THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WAIDHAM S. RYAN & RESULE.w, ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti U-nion Suits for Men- AN**D YPSIL.ANlTI CELEBREATED SWEFATE RS Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor. Call and examine before buying. 28 and 30 South dNin st. I I MICHIGAN GENTmA Li Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27, 1891. Mall and Ex-___3 47 N. Y. Special-.-. 7 35 N. Y. Special--. 4 5 Mail -5.......843 Eastern Es- ii-1 17 N. S. Limited.--. 9 25 Atlantic Es --73 Pacific Es- e.-- M.1 17.N.Express ---- 240 Western Es-1__15 0. R. Express ___15 Chi. Ni. Es -1--910 0. W. RUGoGLES, 51. XW. HAYES, G. P. & T.Agt.,Chicago. Agit AnArbor 1am. RAILROAD. Time Table, Oct. 2,1ite. I 7:30 a. m. *7:30 a. m. 4:30 p.m 853 p. m. eRsn betwees Ann Arbor and Tsledo only. All trinls daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMIORE, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Tsledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, Time Table, Nay 17, 1896 Leave Ypsilanti frelm Congress St., 0:30.85:00 and 11:00 a.,in.; 12:45, 2:00, 5:530,51:00, 0:45, 8:30 and 0:11p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00, 8:30 and 11:30 a. in.; 1:11, 2:30,4:00, 0:30 7:11, 0:00 and 10:41 p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti Iron Congress st., 1:31,13:30, 5:00, 0:310 and 9:00 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 1:00, 4:00, 1:30, 7:00 and 9 :30 p. m. l Cars run on city time Fare: single trip 11 cents: round trip tickets 25 cents. f WM. F. FARKER, Capt THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes. Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. HURRAH! Ann Arbor at last has a fine Restaurant and Lunch Couinter, The :Portland Cafe 60 S. Main Street. Anythinc in seasos also the finst 'Table Hoard in city, $1.50 per week. Regular mrals 25c. DiEs DAY AxNNs. P. S.-Don't forget-A spec- ialty of Sunday Dinners. 1:301 te 2:30 P.Ait FOOTBALL SUPPLIES Eerytingiog1r tic player - Jackets, Shoes, Stockings, Jerseys, Shio Guards, etc. Spadingcsofficial Intercollegiate Foot Hall, offically adopted by the Inter- collegiate Association. Complete Cata- logue Fall and Winter Spores Iree. " The Name the Guaraetee." A. G. SPALDING & BROS., ENe York, Chieago, Philadelphia. Advertise in THE DAILY. The LUCKY CURVE of the ~ _ 'Siphon 1Feeder is to the GEC S b PARKER Fountain Pen 1Wbat Baiili easriiigs iie to the Bicycle. A perfect Pen andl wairanted by the Poster Pcn Company, Janesville, Wis. J. C. FRLE UD, '99, 47 S. University Ave. 'Try Our Perfumes! We have a very fine line of Perfumes which we will be glad to show you. Mummery's :Drug Store, C17./4th Ave. Robert 0. Ingersoll. kindly faie 3(1his)fellow imeni, adtr y 1o cieer 'thiooethat 3are strugginig hard. ilobeit(G. 111171isolis5 a1p11011n11elii ihelbli t le ~~of life. C('01. Inge'rsoll is best siensc of itiat worl. 11ea11 whati.anniounedito10delisvir his noled lete)r lie s:1ys0of aifturile life: '"Libe'rtyof A1:an, Womiani a11(1tChilid" "The idea,:t-of iiineoraiily, that1, Ult 'he liG(ranid (peri House,Saitiirday e einiit Nov. 21. asea. has ilibeid oiiandiltowved oii in _________ lihe humanlSIheart, 'Nithitillcoinless 'TJANKi GIVINGIDAY GA1R. wase of11011 311( feir ~iliig A irate of $5 -will tie given foi- the against liie'shores anti rocks of tiue finsiiigD5 gsii ovti(i- to'sT. 1ive, iiundlredireserved seat 37111 f:li, 55:55 11t0born of :1n1 boo1k, 1:ickets hve beeii saved for Mic-higan 1101 1117 creedI,1121131113religi. Iti'studtents andl will be' placed on sale at; wvas born of 11uman:iiafficioni; 311( it $1.501 eacth in AbnnaAibor soiethne will conitinueit'to ebb'd 311flosv beneath)li nett week. 3lore defiiite annouine- tihe tisss1111a n liuds .of dlS)aniiti Ilt regardling tickets, etc., will be dairkness as bong as lis-e kisses tihe oaltie in 'the Daily early iiext wreek. lipts of deaithi.11 is liie rainbowt of WARlD HUGHERS, M~gr. 1hope1'shininig 1113111(le tears of grief." IlOt) 2-0D'1.H . Tlie tentierness of ('ol. Ingeisli .i'ioafoll fur) si.- X00 AL E-5i i. sless il itiiliP~0 f 1111 1355371 Dinnler- it (3. tLadties :iniigeintleeni. ini his ileturs. -Aitliougli lie ha ii, S a ivrst 1t' l~l,1i~l p piosce of iilvi,1.3:isch il 110 fist iltiini'ilin'i 3 1p0ss1s, lieleaiis mlori' to kiiidness anoiii ________requested. __ entreiaty than deunociaioni. iHe' ils 2Sce r. 1Rose at toskHhouse !'ues- such syniiilliliy svitliiillHuman 3i:tirc 1117. Hei will savie y011a) least $13000 that )it.i ' 1 1131Iiii i s i~ra olin oiiii-i a 111 aiSoil or Overcoat. QAr I ay5mAa p0 g5 < r s A T ted n olmis The Onis SleepingGsr Draing RosinenCar Line between Toledo, Columbus and Marietta. The Onlg Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo, Coiumbs andeeCharleston, W. Va. Pullman Sleepers between Columbas and Chicnags. THE ONLY LINE wish 4 trains each way daily between Toledo and Columnbua. YTHE ONLY LINE wills 3 tras es wayn Sondaym between Toledo and Columbs. THE ONLY LINE wills 5 train, each way doily between Toledo, Bowling Green end Findlay. THE ONLY LINE witls 2 trains earls way daily between Tol edo end Charleston, W. Vn. THE ONLY DIRECT LItE betwenen Tsledo and the Virginis. THE POPULAR LINE t 3twees Toedo, Foeto, ria, Bucyrusi, Granvle adNewark. Pull infermation relutive be ratea, time of trains, ete., will haecheerfuolyrfarnilsed by aney agent ofthseOhio Central Lines. MOULTON HOUK, 0. P. A. TOLEDO, 0OHIO Grand Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18. Seats on sale Thuorsdaiy, Nov. 12 at U. S. Espress office for the special engagement of MR, RICHARD MANSFIELD' New York Corriet Theater Stock Co, presenting the hew four-act comedy hy H. Greenough Smith Caatle ombras Frice-$1.50, $1.25, $1.00 and 75c.. R ANOALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER'. R Washington Block, Ann Arbor. U OF N. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- * rooms. All %ppolotmento lerst class. Imaported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic hair dressing and bathling parlors, up. stairs. J. R. Teojanowshi, 300S. State at. ONM. MARTIN, Funieral Ditector, Cloth V. and Metallic Caskets and Fine Grade Coffins. Embalmng a Specialty. No. a7 S. Fourth ave. ivicnigan o i eacners ( o Agency !NMTLi (f U~p to date in ies bosin ess methods. 'Vide awake to thie interests of its paitros. e in u f Rleasonable in its terios. All etiose contemla ting teinadmat hose desirous of advancemcot in eheir professloe aie cordlially insited totcallaiid ste os. IE 0 28 SOUTH STATE STREET.CIN , Rom1 and 2. - Ann Arbor, Mich.b PATELNT APPLIED FOR. Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed. W.ATERMA-N'S IDE.AL- at the --.. STUDNTSBOU T(Rl Craiie's flue St ationery for polite correspondence. Best liiien papers STDNSBOSO sold bytepud ailing Cards Engraved. SHEEHA N & CEO.. - S*T.ATE ST**