THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -Pblshed Daily,(Sndays excepted) due.n - the Cllege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrFICE: Ttmes biltintg, 7S S. Mate St. be- tween Liberty anti William Sts. IIANAGI[NG EDITOi E. BZ. SoUoucLAs, '9. IJUSNESI MANAGR . . itANS, 'lit .. F. TootAS, 'ill, Asitant. ASSOCIATE EDITORS E. L. Getuner, '50L. R. . Udterwed, '.5 F. I. Leami, '9. . S. Status, '99. C. M1. Gree, 9. G. B. Harrion, St') L. W. WV.Highes, 'lS S. W. Smit, 'S. B. B. betheany. '9. Loisle Detge, 'l. Lla. J Dieineen. 'liii H. B. Silman, '99 L. W.' P. Mrrill. 'i. . l',ran'9. A. M. Smith, 'SI. CIRCULATOnS Butler Lamb. W. I. \Whitcmb. 3 S. Thayers. Bourn at Dilityficer reat i:0t) 8:0 p.M The subtriptin price of the Daily it0x.0 for the college yeae. with a regular delivey beore aon ech day. Nties,. cmmutnica- tlus and ther matter' inteded for pblica- tiocn met be huned i at the Daialy ethere be- foe eip m.or ma d-lto the editor beforee3 p. i., el the day Iiioleatotethat n eiok they are e'peted t near. There will e a hiliv of ltie Dily Boardt omiirrow lfiri *l«iuat 5 o'clock, in Rootit9, Seutli.INI '.,Thi will be avtry iwtlori;it 1 Gtng. sinceeatrranigemenitsufor thit're-oe',gclil izaiolioft11te Board ae to h'be ctt' All prsosterefort,,hose utictts 110 'pdpear uptotit the list of tdttr', aindilwh118)eseire' to ri'miaini outieteil with the aier, Xwiii pecseliepresent. Aboetre oiltie part of ayoe will le inet'preted 'as a wish 1o reig,id uniess a tttitale excuse is given, ile uatine of stch persoti will e idropei'i at once. We lre very sry to learn 1thatlt' negotiations for bringing Dr. Diep- folde to Michigan Uiversity this tll, have not eeti sccessful It is a groat pilly tti isiit to this cotory must be so hurried, fot' there is ino University iii Atmerica that swold lit be delighted to 'hear hin. tor semi timse he has been the director of the Getnan School of Archeology lt Athens. He wats for years tilt'frindt ahd assoiaite of Sctloianin. At Olymtpia, at Troy, at Tfyrins, at Mly- cenwc, on the Athenian Acropolis,, and in dzes of oler historic lcali- ties in tlfe'e, he has done extensiv excavating addatained thenost wonderful reslts. In the iy f Athens at the preent tilme, extensive remains of ancient dwelling hoses lie unearthied arouni the bae of the Hill of lieu Areopags, the comlelte meiraning and value of which are still unknown, since Dr. Dopeld, wits ex- cavated them, has as yet been unable to publinh the entire results of his work. In the realm of the ever moot- ed questions clustering about Greek archeology, Dr. Drpfeld les esme most prominent by his thefies re- speting the stage of the Greek thea- ter and while it annot e said that le has unden ably'" roved his losition, Is. opplinis have meate nis.ittogress ini disiot;Ing' of it. Dr. Do'pfld is ti Compa~rtsively yotugmant-oly forty- three yearts of age-yet ili is now wilileotidioubt thi' very is) living athiority ons the areltileclral history f Gtre'tct. We esigraul'it' liii east 'ret institt.ions oct their gooil fortute, andieyetwt'e cnntt ettirly tvodl e feeling' of dsappiitmen itlt i ben g d' irived of aci sit frottil). Systematic Cheering. 'l'Daily lis rct'.'u'id tie' folltv- lng t'otoiutiilcititt frotm '. Bill, ytilltcsit' ou thtti'ootal gameis: Last yeare li'sitljeci of s stmtici len'ig t the .AtletcPit'ht w's brouight ut antl givin consiterablie csiii'itiot by teDily. It sas ft'n-'cs niii)so eiffeetvileswas so bei'expeced feit he ll'ge not'svI tif lli'ge etthtusiasts-. Noise =aolle tacit not win gatmes. Bit spirit's', payig swill lst' gatmes fr even hlti lust ltels. Andnth 0 icitplays15with- ont sirit atl hatt when i is sperre .011 by lithe'tn'ioutagitg cheers- of a Symipaitttiecrowd. ifxpeeie'neu' ics shown that it is dt" siraibe' 10ae regudlar liiters to tdi- reet theceteritg. Strethgianitdhrg tlcarit ctn e h'elst sittettinlitthis wvay suitdt' staition lii'etriats is mutst e'e'l'ideisribtte'i. Vi'he a gaie is lose' andt exiitig it is not a iffithult taskc to get a osig yell from tti roswd. Butttwhien tliii' cnis oe-sidet and the iee'st of tte' plyts fag, wheni victory setms sere or wvhe'n dfiat seems ievalit is tttn itiat systemtiicchrteetig Awill1prov' t-fecive. 'Tiii'players idcraw fthe i t ttiii'ctiiltlft'siii te cowid. If te crowvd is entihussiastic, Itll of the sirst of vitory or stauch antid hopeful itt thei ftace of defefact, so is fietueamicandit thiir pltyig shows it. Anti no eitci- iier whacit het'gimet, wie trfcrie'i'lly ceritciti to hut a vicory or ovewi'lli- ingly a, efea, yet 'Miligctt's teans sholdti lwcasscys lo their tiigtis. Ttie habit of calwvcys 1119y100hril stcys with av tecitm.acditaill hatit is otnly se'curedthtrougti cott eil eioss- agi'ementandtie trest ftomi the crewe. Aitde frotm the e'ii'etrage'tse'it give the home teait, there is atother oh- jet to be atanedt tn the denonstrca- tions by liec rowsd. Tgeterwte lie clcic thcat Mie'iigtee has strong temls, shotlit the claitt be macdie with equatlpidlee, acd h'l tnei'iable, that she trets her geests corteosly andf honorably. Every plaer os the vsi- to's teamo is a guest of the entire student body, Whether he is vilor or vancquisedt, li' is still te gtest andi he alw ays deserves thu fullest cocrtesy. When a gmte is loe, fee- lng runs high, but no player oc a hocue teami ever apoved of a slight or insult to a visiting player by rie crowd. For he always remetbers how such -things impress hicn whene le is on 'a strange field and ficicg a prejudiced crowd. The man who shouts out a malicious personal jest about one of the oppos- ing team gains at laugh fromw some of the crowd ut le does leis college It world of harm. Visiting teams compare ntes on the treatment they receive at Various places. The reputation of a place ,.- Jy y ; °F ! 4 Fk ( a _ { 111 . ; e . ='4. - _- ! ; w-ln tht jury of shoe buy ecs and is ours by a heavy majority. Footivear should he top quality. 'T'he feet can't stacid anytineg else. Prices should ho lowv, so ccs to keep the shoe tax within hou'nds. You svon't feel our slice pricees, hat they swill cmake ou3'tfeel pleased. 'tfhoeetire no corn growers like baid shoes. Cotuie to us tnd get soneting that you ian svear yonrself, insteadl of the, shoesve'aring your foot. L. GRUNERNoSS" 5kas St., ' C tlt S ilts The Illustration shows you one - of our F.. ASWIONABLE YHUNG MIN'S HITS! Tailor 'Made in every resrpect except the prices, which are *$12.00, $15.00 AND $18.00. 1ob!e's Star HItio ouse PRINCTON ACK.35 S. Main Street. Shoes Shined FP E To All ! 39c Shirt Sale!I 98c. One Week Only, October 5th to 11th, Inclusive. Colored Bosoms Fancy and Phain, warranted not to lade, $1.25, $150Oand $1.75 SHIRTS---------,.- 9G A fine ine of White antd Fancy Bosom Shirts all Laundried 0 flf were 75e, this week - - --- --- ------ --- ------- Ce Corresponding Reduction in other White Shirts. DEARBORN & CO. ..Gents' Furnishers and Hatters... 44 South State St,, Ann Arbor. Cenme in and get your Shoes Shined Free Every Day-I ?I!I THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT -OF-- Chauncey M. Depew------------------------------- Oct. 10 Leland T.?]owers-------------------------------- Nov. 30 Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra---------Dec. 11 Charles A.Dana____________---------------------- Jan. 21 Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1 Luther Laffin Mills, (Chicago Alumici Number) - _- -----Feb. 12 Imperial Quartet-------------------------------- March1l2 Oratorical Contest------------------------------- March 19 Lucius Perry Hls--------------Apri1W 2 John Kendrick Bag-------------April 13 GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS $0.00 RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 2.50 SINGLE ADMISSION .50) Depew Number $1.00 Harrison Number 1.00 Orrtorical Conest 1 25 TICKETS 100W ON SALE-Reserved tickets en sale Thursday, Oet. Sib, at xalmer's drugI stare, State vtreet, and WIahr's beek stare, Sale atreet. JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.