ch.illi rs 111 t t 111111 -tl'" ne-i-o-iilte iiistitl-io eelth a sha
P. R. Itttt~-l° . W XX. i- .ilii Zi- 1 i. (theft. anitt ei-ti lle ot Is or---ier e ctt-
hiss isi tt aid W.-iles- Wo-odiIt- (,icoS. D. lt iittle iitt tilt- itto it ifUni iers t el-s
Xin till-i tutu l. W I- f.. I Xitititi-itift. 111The ti lsc-tson-is of- li re atite es
porai- totithetti lit-i-il stilt It - - -
1)a ,,It C; G or o.F.1.'to te . . I . sentsi i lllts ti lli ti thI t he ti-itia
Board or: Control. Moot Arttttetsliiui--ii at Lat l e ii-l i i iosa rhlt ex-y
11.ss, Y~cin Gr s,, C. . l - d. l.iD-iThe mot lii- u-ittlit t oflll till' -.
i- iTeiti I t,. uo a l t li-i li ii ('tlulls i ll i tii - - u ne t I e ii . ' i
11 alutiltison _s(liesi si ittllis . flith ie s trilt-
lt-lt i-. itili- lit t tl iitiit r f. . iel C.alti-i-tie iiilets ilts
liii-.~L it lilt ittili ttititilttittlitte.,Ithi

UNIVERSITY SCHOOL)tei le to the tlliltete'. I-tilt ni _____atendt - lo--illlteib-utIinin- ofthte to luiini-S
OF D, ANCIG Iit. . ills are55 ti-it- lt The a- Debate in Elocution V-. tTt l tebostilewI ttShStu itltI.
tc eetiolsos a ee.
27 T h m p o S re t l1111atiol i ltt uhl be theiily o-ittf o tilet ll. ItutttTifi tt-tt li i et-l uiitu-. t\ atie it i utu it ittio le1s i-iiitttt tI et e-Iof
tilt I tlt itI lt lt-hh i lii- -~ti- Il I li X. i-s ii i-it-~iiit . 1-1etutitui t IIthi-nt t eiliii l it-i
A ---AT--theEci t er1111f 111hue fiit - Itelaut. Mucitit it-i i . esittitta il fli--l101 iieu i eIt iltttt- i- iili-tutu-. atlm'i r to
A VT R No flt i Mil boh:1edtsli-i- i k h l.l1. the ututuail ates tahit i iha tokhe i;Stti;t'otii
We invite every student to visiti C I ~d.hi ut i 1it(' t'teT )l'e '11
rer strs.euvz 1it estp l litesis e- t '1itit i wsill ' tettue:is, Itt'1 settee tutu 1.Ind itre l book sttutttii t he it natct dtuiils oti-I li
of second btend University Text timl ttly i- piiire 5vei-y fiiitl'or i- y tj i- iutitfl to c ll intttheI lg ol' ttur e lionI{I'll o'i-tt ineiurtia- ry ite santi
Ilooks for all the dcdepartments. iltt n ie \e tilthrei he t tilt-t o'11oloo'es 'l(ofos0-1%1 vlbe o r"1:(ol)ca n
and Fi'encha Classics. u litutti- t1lie tuiti tti i t c lii- tilletiuti iii- aujsriuthiutue.illustratutu.
WSe nell the best at-ident -Note svnt he. s, teHe 0cnsec.i lt- ihllhi a itut-Ilez tdttt M ul lu isi uit h t tt
Boos 0 entech utetie potuiutedMitutu llill -Michigan Club at Yale.
fTit beet LinemnPatper 20 centsperin-in( titufIhet- ttututri tior theliii--tu-___________
We bnuy amad e hange second iti-st.utatd hit tll in tutir powiterto lt I- titsui biei.i uu hsht i iuuiiu
band books. at thu, ; t- i- I i- I t -ll -. lv i-ua hull u lute h si-nusit itusa uo~e11iuet tottj I -ilittu
A gents for lihe Waterman Fotan- tsi-lstu -u llui;ruti lttis lt Itunitunlslfit -ti lt. IThe foiuligofufiies itute
tait Pen, giset- e l Ii - s ita i li- 111 Ihitetul itthlllay u i P it bu hiti. tit-'iepln itf utoa l id 11111 l uleted:t . t . P i-itil. i-ti-. uts-
i-kantleenatmtal. Instrnments and diwue. t eet hitut- 111,1,x;utu et-lu 1t sii-u- tta tnuueuhuuuuitl iititI.t- tti.ii. i.t-t r-i
D7raftingSnipplics a specialty. otltulitt- -utiuuu-.tt ut ll tdi ii i e ,0 tld lt- d c~i)liin;1 .1,re l,'7 iepei
hah err Itisas ltn tTe best prices to evemyhody. -ttuttutl uuii -...Iirtut t -t. cetr
Give us atrial si t s tulst utuu usit-our t-tt u ) lt-tottu tu shuituil tI other ti-,iultautl
It Iletuh ~ 'it c t h e l iii- ihlhtuiiui ti cl uu iudt I sle . A soupter u-uuuiuittee
Uip TowsniDowntTotes $200get. The Daily from nine'till ctinuitniith nemues-iiittittiut.-atutm-. c -ptite co -i iii-f 11. itrl ti )i-.A. t.
2t} Si-tte st. Opposue ConrieHouse, c1 u.lfN } nl(F ~'e J
Ass aAmber, Mlintsat. - the end of the college year. mliiSutl trsn-S a .1.Stet -iI

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