TILE, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. +4 Published Daly (Sundays excepted) dring the Collegeear. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MCHIGA. ileeseet Times building 79 S. Main St. be- tseen Liberty and Wiiiam Sts. DI..LNAGNG IEDITOt it. 1. UStrsoiiAos, J. Pt.IsiosAe, '97, Assistant. A~SSOIATE EIDITORS P. L. Geimer, '95L. It,. C.Underwood, 'I P. M. Loonis, '18. I. . Sioons, '9'. . . GCeen,. 99. . 1. Harriso, Sp L. w. w. iiighs, '90. S. IW. Smith, '9. I. 13. etheoy, '9(. Louise iodg, '99. Lula. JIDicinison, '99. 11, B. Sbiiioa,'Or tL. W. IP. ,ioeeil,'S. i. corl,'99. A. M1. Sot, '9. Butler Lamsb. 1W. '. Whitoob. 3,4 i. T s c. Hours at iDaily oilier. irti :9 o 8:0 p. 1. Thrsuscritio bi c uI.e l'.iiy is (92.50 for the Colee year, oit i e., I'-delivery before noeoeach 0li.No, es..'isala- in, sd oheoater lii.-111.11leoa- tioosus hr handed i zhr (he(19 uy slceh- fore s. m., or masie , 91n. io tsbore 3 p m.,of theila dy pe -.:o ishat o hc thoua cexpectedto-osee:ua. Atentioiniiis nails aibsI isthe Daily lBord iee1'1lthlii alt1 slioti 3 isehiel, ini Rooinl , 011.11 wig. 11 is essentiilstt'veryonewole.sirs 1o reiai oii(le lise s131111 s'eprs cii. Buriod City Discoverd. Psofeor Tyler, of Conell, has til- nishied tie ('rnell 9)a1(1y'Sunll111' fol- lowing ifoiiatioii regrlig t(lie i- cot explortiis in iabylisi: An lmiieiiaii exeditionl heaed by i'fessee Hlipreiit, of ite ilill- sil' of Pl't'bb09'i511, h1s1 15 (huh ili last itrie ill'foti eay'r beet) iatlig exli'isivIi exlioniis9i5hinayloi. iiin hetrei~ionlof thehouieini orf ippii. Sonic duiiii'ngiie lasi year tir laiboir sts'veheii resald by liie diseosry of all niii'ii'ityed, si'i'iiy- six feelotw iliii'enel''i1i19Ctai'. Heric 1w0aS oild presre'dlantl biroen' pottery,hbriks, tblets. ad 19 liir o- jects, ll of wihho~es'iseilsios ThSli lt' shiwiereli'put ii the nds (Iof e9xetsto behi'deiphered.'Thi' resul of their woik thus far has rtveal1'd woillftl l ifol'11111i01. 'i'ie hisory of tie Babyloniilpepleas reorded in this eincformiswiting, is carried back at least twso tosa(nd, tswo hu- dretdaniftfy yers filtler taii it had ,yet been kno-ini. In other wors, there is 1now lttundaniit w'iti'i- li dece that the 13(llyl=iisinlpeiole sx istid, ansilw9r99199vilizedenugiIo le able to Write, at least sevi'is Ilos- autl years before ('irist' Oue of Itie iiost iportast rsls of this discovery is its bearing spoi higher eriticisnisi for while the Tel-l Anana lablets showsei that sonic cen- turies bfore Mtoses' tie, there exit- ed a Lingua Frana whichs was used by diplonmat, merhants ad kings throughost Egypt, Syria and Baby- louia in thlei general correspondence, we now have, an a reslt of this ex pedition, discoveries of writisg exist- ing sany entures before Moses' time. Some of the higher critis Ihad con- tended that the art of writing was not general in the time of Mioses, and firerecore le cotil t ihaI ve writen liihe enl-ieuel inits re st formi. Now by tils laei' disovee, iis1 shown-ui11111t tis aneict et'liicirel 7,011) ytars btfeie )SItscs' hum. It is lhuls s110n9[11-1ut lt t 'eieilalense, Si' lue, is aullieurtittrd 11y this. dio- '1ry a1 Niptursatd it openrsll a lng terpcive oft l so'tciial a10 Mist apsye-c Foolm nthalShdls lt-oimttysaman1190 iii''lin't1 111o1tt cVii tionirtlquires. vat las.eN o-i ill bal 1111dules 1Tnslty, lai. ltsflln-'ilr'th d- iii ets litlil i s 9.11111Ii 199Oct110-Dartmout hl ad 11i111a. (hf. 97 loyb-ct.il (Iftt111159rsillilof VitrginiaPiladelphia.a Sdct. 2.8 ilOtt'rr. Le911111 I.' hu- iit'ilia (it-.s19a'iiOci'i'rl- lIt MurtiiiPhi.ill- delhia. Sa'ev. 7 t. 'l-ellci -aslsn. PI~ 7111'.n2sdaycJc,2-itowt'ni tel- ('oyrPhla'deliait.' sa fl~s Itaca (e. (1. 0~ i'kriiceloiiN, t ri-Otssi,(et31 Bocknill C olleg,1a-1 tacap No.n 7 iSituray of.Pennsylvaia. atPhil- nTieltiili, Thanksg2tsCo-rDeIl, Nov. 20 Osctiy1ofPrieeetn, t lrnef lof .x fOrd.17-University of steB. A. sle Oreeto w1-11oisei, slid the imprates Oty.o 2ilndiatelytreoening the i- heetm ieCuci.fteAsoito o t EdUainrsofyWof en ha Oxfor N~ovhave competedatheiBo. euo kept the fullderee resdenceoftre I arTOrrn-SiteoO oms.unc heatalight.l273,William a. INov .. .~l HAVE YOU SEEN OUR FALL STYLES, --IN-- If not give us a call. Beal's Shoe Store, { 6 K. MAIN. OPP. COURT HOUSE. Styllsh Suits it = Mm The Illustration shows you one of our FASIIWNABL[ YHUNG MIN'S SUTilS! Tailor Mbade in eveuy resp ect except the prices, whichl are $12.00, $15.00 AND $18.00. Nb'S Star Clothing HOoSe 1 35 S. Main Street. PRINCETON SACK. 39c Shirt Sale! 98c. One Week Only, October 5th to 11th, Inclusive. ('olored lBosoms Fancy and Plain, warranted siot to fade, $1.25, $41.50 and $1.75 SHIRTS. -980. A fine lisie of White a lhdIeaney Bosoms Shirts sll Laundried were 75c, this wveek -Z.U '-~. --. C o rr e s p o n d in g e d n cti o nts irs o th e r W tsste S h u t s0 r f m( ' .Gents' Furnishers and Hatters 44 Sou th State St., -A nn Arbor. CUnonie in and get yonr Shoes Shined Free Every Day-I !1?1 THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT o s o so-o p___ors Chauncey M. Dlepew------------------------------- Oct. 10'N Leland T. Powers -------------------------------- Nov. 30 Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra----------------- Dec. 11 Charles A. Dn----------------Jan. 21 Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1 Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alunhi Nunmber) ___--------- Feb. 12 Imperial Quartet-----------------March 12 Oratorical cnet--------------Marchl9 Lucius Perry Nills------------------------------- April 2 John Kendrick Bag-------------April 13, GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $~,,2.0 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS ;2.5 SINGLE ADMISSION .50 Depew Number $,1.00 Harrison. Number 2.00 Or~amreal Content. 215a TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved tichets on sale Thursday, Oct. 0th, at Palmer's*- drug stnre, State street, and W~ahrs boktre, Rain ntrest, JAMES H. PRItUTT, Corresponding Secretary.-