THE UNI'VERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. AIGHIGAN GENT ® ® ®®® ®®Ao®®o®®o ®®® ®o Tine Table(Revised) Sept. 27, 1896. * CAN YOU FEEL YOUR COLLAR AST. WEST.AM' PRESSING YOUR NECK MaladEx-1-347 NY. Special_-- 7,5 I FORWARD? THIS ONE WON'T.> -m N. Y. Specl ----4,18 Mail ------- i IT'S MA E NOT °TO. Eastern Ex -___15 17 N. S. iied -95 35 Atlantic Ex__-7:35P ic 115 * Paii x--- 2115DN.Epes --5 0 WMesn IfxE -1 5 G.ER. Exprecs--11 (5 Chi. Nt.Ex---9i0 0. W. RUSOLFS, .HW. HAY1ES 0> G. P.& T. AgE., Chicago. Agi Ass Arbor RAILROAD. 0 Time Tabie, Oct.'27, 1896. :0 NSSTONTHE MAR NORTHi. I SOUTH.5 7:3 a mITSA am.G UARAN TEE. , ~?~A> 4:60 p. as 8:«2 p. m., ,,, ,o,,,eo,...@*0 @0 @@**0 *RuanSbctweenaAnn Arbor acd ToledoSonly, ___________________________________ All teains daily excepi Sunda. ITWe LUC( SY I liVE ofite 1" outan 4 E. SG1i I 1 c 1c Agent Son edr s Io heGEOS. PA KE c aoPe W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Tledo 0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY. , i collyl icoS~iSI:lcfi~yli~cc Time Table, May 171896 S'n CLsai::y, :at ic \O %io. J .F~3,'9 7S nvriyAe Leave YpsilantI icmSUlgreesti., 6:30. 8-00:3 C.F E D 9,47 .UiertyA . and 11:00a. m,; 12:45,2:00, 3:30,5:00, 0:45, S-30 and 0:5p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Janction, 7:00, 8:30 aadTr Ou Pef m s (1:30 a. m.; 1:15, 2:30, 4:00, 5:30 7:35, 9:00 and04 p.m 104 ~.SUNDAY TIME. T y~u efm s Leave Yp.silannOfrem Congresnt.,1:3354:3, We have a very flueeline of Per-fumes which 5.00,06:30 and 0:00 p. as. Leave Ann Arber Junctien, :0,4:00,5:30, we will be glad to show you. 7:00 and 9:30 p.m. Casrun on ctytime n ae ingie tripSO - 15,.,, ...,,17 E. Washington, - THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL '99 Defeats High School. 0:-is-i:. I leislimo::. \1::rli:: :11: '::. . ii::: li i: the :econd1 lii :i-o850-g3a11e RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS , a s ile thltic:2i ld,-t t 1i 1- ie jdsvo: :11 it the0f1el,bewn Wholesale Cigars, 'tobaccos and "1i : 1 118011115 l:1(: 'As You Like It" Tonight. Cigarettes. gall:e in thlier-e:3':1"1seorieor (:1 ii Cor. MVain and. Liberty Stst w:o rr ildo sloppy, :v. 133111 s l: 1111::l-:iit1 111:O:1 redd111315ercf M IL L A ~R D i. i 33:f~r :u \'lil (;bils, .\lisp;eI :1: 13th :-1e1:1:01:2\ lt1e ~o i mth i)I:1d1e1Iy M IIpringe1r11,of:the1131 1 Schooi1:l, :1111i103of "As3You5 i Ik ." This is MS-S TH E Ia11rotest1oil thex--::oi~o111 11 11 ildsta 9 rqKnlie'..irs is 11 itoAni, Arblor, acld 1111: 0111e-uptwitReserv ien, 1:1.Sinosw ,he:::ii:- o s withihe l: ssiatteiriiig amlNIa.Ipres ot iv ssfronit1111of 011e lair E R ith1 r side scosred in1thefirs h1C1:(,ernlcitios IIi-A,41011 iLike It," 1110 0001111:3 lie II igill:-11s01kileo-il,:1fac1a111expr1ssion[il"11117 i111130flll, - 1111(1 withX01 0111:17(1011svealogrm o:n1111 lvi iihe13:cl-ar1,will 1ldlaie101vo:ic- 7111e e11d1. and tacs:kle 111170.lls. iooooo l ls 351111heil he raise1111:of tine best 11er1- 01)011101110g::sl ln11151six Illillliles. wii 11:111 :11 l5 liooKule abl lp- Nt,,l lid ii;;lthlt 10110111030l. 311ars1here0ender1thei iii- ief~ll-,of the FOOTBALL SUPPLIES The' 1lie-upllwa0s10a0folloiw o:aic:::al .3500:1a-iso1n1. All lelle::Is Eveiythsing for the player - Jackets, Nilli-iy-llilii. I I wllNi111 l tdlliittei:3Ol ltieir i-lsels. Al Shnes, StockingsJcrsey', CSinguards, fl .e......:,Df etc. Spalding's officiaI Intercolle-giate ,I- - -l'i. 0- - -eIfl25iemy Foot Hall, officiailly :dopted by the Inter- WAistrlli 1 'ry111.. 1. ..... 1Nea-l 11110j o' f 2. 101 will lie collegiate Asoeaties. Complete (lana- rogegaial aind Winter Sports free. " The KeHO - 1..... 1. g..... 1-lllklang ____________al __others. Name the Guarantee.' C irillody- - - - -13111.7Bu y iieoili1o 10 ibilil A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,Vl' aou.js ulswl New Yerk, Chicagoe, Philadelpshia, .Iiio-,t. t 1111001Ws:0 1ltotal s1,.2 2slid: ills to thei 0110w - - I- - - -in 1i11lli:- ll-asrli ln. 5Of 111h is ll- Harriligtonl Ni-al .. r. ei -... i.... 1II*2'1) 1r: seniors. , 2)- 1111O 3 ~ NALTEPHOTOGRAPHER (.11 ----i- - (1111 llOl t-mrie, antI Do7 fres~ilmlr. IX Wasthington Btock, 0Nugget I .. i - 2:gers Ann Arbor. Steinii(C.)-.....1. - -11-1:111.. IsItn LSiT-GkiiilI 'hii 11l; ownes~ G RANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING efieree31-tlgil ump.ire i-n it iind llily ii i1:e. "io-ai lit3: 14th season. Pupils received at any Elms. Our methsd mosres success. around floor, 6 Maynard street. ___________ VMichigan @ Teachers' o Agency! TT OPM. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- Uip to dute in its boniness methods. Wide awahe IS the intecests if its paitrons. Ti. roams. All appointmenti first lmss. Reasonable is its terms. All those contesoplatise teachiiig ind thicse dcsirous of Imparted and domestic cigars. Ladies' artla' advascement in their profession arc cordially invited to call and ice us. tic hair dressing and bathing parlors, up2 SOUTH ST E STREET. stairs, J. R. Trelasossi, 30S. Statenk 8 S AT Subscribe fer tihe Daily. , Rooml 1 and 2.' Ann Arbor, Mich. i I' I T s s A + S S 1, s a -- . -o Faye oRi i0" SoN° iOc - r o ' T as 1 Sa ing or D r agRnst int h ,ieessted, OnAmbsa and MarIS inC e nta. The On1igSDrawing Grn tLine etar. o- ledsandtslmus.aSCirsta bieeatowede Tdoinmbs The O DrawN ill RoomoGarootinensw ToldoolumbusToed and Creston, THE ONLY LINE wih 4Itralis echxwydatty1 btweenosToledo saod Columbuis, . a THE ONLYHIT LINE le ris eeshTsay on TH we LRnE o Toledo, Boln Genand Findilaycu eailon~su Pul OLLINowith raitleins rehaofirto bgeiltweeOhioledocaln hes oW.V) MOULLYDIETNE bew0.nP.Aet rand tOperargouias TH ONA E I ,TeON ldFot MOUonday, Nov. . 9 Otis Skinn11erl~- Will presen~t sis gireit success: 44H1AM LETS',1! Prices: lRoses, 51.5(1: Parqueot, X00; Circle,I75c; Gallcery, 50c,-ndt35ciSe-.ts on sile it tile U15S.Express.s Offi0e, HURRIAH'. AnnsArtor stilst htso sre Pestaiuea1t ,ind Lunch Couniter, The Portland p. Cafe, 606 Stain Street. Anythninsei-i also the tnest'fill- Boainc1it:1, 5 35 perekc. Hesolse meisn25c-. OPEN DAY AND N~ciio. 1.S'.-Don't foget-A spec- ially of OSeday Dinuners. 12:311 to 2:311,. M N THE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENT'S R00111 tisgeeslly onceded thEt a sti - in- tueunit is almost .in absole necessity. ecuesieEle geet enjoymnsit fromsi,! purchase Let thelbst your:moneystill-it',r ExprEjudgment pro:nounces She Dfsa_: State" instruments itie fisest ine wo vrlu" As excellent inistrumsent is the BAY STATE $10.00 We, Slice in stock cheaper b3 .155 thin ts ut iifoi a Subistantl., en-it- aable instrumest, at It low price, sn !compare eSilk ie, Send fur illsterated cuttloguc, JOEN C. HIAYNES & CO., 43-461Wa'shington StresetDoston. New Link Cuff- CIENTO, IPATENT' A~pLI DpFOR., Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed. WA.TERMAN'S IDEAL at the- STU ENT B OKS OR Crane's fine 5t attonery for polite correspondence. Mess tleii papers STUDENTS BOOKSTOnsoldabliug Cards Engraved. SHEEHAN &aCO0. -STrATE STr