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November 19, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-19

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0 .)I L D , REGENTS' MONTHLY MEETING J. I'. Scripps. of Detroit, for the pre- Recital by Prof. S. H. Clark.
-sentation of as. -alable collection ofPrfS.3.CakofteUirsy
Lead i yg T iloap ost f te Tne ake U of Chicago. will give a dramatic read-
1 1 ~D. Benoeft of Jackso, for hlis gift of t11g of Shaespeare's "King Lea" in
Wth1 Minor Matters. a fellowyshitpini Latin. envriyIal atrtyngt h
Fl ND I PO T R TeIegents held their regular '1lsdge fL. .wscnerdrectl will be suier the aspes of
- nonlsy eein yotsdy ndwee on J. B. Arcer, . 1. C lesiscson, E- the Oratorical Association and the
in sessiss all Al n-eec rost, G. P. Kelley and W. F. Stark- soedu-lbesdtohpnette
HILL UlIESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. i esinalday. Al Ier resent prcedswilbtusdsosep-net.h
_________ exc'ept tegent Butterfield, eliensses of 'te inter-collegiate sa-
tiegents adjourned unilnet isoti. teelssis Iit st eIedi
N. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. Machs of the timse oas taken ilso ots hihi ob edI
w________________________ i ths routinie mnsiness. The other buis- College Clippings. Ansi Aror this year.
fn~ y vl~ ess is order was as follows: Joiss Fiske is (delivering a series of Pro 'lCask gave a reasdissg-here se--
TH T OU HThes repoert of Pr-of. Pattee, whio ex- tess lecsures ssss the Early-Hi stor of eral years ago hefoe Usiersity pro-
IIsssssssied Ite boos of heIs' ss-rity Veiss, i irad fessos asse studsents of oratory, of
will disappear if yon try issdlfound thesisestirely stisfacior't', 'hle ovcrssssest of Pems ecestlt= or- Msattewv As'ssl's "orab ansi Ros-
(sora yr of Tar and Wild wa celed h onite ftetuns" assd all sioke of it as a seligit-
S Cherry. It comessa. celsediTne 25cssstceOfus1Isdrid ue Asseriesis I~tssiassry el-
I ottles and tastes good. hs v desprtmsenltishen discuasl s g ssse o lssthesoa. forleasilisgTe followsisgisress as-
1icecis tin fsi fosssouselas-asssh doors.
iesessity of miore roosisfoe thle lss sd-e 'te asial fosttssll gassse bssetesaeatknfomteSvnnhPes
PALMER'S PHARMIIACY. i-s hsst essiging to te prspectsss-ie in th-e ssis'sssv f l-irgississandsiticemultnolhslaigo Sn
46 SA!STATE ST.i scisc of sstents swhess slicrsrs ' sivrsltir siNorth ICaroslinia, oe te I 5 n asansah, Ga., the first of
d ~, qs0~ t irs-clas-ecs'ilisses unsdsesthe fnew s-liisisiiosiitosf thle Sostti sill hti' gs
s ossrse. Thesmaster' smas letswills lhs plsiye astRihmondsss.Fs. on Tisntks- "If tee Savsinnsai ccsssshail
STHINGS':,'siiisiittc'ushtislests'selti. 'T'he'iiig cay. soghlt the vols oser they cosldl sot
vU,-firt1h VnI1 'spien upIeitioss of liii'*f)S class 'T'he fscltyv sst-the ss- Ysrk Lis- l snfessosni a smore sdeligtfuslenter-
antd, utno efiit aciony-rsiy hs ecied ha heeafertaines'thanithesegetlemnaisprestesi
.Attention:. it'slmtii lhitei oivisiy iissssitsi htei'ssfc
Gent's Nullifier Slippers very choice> 5o t l-s sl eus: gesitsgsfPs ou ilyiilt ssess hr
)roessr o antom i th de hoor r scod hnoror o-mnenebe a soe istellectuasl orus of cnter-
Gent's lresnchIEnasneled Shoes fos' eels'sds o siistissi ii hi' i'-isleritkse-isstaisisstorosngsieiu--
Wisnter-Razor and Opera Toes. prlaefssst of smediciss' Ind5surery wai5siensapsinsll~itmiensts oiiithes'grosusd of tiiiieOtMe('akiasrog x
'rho Perfectiosn of Shoe smaking- sdisetedl to hsokus itsolststisonssit the rs-k tsissil lslsitits.- lonst uof that hi ghest orms of art,
Correct in Style-Right in Priee.that -i spueyprtal
Will be pleased to have yoee state lassw sta asding thes'sesdig +f 1;. 11l[minissiii is'EFglishi rowinig s e oiil i iseyosrtsl
them. sbljecsttof le' anatomsiicalhalaodsry. soch. iasishesgunihisiswsistk sitlshi.~he Fara aticulrly- lisppy i is
JACOBS &ALL iANDt fid Pof-('iiittsll. ofIs theisrt- Ilhi e-mis-(u-rely- anidsiill rem isisisselection;: 'King feas, te miost -Ira
Washington Blk., Washington st. ieit ss veidiry s Oii55551i m' oitmshi'sneslseissis sis-sciergn ill rutosfsshsice 5-isi
_______________________________________ lie' ssate' tsi lsssk sithis'maisier'. r. Lhmassissi isill chuangie' Ita sil's
EVER-Y=SrU DENT '1'ie hsssirstof sontrsslis-s aiuthoistroke5tsfhse sotns' usesibytshemisc dermpasstoss, sias puit eforens illa this
SHOULD _RE(DISTER isesitosnd sslrplre-settlve-ssto lii -cresinstosgest hg-ht. 'Tarsiseec sin ay
-AT-'s-missslss-lsgsi seensoisgl'ssrtfiso im iI ises at sdifferet st ages of time rsc'shs.
3 ^OC Drug 81a $tre.ii Chuticgo. Nssy. 2S" -some,'frsosmstie pubtlis- ss-sssss. the1'ie outragsted siosisrs-h, thi rs-'otem-
It csts ye's ustlia. iDo nos. eect it. T ecius'fe~ ih artedt fs ticri', sssfilly i ..;io-l-sss ,
Conrof Maiand Ilusus Sts. 'hs -sisit ls' o ihimistss fouls s tmm i 'sitts-sm f '.5go, o slests s'its'iiss Cst-'
mthe 'ssitsiity sof cstiblsti iing ai lrit t l 'is ss.ear S mosniths. mmii i sut l st tiiiclll iii mh'e sopi can it
U - dusC.. ". slatin sisms ssi-dtol i th si-sis us'I ii- sof tlt, m mst s-si etestrinsg the C hits' o lssf er - 'sste, isthe ste-yes-m-ms saiii
FolrCshiasn Ldys rs5si as51 si-porte-d. ash ssec. Liss is 2t yeasr s U/simothis. or Itstn .nidlDonosuil.1'hig'ocrd- mc cii-
owIlerCo Tiaindyts - lndteitsrest -ii his s-"ssittmu
Behlind. Toe Bent By Thies-eport inst him' ssm-iltp s-ssisissitt yearss.-olriii- 1 mii sim- shsssssgs i s ns ssimts hhofis s
m ( o mirssg thslm- -sequmiremenism- leta ls lttithomss,'en-esigth'se C omi'I llg of CisdtEh- i - la en- o e - d-i rl
TUCKER & CO.,PFFTH AVE. iteas-hmistgrsesof li.h. , sacsi-5-itis lis--csg ai- uoaiaes sis'tiactmigrief. despasirsi brokni Mcsit,
ttOFdusiiDussANiCINGlipud1ths ii Alpha N ciProgram. tmsilsitis'.ilifiuimih e-n
OF D AING mich~sc ofsitnums-oiims ithiir pistusms ms-s i ed, but oneiii' .s-actm-'thi'e rasii
oppste Lasi uluiith s 5oa a semster tor iauhoizeis. 'lheAltiliss NisSumis-usymillmet oii Its-dt hut his vhuole'solditouatheis''-hg.
r two lesions ia week.
f27 1Tomepson tr'eet. t smsi.as asi ged etessm m rm- ianolIii -nilsip-osithliis-ok. 'Thm' prg'smnsis l uem-tlmer. C'ak delsrveis miss
______________________________ f__ r__ the__ 555lii's siuis uss Isidig. as ifsllsssss: Pt isis; iiu ositus P1. isic-ms'gratiudme'Plimewi-rk sm--hIdini,
K'-AT-liii seulappoittiish isM'ad m-es-ie o I-uiiiins: resdinsg,- Miss (isi~rism: "A sandl a e usst Sslaluussu will hisis-s'this
4 shatot perimmsuuiods snd usres folowss: Is. (ills-tm' yiin",-. Iil"ld inut hitasi'ef hesrig hmnusytI ses
WAH S BOOK QIU0RE. pp ulus wsusreapposmiiuuedl prf-ssr ilioiimlhWResu" .1. Sli'hehn; iiusie; i his uur.
We invite every studfest to vsit'telvdeatet1'I.lrach"eoeTathe'liesy i-
oar stores. We have a large sustpli'lsy iu-mesrsi-u .t.lriimmshmsmmi.hm5uu it-rtp ui Practice is Secret.
of second hand tUniversity Text isisastumapisseml sussus-um is Fri-sum-rlu:iistlisary siisol his-ettiensus-s ms
Books for all the departments. fr lyne a epone nitr iuay atron, iimtv.Te'ast rciewshl c
Low and Medical .Books. German Ps.ls-is ii uhmiuild ssi-jSMsss - sufl tcrss an sutistrosb- 'thu clsdraty praic e s-mudayhnd is
and French Classics. oeii in sirimsssuy; F. Bii ggswass re-P-as hsh'iih 0505su mai hiutcomdgunsaanysc-lu u
We sell the best student Note nl u l timgsstlsm' hss.1Fat l risi- ssund Iisiprsbubluei'that it isill autissie' se
Books 20 cents each,. atuhootiel uharmuacishhisthelhosittsand sistIliy; smusic s-nti'ssreprt. '1lieusofheaiaiisrmuets
The best Linen Paper 20 centsp er Dr. (I. hr.stongfsvse seasmniuincorderm-o
pound. College Aumnae Meet. pretta lyfrtebgCieg
We buy and exchange second Inrer ofservous disases in tlii- hosse--Isefnctssutlsifoth'lg(iisgu
band books. statie- etiensit; D. It. Stuat wsu T'iii' siualsusmeeftin mintthi'eimhlciate m iii
Agents for the Waterman Foun- Itthehprsetie' yestnerdasyfle tesmui
tamn Pen. apptointeudulassistant iiiLhahn waithot alusmnsasewasaheldl st Providlene I. I., suielipicysutfut~iy iu
Mathematscal Instruments and pay; J. B. Johnsson sas atpoisted as- Oct. 29 Ito 31. Thuse 'nsivesity of ih-soe -eystbfeoil.Lh
Drafting Supplies a specialty. reseeiel utic u. isenhin satie ne.is.s
The best prices to everybody. sistasntis the zooloissl laboratory, gassis-s representeud by Alie tree- d
Give us a trial andi. . B. Tisslu' isas atmltuostIm ianI Frmosce iss Peck of ,Mattle-siispnove yii et ss. austm
W HR SBOOK STORE assislit ist hsthe chietsl lhitOrstor)yhal)uifusl.iiu.Hissi-ess-, assistanst t iiurO siltioept
Hp Town Dowa Tows without pay. 'Irf. Spaulinint '9,anii Auiuuhi Them Wiehsses' Soiey hs phniased
2 S. State st. Oppsite Court House, -At
Ann Arbor. Main s. I Votes of thanks were passed to Mr.lly 'ole. a new- carpet fur its hall

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