THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE LUCKY CURVE to the Feeder of the 0E0O.S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PER - _ 1 >9 n Is what Ball Bearings are to the Bicycle. Don't buy a p den until you have examined - ;h ' E 7- - /o and tried tile new Parkers. suited. T1 x PARLEI Pix NCt OFFICE HOURS: 7 TO 9 P. M. MJGHIGANCETL Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27 1890. Mal andEx --3 47 NY peci--_73, N. Y. Special--- 4 A, Mail --------84 Eastern Ex--10 17 N. S. LSSted.__93 Atlantic Ex____7 :35 Paciic E--- T- 151 0 . N. Espress---- 5 40 Xtestern Ex F S1 5 G. R. Esxpress -.15 1C5 Chi. Nt. Es-----9F G.NR. E ------5 0. W. RUCGGISS, 11N. B IANES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicano. Age .cAn ebo RAILROAD. Tine Tabir, 0ct. 27, 1896. 7:0a.mi. 7;a.m *11:;X)a. m. 11:30 a. m. 4:30'852 p.mi. *Run betwee Ace Arm~or and Toledeocly All traias edaily except lSundahy. E. S. GILMOiGSC, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toileo0. ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY1 Time Table, Maur 17. 1896 Leave Ypsilanti fromc Congreset., 6:30,8:9f aned 11:090a. in.; 12:45,2;W, 3:30, 5:00, 6:45, 85.3( and 10:15 p. m. Leave Ace Arbor Juncetion, 7:00,8:30 and 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:15, 4,W(, 5:0 7:15, 9:09 ans 10:45 p.i. SUNDAY TINE. L~eave Ypcilanti fromaCongresesct., 1:30,330, 1100, 6:09and 9:09 p.mi. Leave Ace Arbor Juctioc, 2:00,4:00,5.30, 7:09 and 89.p n Care rae es city time Fare: single ieip i cents; reand trip ticetes 25 cets. WM. F. PARERn, Sept THE KINDERGABDEN BULLARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS Whoiesaie CigarsTobaccos and Cigar ettes. Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. MILLARD THLE PRINTER RANOALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER R Washington Block, Ann Arbor. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING 14th season. Papils received at any thime. Oar method insures eaccese..taround fleor, 16 Maynard street. UOF A1. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- rosl. All 'sppintmsents first cless. Imperted and domestic cigars. Ladiea' artis- tic hair dressing and bathing pariors, np stairs. J. R. Trojanowchi, 30 S. State st. ( M. MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth 00an ietallic Cakets and Sine Girade Ceffins. Embalming a Specially. No. 17 S Fourth ave. All sizes, aii prices. ren excnangedur une your iiataiu 19 ispor. A Fay 1 i n q, F ' Janesville, Wis. 7 7 ra ei:: : 1 :30y . 4. lt0 s 3. . '~~f, ' , 27y ai q s } A INAMf,--' g h h1 0 y.w'' BENT -POINT COLLARS WEAR 8E5TS/pGOSc 'e23 0 WHEN MADE "FLEXIBLE FOLD" ,: / " The Oli3 Sleeping Gar Line teen Ta- ;5 "YOU CAN GET"FLEXIBLE FOLD %% / 0 lirds and GIlluns. ® 0 The Onih Sinep6.g or Drawing Room a.t BENT POINT ONLY' 7 iesbtwcennToedo, Golumnus-13 N: THE ... ir ,/0 " The OnlII 9rawing Rosos Ear Linbetian'sr 7 4 T i~aeo, Calamins andi Glirlestou;, e ®2 7' hisage. 7THE ONLYTLINE lwit Iis earh wav iiy I. co, ®btw0011 Toleo and CoIumbus. ® / ® THE ONLY LIT;3wills3 trais enac aysc 74.SundPTENTSs 0 bettenel I. Po1an oum { G ,- E}I - F I ( THE ONLY LITNE with 25 runec y Q- , * betwee Toledoe aec 0'arleton,KW, *i THE ONLY DIRECT LINE btn meT.yx " ad the Virgins- * 77,. THE POPULAR LL'i Iv wenToeo oWs " riato m~7 ARH, Bacycus, Geanvlie andNwr. 7,. 777777.7Foll isformation relativerto ester, tiun43 "r g ///: i//77 le i i; i " taiss, e.,silbeherflly l - hedby s % ' TS.7''*GUVARANTE<' 7Agenlofthe Ohio entralaiS z *" ,. ,// / 11 / L~MOULTON noUK, 0. P. A . " """os""""oe ose """""o ,TOEOf IRICH'S PEA UT BRITTL. Grand Opera House,- Half pound boxes 10 Cents. Pound boxes 20 Conts.OENGTNL We have jusot recesved a fresh let of (libsol's 1,lnslllshl .iiit ITabletss r 'ii.Nall l ll~5 i "v flav-rse 1. - - -___-___- O) l unrn-erys I rug Stor e, Co~r. 4th Ave. :OtisS r tne d Socioty Programs. Dr. Watson's 0pinion of Yale. Wili present his great success II .'I :111fcil l 1377 lri:: I '7-::'i Pr^ices: Bexers, aIM3 Parquet, $000' Mlefla I - lo.,ral ll ': IIIr( 1113N- 1: 1711:11'C11 ('ir:lc75c;:Gallery. .3c and Mc'. Sers Ill' f~llsS-e.oe sle at Olhe UC S. Faes-Ce .sOffice S1215 liil . -, f. 11:1110:31; lrcllll 31111l, I" 111:se:' dvl0:Ilel 13 1 001 to:e1 10.' 21' ________________________________ 33. l:id~I :; 15:7. 8 1. 311:'1-.elu le, I'. X:l' 70I 11:S :ghot7:av-- HURRAH? Ace Arbor at la :s asafn= lI (abu"IHeso.. L.shes'Rsuan~st and I t se (1:115111:1, (1 '. 1 3:1'11; ':s-vie't1'} 11pape'r, . 1:1 11,1- iti: L'I1 I7l11d's l" Id ll li 'l ites 'tlc 0111111,0 1s 1511111:-cl e:r one 1'i're Portland Cart l~~llI111.303Il tl~~I '' I l-i0717 11 l l nIn-II:dan tedd' e 137'for e(111- 00 5, Main Street. Anythin g ins seson 11ro111it1 t ' ~si~1, flirlati'e,'1'.II.also the fieest Table Bloard in. city, 43.57e 7 cati1on :is IlllI-ll 715:11ter. NN-0,1101 ef per sseeh. Beoslar meals T5'. Oo'c. GAY (;I(. ne1'.h115111 . 1. 1. XVIIl::'rl)y de-3AN11 NIG1T. P. S. Goe't forget-A spec'- b-lte I vd C'a m rvd rn-islfllis a1 (11 1 11111111' 1110ar1111:,but17 sally of Sanday Ginners 12319 to 2:30.1 5. pr1doll1.1si oe lon i st ''ll llg. oe171he'ljdiiul RS1odioaritelIc 1n+71 IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A 151i111l110l' 1. t.S.i~l:l~l 1111 1. llIlll~ljll171'll37:1. lSTrUD1113NITS"Soo SUDNTS OO ireally ed til etrini t'frlllti, 1e3I l.1. H. l m dL (d llrl'0 :ir: W. tlllasl 111'.. It i e el ly 5 1onedase bz s trinze t~n'.ttaln, le;:ltl'e, . C'1lrles a d W. Secure the gre'atet enjoymn ro L 1II. VW-lsoil wsill vlii 11t.1:1:Prhl1t- :purechase Let the beet your inoney swill atrr( 1:. (11-3(1110. Fxpert judgment proeounces the "Map2, loll and:1a1:11ar11before117lie eturn'llI Stte isnteoments 11hisnstS in the c eo. bet s12 11:1 1131er io ll-Ilreoill An excellest istruysent is the 'I'ile 'follooellis the11:''11151cter 011:-I:_t' 111'1111.BAY STATE Z$10.00 I' orni35 fo t oiIllolrooe 113711;ht : 101:-c; _____________ Sloosse: 331 rsrs. 11111-1- 111'1 0 111 111c. Ievi,a 11:1 1711 j ll o SWe lhsve is stoa0 cheatr bU,), 1111711l. Horke 111111 lie-all; dlll c,''le- 111i -d{-. 3ter; eable istumet as~t lwp0 i. i -- ~oth~er lnstrument nis ii C toreaL S151v11, '.'hat the:'I11313:1 3St1tes , blll Pianios to Itosit-Jtist rece'ived an- 0110 Se withit Send for illustatedesleaologee, recognizee 113 (30151115a15l:llig;ecleots," ohe~r lot of 7Pi1n11s 10 r:at at Sechb JOHN (I. IJAyNES A Co., allllrillltive, MrI. 111r1't 1111an1 'r., . re's, .OV.N Liberty st. Call early. 451-4611 Washingtoun Street Bensnayy Goeuldeg,11at3ive, 11r. ,8:sistbury c.t11 2(3S. Ilinil f.(ls iige1011 SI" lI 'colli liO1':l, 7ic. - . Michigan o Teachers' o A gency! Up to date is its business merthods. Wide awaet hstle interests of its patrons. eiasosable in ito terms,. All those :'octessplaitine teachinlg an:dCthose' desirous of New L.1ik F advancemect inl their proeron are cordially invitedl to ca:ll an~d se'eus. eoo 1ad228 SOUTH STATE STREET. CIENTO 1Ro1an2,- Annl Arbor, Mich.PtNTAPL BD OW Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed. WATIERMAN'S IEAL at the -_-,.,.t c Crane's fine Stationery for polite correspondence. Best liien papers STUDENTS BOOKSTOR sold by h iid.Cling Cards Engraved. .a