THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D)AILY. HOT DRINKS HFot Coffee Hot Chocolate d Hot Malted Milk Beet Bouililion Beef and Celery e 'ornato Bouillion Hot Clam Broth Hot Oyster Jaice Hot (linger Hot Lemonj Hot Egg Phosphate Hot Lemonade0 Hot Egg Lemonade Hot Lime Juice Flip 0 .WE WILL PAY ... I MELD -wGILL.ESSPIE for one term of twelve lessons and furnish same free to any person purchasing a $25.00 Guitar, Mandolin or Banjo for cash before Novemher 20th. ANN ARBOIR IVUSIC CO.. 21 AND 23 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. Hot Clam Juice Cocktail Hot Tea. ~j ~ a a ...z a memiimnuernon_ i r 0 d iCALKINS' -:- PHARMACY, 0 0aao~aao~oadaaaam~a MAKES TO ORER WOMEN and MEN'S Easy Fitting Shoes in all the Latest Styles. Boat Plato Repairing '-i terpdund ,4O;et.,a Post-paimd Caogisedmo nlasanG, tb9Funa ! y Street, Now York. Only Q ,I e a jfoje GYMNASIUM SUITA~S, :S SUPPFORITE Rs. 15 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. ENTrRANCE CONDITIONS IN Thc_-cl..111l ll 10 i'pse t utdeiits conitionied in solid. and illg nets Moinday at 4:15 i. m. spheorical geonietry ace required to 43 S. Main St. - Upstairs. The I'. of 3.Itobail will mlet for ,lmake lip till work in the Anii Arbor __________________________________ prac__ ti ct is evening at 7:301 in Harris I flig11SSchool or ini a class organized hall.foc that puripose in tile University. - R SW Students (desirinlg to joini this class O i S hR SliiI 'tiicourt wlib e organ- wlill meet -Ai. (Goddard in Roomt2i Served in Every Styl ed t turd iitsiirin tlheiilawv ieitart- Saturdlay. Nov. 2saZ 2 cie.t .Sevedin vey Syle1st ,t 1 o'loc, o Ient aiillge the hourncofometing. A fee --AT- hilld1Hood. 't9t Deiii. 'entertainedislit of $2.00ttwli be charged for the course moather int sister a fewlvdays thitsof11leois W.I.EAN l eek.liegister your aplicationi for spsecial SI [The V \ ' .pryr ~ ftlbig ili eecrio ri vrtile \Miesgan V. 151 1'. A layerlilt tal xl an scrthoe " r t. illel leadtnligihtIby TD. W. 15t''yers, siiI eta 11s ecu W re t17ie 51S, al .III DOR. FOURTH AND WA}IIINT0, SI ject, "Cliiiist a F-riendi." ~ost-Diaimonil cluster stick pin at A NO NO. 26 L'SOUTH STATE ST. D'.Dr I ln' l~sin~li 51 1 Wed.- 10\ilgYlliltimtFriday evenling. Finder AND_______________________________iie'd2i111111 hug ~to Wtlkectowit. ()hit), iliireceive rewvard by loaving salet A...ritonrrleuafel iii account of l't le '11ss of Itls son tu. 301 oisroc ot. otAuQUAIrtiseOR The Provideice Library Iallel in for ENGLISH: Stiideiits desiring to Trns- aieDrs utCss Noveitteiri'ssblien reciediat the(-consult Iwithi Professor Deiiiuion will "N EEUPS enieral librairv. It (oitains l second iii i oii11,'' 1, l4p i. AND TLESCPES.daily. "Trunks and Valises ttepsired Netly ad refirence list oniiipaligltovirn-i Cheaply. So. 57S. Maiiin oncittyo wk stuet 114 IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A ou"a l r!, t -Itg. lss isi etiiIl eirii STUDENT'S ROOM, our:Tledo oii Sttsrtl ti- see hetObrli t;is eerly coneeddtilat .asti iiied n Has e you sten thoise nobbY srmn sams nas>t eest.T S' ie,111n1litis lbeenimakting hins secure the gecati st isitiym 'lit from the :;ut i wr tr itit. opurhases'et the best your money willaffoird. t~lsMl~sd1 lrig frienits a shorut visit lere. lIe is eii- Fxetrtodgent lironoosces the "Bsy gg" / Stae lali "inst rumensi thte finest is the world ]_[L" V'.A..:D 0 tae t. giged illl l i'tit'ie(tc atl'lo. An excellest instrumest is the RENTSHL Tr. Itibbes htas dletded to give a' BA STATE $00 yspeial 'osirsi' in patholtogy touthi ' ANN ARIBOR. MICH. isienibers of liii seiorii ntlal class. B.1E3 A NA J 0 . It is expectied that a late numboli f W le have is stock chieaiper bianjos l~iniithis, bot foca substaintill.servic- the cltiss Isill take idvtaintage of this abile instrsument, at a low prile, no Ioilier instrument mianufactured can opptor'tunlity. comspare with it, M IL A RO:ens for illustraicid "Yisle, M L A D If you have rooiiioto rent aldve'r- JOHN C. HAYNETS & CO.., tise in the Daily. 453-463 Washington Street Boston. KBabylon Coalis THE BEST. All grades of hard and soft Coal., Camel Coal and Coke. M. STAEBLER, Telephone No. 8. One door East of Ameri- can House. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY and gt tho best service. Office and Stable, 32 Forest Ave. Telephone 106. Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS D!j Capital Stock. $550,00. Surplus, $1lIO,0 Resources, $1,10,t00.V fOrgaloed underthe General Bankng Laws ofthin State. Receives deposits, bys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed son proper Identiication. Safety deposit boas to rent. OFFuCEut Christian Mack Pes.l W. D. Harriman, Vie-Pres. Cha E. Hiscok, Cashier: M. J. Frito Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANKguizd16 Capital, $10,000. Surplus and Prfits, 040,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign echange bought andsd. Furnish letters of credit. E. D. RINNE. Prs. HIARRISON SOLE, Vice Prs. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. l j~rmT krgfhaim frik se. 1amnand IHurn Streets. Capital $60,00. Surplus $30M0. Transacts generaibaninig busioess. Rt. RoE, PreS. C. E.(RFeese, Vice Prs. tutuD. H.BELSER, Cashier Dr.1,El .ifford, CHIIROPODISTP. of Jackson Mich., hs opriied as office at No. H1ISBMain St~ nrxt door to imes office, swhere le is pecpard to teat all foot troubrs lo a scietificmaniir. All opera- eionrtirely painless. Dr. Gihosd comes here highly recommended, by the members of the medical profession of Jackson, Cupy officials etc. Prices reasonable. Cosuolta- tion a nd esainuntion free Office osrs, 5 Ino to sp.. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TjUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. -CHAFING DISHES, TABLE KETTLES. A lhadsomelhe and Cheap. WM. ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. MUSIC STUDIO. PIANO AND COMPOSITION RE. H. K{EMAP* From Stuttgart Cosservatoiy, Germnay 22 . DIVISION ST. Groceries, --Provisions and all kinds of anitarium Foods for sale by Stimsorn & Co., 2I S. STATE ST. Just Receved a Largt and Elegat Line of New Pipes I Hot and Coid Lnches at alhiors. Agents for Hlayier's sad Williams and Wernes Co.'s Chocolate on Bons. R. B. JOLLY & CO. 155S. State St., Sager Block. FP. (LeGFn, the State Street Tlor, Latest Styles. Best Goods- Inside Prices. We do every thing in our line. Cenning, presing and reparing at looest prices consistent with good work, Goods clled foe and delivered. We seek to pieae. 0 . State Street. Gie us a call. PiNTER -subscribo for the Daily. That ha-n' perfect combustion and do met sooor smell: The Now Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfec- tion Student, The Princes Studont, The Empress Student, all nickel plated, witll latest improvements. Wo sell what we ad- vertise and guarantee quality of goods and ar eeO udrod DEAN & COM PAN.. 445~o uth Main street.