THE UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIGAN DNILY. GREAT UNDERWEAR SALE TANDEM Tandem TICFIIS W EK for rent at reasonale rates BA RG A IN $20 Garm11es-----------------------------$1.58M5SA BLR X1.50 and1 $.75 Garments -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- --119 Cycle Emporim One door East of Amer- v 1OGarments .----------------------------- -76 Can House 'a esmea ou wolda 'tiL 50 ++ Sc Garmnents--------------------------------50 PATRONIZE OLMES' LIVERY iyou bought it new from on or at There re great Bargains as all of our Underwear is marked cheap at and get the bet service. I the factory, that we can sell at ena rcs 0 r Office and Stable, 32 Forest $> . ihutla.D. A. TINKER ® SON Ave. Telephone 106. i t in all right andswe will warrant it to take good pictures No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. Branchn Office at Palmers' Pharmacy Our warrant always means money______ THE ANN ARBOR SAINGS BANK . ak if you want it. i ~wiw - aaoo~ac.oooaao Wnniendn receip Capital Stok, $00100. Surplus, 10,000. _____YnOnoat.. a amp oug nResources. t1,l00,t00. , d " ~~~~~~~~~~~~any add es. ircsl + Ognieu rteGnrlbnigL w 6 0 Hound, a; iuar. of thin Itae.unertei e eraltsbutigan 1 mtr poand. 40 e.Stt.teerndooubyad C/or IVSy a- HAMACrnPsteaicnsalueatomt " sellu echnge on the pincipal cities of the 5IsU.rOsRUG, in a United 1State. Drafts cashed po proper r tetNew d rk Identiication. Safety depouit boos to rent. dq bOrren: Christian Mak Prs.; W. . Sua~~v~asaa aama6 . xo~saeasv Hy ' ! arriman, vice-Pres.; Chu1E. Hicock, Cahier;: i. i. Frit Asiststan Cshier. THE "'MOST EXCEILLENT" FIRST NATIONAL BANK fAnnaro Chocolates .and Bon Bons iCapital, $100,000. Srpusn and Protus, $0,000 ouAT--q . Tranact a general banking business. 'MiN~O WMForein rchange bought and sold. Furnish .ytq VV .tlA/ MMItter of credit. angsterer 'sO R W N O E. I11. INNE, Pres. IARSON 00OULE, vice ps Only pslace i city wieceeyou can get them. .A' T ' 'YT SH IRTU' \VW CLABKSON, Cshie Also J. C. Kuhn's Detroit Disse You .Buy a I AAA C H H 111 Confectioniery sand Rochester ~F T. Grs CtscStste Stret Tior. Latest and ou an avotidechoce f oer tyesHret Gos inside Prices. Wrdo ratdy Work1s. an } eivlt iIV he ht~i f rer y tii our hie. leanin, re esine andsceparn11t lesrt prices consistestswit "DEL CIOU " ed work. Goods calid for asd dlsvered ChIocotes asnd DotsBon,. 5 0 0 TIES IFOF 5 0 0., to plrase 20S State Stet Gis °OR. FOURTH AND WAHNGTON STS., Lowney's Chocolates. AND NO.26 SOUTH STATE ST. \NJ NIBIR & O0 0 Hot Lunches. TMen's Furnishings 21 South Matn St. gIaS9IIEYE L S. 48 S. State St. THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, UNVESITANTEBOOad fKS'rk itsa fsrsishyou swithafss cls IseFounta5 in uis is i-i' isosei l' 'lt' Wllss iisss in s s L . Pn.eess asdkinssepscoisngissercisnty'.111 illrtilPou 4 i ont~ pudynclyntron ---GIVE H'IM> A CALL. lsssilts'' t iiss .st4fciiil ieii cirts-Iftiilis Btyl yosscantoaffosd for _____________________________ i n h lis 51 ltoctsist. wils 'Sei so , ill h' 1p111 hen has pesetnt and futsure ue at or ---pc~r~et nost gl Normal al l- sssisllis !tIs sft'l- lusts i er t'lls isiOleailt ifadtill ImlstLow~7est Prices i Tca.N v1:,a 5]iI.. 1u5e7,0}1 Pesdet1ng ll, i at.os s 51151W1 ,shalllll e here for a few 13errym ar'vi dsisy. sinl1y. ...'..cs1.ii.Ali issl i. . siedth pi l, cips nly............ 6 E. Huron Street.) Iii;;, su iwsisa iinei o Is to .slolf ' ii'ii itissiuln in iitis ltislss'sleCi llaghan & Col " ..r~itoxi "1 -i fbi lss'ol isss i sLAW PULISHERS, CHICAGO. 'cil lnsl. Ilstcolstssssi 1 511551. ll.10'l1FOR~ 0 At Schleeee's 50 South State st. Ifu uks, Valiss, Ress Suit Cases55 ls l ~s~'i ~s ssels ss ;Ijlocslltsfew s'smls's el i olj = .Ii~;slCHAFING DISH ES, AND 'I) 1 t o- <>1i t'ot. Dhliec Wilcsssossf I ,iisssi- t rl aiv ndr ed laprrl Tronks OI sI55 csl o . 'sl'5' 0 ss iyts l~i5 011 ul'Iso TABLE KETTLES. Chscap~ly, Ne illssMiss t. ons' iitcl rofisl. IIissiln o 5 c ss n st lCI'lti's.'' ils Snyerti'listn aln,-nn ise sss O U Z ! iolni ii' 1is'tisiltlliish a s dl s lil il earer' it51 lsc' il lll Ie c s,'is ils 11 V M.AH OL ea p.E ELR Hone you sen tinise tisihy N'wcVtk ciy. illns i $Mlsiislssyo $0 Is, Is ____________,_ Suits Miwrd is turnng out. Te 'hise txos-s s k isi'nsgrl'ls slisge ansliI-sslsatsii5 lI. li., aso.ItliltheiiIFREDERICK J. SCHEEDE MILWVARD 40 State St. holss it so thid annualsss s'sllsrassll m si'fssaced w1is,'Ioosrk $1 sudsiisat11 4t. 11..I UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY, _______________________________________ Motherls'is 11, dl s-sI Issis r. Nv. 11 121 sissl 'I't,ssltsis l'd ' ittoslys sat -0 15- indu Beebe fre Iluel tspssl. RaNTnd t 5 131, 15 Iin sC lnra , to i iotls I s s iss 51 f1flusl' iss',s -''siselv lbad Sells Slis Goli Pessts nis rsfor 100, ands I3.I1 'C OHI. R, g rr ( tI-3lsaof LselPpc lerorlcrnst, PHOTOCPSi.PH ER si"15 - .luhlOll'-s .l-st 0,1 s' 51Teii 1111 s .50 S. STATE ST. ANN ARBOR. MICH hel iing111to11chitisd. A'ssossisflit,' U, OF M. CALENDAR M.~ 1M. ARTIN, IFneral Orctor, Cloth iTliiIloilulsi 15 lsp1000 -i~ 151 ,, aNt-. 9, Alol'is 1 itld. 11 1 I S 7I D O '. and Moetalic Caskets a d PFiso rade sc ,fa Iilsi(lsoiProe.f.l'tlJohn-s 'iDiss iiw icctyhlo C1rof1.PAN ANentPSIIO Clolins. Embalmig aSp jesialty. No. 17 . vs 95 i th ino c ~ fuhal PAO NDCM SION $5'o thoare. 1, sss.l ist e . hisrank I 1110un 115l'ls lhhshlit. r, 'Id" s.j Prot. I 'siiiiiI'ssdy. Ius. Fili iiss s c 'hs,'lsss, Nso-.i. , l'itits's l -1 ~ - X~. a . l POLITICAL ECONOMiY' irofessor hitoOcstanChrlUinFrmSugrtosevoyGmn, AsI ill' ls umay be contstslted 1 in omJ,ikeror ht1)e. nt o h cus.22 . DIVISION ST. 'Tapp~an Hll, eser52' aftershoonlaat 3 'h'his 1 'odNotsh14,i'AthleticII, 'sirs- tsclck ltedpatm ntinene- ritig he l i i n',sv. s. 14li. .1il's '-'s EINGLISH: sStudests desiring to hiswolecluursoin tboeok.fsrsmsand11 ihsvess-Gocre, . roi -,osuletwithn profesor essinosswil thiesssfisorsle is wtotlilslfsssssi,i A ANi'Dla-'sii aisil sues'sscs'.i t1- anti all kindn of Sanitariuno 'int hism inlRoom 10,'. 1H., at 4 p. in., lihi laws-s osill le expece'dlIssake iks a 7S.Ffh:n re F osf- aeb Glaily. sotsoin hic lecurs' a s i'e101c. Subscribe fos' te Ossiy', S.tirnsorl. & by o. Priof. cLatghiiiuwill be in Rtoomt 2, 24 S. STATE ST. T. It., from 11143 to 12:30G daily, for T /( K That have perfect combustion and do not ,o-nslttion relative to work in Asier- M s..V. f moke or smells lutineceied a Lage and Elgant leans History. 'rho New Rochester, Tihe-ale, The New Royal The Perfec- Line of New Pipes? 20 S.Ingals st.One ingleroom ion Suden, ThePrincss Stdent TheHmptesiSdudntdllsHusahas'd Luchesa ie hurA.enens 20 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o S.Ighss-n igeroilonSuesTePic tdnTieEors tdnalfr5,yhr's ad illiams asd Worers Co' ligted, 45ce, nickel plated with latest improvements. We sell what we ad- Chocolste BoaBoss. orrent-Two suites wihs biat and vertise asdesarantee quality of goods std are never undersold. R. 20 J L l05.SaeS. ae tc . bath. 23 Thompson t. oS.SttANt, a&r lok Subscribe for the Daily. 4480 nth Main Street. Susrb for the Daily