THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. HOT DRINKS S Hot Coffee ot Chocolate * Hot Malted Milk s y Beef Booillion eef and Celery *Tomato Boillion Bot Clam Broth 0 BuHt Oyster Juice Hot Ginger n Hot Lemon Hot Egg Phophate Hot Lemonade s Hot Egg Lemonade j I Hot Lime Juice tFlip 0 y Hot Clam Juice Cocktail 0 Hot Tea.0 9 0 0 CALKINS' -;- PHARMACY. WOTZKE MAKES TO ORDER WOMEN and MEN'S Easy Fitting Shos in all the Latest Styles. Best Place S Repaiing 43 S. Main St. - Upstairs. KEYEZ S, THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, onufurnsnhyou with a fist.-lass Fontain ten. Veo and kinig repairog a specialty --GIVE HIMl A CALL. PHOTOGRAPHS ----Special rates to Snorsr at B1erryman' s 6 E. Huron Street. Anton Teufel, brunks, Valises Drss Suit Cass AND TELESCOPES. 'trunks and Values Repaires Nealy and Cheaply. No. 57 S. Main st. YZour Tailor!} Have yon seen thse obby Suits Milward is trning out. _MILWARD 40 State St. RE NTSCHILER, PHOTOOP.A'PHZR! ANN ARBOR. MICH. 1N THE EQUIPMENT Of A STUDENT'S ROOM, itis generally concededothat a stringed in- strument is almost an abslte necessity. To secure the greatest ejo yos 't from the wrciase et the best youe . sloey will afford. Expert judmet ponouce the "By State" intuments the finest in the world, An ecelent isatrment is the BAY STATE $10.00 BANJO. We have in stock cheaper banjos Sthan thi, but foesa subtantal. erlc- able instrument, at a low price, no a other instrument manufactured can copare with it, 'oNedfor illutrated atologue, JOHN C. H1AYNES & Co., 433-463 Washington Street Boston. GREAT UNDERWEAR SALE QOALftw 10 ~All grades of hard and soft Coal. Camel Coal and Coke. $2.00 Garmets---------------------=-----------$1.58 My. STAEBLER, $1.50 end $1.75(Garmeicis------------------------1.19 TlpoeN..Oedo ato mn $1.00 Gaments.---------------- --------------- .75 ran House. i5e Garments-----------------------------------.50 There are great Bargains as all of our Underwear is marked cheap at PATRONIZE HOMS LIVERY eglrPrices. and get the best service. D. A TI K ER & O N Office and Stable, 32 Forest D - . T N E. & S 1 4Ave. TelephoLe 106. No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy We wilsend on receipt j ofnt10 ot. asample to f -200 M. anyaddress. Pies:o 1 tpond 5 none aii o on OURRUGW15-NFltW You Buy a FANCY SHIRT and you can halye the shoice co ove 5O0 Ties 'o W AG NE & t 00 21 M. ain Street, AnArbor. This oifer, ~od for the.sweek. UNIVERSITY NOTES, 5oalivid a gasses'with Ieloitbooked forsa Se aturda' y, b. ut calti-i'lled it ill sorderi I dlr. the clily Satureday.15li iliis'' osfe111 i- Rtev. TLe's'S. Stetolie 5ste1(ecsires illn c ls so aiea whsae carreyisingik in lie- isie- XNew Eiglasid Sllle'5sliil." i'ii C Cl(. Parssoins, 'eli, saissk'teailh- cililileal labloratoryJ RenititIsDetroil Salursay o -ispc1t(0solvesof liii' shosss ing in ilie Deseoit Sehlsosr BIy- 1\ .Is andsifsclores. in AnsilArboovesil'Sundaily. Ilily sight lihe .iliigsli ilapters IThie'Gr'('k play-ithatlwastailki'd of ofi thei Desla.IUpstilion sraternitly hlds lst ye'ar'maiy lit'giavei lowardsithei1'its I 5ilil is's iannuiiiinitiation11tibani closi' f liii ass~lsi Os'ili'sl'e. sils' ssi iiiii 1i wele'prsenti, alsO lilsili'duplslate lisiaCueinlsisisl -1I andii 2 lis bs'sn ineasedilyliv Ilis-ill- THtANESGt5IINGDAY GAME. A soleesif $5 will iso gia-ei for tse tusn if 25 vssi lssssss ills's' e l iss' is' ississ . 'l'ia.isksgiviisg Dasy gassis'wilh ls ii- of thesy'ar. .u-u0'o, bives' liilrs's re'sereds's ea'st FT'efr'shman clselisiss'of Ilhe'Distil ticketsihsave' beenss avsessfos' Michiigain Journal, as illlie cs'ess'byiscs-sisls'li- 5115s'l sls avill iss' ilacedsilsssale at flon. EssaysnmustibliiaidedtoIst1. D 1._50 s'ach in AlisArborsiniei 'Walton bsfoe'\Xii. 2.5.iixaas. Mi''i'lil'sinosc- cient srl'igaii'i ick lesa.etie., will tbc 'l'10 forssionsisof aislives'sit'ylies siss'eiin tse Daily' carl el'i'xt areek. ('flub.eNaviss'osbjiect:10111ll t's i N\'IAID I)Itl'lfllIIISig 01.. outsisde papesrO iinstouchs a-ilstheis'li- IBOARDt $.,-(a(lID TABLE. velsity i4sbing sgiitl. Ass's ssssssishsiois for six pesosilonily. Thes'Delisi(.".11ifraernseitly sa'se ai linnserssatIG. Ladlis'esld i'tlS'ilis'l. hoult'se innici erFidasy iightin Uhonir'47 S.tiiiv'r'i'siy'a's'. lilisisis'ill- of Ttlses L. Ihigh,. whosiwas Il' 111151est ll ill l'c'ssre'qise. : of the fratlernity sdurisiglissstain Lst-Diamndlcluster slick pin ail Ann Arbos'.gyI'iiisSsiliiiFrisday e'veiiig. Fiser asill re'ceiv'e rewal fsyyleav-iingsaisse One of the C'icago papissers aillli- at 3 Mosiroee at. ed that lit'e Minniesotas-s''iseisit ii ci 20 S. Ingalls st.--One single roons was to te plasyedlaIsst Saturdasy, bult it ligitedi, 5c. was a liistsake-thiey ar' selsedslcl Int'oi'orlrnt-Two suites wsitli heat ansd play next Satuirday inisteadi. Minn- balls. 25 Thiompsoin of. PSThat have perfect combustion and do not iL..1AM mokeor smells The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfec- tion Student, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, all nickel plated, with latest improvements. We sell what we ad- vertise and guarantee quality of goods and are never undersold. DE.AN 8& COMPANY. 44So uth Mahn Street. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, 20000. Surplus, 515,000. Resources. $1,100,000. Organized under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receiveo deposits, buys and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit buses to rent. OFrICERS: Christian Mack Pres.;t W. 0. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashiers M. J. Pelts Assiotsant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK~r Ann Arbor Capital, $100,000. Surpls and Profits, sW,0ss Transacts a general banking busineos. Foreign exchonge bought and sold. Furnish eters of credit. E. D. IINNE, Pres. IIAREISON SOULE, Vice Pres- S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. F. I. GooN, tke State Street Tailor. Latest Styles. BHc.C Goods Inside Prices. axe do every tinig in our lioe. C'leanissg. pressing and reparing at lawest petices coosistent wlih good work. Goods csitted Car sod delisvered. We seeks to plesise. 20 S. State Street. Civc us a call. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUT TIE'S. 48 S. State St. LAWA/BOOKS! Buy all you can afford for present and fuiture use at our LoPwest Prices! We shsall he here for a few days onily.... .. .. ... . Callagihan & Co., LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. At Scheede's, 50 South State at. CHAFING DISHES, TABLE KETTLES. A lhandsome line anid Chteap. WW, AHNOLO, LEADING JEWELER. FREDERICK J. SCHLEEDE UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY. Blinds Books fromI25colas upash. Sells Solsd Gosld Footasn Pros foe $1.00, ansi albsnaf Linen Paper fors50cens. 50 S.STA1TE STr. MUSIC STUDIO. PIANO AND COMPOSITION. IR. 1H.-XEMIPP Prom Stuttgart Cosoervatory, Germany. 22 S. DIVISION ST. Groceries, --Provisions and all kinds of Sanitariuli Foods for sale by Stimsorn & Co., 31 S. STATE ST. Just Received a Large and Elegant Lin.e of New Pipes ! Hat andCold oehes at all sours. Agents foe tulrs rra nd Willisams and Wern era Co.'x Chocalate Bon Bans. R. E. JOLLY & CO.( 205. State St., Sager Block, Subscribe for the Daily I