THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WAIDHAM S. R1YA.N & REP.UL-E., ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for-- en. AND -YPSIL ANTI C Q1ELBRATED SW EATE-JRS Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor. Call and examine before buying. 28 anad 30 South Main . . ~MCHIGAN GENTI~ Time Table (Revised) Selt.27,1896. Mall aed Ex - A- 47 N. Y. Special---73 5 N.Y.Special---- 4 8 Mail _______8 4,i Easters Ex---10 17 N. S. Limited.--0 25 At lnip Na-Ill 3: Pacific Ex ---12151 D.N.Express---_ 5 40 Western Ex___ 05 0. R. Express ___I ( Chi. Nt. Ex --- 9 10 G.0R Pa------ 55 OW. RUGGLES, H. W.HlYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Cicago. Agt.Axe Arbor RAILROAD. Tines Tabie, 0ct.2, 1896. NnRTH. SOUTH 7:30a. m. *7:0 a.m *Ran between Anii Arbior ied Toledo only. All traiiis doily rxceptl Sumnday. The LUCKOY CUll E. S. GILMlOPE, Agent SipiioiiFeederisi W. HI. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. ---------Wit Ball IBe, Time Table, May 17. 1896 Pen Company, Leave Ypsilanti from Coegress st., 6:30, 8:00 ad 11:00 a. in.; 12:41, 1:00, 3:3:0, 5:00, 0:45, 8:311 ad i:i5 p. mi. Leave Ass Arbor Junction, 7:00, 8::30 and 3Try. ~ 11:30 a. nil i:l5, 2:30, 8100, 5:30 1:15, 8:00 ad E . 10:45 p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 1:30,3:30, 50,63 n :0p .W Leave Ass Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, w 7:00 and :0 p. m./( Cars roe on city time Fare: single trip 15 A!! cnts; rooed trip tickets 25cets. iv .U tf WM. F. PARKnR, Supt THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL Mocie P1 le followOillg RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS m11;d ho Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and Rlimo hods Iss Cor. Main and Liberty Sta.JI. E ii:-hon HURRAH' Ass Arbor atlast has a ine "IiisolO 6:1 111t Restaurant asid Luschs Couinter, for(ex of thII The Portland Cafe inereiased:," lthu 66 5. Main Street. Aeything in seasomi :1011Ilsoti 4hI P1' also the finst5'oblr Board in city, 83.00 per week. Regular nmrals 2Dc. OPEN DAY Sweit lldin11'. ADNGT .S-ontfre-Ipc lty of Sunday Dinners. 12:311toi 2:40 in. M; 'Iii: Jeffersll '" " ent lie follo~o 1lnitilig lridaio Ileading, 13. Ali'. 8eriiltoiC bg l~p iogntiply FOOTBALL SUPPLIES lr iniliillll 1100°115 Everything for the player - Jackets, Shoes, Stockinugs, Jerseys, Shin Gd,Gre<,o1Nls Coti etc. Spaldings official Intercollcgiaste Foot Roll, officially adopted by tie Inter- eollegiate Association. Complete Cats- logue Fall and Winter Spores free. The M c i A. G. SPALDING & BROS., i aoal~ New York. Chicago, FPhiladrtphia, advancement Advertise in THE DAILY.- Room 1 and 2. WP of timee 1to the G~EO. S. PARKER Mountain ee semi,.g mme toethIeiycle.A prfeh.t Pen andlwaeasedbyitheParker~ JinsvsilleWe,. J. C. FREUD, '99, 47 S. Unliversity Ave. ur Perfumes! ohave a verye fine line of Perfumes which will be glad to show you. aeryiDr g toel Co. 4th }Ave. -ty Programs. (IvillOzltioo(f Itheowoeld011:1n1I lic," j)20;''all ds eE'l ll'-ali~l1111i ,Usoe. {ltoby Oand Weillil ociey f:r 0lelc, nltI 10. Messrs. A-bbottI and c; origiilxselcitio, ..Own 1y 1lligr111111,Ol), -Ate.'.1$511)(1Ol(.ICAM .ANDl) lIETIIN. rollilpci, C. 7). Sharip, ITbe I0. of Al footb~ill Oielml 011ae- 1,iicl W. 12. H111; or-oni..if 71the io ha:xplo-iigopini at C hicago os-ill erii ai xli, iil e(ii~ol C. Al. Mushl; (lll::tle frontliAimnXi:arb llopovili.12210 ticets atlii theoiry lid inavy ale xsolld at $5 each.Specliall triain(1con- 113 -1 Staitis xlolld bo olso lip' offirst :-lsixxiones-x11111 diii rilaie lot . 1. liittmanip :iaros-ill loe m-AiiiiArhoe eiti i li ti1ei, ile-~lio-;1', -. A. Miei ntiro>il:il9 Ia:. ii. SWcxles- (lip, Nov. 2', airiv-inig atChicago,:45 D8. Sc-ott; teitico'110071t' . .I. 11ese tickets os-ill bei g0o(1 to eturinionl.lleilp'i ~le Ciet olai nil Sotiety wosill 111e- llIll,top andmmI in-luili~pNov. :13t. hI il i progir5m 1111t1eieploeiser yourme 1:11matithDe Alieligiil nightI:(ental-:lctik:tIoffice o iteh-llnlleliile-0 Sp11h,:1'. E7V. Daili1ii1i See- Au. liose si Cook: Itomie Tuies- yMAl 7VIthlll'iee; ins- lip. 1dmoill xsivie you at leastl$118.00 sioll, Otix Huff sod, I1Iona it o r 17tOtercoit. bale, lIexsoloed, 'Thatil 20 S. Ingalls S.-One siingle room 11 eiinted 111071o10sle jlightedl, 75c. Q CNCNN ia sot,,, N , n oE , The Onig Sleeping Ear Line between Ta- Ledos and Coumsniu. The Only Sleeping or Drawing Ream car Line between Toledo, Columbus and Marietta. The Onig Drawing Reem Ear Line between Toledo, Columbusad Charleston, W. Vs. Pullman Sleepers betsween Columbus and l TEON LN ith3traOnLahy TE peOLYfIE wthe2trs ee a ach ydilyt Netweeorleoarrdlhrese tocko.a preeedsothe :wrginiactcmeyhy TrEePOPULARSmIh L3we oldFoO Prica1, B$125, G$1.00eandNeandk-n RAl nforaLtinlv oBloc, tm ~ room-tc, ill ecperfllyementshedby ny hsse Impnor teandiomCesticlLixes.Lais r- stir. UL.0.TOaNOK, 0.PStAs. 0. M.MAITTN, POLerx Drco, OHIO Gr cnCasetsandHFineae Coatsin s.maleprsaySpeci2alt.1N. 1-- FrourhS ;d All Ol ~i isbsies m eostie pa eot heitrssoit rn.bew i k Di t em. l hs otrpa i ecklim, andl ehose desirous of so inOheir profession arc comdially ivited to cill mmd siee 05C EN O 28 SOUTHI STATE STREET. CIN1 Ann Arbor, Mich.I PATE-NTr A1PIED FOR. Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed. WATERMAN'S IDIEALE at the -- S7CiD NT B(OK 7 Ji Crane'sfi uS St ationeryp for polite correspondence. Beet linen papers STDNT OOSOR ,sold by jo oud Clig Cards Engraved. SHEEH.AN & CO00 . ST*ATE STP"