THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. BARGAIN0 F We have a No. 2 Kodak, josh like inew, same as you would pay $320 0 ifyou bought itonw from us or at 0 4 he factory, that wo can sell at y 01I7.50 swithout lood. It is ol rightsund wecwill warrant WE3RCECA - TtILORZNC I TANDEMft. $25.00 Suit for s$1.00 Ci(SCombination ane Stye, ualtyandFitGuaaneed Cyle.VLSTAEBLER, Styl, Qulit andFitGuarnted. CcleEmporium. O door East of Ameri- cas House. D. A. TINKER & 0SON, PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY Hatters, Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailors, and get tihe best service. Youtnan's flats, Rislop Hats anti Waterhouse Neckwear. Office and Stable, 32 Forest No. 8 South Main Street, - - - Ainn Arbor, Mich. Ave. Telephone 106. IBranch Office at Pahsseru' Pharmacy our warrant always meas mosey U. :! back if you want it. SCALKINS' -.- PHARMACY, WOTZKE MAKES TO ODER WOMEN and MEN'S =easy Fittitig Shsoes in all the Latest Styles. Bust Place for Repairing -43 S. Main St. - Upstairs. THE 'MOST E'XCELLENT" Chocolates aed Bon Bons -AT-- anstrfr' Only pilace is city cherer you can nct them. Also J. C. Kuhii's :Detroit Fine Confectionery aiid Rochester ('andy Works. . . DELICI OUS " C'hoscolatcs oand on lions. OR. FOURTH AND WARHINGTON ST'S., AND NO. 26 SOUTH STATE ST. EK ayEaS, THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, °nfrnish you withs a first-clas Fountain Ilen. eonand lust sepairn a specialty. --GIVE IMI A CA LL. :PHOTOGRAPHS ---Special rates IosSeniors at Iferryman.'s 6 E. Huron Street. A nton Teufel, IcuAs, Valises, Dress Suit Cas AND TELESCOPKS. 'Franks and Valise~s Repaired Neatly and Cheaply. No. 5r S. Mainstu. 'Your Tailor! Have you seen those nobb y Suts Milward ts turning ont. MILWARD 40 State St. RENTSCHLER, PHO0TOCRA6PHZZR! AN X ARBOR. MICH. Suibseribe for the Daily. Wewill sndon receipt ofs1unOtis. a sampleit ®Uany addres.i. cs:'. roi56 p srSsrtrpond, 40 en. V SURBRtUG, liao We are imoporters of Fine Wooleis. Mlany eclulsive ovIieltioSstof English, Scott-nl 111ternian makeNvo callshiow yu. Rongali eflec' s for Overcoats are ve-ry stylish. WTAAGNER & CO., Tailors 21 South Main 'Street. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50.000. Surplus, $100,000. Reosources, $1,100,000. Organized under the General Bushing Lawn of this State. Rleceives deposits, boys and sells eschange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper Identification. Safety deposit bsxes to rent. OrrICES: Christian Mack Fees.; W. D. Htarriman, Vice-Pros.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier;:01. .. Frito Assiseant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BA Krno i ro Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $400000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Furnish letters of credie. F. 1). IKINNE, Pros. HARRIISON SOULK, Vice Pros. S. W. CIARKSON. Cashier. F. 1. CLEN, the State Street Tailor. Latest Styles. Host Goods Inside Pricers. We do every thing in or lise. leaning, prossing and repaying at lowest prices consistent sith good work. Goods rolled for asd delivered. We seek to piease. 20 S. State Street. Give usea cail. Lowney's Chocolates. H~ot Luinches. JN IVEI-OSITY NOTES. Itle ic-; ni lilcs-Wers- "I!N' 311 -1 I os '1110;{-luSt Di. tL. Stuart. '9G, isias-ei l aiiiele;;li liilli-s''iiii' 1 TUJ11' 1'E'S.48 S Sae1t istruccr .1't1'iti UTIlE (lIIA ND GPEPAtiout~it". 'T'he mat trofint ilh1117lacy l5;-' Oncof teeges-sleol droair it se- L.AW B60 0K S tu~sis Iciig esssis of last sea~son INis thal of (is S. ' iihod 1s;r ii urSkiiii' ii "tsiii'i'''treeiii~. ~I Buty all yout ran afford for The . C X.,A ll oldI scia I'' Sknne in"llmle.,''thre ate in present and futoro use at our oseot~ei'sl~bbyi'5-'ii;117theiiplst ;hs';idi- e;' ieniiiiliYactors ~ seeninth isl h astn:;lgrole, ,11411Lowe~s~t £'r.0Os T All Iudisions itl i llss bl 17 be glii;'liiin 1111 11110131111ill 1111r , ilie formedini'heRlii-ture. e shsall he hero for a few "oii'ilili'iii.flr. iu~ r;1 si-is-lllii days only........ ''hie reail o o 1og 'i ll l ii- I l -i;31r u itj andl is; ini;;111iso la s e 11110i I. .'. A. is lss-oiii ll iiiioi;r. Sksiintii tiiiilssliiciiitheimaleocif the C allaglhani& Co., 111 lliil ll~l~iiiill li ftl etily- iin the opinion fi l i li'(' aissl LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. lr r