tohrte rid hod to be taken off, or buy,
FI f*~L1-~ on the grountd~ to be rttbbted andod foced
ov er, thtey otoc,d arouindl atd l uol dli >
P'ublished Dily (Sundays excepted) doring ititiort. tnt evweeltthe ittivesevlitit
the College vear, ot te titititol'ttOcthrtrs-
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. in i rooitt to lit'eed i)ri, the ('cr<st
Olritec:Timies beiding, 79 S. tain St. be- tettt' didnt't cc ( t: ~tdownibet -wethk
tiweee Liberty anditWiliamrSts. ed a roottithe Ifid ili is) t 'er c
1MIANAGING EDITOit td ntdtttyeiie O w eileen. Titc idI , 1
J. F. TnOMcit, 7. tiwll' itii H.'tc''t territory aili
- lnoegit te secoilci1,14ail.ttd quit)as
BUSINESSOtA.NA(OEIO ftreshtaste l 1 'il.white the 11"r-
criics the jury of soe butyerscatndit's
ouers by ta heaivy majority. Fooite rr
soulicd be 111pduiality. 'lThe feet can't
stanid antytiingrice. tPrices shld tibe
iow, s0 as to merit the elite tax wv~itia
boundsrt. Youorte-nit feet our suite
pcrices, btathtey ciiwi rkeyeu feet
ipleased. Theire are nrio rndocwers
like bed shores. Cinei to tis and ret
somtintigthet you can evear yourself,
itotred of the soe wearinig your fort.
L. GRUTNER, N°A l/iiCrorst..
0. II. IeANS, '9tS.
F.. L. CESelcRe. '9' L. F. S. Steros, '9s.
B. B. iEcaEtNs,'. c Hi. B. StrcnA, '9S L.
F. Al. LooIctco, 'tiS.ii. H. tecORiN'. 5)
C. M. GEtEN, h9. Athletie Editor.
w. cW. Hughes, '98c. S. W. Smciii, '97.
F. A. Fucih, '98 E. Looise Doidge, '9ic.
W. P. hiloreilt, '98. BuotereLoot, i900.
A. Mi. Smithi, '97. C. Loll, jr., lilt 'i.
The csubscriptiott peter of the tinily isto.5
toe the college year, with nairetolar elieryr
heltrernoeac hipa. Noticesi,rcomunica-
tiones,anedother mactteeintetded toe puhblic
tiontwest behatnded iniat the iDaily othricee
late 6 p. e., or mailed tic the editor Oeote
p. mi., of the day oresvions to eliat otin which
they ore expiecteditenoppeiar.
subscriptiones myweeorftnt iTheDathy
Ofilier, eyer'n or Stoiiet's Newstaned.o'
with BeusinssMoantger. Soocrrieres cwiiirite
fer a ftoreby reortigpromrptly at thi=
officeny filutre of crers etodierepaipr
cc'd oni loti iokued u ais if it, l 1i) ciii
siturk bti c (ttli.'. tis l ils Cn l d i31u'i :zs.
Ihit' oi re ar ait' a 1 amI li ccitoi
thint'. eiechve, atnd anitothier yr'cs New Line of (Golf Suits at $10.00.
triintg shoutcildi tem ipy n-Exclusive Patterns.
vittc'iit'e. I cciii col tiimighlt Acteccc i
ti rtn akwle c, I lore cinsitn m ma. c1i
iha f thtu firt.' Ii ii ntr ite. thccliii# it Er Gcci'
or ou ian Ilavad ihign n hndasaltleIll 1.1 '1. , Fancy 1cotch T' Imported
- ,i 3licent.with teleongcuettIOiWAi Wool Knickee ar Novelties
biiin of feicticclhair, icthwigIt i tct Ice nr1dite'helreNat
It e' to i m I'. 'tin tutan ritlic ntilFancy '1Tirnvute' t' usc-tPlain Colors.
11.lii iteilrcrt itiIlii lice I Heels itind' 10, .0 AN
. i taidlt) Inclcati't ey111cc' i es WONicc;t' i iac)50C9'75Cl $ .i0lAN
C' cci]crl o lcs ii' Itciii u. Footle's. M
lhc i t jutnt sccwelli c1r1 ccw Ibe______
'liii'1t.1tiglttwocecti1it"x:10lir1'1...i... , : ".,i
nictsed itorially ccinlt''eoct11' cciii Dr. Watson's Opini on of Yaie. A mok
"Although tthe fooltalilett ritc iv
rot routin~g snotiol' latoe)Tiitiiday, ft'tciitr coueott'tif lii c c i 'IN-aiethil
thety erte tefeatci; bit.nte)so badily yvar.' flit' YaleNiews 'fle tDe. \'It.
is lii'escrerwccdcitttiiicaet. The Lii- cs ileopinlin 01 f'telin' h u ati onil cTl
ci 'oily of Eihirtit teaite th le hacv- ini thi ultttiti a s filicic.
iet onretlyedagaint) h ~'ii. and Ini'ii ii the cig-itihce c candtic pendttcori
in constequt~re r .1)anytillt f h iun-,1 l lap irt D E A R B O R N & C O O
enii the tte itn. Iln the itigittti t nliiiii''ttii t iiithe U -
cil s10101q t tilte -itr ctineLeiWcenctie htdothel- iiford'toriCe aitbr~i'i'. ''Te'r ec'lhnt .. Gents' Furnishers and. Hatters. .
va'ttgi', hut be'foerei'icethl'e uteric' i1etiin I.oig~tttind ic -h toct rectt #iA rboi,
cviiht of li'ttcth poiti players b--an selcit buiildtt ii' the\ailtdtsi?1- 44 SIoiath. tate St. Ann el.TeteA.asnt rbor, try h Yl Iusuu scetl
ito ell. nd'llestothd beeaytimihier ad i
tlrthtol.'' ;thuin in t h t'eabcriod. It oc invery
N0obotjeictinis madeiirtie clt tlt icitilmuchlecsed it ucetioul'aottschoo, cTiti. B B"USTTSH IRT
the playoet'sorenioeurg'the etutii'lo'lisT'e 'ill''citin if pint tigs wcas, a
Io turnt out to futture gamesiucthhepleasatnt tupise i itoile. tutu intthosier that ever carme down the pike.
refrencne to the scienetioif 1'ii-high ttui'tiitl-ict ylernt' ationa~l hitorytl411id
egintutr ciriti liii~ct I aie iitbe'eflii tittti citoel. Shoes Shined Free.- - - ---- ---Shoes Stined Free.
Ptt oor icinolatlot ftor a deife'ati ccililht 'the fv-.1lului's are c'ty uuui'iu nlargin
the skill isp~layediby h'rie :'diigao tituethiattitt Eutiid whtntitt tattlre. THE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT
tai llcii atrtdl' ufetri''nit cttuai,nlt miokete to ctik wtont'tliuirtt. 'Iin'l_______________ F
wciii "Lehitch's scenceu."is tcihilessce tiuet a'ntu retrictiont
her' et huccrtti. Iii Ettgl~ttiial tl ii0..' itrl so s ~s
How the Indians Play. denuts are otligu-d te ceacuthtrn elite
'I'ie cuil' ali~i~hl'O ur utoc It d i-acwnts exic et th ot attentdincg
itueeoin eterceitel y r c. . oitr xrccic..11lii'oit'ttlo, LadT.Pwr--------------------------No.
jllerstig ettr ritenby r.LT B.coleg eercse. Al he Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra---------Dec. 11
Cotil' o 1lotoiot uirtlutvut'i-lnd i'must ttabln ocoh ldec't'yCharles A. Dana------------------Jan. 21
('oriote Inds-atgotn'otgame1 ec tlittritiil.AEX-President Harrison--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - Feb. 1
'7 evii e ittsllitg sle i ngll i ld n erich tie Vantderi'n lt or
Ilwntovrioldmrigeyigt iLuther Laflin Mills, (Chicego AlunitiNumber) ------Feb. 1
day to see the Carlisle Inianse tlaty ''ilhctli ~elei otg.I Imperial Quartet-----------------March 12
football, antd crtatinly hItiever saveuweovto viofXiethtsitOratorical Cnet--------------March 19
'eltifleent cl t orictionstosenerthere eottohctee'
suchite rmificentexhtibitionc of puletour otlettiitruiiro odLucius Perry Hills- -- -- -- -- ------------April 2
etid ulysic'al entduran'eeas 11t heyse'ol oder tire here uncaellerd for, as Ihave John Kendrick Bangs---------------------------- April 13
ed. Hiarvard beetthCuet ti o h, byluy-bietninformued bcy your faurlty. 'ilir GENERAL ADMIISSION TICKETS :x0.00
perier ooccieige of the gaite utnd bet- currilum in baco riecs is muhtESRVDeEAiTClTSSIN GLE ADMISSION .a0
terkicik-ibuhtosg, thsbetdintohe see tEngaoses ashadpdiittalktigt thrtrebigmeninuheMl Elelgtieessdm ispofikrt hrt .HaiisnoNmbitEXEg
cmoas pleased to seec so large a null -Oraorieal Contest .25
Htte'ad lte ne ratioi. b'eof stttdents at 1the religions rxet'- TtCK{ETS NOW ON SALE-Rescrved ticets onsle Thusday,;Oct. 8t1b, et 'Psier's
Inidians evere nevet' hurt and never cites, dreg stere, State street, and 'iah's bush store~ :Mals struck.
tiededZhe-1Hrar mnwa (Continuedt en Tild Page.) JAMES IH. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.