THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. P'ublished Daity (Sundays excepted) string the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFIE:cnsTimes building, 79 S. Msan St. be- tteeen Liberty and William hts. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 97. BUSINESS MANAGED 0. 1H. HAMS, '98. EDITORS E. L. GEIeSMEn, '98 L. F. S. SIosos, '918. B. B. IE'cTEAxr.'99. iH. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L. F. MI. Looms, '9S. H. H. COnWIN, 'ill. C. 01. ttEEN, 99. Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Hoghex, '98. S. W.Smills, '97. F. A. Fuelk, 'I8CE. Louise Dodge. '9o. W. P. Mlorrill, '98. Boller Lamsb, 19)00. A. Al. OSith,'97. C. Lull, jr., 995 At. WRINKLE OUT TODAY. Thanksgiving Number Resplend- ent in Red and Green. Wrisnkle celebrasted Thanksgiving bsy aippearinig in a gay dress of resdansd gresen. Th umissber is of 5th susual sloe acisd i islced onssale tssday. It is very good the110whole.,Dsst is Isack- ing in tie lise of shsort jokes. Thle prlincipsal featsurs is a sieverstsors'y' "TW-,o Fools ands a Fssss" isy'Hasrols l.J Bowtimall, wills illssstrasiioss.by9' 1. L. Bastxer. HBaxts'r also cssntribute;s'sa flil-pagesif' srssvisdeitingiltlhlbstrills of (lie frssmansafutler thse rushinsg ssa- s0i1 is bves. S f' B' KISTCo. THERE'S NOTHING LIKE LEATHER, WHEN WELL PUT TOGETHER. OU-IN- Russia. Enamel, Box and Ameri- can Calf are World Beaters, BEAU'S SHOE STORE, 6 N. MAIN., OPP. COURT HOUSE. m"ATS@@@ menlca 'erisg (oneoflour scene 'bIy ..V. AMs''1s1, vlso h'sssi I I I R..A..L othser vsry goosi srat insi' illthus ills seldosssgoiby sa mirrrcweithsosut The sxbscription price of the Daily is 82.50 jbi's' 9s'srsBacskul ssindllssriisfosn mlisgs ssiee' se b Inc the college year, withs a seglar deliveryI mln tthsevsorte before nsoon easis day. Notices. commusica-'le'sls'rasssl.'fi'eioiss tiono, assd other matter itnds al obi sos- era rits h dtras 810 hysLe tioss muot liesanded io at thse Daily offiee be-freopesntpirati. ln- lose 8 p. m.,or mailed to the editor beforeef 3 r' 5$3.il00lsss' p. in., of the day previoos to thsat onswhichssssls sot l'dpomis~sg 9115550surrsises fssr hP ae xpete$3.00par subscriptions may be left at Thse Daily('i'' sdMr' ''iis Office, Mseyer's or Stohet's Newstand, or (1iao adAi.Sta g'. l Pets with Businss SManager. Soeibers will con'-sssl11.T'iss'ssr' ik'li ts "" '' fer a fav'or by reporting promptly sit this an f'.Wisei r joe na o h ofieany failure ofl carriers to delisver paiper. litie'll way5. If. 91.l L's owmn rositri- 1C .* Tiss'p11n0oftelise aO Arbior cily uss a, 0ves''ryisevrore101 n itled , Somnething 1o see it. Cousncillgiveisnlanothser column1a1-5 sl " AAsats'liissgtIllSun55."'Ilhs'othe'' res' thsotsghs prsomptedb)y'parisnisnterests, i isb' A. A1. Smithl. , ", is iss itself a steps in tOss righti sirection. ise nesxt issoll'5f thiperl ANl11' belllo 5. ~ ~ ' Coissiderissy ltssamotunt of trotsbleoand te hi'(lristinass numssber of exitrasizses bitterness the qusltsionhasscasused, it s1iti'd1110lt'. S seemosSstranthl lat sosse effort 10 es- '08 L Defeated Dy 'Be. lsslisl at precedentlhs n sot been sssssse - hefors'. Whsastever tsesdesisions imay 'isl-illsses 0Si5'voir hbe, all stdtssl'sw5till he yladslt1o iave fs'oss 11I, yester'lday9'afternoonss, scos- use matler sisisosed of onsee for all. igy-16 pintlis t heir poe nt51s 11noils' EDADB O F _______ o. D- At the lst Hasrvard-Princeon game se ereteold oat of the 1,50 stusdents, 1,500 yore the YALE SHAPE HATS We chove them. $1.00, $,)1.50 AND $2.00 All Sbhaes asnd Colors. new in a low crown ooft Hat. Ask ~N &CO. Thes'Dlaily Ca'~rdisnal, of W~iscosin L'nive'rsity, consies osst in an edisoisl discousrayiny tIlie ptasliince' of 9liolsi' yan's challenye for t asssne, in c'are wse win or Chicoyo. Twos 1point5sre isede in thess'tscle; one bthatlMochi- ganolsd lhave't'arrassged for a yasise a1 thse hogisisisyofItse seasosnsandsi ihe othser lthatf 9liolsiysss's "asumpt51)ion"'of sa victory on Thsanksyivingsy is ss lil5sPOrlsnl~llliks'. usn001)ly Istoiisese crilloessis, 'sse w'sould like t.o statle itsat Wiscoonsin refsused 1tosoase 10oeiher Ansn!Arbor or Detroit or 10 giveousea yssarantee t10goyo 1M9ilwsankee or Masd- lson. Asisithsi \s litsoliss' Deyginisy of this'seasoss, 100. Aygain, Mlilyis disd not asssssse .a'iofory at Chicoago. Thse chsallengye 'wsas bassedl upon15 ths posseiility 01151nol tiponlthe 15555155p- lion of a victory. Wse hey leave 10 sgest to thse wsriter of (lie Cardi-' nal's ('diorials thsot it is al's''ays we''sll 10 hear in siitdsdu~chhu littetinss fools. Miichiganensian Committees, The follow'siny commsnittees have bseen appoissted on the Miochaygension hoard: On onpervision, Messoro. S. WI. Soith, Hnmphirey ond Stlorms; on organiza- lions, Messrs, Cronoe, Stonesnan and Bayley; on art and engraving, Messrs. George, A. M. Smiths and Wiley; on literatusre, Miss White, Miss Silean and Mr. Moore. Al no tim~e ,'s'sthue ressslti in doubht, theis'ils kee'pingytse 'ba11 iss tse laws' fs's''itos'yall t1he'1time. Iss Ills'first hlsf DickinsssoSoredi ltwso ltsolsslo'ns asnd Dessn kioks'sl 1on' difficult goal. Thess'sonds al sf w's'sss liayesd in -the slank, butilbolls t'als p layedihardl foitball. 'le '98 mn rsheslsd Isthe ssl raplidly towsssardsI hir oppon ssl' gsol sssd Lonud s'sas pshed, Io'ser for use thsird ol uhoidown''iasid Deasn kiokedI goal. This finsisheds thi sborny. ClslsissDiokisisosn. Deasn, Lsod sasd (Mes'on put11sfup) the best ygssse for '1)8. Simsons,'sw'ho -,vasat sleft siu, wa5 s"e tire'sl esrly in the' ygamse, on accountilof sss injussesdknese. This'eassisliine'dlup1)as follows'ss. 'I98 Simens 1 Loud ----- - R ice .. -- - - - - Newton ------------ OcAiey---------- Olsonf Sack'lettfS" --- Hlealds ------- Goldsmsithis .--- Dsckinson (Capt.)-. Richiardson ---- Dean ......----- .1e. g_. ___ h _-_ b. 'I98 L. ___Ranney ----- Brandy ____ heeler ---Connsolly ___Abbott ___Weaver __Paaleson __ obbins HBlanchsard ----Bsartlet -------Sto.. . lwe ...Gents' Furnishers and Hatters... 44 South State St., Ann A rbaor, and see THE NOBBIEST HIT that ever came down the pike. Shoes Shined Free.------ ------ ---- ----Shoes Shined Free. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Leland T.Powers-----------------Nov. 30 tBoston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra--------Dec. 11 SCharles A. Dana---------- ------------------------ Jan. 21 Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1 jLuther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumi Number)------Feb. 12 Imperial Qatt---------------March 12 Oratorical Cnet--------------March19 Lucius Perry Hills------------------------------- April 2 John Kendrick Bangs--------------------------___April 13 GSENERAL ADMNISSION TICKETS $0.00 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 12.50 SINGLE ADIVISSION .50 Harrison Numaber $1.00 Oratorical Contest .25 TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tichets en sale Thnrsday,,Oct. 8th. at 'Palmer's drusg store, Stale street, and w'ahrrahonok store, Mlain street. JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary. ENTIRANCIE CONDITIONS IN MEMAIACS. StusdetsscosisitionedsIin solid ands sphesrical geoinsetry lre required to -nmkshe 011 se work in the Ann Arblor Hi1gh School or in a clsass organioed for Sisalpu)'ose in the University. Stnsdents desiring to join this class will meet Mr. Goddard in Room 27, Saturday, Nov. 21st, at 11 o'clock, to arrange the boor of meeting. A fee of $2.00 will he chinrged for fthe conrse of ten lessons. W. W. BEMAN.