THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICRIGAN DAILY. o~f toieosfrt enitis that adm tlt A GO OD soebeAS1e't t #f iiei andfaikestudent rotoleitnt'- poti". eti'of teDetroti iescour will', ill(, itt'ju y ' itioe ity. eranlt'ste k'blished Daily (Sndays eceptet) during tt'to b le ii~ttiecl tha il1tt' ltiet'rouity >> _lollb op qoalit. 'Iire feet i-tn't the Clet year, at siali be kept befoe the ittilit. I/ oti inyltitg else. Ptieeeholdl be TH UIVRIT O MCIGNletlo a5c c tokLop the shoe a Within THtiESIYOF bCH eN Dissertations in Latin 3. I\ K4 bOllents. Yu won't ftcit our slier oDriEeae 'rietes builing, 7t S. Tain St. s({ pa I tetes, bt thiey wlIm11stoke ue feel ((" tuntt'itltti eotit rdtltt)tit .ITt pilese T here littl e it oni rewtt' xOLASI.TN EDITOR It hi~ like hodd elots. cote I to 1 t.4and tot ti-tty_ ttstty.-tttg- ask~ ootttl th iat you eoniwer ytuislf, iiDO7INI 7YS ,LANAI EI5 litle e. L/ef. is'td of thishoe wetirin ytttl foot. I. ii.HAO S ''ta.'1 toi hotitIt tt 1:> Al liy, Miso7\1'1:1,T. G .VTNER No nS. t~rie ia St., B0 . , ite t-n s', ,'s. . S i . tO. Oetiaes.'10L. It llia O . M llillt'iD. t . I F. il.Ltoos, tW. . I ott it', '5. Il'ltt'ltitt it I lee' s.; ('.1ac1'tS. A NOW Line of Gof Suits at$1 .0 ti. A. UhaNe's, ItAthete Eitor. I'ito;;, let. .$1 0 . [S'OIAT ERoITiiS litl tttt llgon-tli. Ella ~iExclusive Patterns. W. W . utiotes, .1t., S. CA'.S n' 17 talt l it tee. 5 WV I. OAlitt. lttler Lteottt'0, c)t' t I______ ___ __ tlo Ii. Alestl, I(%1. Fancy Icotch Imported Thtetsrition pie o te D yt 0 ~ a'ltcit t itttt tt t t Wool Knicker 'Novelties lee the titegearetetewit toacc-tt,re dsttwty it cl''tt;Sll. li't I before nuter tct Ory tt . Nttttnees~rl Stc. e tions,, and t tIIetttter iut teiei fote tatil. 'I ttttti Itttt'ttC m l 'oe t'. ty 11d0 B se tioetmstttetLaudedtin athe1L ilty odicPre- t.I lilsC ekad fetie tt., m or matteto tttiee trtlrboe : t 1 1 1 lett, Ital. 5. I .aiis Ch ck d nt p rn, o th da ptciots 10 tat O Wheh ++ Plain Clrs. theytrt ropeted o apetr. 1101111 Aittttio i 1 itt'e P ttttattt ltsF 1t Iul r o) -Ili oos Suecriptont may Ite Left 1ti Thtt' itt ty Alic 1 itittti.Itilt. A. Offie, Meyres or Stotaet N s tt otot r1 elec ,is tet withBt ntes Aanaer. Sttttrbei c'. ostl-t IiT he ototttiltt0 tas Ia sitit io p ClIl~l tll f!M500' 75C $100 AND fer a favor by reportinto ronstly t ti fieayftueo rlr~ eie pt'.111ts n '1't,- c ll1 ) rie, l , ,1.. ,lte officetoany-a lur t ary ss et itcrpe d o t. Ittl tw llttet. l et'tltit 11,t il. ~fit' . ^ td >' t el toil Ito tittn Attiesetit 'tts, Elelti A u Yi V4 + Coinditioit. lielgleifrtm a stii rI-ctt'ord't Dv'. ii 1 i c t tc etoo v b oat 1 m1uchtlito fetie bute o'tlo i i sI at tor f 1 ttittsiiLatwto it lit' ~ n everiteD esolt Tithe eiit' oul d b"litilir PiltC.ll Ma t, La , l . line' os i glt' ecep'ition po itseoel- isit' tto ' a dlt. ltuieA' oftesit'i' nliiQ the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a LA'inielttJus'tlnianGens'Curnsherean Hater lugArtn. ti e I1 0 titt i . Hell, 1 It2 . 13-.-j ~ T h e ' t oil'tlT ituneo O leilsttu t s. Alto'sdIlls'lI7tlro'l - t ti A nanA r. m olit sleed e o uoe it end r lc i gAl. uctd -l li e o f iS. a s z ti lt ER B lur in iattt ettcil ita tsIti t iOf-ih Iond ttotthe[ e (l A ittc.Al 'o A tet ittan . . and, see eis il y(fedcbttro I e tir itle oIt o llttt hh liii. 2 11. irrc ~t'etiicumtheterltilntlSa '~turay een- li ttttt,a. is Pt.l ViI c'c.I I 21 . 'NTents' u"rnishrs a d Ha t Ters . C ai. At ile sttotht' ail inti g1oe. ' llt Se te Re ft-out rio d. i ii t a v r c m d w h ie tictn'wo~ uld leattheit onlig ht 01 s ot irnl'mht'hg, hiss FHao BPte-ie. _South mStaterS., iOEJnnE Arbor, lie tetsfi'. t'the L oftc .lit' edit' tintI an. 1t. liehianmoeitfr om t his t'cllg (ttto tif hoios Itiss atal. 11.nd see qut er t Oe tfolt i' lhesvituiil o'end tiiitlect'y..1 ii. 20 . - 'tel btofilti5 F lhttitic _tiau ttierti PAu Nft esercethlel' i'etobtleitizen-t e' eyudal 'lit' htiissLi btte ese ho Tanieit . , tinotcoket ndI P100 otthem-tletiitt tgena- hei.lii.Ctao2b10. ~ : le ladT o es--------------- o .3 liotr n f isTgusTieportle', 'toos IttittiiEyitltJ a ls. Itie'A''e- otnL de'S mpoyOceta-------- e.1 nt t tdtthe itmi., iitlpsofiie on ttitu -Th rav sfrmAcetR altat vrcmed w tepi . iht h L=rbussaenns u tt i'Oiil'll \o l Ial, ('ii ,rt' .tue- C alsA Daa --------------- Jn.2 ('ietofAelciruniofii c-Icith ;a. E-rsdetHrisn--- - - --------Fb li-ot (oeg fPekh tY. AAc ile,'l' igh n ot ihoeiiei(, aiee 'y S yrncPii t X- uh rL f il, (ChicNAgoA~N N N CbE M ENT--- F b.1 te't't'r I lilat ne aore s tne s oe ilir'I'.G. tut.ioi.I peilQ att--------------- M rh1 Ucati studfo'oeniaetiees010-tog CassltiofARou's eline, Prof . e, OaoialCnet----------------Mrh1 yie lin thr endr oultenot' lo ito'toiitiAis d~li~ 'haltcrLuciusnPerrytuhills---h--------------------h-----Aprl.l22 thatevednic nt the ert ile T,--- ai nkTeritJant2) eaindnel T. Alo (P.ooweeu ric sB n--- ----- --------------------A rl1 eish 'tlo ee eoith ita o int r Alt-Ilia. G NNAov.iSIO 3ET0 not tofletth ' t dies lretefre Wsih iteta Eetin, 1s AIlis IloR itR S R E E T I K T , 'b-nd.b tohae tudeave bl e ro it Iof Ti nE duTi at on, Charlest E.oni r, Aii reso.sD na -- - r- --- --- --Nu -- --ber--.---Jaee2 Aaaa. Barneinneeddf he De w iht F b.r.Ex Pr si enlHrrso -- -- C- ---- --e - --t---.2Fe . tloCleieofie iLw.toeoare citrg. ie eaa Aa oe alS, yls htt r ui tICe TS La WOn lsALE-ResergedAlicktsniaume r)-enaocI,- l,_atPle r's awath atsoulet the sdenbe lhavehis E .Blayhel ,i) jmdregsitaQ tetl ___andWae'sbok__slnre,__aln street. dan.lce atd withknasthasuge Ttoatanue Thrd Page.) JAMESLciu. PerryTTllCorresponding Sec Aretary