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November 17, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-17

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eablished Daily (Suedays excepted) during
the College year, at
OFrIaE: Times building, 79 S. Male St. be-
tween Liberty and William Ste.
J. F'. THOMAS, 97.
0. H. HANS, '9S.
E. L. GEiSMER, '98 IL. F. S. SaMoa's, '918.
B. B. McTHANY. '59. HI. B. SKILLMAN, '55 L.
F. M. Loomis, '98. H. H. COosvc', '9t.
C. Id. GaEEs, 99, Athletic Editor.
W. W. Hughes, '98, S. W. Smith, '9i.
F. A. Fucik, '98SE. Looise Dodge, '99.
W. P. Morrill, '98. Holer Lamb, 1900.
A. Al. Smith, '97. C. Lall, jr., 99 M.
The subscription price of the Daily it 251
for the college year, with a regolar delisery
before nooe each day. Notices, communica-
tions, and other matter intended for publica-
tionc moat be hcaccded ie at lice Gaily office he-
lore 8 p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3
p. in., of the day preevcouc to thcat on which
they are etpected to appear.
Subscriptions may he left aclThce Daily
Office, Meyer's or Stofiet's Newstand, or
with Bosiccess Manager. Suberiberx will coo-
ler a far hy reporting procmptly at thia
office any failare ccl carriers to doliser pcper.
The ctielonc of t1cc debatinig bocard icc
proestincg 11ccclicstion tpropoiscdcIby
Chicagoinee1tssitli genlercal approvail.
The1ccsubect icciit do for cc cmacl de-
batincg celey3, but it is noct one over
which greait uiritiieSsihoucld do bull.
tle. 'Pcliciesarte screly lreglcuant
wsithi burniig qulestionsaddonec it
thesec should be ecoen for ci-Ica'..
Mticiganc had, a gcold liccicand
hcotund club last yeaurnant i uch bell'--
fit was derived frolic 'he runus clii
ev'ery week. 'his year lice orgalcili-
tlcocseecs to be decfuncct, but it is noit
yct too lac in lice season to rev'ivec'it.
'lie exercise obtcainedtl roci lice long
runis in t1cc openir hi canlnot lbe exce l-
ed. REpecially is 11hce practicecsuluacble

And Others to Be Discussed by
Western Colleges,
Thecc Michigan Hearti of Control of
Athcletica 'has issued all Invitat11011tcc
lice authcorities in control of -Wiscon-'
sill. MililieotAa, Illincois, Northstern,
PturdueicantIChcago to otenil atfacolty
anti studecnt repiresenetativ'c to cmcct
silabr re'prceentativs'e fromc Michcigtan
at the tCicago Meach Hotel iii order
to di~scussthie cadoption of ness'rules
for lice goveriing of WesternIchn'-
collegicate Aficletic.
Theccdlutlcof the mcc'etincg lhasbiec
set fcc r 1ciday mctornding fclloss'Ict
Thtuanksgis'ing ancdi lie ciscussiooci ss il
probatbly result i samimp cilortantit


wins the jury of oboe buyers and it's
ours by a hieovy ucajority. Footwear
should be top quality. Thec feet cant
otaud auythiug else. Prices oscould he
low, so as 10 keep the shoe tax withcn
hounds. You won't feel our shoe
prices, but they wxill muake you feel
pleased. There are no corn growers
like bad shioes. Come to us and get
somuethinug that you can wear yourself,
instead of lice elShoe weariug your fool,
L. GRU R9NAnn Aelcr.

@@w ATS@@@ 10

Men wecceiso one of oor
J lit PE RIAL,

ctange's in the presentt rcles. 'Phcc Seldom goes by a mirror swithcoat
thcree mccot impc~ortantctoIci(ics to bece us- smiling to thencselves over the
cussed will ptrotbably be thce 111151.Sl0 they sa ce--
talkid cf "Six mcontics' cule,'iaitile mmmP i ce $3.00
limiincg 11eicnumcber cf sisoil iin
Whiichi a cicucois ligible' toip115-011l't
Varsity terun)c; cud ra ch icc'cn iJT h e "I"11 -4 i shta . " .

At the last Harvard-Princeton
game we were told oot of the 1,850
stccdents, 1,500 wore the
WVe base them.
$l1.00, $1.50 AND $2.00
All Shades and Colors.

toe taiuniforcccsystemoli fi situdc'nt and
fcis'ully l'epresentationi 011 the'commicit-
tees gos'tricicg athileticsalith111' S11vo1-
sities reprecsenctedl.'Phi' ics's'iic,'ifcc'-
rned ilcrsscigicu-ill be 1f greaimipciort-
c oWcstern clitcllcgiailc.Athiletic'".
EngineserinE Society.
Prof. iPattersoin delis'erceclaniiadsis
beforses 1cc'Euiuecriug Sssisty ini tics
Lecture I oscicof 11e Phcysicail lncbor-
aitry atilciccy 05-lu~ng 1911l ice 'Mcic
plng of Liuces of F'orce." '11hc lecture
ssas illuislititedby sevceral skieces
alld1 W"1ISse'y illit7Cltis's'. A business
iccitilcg wss'uoheld alfte his' les'r
11111 5svl llllli iimprtn smte sdisos-
eii if. Alt11cc'next meet'igaecorres-
itollilno secrets'ary 01111''gstl'' rsr
to be lt'l an1109i11is sdesireslthat

1o thcose ss'cicilntendilto try forlice sll 111011151'Is of rice soetey uattendi.
track1team. Au effort soldi s'eide Ses oral sexchangue'ss'erte e'eis'esl,
to reorgauize the club. sshichlcaenil te 11a111ys ' iittcs 011
- - lspreseuntaiisonof thleirctstso0th~e
'Picketo ice icoss'on suds for ltce libirarian at thec next mietincg.
'l'liaucksgis'iug tells-to Cicasgo. 'T'hey Unity Club,
ace in 1110 handull of lice Athiletic Asso-
ciation irlectors 01'rimay beos'btid s as11t1e've'ning0 at thtics'iti-an5
ate Sieluns llsvaessdci t 2 cuiclcliRes'. Lee S. Metsliter, of
eac cl utnl a so a s011 01)1ace tdispsed tlDsllcsiledelisered lice foucrthiof thec
of 1110y' 0111isOexcaugeldlatlice til'Iii elu eis11(1 ti
Micigu Co setrl depot foersond-tli'ii Ness' Ifcelnd Scllsst slls." UH'
ticets on payment of Ike acslilolial 'c-noltc lt le'ig'thc-of lice isolNess' ug
$3. 'Phccticets are going s'eryerapitdly, lnsii ihit-ad rcia
indieslig ctalgme 'cttentaccefros cm on'51 sense9(101'11111hcoss' Slh'ihlit.iwa5s1
AniiiAr'bor', tbut it is of eoulruse deoir- thtayhn eido-nan
s'houildl hasvt cocie to icc' associatdli
chic 'to secure the necessaryhcluicbs'r s'uii.le' cshit' l~'19dl
cue oal~' us hI~sible.audsiencee if 200 pesoncs amll illusiructesh
_'ucs reseevc'd seat chart is unosvi etr wt iw f ae ic
openu at Slieslicn's. lihulse, old colonial achelitectuire', etc.
Ferbert ml Quarter. Reogister your acpplicationu for special
- lice excursion train over the Micaigan
The 'Varsity ancd Reserves huned 111 Censtrcilhid secture the $5.00 rate.
fore an inuteresting practice yesterday. -WARD HUGHES, Mugin
ttsrt'g wals out at full and, Duffy svas
put iii at haltfsithlhi Feebert at cquarter. atestokos-eTes'inaSvothv.h.Sultings
'1h1ccnen shossed up in 'better foram Co -ous Paedy ov 7h
than in lice Oberlin gamce, suid miade hOS E'PAILORING CO., Detroit.
good gaius. Juttuer played a stroug WANTED-Plain and general sew-
gance at tackle 'for the Reserves. ing at 47 S. Fifth avenue.

Something new in a losv crown ssft Hat. Ask
to see it.
...Gents' Furnishers and Hatters...
44 South State St., Ann Arbor,
. and see
that ever came down the pike.
Shoes Shined Free.- - - -- - --Shoes Shined Free.
Leland T. Powers-----------------Nov. 30
Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra----------------- Dec. 11
Charles A. Dana-----------------------------__---Jan. 21
Ex-President Harrison-----..--------------------_ __ _ __ _Feb. 1
Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alunli Nunalsor) - _- - _Feb. 12
Imperial Quartet------------------------------___March 12
Oratorical Contest-----------------------------___March 19
Lucius Perry Hills------------------------------- April 2
John Kendrick Bag-------------April 13
Harnissn Nnmbhrr!}$1.00
Oratorieal Conlent .25s
TICKETS NOWV ON SALE-Reserved tickhets on nale Thnrsday,GeIt. th, at 'Palmer's
drof tore, State street, and 'Wahr's book store, Main street.
JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.

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