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November 18, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-18

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iiI i i (t1 ni

o flJDD, o
Leading Tailor
will disappear if you try
our Syr. of Tar and Wild
0 Cherry. It comes in 25c0
0 bottles and tastes good. 0
j 46 S.!STATE ST.J
2 Worth Your

- Address-"The Purpose of English
To Meet Jointly With the Asso- Teaching in the High School." Honi Elected President of the Athletic
Gleo. B. Aiton. Inspector of Hig"h
ciation of English Teachers. Schools of Minnesota. Board.
Stra.0:0a. nM.
On Friday and Saturday, 'Nov. 27 Saudy,90 At the Athletic Boardl meeting last
and 28, there will hbe held ini Attn Ai Li'' monut of work per week ngt a.H rnisrsge i
lior a joint uMeetinig of the Michtigan fsipbousnintdofstrn-lgLas peidn.The reasosn for
Schsolini'sters' (lob aiid the Associaj this actions is that siniee the national
tPsper,1rinicipal P. O0. March, Tai'
lien of . nglish Teaechers of the niorth election 'Mr. trentiss has hail husisness
censtraslstates. The meetings tFrida t i ghSho.,opuportusnities soeredltssto imiwhich lie
Morning and afternoon ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ will behlsnSp.h : alaay it iaccept. The hoard accepted the
Di'sussison-Princitial. A. ..'otland.
Newbeirry Hassl. the iieetinigs Frisa re'signation to take effect Jtsan. 1. and
Grad isot ts tighs School; Prisscipal
evening antd Satnrday at the School- J. D. F. iRicardss was unanlimously
of usic. 1xn persos«who sireutnter-sr. hi. (.sdwoerd tigi cho;eleced.to succeedh Presidenst Pseastiss.
'-riyo stedsinii 'i iver"siy or secossdlary' redu- sdusidl'ii'eiii' Mr. Sesnter resignsedIis tposition as
caitions srseinvitdto lbe' presesit. McAisis.a isiesitiber of the Bosiril. soidto ill the
is ll ii'seei tosi its' rogainsitssi hhiiness sueeting. electiosnof siticers.
ilbesefrmtepormwih'-etc. v is'iii'u'thus caussedl sitthe football
appleas'btelowthe meini'iugs wviltie of 2:00 p. essisississee, M1r. Metiseasr i as ats-
sissre Itisan usuains ite're~st: Hos'fasr sthould i -gh Schosols its Pointedl. 'wo svacancsies oni the thissri
P"ROGiRAMMSE. cuollegisats'wourki were huled tiyS the electioss of R. S.
ASSOCIATION sir TEACHERS Os ENGLSOFToHinc Psater. Prinicipsal F. C. tierceIiii Frseundss, D. K. iE., fromsithe nmedical
t~iiss. O i.is 1oc51tiii') Ill.) 1tiis11Scthotl. depaisrtmeint, sisuiL. B. 'hes'dier, 'til.
Adre'sssrigof 1s «' lcome (locby'lhi' ). reidentl . t~iiisi. Suit. .k.. '.Tresslir. Missirisi' fismstiliteisrsiry.

Attention. jtsliwss B. Angell. si t hss'tiier lrf Discuission--P'irof. A51. tL. I)'Oosgs t'ss-
Gent's Nullifier Slippers very choice. 3lictsigsii.iv'rsify it M1ittilasi; Dians W. A.
Gent's Fresseb Enameled Shoes for G1rissois tLtwis Insitte e.5 'isesigo
Winter-Razor and Opera Toes. Rhespose b ty Prof. W'.AV. Cressy, sit
The Perfection of Shoe making- ticriECass.tesstito te. .P id igst . ' h'Ssrros'l. Sgsisi.
Correct in Style-Right in Price. eliiss oustandPrinipasl S. 5). iariwitt.lii lt'.i gs css
Will be pleased to have yotiu0sit ofNilaisissio, Vite Preciltside t fiii Was toe Voting Illegal?
JAC BIs1ATT'1RAL ® D '~oolis5csiisi'lush. ''lT'tii'n h:,' ilirsi snore 'or0'osi
JACOBS & .A.LLDTAND, (Gsiersit isss'ssioss of 5t'efollos'lii islls vrst oslssi s ist
Washington Blk., Washington st. re'sslssuti:
___________________________________________'Utlii, sitaste'st iisintionasl electios
E~l '"S'PI..I DBT{T' '1. lResoli'sdl. That thei' tsr of ''sl is t e ls'ost'ssscisii
3r w ' 3 fl'...'.gStor~e. siiolisiiin iiliitheinitsioof this ton- Iiii' stil'a t li itls'ttteace'st fie
Is costs yousnotiisg.Dno st seglect it. f s iii 5' iisuaslly- ' isiiittits'of hush' 1-iis'sr'.its'. '1Th is 's o s'sshlsuits-
_____________________________________________ uit.tuioas towhithelsr sin outside uistuet
C ~ ~ ors seleced tsihe ii'ouint Cnfr-csulli's sitensud itri, helire fis thlit
Fowler Combination. Lady Sits oc f1895, is re'ireds'edinltg ii hu'for 'tiss its.tt't stst',iis
Behind. For Rent By 5 lotissioSt t's slgs', sirs'nt ell~5 t si 'c'sr
TUCKER & CO.PIPITH .AV'E. ittastseI.i 11 iion ofstshhsitssituner-Iantherli'psinta sit us'is whit its ra
ence, 1oii iseis' li seco'n'aryti -whc'ls':i 'tst et wh is I r esidens t f ittlhigsi
13I VER1IISII"'Y SCHOOL D 5 iJuraioitePlgeiea: i isN-h on55' i's'sereiihsessMvs'olle'g'
OF DANCING t'apes s lb str's Ilsilad iooiks 1, . 22ii. el s nttedto avosteli'a'e. At
Opiposie Lasw tuisits' $500sms rter for snit'24; h1)t isisci''s Flighstt f5_5 'I-tthtorissenti lecitionsts lsttuen tttti sitf
tiso tecsnsa we.this'Trls ite. Dryshit's Ptsiitsi uh siss wot i'sst''anlsd''his si'
27 T:hlomrpson Street. As sits'. 'ltont's Padsettit'Lot.lstbos ts tisli udtgst tt ni
-AT- 1 -nd-? siy issuncil appotitintd'lthsss'hi isteeo
Thus isscussonuositthis'first ri'ssshuisssisti c otuseoe hs tgitutsu 5t
WA RS BOOK STOREJfo'dis toslogoh'etus.suths'ugst 'ts'sand
us Ihise sishehiIl' miss trrsuBite u tngodsc tdnt.'''ots
We invite every stsudent to visit of theUs'n'tiver'htsit oftichigant. willsti acuss's'e h is e~dotad ar
our stores. V4 e have a large supply tller s'tfledss."P'sycoslogy of the 'Di'sa '''-i'scis ut55hcrii
of second hand University Text ' to this supreies court forhfinal sdesisions.
Books for all thue departments. gramus.' "Oeo hs ilb hto tmr
Law and Msedical Books. Germana . ht'sS Iss'iiihs tuu i sstr
~~~~-p .and French Classics..- i.rushdsudeuti iwishosid lii's inu tie city'
We sell the best student Note Tiso Probhiheinit Cousshisositionu sixpusousthus hbsfore eunturig the t'ni'v'r-
Books 20 cents each. Tactn rf o.1.DneOi
Time best Linen Paper 20 cents per l'atsi.Pof ss.V euue.tiss sy. sussl this'othcr wil he thast of a
pound. Stsute tii'ersily. sisgli' studthst a citizen sif Mictsigsis.
We buy and exchange second Methodhshut the 'Tuasching of Grant. ihso caiune tiers'thueslay bsefosre thue
hand honks.
Agents for the Waterman Foun- mar, Prof. (I. iP. huuersous, WesterU''niv'ersity opss'ne'd.
tamn Pen.Reev niest
Mathematical Instruments and itore 5'i'er "y Notice.
Drafting Supplics a specialty. Puepsarsatory Literature ushuke iHigh
The best prices to everybody. The umeetinug of thue bicyclists wililtbe
Give tis a trial 'Schuool, Mrs. ilsrrist C. Brainasrdhelid at flue Sho f'ui nTm
W AHR.'S BOOK STORE Htyde PuskH iighi Schuool. day e'veunimg at 7. The annmosu'nemnt
his Tows Down Town businesos usuhhug of the Aoaoia -louu, of flue mseeting for last eve'i'nitg was a
10.5. State St. Opposite Court House,'msae
Anu Arbor. Main t. teletion of officers, sitc. mutae

'hts' stsestitilistf hushesthball Sus
bsrosughttuts. susdlBess. B. Mlethsant'
tutd A . .'.Atkiunsons isere, attit-~
sit a, 'ommusitte'e of invst'sigatios.
Isis usdecihed, thsat ths'-'1.85 "ause
shouldshbe playSedh 'ie firsi tstsut'is's
afits' Thassssgi'iuig.
'The '951)irotstosnstuthe '!198ttutte wis
bsrugt uit andilreffeureh so the foot-
still i'sa tttter suith tosses' touat.
Ateu thu'esBosridasdjourneseuluecost-
titlist's'.cs'isstingi'osit t'Iutght'8.5. ootuk
'97?. ihiusrds '98, Hefmanuss'98, andsu
'S llitessiy ;'99, adoteds lths'fshhtss'sittg
"'s''teri'tis. If lis commsssittee swcre
s to s'e 'onusiste'nt iwiithstis we'ieku'ousc.
tiuinsositths' Ioaurd it ls tshhutsl.-the
highSuhlsoptestsout thes'9't9lgamse),
sid lit m'itsstees'' uuld alhossw'i'sispo'
list ou theic'hIS games, bt
"'S''tssrs'as. itsths' usiuhustsusositths' citm-
sitt ee the thighsl Schol truitest was
unjiusctly' sullssuu'sl.as csouns'of the isseun
pilayedh were' stltraiusing;ttbl'.
"'Therefore,'99'il's isrotesthue unot sal-
hsssse's, andth'h98 lessc'cordledluhes' sisies
wh'ics'h a is'tts uius.aussi te s'ounsid'eed
uhei tessussesigiblhe to umeet ts" fresh-'
us ass telussssfist'the is'tnal.elssgst'"
Iusli tkiuig;shuts actions the footbsall
cusususittes'foulloswed strictly the ruhes,
'uuieb'. ttisu essu" hasll tsbe eigibles'fors
ciss teassuis wo sire nuot or hasviehoot
bee's'ast:tusaininug itsl uicing the test-
Vesper Services.
Ihe first veoser services of thue year
we're'iihlditnUniversty ' ailsiy'eister-
duty shut were btut ipoorly= attendsedl. A:
spsecial feature was tse solo sinuginug
bsy W. A. Spsitzley, 099'Si. rise chiorus,
whiich usas vecrysshl, sang s'ery ef-
fectiv ely.

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