THE UNIVERSITY OF MICH[GAN DAILY. HOT DRINKS ' Hot Coffee Hot Chocolate 0 .. Hot Malted Milk 0 y' Beef Boillion Beef and Celery I I Tomato Boullion Hot Clam Broth 0 y Hot Oyter Juice Bt Ginger jHot Lemon -; Hot Egg Phosphate Bt Lemonade 0 Hot Egg Lemonade y Bt Litre Juice Flip lit Clam Juice Cocktail S .yHt Tea. CALKINS' - :- PHARMACY aa~a~asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaas0 Be Sure You're Right On Footwear. There'a los of tricks in the trade and they're prciced mori' than yea think, bht nthere. -This sore nakes you sure you're right. This store gurntees you a safelnet- met of eery dollar you put into shoes we sell. It is a ood Shoe Store, fll of reed Shoes a1 prices wy down. God Bubbee's too, if you want them. W. 1VaC. Rein hardt, 42 S. Main Street. THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, tlan furnisk yon with aoftet-class Fountain Pen. ie and king repirig a specialty. --GIVE HIM! A CALL. IPHOTOGRAPHS ---Specal rte', to Seniors at ]Berryman's 6 E. Huron Street. Anton 'Feufel, Trunks Vaises ress Suit Cases AND TEtLESCOPES. 'Mraanks andi Valises Repired Neatly and Cheply. No. W S. Male t. 'Your Tailor! ]lave you son those nobby Suits Milward is turning out MILWARD 40 State St. BENTSOHTER-, PHOT'IOCP..&PHER ! Algw ARBOR. MICH. MVI LLARD -T3E~- PRI LNTER l ttiet Noveltes 'in Foth Suitings I. - GREAT SHIRbSALEn CoQA in THE BEST. GRATSHRTSAE 1KAll grssdes of hard and eltCol FOR THIS WEEK ONLY C amel Coal and Coke. ot ol M. STAEBLER, Big Reduction Sale on all White and Colored Shirts. Telephone No. S. One doer East of Ameri- can House. Look for Prices. You will find some big bargains. PARNZ HOMSLIVY D, A. INK(ER & SO N' and get the bent service. No. Soth ainStret - - - AnnArbr Mch.Office and Stable, 32 Forest No ' ot anSre, - - - AnAbr ih Ave. Telephone 106. a a ~ Branch Office at Palmers' Pharimacy of 1 O etssampst anadrs Ircs~ HE ANN ARBOR ZSAVI NGS98A nn,4 t. , Capital Stock, 0011.000. Surplu,tl.5 ShO.~ o r C40 ost-paidtil etren , Resources, $1,100,000. ' SU50500G. 15rFuloa ! tree, Ne Yor. ( Oganized uniderthe General Banking Laws i j f ths Stte.Receives deposits, hays and 'On~ysells exchange on the principal cities ef the Onl__UniedStaes Drafts rushed upon proper Identification. Sft deposit hoses to rent. OES' Christian Mack Fees.;l W. H. _______________________Harriman, Vsce-Fres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier:'M. J.FeitAssisstantCashier. .. FIRST NATIONAL BANK f nn rbo Capital, $00,0. Surplus and Profits,.$0,000 Transacts a general banking business. j"' } Foreign exchange bought and sold. Furnish You uy 1@1 .C-E H IR letters of credit. Yo ByaF NC S I ~. ED.KINNE, Pres. GARRISON SUE nisl vou ltin have the choice of overS.W CLARKSON. Canhier. VisjorT~urat &J~rh~rnitrnk s .for. Moainod Hurosn Streets. W A MI R21S.Main Sret Capital1 50,000. sorplus 030,000.Trnat 114IJfll S. Sret enerol baoking~business. 09..J ~ JJ R. Koure, Pres. C. E. GoEEso, Vice Pres. Ann Arbor. OnE.HBERoe, Cashier. This oiler good for this sweek._____________________ UJNIVERSITY NOTES. Reserved Neat Tickets. f [ r A ineteting of liiie Regentls is loitig 'tickeis 701 the ISliigaii lii sir.;o U11 Li Al Ut IUld hiel today-. gnl lt'tit'115noilonsale I in ''i~i' Severllof tlthePitt,looedvrboti-s Diilok sor. .Setionis t ond N withi CH-LIROPOD ,_,IS 1ll0 boxes ,hot' e ) ye tistlforti'hei the librrti otday. A11Nsl e c o. Toeasof lJsckson, 'dich.,1has opeed us office at A ii Altt si't'o iu. 'ilei ilsNo. Hi B.Main SBknest siooe to Times 'Coarsity ltractli'yi'stt''lty otis s,'e- _ioi li'toeeat sisdi'.aiittrelit'sidi- office, where lie is prepaeduito treat oll foot c'ret. This silill conin ueh'elirelst of erdiiihle'blst iniie 'li 'ilethl. '1hey troubles iin aisnilentificmannies'. All opera- th wtiil.s-li ti ehldtiul i-tub y i's-i' lilt" () siosentirety painsless. Dr. Gifed comes theS-s' i eee highly eecommensded, by the members WV . 11,3lrrionsti beien 511 st s-s iobsi' il. wien loutenoiiei' ld iiwsill of the medictil professio of Jaickson, Cipy be 'ri'tiiii'l ii i ' oi. 'lit-i':itll offliclalosetc. 'rices reasoiiable. Cons-ulta- pi'isiieni'fthi eii'Aitll li i' . . (bl . 1 sii,$I t-ere e tioin andiexamniatsioniree. Office houis, Sa 7'-lon silisil. tis-luit'g- lioissistti.$1.750. boixes $1.)_____m. _____to___________.____m.__ A mertinig of li'Ituliti'(=0( oerei'iiiii'ii d -$210 ___________Lo'wney's Chocolates. Clib sill litellheld extteek. I)( inite' '".. Aiil'so iii'fL4is of Irish- llnunie'lslit siill be' italli'laiter. ]wi11lieasandoe of juiclass toii; Hot Lunches. Ai's. 11. . Pk'iigrei' ond (dog-litet'rttof aply at 'ii S.Tlhtiyer'stree sthiil Detroilt spetcyei'te'idtayaftieriiinttii thu') . o.t chanceito nec usleris s-hisTUTTLE'S. 48 5. State St. evenitig i Ain Ni hu as gle ist a n ili tiltialeloney. th ihtioI~i it. I$251111 till 'ivt' youchicol'if oll.' CHAFING OISH ES, the AlDeltPitirst-etysiil$:'5.001ISititilo iiifI Itt' i'tinigs 'l's- °TABL E KETTLES TheAdel~h Lieray sciey ildy only. RM I 7'Al IIiINGl '1O.. ma-C KET S prsnt a eiaO~l ipro:".raitnexti-'iiCoik lHouse'. A handsome lhue ond day night. Seral insictil numbeor, Lost-.Diiimoiidt'lustt'r stick ii at C heas1). out of it'eordlirtytirt'lio l t'elist. O0Dlnaiuil Flii ridayiJ l'tlttli7. Fittler IJJARNOLD LEADING JEWELER, P'rof. 11. A. Hinsdaleleitft ltist iiighit wsill ri'ce'iv'e riortd by leti-lu sanse M I,[ I1t -7lMitlir sto. for (Chiicigo. herlie lt'siillattienditIeOls' r1 U I C STf T(TUD O T'hils tln uto TA11 " j , JlO tisonatlig utif ioinitlis' of ili'iti rci T etiay. ss. t('a hu PIANO AND COMPOSITION. 0 rural scliiiois. IRe:.;asier y'our applicaionl fur stpeciail I ' The Fort ('bhiD shoe lenti eo'gsin- theexcrsin tainoverthe 'Michiigain Froni Stuttgart Consersvitory, Germany, til andul gists ificst patiy at Cteiirtil atiti secuirelthe $751110rate. 22 S. DIVISION ST. Graeogr's oil F~ridaiy iiglil. 'lie club WVARD IHkGiHES, , Stol'. wvill give four parties duiring the year' RNGLISII: Stdeiits desiring to Groceries, Pro'visions which, if baseid oii tir past reputia- cosul twithi Professor Deiiinmo still and all kinds of Sanitariumn lion, svill be iloiuliceilsoscial etints. find him in Rooiii 10, T. 11, at 4 p..Ili., Foods for sale by da_____ -tlily. _ _____ Stim sori. & Co., WANTRD-Pialii and general sost- If you hite roonis to rellt ads'er- '.24 S. BTATE ST. ing at 47 S. Fifthi avenue' uise in thle Dailyi. ___________________________________________________________ Just Received a Large and Elegant Ththave perfect combustion and do not Din of New Pipes T 1L A F moke or smell: Hot and Cold Lunches it all hoors. Agents iL~ ~ lvi -' S Thatfor Husyler's end Williams and SWeeners Co's Chocolate Ben Bls. The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfec- R. 1. JOLL'Y' & co. lion Student, The Princess Student, The Empreos Student, all 2055. State St.. Sager Block. nickel plated, with latest improvemen~ts. We sell what we ad-- F. T. GLEw, the State Steeet Tailor. Latest vertise and guarantee quality of goods and are never undersold. Styles. Best Goods. Inside Prices. We do every thing in our line. Cleaning, preening EAI St ®111 pA1IY, nod e pus Inat lowest prices consistent with DEA & O MP NY.goodnwork. osody elled for end delivered. 445 ut M a n S ree . s eek toplease. 10 . State Street. Give -at Cook House Tuesday, Nov. 17tH. ItOSE TAILORING CO., Detroit.