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November 09, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-09

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N ~ E A It 'ir ._!t_'
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AtlYapti1 4it G~~
GatrnIMx 1I1 (1 t r1l K
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G.Ync l A:'., tl /r
RAjTThe '1 44 1 intn l&ar is ,ooono To-
RAILROAD, ldo ando Ln'nott
4..I . im It I' It ~ ~To Oli Drwin oon a r Lino ewe
'1 ""'Toed, C ittbn. ond Charlsto,.
Ati liii En Ai0nPtto(til dl I only 1 1 1 iiitt I it itIV.SVa.
ic . ' ci sut I nr t " il l" oC 'eli'flr~ " 'Pullm n iorbtto ltinooo tnmnload
WA 00 I.ai AL i7 .c. (31PulA It in I)Agnt (ipi r:to 1fntone. 19 r. 6' ~n a . ]
W. 1, tENNET G P, T 7 o~eiu . THE ONLY LEitt nit tt Ornotrentfry doily
iliii{ I - Ii i t1e t A Put tl fit i tinItic l cthe Pa ieretnctrn !1oc " n, Onot ~ta ac0nd
Time Table, Play17, 18960.C.r F D,19 4 .Unvrit v. THEONLY zLNE otlltttr n, W, Vyda.
nc11.00 a.tni.; 1 4xC2tfo 3.:r o t00 It4t t.Slt TU OLT DIEtT I 415 . n in 110 Toled
andliiln n;I~tt~tt ot 00,0 a, Il __________and te4' s P u
and 015, Im 0.THE POL i1 .r0V1150 a siTold o oto-
ILcavt AntiAtior Jinctio tt00 t:ti niu ~ nya r nda las
17.30 a. 0m.;1:illi2:3400, :'7:1, lXottad lT y u r VPerfu m es !cllli'n
10:4 " . ~~iFl tino (tino c i 1110o
SUNDAY TItlin .Dotring, t. wilir. i'tttit~ly fonit d y ay
Leave Ypi' ini fro Cogrssi t.,3 44 3:0 'e have a very flue line0of Perfumes whicih Agtof te l iito nt ine,
and ~t 01"JnnitoiO~NJO we will be glad to chow ou.MOLO 0U40P.A
LaeAcn Artor ucin204003,y¢__ TOLEDO, OHIO
Car tnonitytiime lait si -etiii _________________17_E.__________n
cents;round trip tckets 451ent' M1ury-tI'1'y s D l Igy' to ( 17, For.4tA ve'tno~.I
WOtid I anioon Sunt; I ~(t~4u t.Grand Opera House.
THE KINDERGARDEN B!LLIARD HALL (Cnommcuniaion. fi lntit''itil(1' l1y ilit ~eote.il OENGOTO l
otdil~ct fnit ~t'in 1 4) in 1 4tp oill4114 blgt'. 1 enr Monday, NOX. 9
R~ L O D TICKE~T B O E S 1 af 1t~ 1 talt n(il il inhttt I 1111 t o a ii t -
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In'N 1111 Ititci l( 11e1i it ff O tiV11ps ilit i .a Alt/010000
I 1no iih tIt hlo.t are llt l I" .url. illW il re nth s r
We l o 'tn wi i t ' t rait ri- I tist 3olt eiitrt 11 clii rI It L$l00;
It It' ttlitti' IIet1lbefoite bt'nen il lil p, 1'n ick.l ena t ttS r nalt 4m ; o 0ice
g g t'tlttit'ett ' lllo N httltI.cIzs iocanttiegni1Anpec
'1141 1i'thI t ea t it' itts t~y i ci O
11',ll y 'fn'Soo Inrnfy' totrcc"RR H!onnt ill ttc tt ta s a fiLnenl
FH ayI1- o i 1le ''I it t 11111 tlit ttlt i't i l < ltst n to],t'1i'lig ;'t Ill)nt'it lli litel l An tanttdLuitiinc l( i t ik
tin Sjoittig nkiot ttltnll stltc 1 riIoil I tftIlt'.1P1tt'.'BAYtSTATE100
'nYr. Cian, Florp~a it11t w vn itt111 1it tillidt nit, 'P19' 41 T h4 t e eiieitlaoco1ntdttttCafel a
ii, ite'appicitti1fortottnntt'ntciloc'tttinnit
tidflt 0 l 1 11111 't te~l Ill 'I .111S.JION C.e 1. A ytb' n e Ceaon
'ntt'slongloeIlono, It i l,11 t inll t 1siili tettulitilto Ir-l -tlI per eeka tl Ia. t~,ir el O2 ,', u ~ t+E o.
.4.0 s'G ' ta l t lit itl lot iitt l(1"1 tllt Ii :111tal o S n ayIinIt itf a :3 ',d
(bil t he astici n i t i ll 'tllonelltc itjlta t-tt Fne Ord
Oni tatltiti i(501't50C1.t' 1.-n itn
Youlun olch insit®o UETea ec nnX 'S
U. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I is.1AVN ntnonhntclt. 'l in iNew Licnk Cufftstinedin
Im otdoNontsiccgc.L dts r t e (tdzill l iyloiil'c n a11 c11lln li.prhseth etyu -nywl fod
ci Ot . i koir dflla bensiln(ge tonoei.Staetlktrtlet p.'irnestnt'tha.otop
Evitering fotrtilt Daily. R- otkets IChicgd 2. -e 40i'1a1ll Aror, M'lint. I A ueT l~lenti D OR.tisth
eolga soito.CmlteOt- ni-iid n Jlth Cralh4lle flit ila ~s oliV 01pAlie .Gon 4nd Ie in; 0.ei
tomeo..ullbyndliinter ild C> 1111. " ChId - 1,1g1,111c
SHirE EHAN & CO"' in~i . lke-h io C1 . ' lOXI' ,E--NOM: rfesr ST,,W A TE STt

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