gIJE I ~I! A.3Waiv. I t.VOL. VII. No. 34. ANN ARBOR, MICHIAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 189. Four PAGES-3 CENTS. o (Jj)D~ Leading Tailor AND IMPORTER. FULL OWLS SUITS A SPECIALTY, NO,. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST,- NEAR MAIN. 0 IF YOU LOST $ * an Election bet, better0 * let us supply your Cigars or Candy. PALMER'S PHARMACY. 0 46 S.ISTATE ST) GREAT SIHOE SALE 1Tiltauray, Nov. 7.w-'eill akeslothe fel- Islowigeur inprie. Nothim 511111up in price, bat the reductioen somde froumathe original pricc. Our Footwear isreliable: 5-00 Shuet for------------5.10 $5.50 Shoes fo,-------------- - - - 4.67 $5.0) Shoeet for- - - ----------------4.25 44.50Shoes for- - - ------------------38 $1.511 Shoeetfor --------- 3.(0 $3..55 Shoes for-- -- -- - --- --- - -- - - 2.98 '1.00 Shoes foe- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - 2.55 82. S Shoes for--- --- -- -- - -- --2.12 Salet caomece 1ThuayOct11291 JACOBS &AILMAND, Wa shinugton1Blk.,Washbington st. EVERY STUIDENTr SHOULD- REGISTERZ -AT- 13row n's flrug Stare. It costs yeaunothin,. -Do not teglect it. Corner of 11 ao and iiHuronasts. Co-Ed. TandCem... Fowler Combination. Lady Sits Bebind. For 11ent By TUCKER & COO gFIFTH AVE. UNIVERSITY SCHOOLI WE ARE [CHAMPIONS STILL. Communication. PLAYED AN EVEN GAME. If the ileily could 110(1 tile beauqls- Michigan Gave Minnesota Her t olublishl eacht week ofRI-el Slate- Hig-h School and Century Class IFirst Defeat. 11101170 is 10o1111eeonditionl an11 11r111- Fail to Score. 11utionloOf 1111' Alllelctic ssociton1)1it- InI Whi1111,0000perhapls 1110 lll-de-1(00111(1 111, 11 cf are end 0vely bern i'The AII-Freshluall 1111)AutoArbor end best bcole thle Wettseer s-cr (ill11 l(t on)Ill 5 15iI t 7'iltiel. 11101 hSrcthlhl lyedl a pretty tie 5111110 seen MiclllganlA01011fromllIeIlld 1111-(el 11 is llldecesteellb)11eey-1 '2fewsow01-at thle athletic tFiell Saturday, Ineiher S~illleelelul 11- 50Ilel~g1110 111-11111-11 l1111107-it takes to c1010 el tt'- 0101 scoill't17 doubltedly lmaintaline~d 1111rposition11110slltcs -o1 1111ys0r1.