THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publishedl Daily (Suandays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, OrraCE: Timea building, 71 5. Main St. tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J.2. D3THM AS, 97. BUSINESS MANAGER 0. H. HAMS, '9S. be- Organization of Riders. There twill he a mleetinig of bieyiclists next Thuirsday eveninig al 8 o'claek in the School of Mnsie. at which all ini- terested ill hicycling are requeted ito he psreseut. There Ire several iiii- psortalnt malltters to be consideredl ani thie stroinger the organizatieoi is, thie miore it rail hope 1 to tw iamplish. The iiost impollrtant inatter to he idisciissed is that of yetling the eoiii- c'il to pss 5aii trii'liiiee allotiiig 1he riding; of whelis on the sidewalks withilin esrtalinlimits. Thislanu has bieen tiedl in several of our weiteer citieis and, as will lie shuown by litii's froinsomeiif thesec, ueis, iitsiss prov- id to lie-very slices sfuil. ''sspres ient will ('(onsideir tih esitimeans of piuttinithle prsposit io iefore lihi couiicil in giood shape anid it is l1iopesII HAVE YOU SEEN OUR FALL STYLES' IN FOOTWEAR :- If niot give tus a call. Beal's Shoe Store, 6 N. MAIN. OPP. COURT HOUSE, OVECOAs A PRICE HINT WILL TELL THE STORY BEST. $15.00 - Men's Bluec and Black Kersey Overcoats, siteevcs lined with Skinner's satin eiped Pacings. Edges S A 7' rase or hemmed, Clay or Serge usning EDITORS E. L. GEssuen, '90 L. F. S.OSMONS, '98. B. B. METHEANY, '99. H. B. SKILLtMAN, '98 L. F. M. Liossils, '90. H. H. CORIsws, '99. C. M. hoEN,9., Athletic Editor. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W.Ilagses, '980 . 5,W.Smih, 17i. F. A. Fells, '98 E. Loaise Dodg-e, '99. W. P. Iloreili,'50 lButler Lamb, 1100, A. aM. Smith. '97, C. Lull, jr., 919IM. d ist the'h' requesi siniiv tie granted. Thse subsription price oP the Daily is 02.50 Pr the college yeasr, with a regular deliver'yjtheiicllyclisssill talsconsider beiore noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and otiser matter intesnded foe publicas- an1 d 111 lississ foirtitlist ri'ielily ft lion mast he handed is at the Daily alfice he- oe S p.,in., or mailed to the editor heforec3ln'2essidrpath11toXWhitimnor'eLaske, tot, p. in., of the daty previouss to that on wshich thee are esipected to appaar. swhiihs'eisve'ral AinnArbor buisiness Subscriptions may he lcft at The Daily Office,Mcee's or Stodleiss Neastand, or list ii. besidles tIe lit'l plruopristors at with Business Mlanager. Suberibers will con- Per a asor by reporting promptly at this l1i'iiioi'e, have psromiised sulls.'clls office any failure oP carriers so deliver paper. i, Esery junior should attend thic class Liit'5veryonie it'ri'tinibicy'cling, mieeting this safter'nooni. The ad~age- ss'ltiier iastuideiit orcitizt'n, issiieostl { an ounce of preventlion is ssorth asandsieltithue goodi 'ause alousy. phound1 of core' is a littles'lldy, hilt Ypsilanti Studonts. it appliletss'ery' stll here,.fTeAnintial TeTnvisy:soitinol~ Ball trouible can be settledi helter n11(155'. . inlit s strioiorgniatfMiii before lparity'ansimosity and factisonal c onalisi 'iiergncos lus t isrecently Pistilformted., The spiritihav'e dev'esllopdtha tca iaiisofthtit'assciatlion ls 10 fosteri' fewv sveks or mnths later. kidyfeigbtenhe nvrsy andI the liSate'-Normaisl anet to ec'oui- The es-Norinal stuldent' pllan for intelrestitng prosplectiv'e stuldents is aaeNoI - tst pru avne sloshIes ini theI'lnis'rsiiv A ii'i'iing' good one and contiains an idea that shold e arredfarhe. Te tu-isheld stit's'a sis't iifori'soil and 11101110, be s'msrripo'etLifdirtiisrintindsdli dents from escry city ins'thestt'iiri'lli105 iiiiisit'Ilsli thie lnsar fuiti'e to iii'iv iitehestiudents should form ain orgalniationl to see thlat IHigh Sciso tuiidents mre keplt Oftheii'Slate Noriial t10 hake a eli,-1t infomedcoics'iiig' hitt'nveril to theliii'lisersity of -Michilgais s'hs'i infrme cncenin he nivrsiysf-tesisitors willfit' tnt'rtineldlibyte ltichigan anld that ithey'are' siismmsr- i-,iaon aged to come heri'. A, coninslius'' IsiaIsb'ein appointeliisl ti cter -iws'ilili e port1gradteilts155- The- details of the'Chiciago ganic cistion aitX'psilanii. Thsere lire 11iotiii hlav't teenlvery ss'ell sarr'anged., The 50 iNoroilies Ill liii-ttnive'rsits'. difficulty over se-iss that ws c x' Locations of Alumni; pecrienceed last y'sar sill be obv ited A es ite -,( a 'nhv by this years11100n111(1the raite of Atcatdini siicin oil Thes' 11111in51is' $5:'00 offered is s'ery retistilalile, 19' a list ssitli addresses: lie-csictory over -Northisestern, lChi- 1.51. iAltillulilit',:1ts 'Title' an11.1Trus; sago has brightenled her liiliecs antd lBuilediiig It, S. Hstssemmsssp,1020th'ntlls'r tf aim widlllundloubte'sly hltlut a strong (eislre gaime uagainstf us. Es'ery'studsenitsiho D, t ('in ese,4l0 u.ili O possibly canshsotild see the g5)tiiit P."A. Harper, 125W., 11" A, S. lHopkiiis, 40.)Atsvoodsl Hdg. Special Train for Thanksgiving. AV., V.Kerir, .Maruettce HBld'. -f20 anbIscueIte-Mchg 12 H . Nuethirop, t(ttei'mtHoses-Bldgy. St 2)10taobe ecired he titiga 1. C. Linidley, 815 iHomelne is.Bldg., Central 1t. It. ssill runaisl special tx- W'usu, Sannliharilt, 001 Sehiller Bld:;, cllrstioi train frolil Ann Al-bor to Ciii- R. ,.12,"MtDoinald, 414-36 LaSaile st. calgo for the Thanksgiving Day gamie. . 1Melkin, 707-218 LaSalle s7, The trails wil11lease at J a. 115, stland-l'M" T.' Rossenblalumi,517lHolmeIns, adlne WendaNv25 11,Bldg. arctme.Wenesay No. , ad . . (,Slauel-,'10 First Nat. Bank Bldg. swill arrive iln Chicago at 3:30 Ip. in.1.,herwvilliger, jt.. 1211 Fort Dear. tRegistration blanlks ran he securred by hurns Bldg. Tnesday front any lmember offite 0. L.Spanlding, -4th Floor Htine Ins. Athletic Board, Sheehian's and Wahrs Bldg. and the \t. C. depot. Flare $5.00 for ~~ Wharton, 611-167 Dearborn 5t. round trip good on all trains retnrninig np to and inclndilng Monday night. WANTED-Plain and general sow- Nov. 30 WARID HUGHES, Mingr. ing at 47 S. Fifth avenue. 1' Iwicsh meashe tote at Ot15ti, sut higher grades otter cloth. lining, should ers sattin lined, A hone tailor made garment in every respect. DEARBORN & CON, ...Gents' Furnishers and Hatters .. 44 South State St.,. -Ann Arbor.- and see THE NOBBIEST SHIRTS th-at ever came down the pike. Shioes Shined Free.- - - - - - ---Shoes Shined Free.. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT T Lntm SCCZ -0S 0---- Leland T. Powers_________ Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra_________ Charles A. Dana-------- ----_ _- Ex-PresidentHarsn-------- Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicago Alumni Number) - ImperialQure Oratorical Contest______________ Lucius PerryHil John KendrickBag Nov. 30 --Dec. 11 -- Jan. 21 Feb. 1 -Feb. 12 March 12 March 13 _April 2 - April 13 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS ",-2.00 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS :?50 SINGLE ADMISSION .50 Harrisons Numbher $1.00 Oratorical Contest .255 TICKETS NOW ON SALE-Reserved ticketn on sale Thursday,OcL 58th, at -aimrel drug store, State street, and IWahrs book store. Main sareeL. JAMES H. PRIUITT, Corresponding Secretary.