THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. HOT DRINKS Hot Coffee Hot Chocolate Hot Malted Milk Beef Bouillioo Beef and Celery s Tomato Booillion Hot Clam Broth Ho1 Oyster Juice Hot Ginger Hot Lemon PHot Egg Phosphate Hot Lemonade jo Hot Egg Lemonade 10 Hot time Juice Flip i WE WILL PAY . . . QALft MEL GIBSIE ahylon Coal Is THE BEST. All grades of hard and noft Coal.i S~rA L. fCamel Coal and Coke. M. SABE s for one term of twelve lessons and furnish same free to Telephone No. 5. One door East of Ameri- can Hosse. any person purchasing a $25.00 Guitar, Mandolin or. o Banjo for cash before Noveniher 20th. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY i and get the best service. pANN ARB OIR MUSIC C0or Office and Stable, 32 Forest 21 AND 23 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. Ave. Telephone 106. i Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy Wewlled am :THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK of aradirin aereto ' Capital Stock,X505,00. Surplus, $110,0. Z pnd .80 near Resources. $1,100,00 rwv .J6byl te- id4oRueF51Psit Organized ander the General Banking Laws / 'tee 5 5ulton I p f this Stato. IReceiven deposits, Lays and sells exchange on the principal cities of the ,,ter sOnited States. Drafts cashed noon proper 00 _.__ony__ l Identification. Sa fety deposit boxs to rent. ~o dOrFICERS: Christian Macto Pres.; W. D. B arrimasn, ice-Pres.; Chan E. Hiscocks, - - - Cashier:M.J.Fitz Assistant Cashier. H1o0 Clam Juice Cocktail Hot Tea. i i i i CALKINS, -:- PHARMACY, Be Sure You're Right On Footwear. ooo o.w . aa- i There's lots of ticks in the trade and they're practiced more thsas you think, but not her e. This store makes you sore you're right. This store guarantees you a sale invest- mentalf every dollar you pat into shoes see sell. Illis a good Shoe Store, fall of good Shoes at prices wa y down. Good Rubbess too, if yoo want them. Wwe C. Reinhardt, 42 S. Min Street. OYSTERS Served in Every Style -AT--- COB. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STS,, AND NO. 26 SOUTH STATE ST. .Anton rPeufel, IsOADQUAis5OI5FRn Trenks, Valises, Press Suit Cases AND TELESCOPES. 'Trunks and Valises IRepaired Neatly and Cheaply. No. 5,S.Illass st. Your Tailor ! Hasve you oeno those nubby Suits Milward is turning out. MILWARD -40 State St. RENTSCHLLER, A1N ARBOR. MICIH. 'PRI NTER 20 S. Ingalls t-Ono single rom liffhed, 75e. GYMNASIUM s uITS. SEATERS, S UPPORTERS. GIOODSPEED'S 15 South Main Street. FIRST NATIONAL BN Ass Aror Capital, $115,005. Srplus and Profits, $4d,000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Furnish letters of credit. E. D. KINSE, Pros. HARRISON SOULE, Vice Pros. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. T rnw &rfhani11ank see. Slain and tHuron Streets. Capital $50,000. Surplus 530,000. Transacts general hosting business. it lonsis tPre. '. F.Go p-seVice tees. I ins H. BELs aCashier. 11 g 41 'NIVERSITY NOTES. ! AT TTlE (GRAND O'ER A IHOUSE. 'Varsity pleslie w5ill lie' s'cret liii Dontii is tIlii the los see l last of this wss.s''ign.,A i glt 'liii'at 1 hlil a ndisililola '1 1 Thii Obierliii hash s'isitei'i e l b'ller<' I lhos 'u,I'iaiy. Nos'icni' t1, ''A I CHIROQPODIST . Sittsi'slsi asiso. I S ess li'pr, s"eiil t' iisi'tsa of Jack-os, Sulch.i isesuend ais office at I 'isi's ipass issisi 5sa uiiscncs'No. S1 S.Slain St.,sext door to Times Thi' .. lisilil isasilustasniighitsad frsiiitist art iulish the officeweeeiis prepasesd to treat all loot monthlly mi'tub olsissrrssss. 'crsildesas ktosi a colnstiouis till'troubles in as ssienifi s'anner. All opera- 'Nnt- itmylly li th ai'hssii rl' 'Otis' s's pios-is es l tlilig ltions intirely painiless. ]lie.GCfford comes 'Niii'ly-tiaiii lit'here highly recoimnssrded, by the members Itigli Scholailiion 'liisuagiilg- w'ithlli s1 '1 sisiagod attcisin. - of the medicssl professisonlofsJacsoon, City Dsiy. R15iiohester N. I.) Pioet. ofhils etc. Prices reasosnsble. Conssulta- tion and esamination tree.Osce 150ours,8a "rise iis's'siiig i cyIslesilstasiwill be lls 'il''sliii'i essliisl100 i, to 8p. . hiild at.iis' Schlosil sllush', .at 7 tils e'ineintss of sill Amuericanui actos, Mr, Lowvney' s Chocolates. eve~ninrg. lis'lisi'sl S siills, still gi'ce11ts011 the Vespersesire-is's 5 tigin ii' slda asis ronIii'casionl of iis coninlgvisit to this Hot Lunches. at 4 ocsossk is oisversily Ilall. 'hei', ills, ssiiWednlisesdsay', Nsss'imberi'18,for I-- one i'IssIiglil se iieis niiJir sily at ils'he isGrisdopserast TTT~iLE'S 48 S. State St. willbe hld rgulal3 hre~iter i osissa . new paayses111'intilitI'CstsleA 1.11S 'Itoesilad' ism''sii'ssy. Ssssuitsssi" It sis'ss'rite sc 1 a fssur- P C ,f l S The' Dasilysnsg'gse ssilhliti'hearst ss- a issromantls siis'smed, tIllsne'isl Sof r CHAF11G111 S111S1 denits sir lie'I'rs'halnssiilit. sinsl lsis Iiili oss'sri'sd sduriiig tse ith ccli- TBE ETLS clsss ap's olinsilosme ysll sits'aforsir lin ll l iii gn h~iof Ring ('Csales I.hadoelnad lie final isiels