THE UNWVERSITY OF MICH[GAN DAILY. s aaaas~a'a E CHANT -T IL RN 40, 0 $25.00 Suit for $1500 SBA GAINt ( Style, Quality and Fit Guaranteed. - Ye ihaye ioe 2 Kodakjust like 0D . A TIINIK ER & SO INI, S a-neaasyou would py 25050 If you bounglt it new frnm annoe nt 0 IHatters, Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailor ihe fc tory, that we can soil at 0 YZoninan's Hlats, Rulop 1-lts and Waterhouse Neckwear. 117.50 without enad. I isi all rhtand we ft warrant0 No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mid] CRESCENT Conmbtnation Tandem eeorrent at reasonable rat's. lvi . ST1AEBLJERA Cycle Emporium. One door East of Ameri- can [louse. PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVER' S. and get the beet nervire. Office and Stable, 32 Forest .Ave. Telephone 106. i' Branch Office at Palmers' Pharmacy ra h. tt~otake goed ictures.0 10 Our warranit always mteans money ='ehi yu wantOit, j ALKINS' -- PHARMACY, 7THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, m .n furnish yea -with a firs-class Fountain :eea. Peo and limn repairing a specialty. ---LIVE IMl A CALL. PHOTOGRAPHS --- '0 l'xtrslto Seniors at 6 E. IHron Street. A. iton 'Teufel, iinWAirl~ets FOR ftu ks, Valises, Dress Suit Cases AND TO':iE~SO5PES. -reuaks and 'valis-eRepaired Neatly and crealy. o a an t. YTour Tailor ! 11ave yisu seen those ntubby Slihs Altwnrd is ttornin , oist. MILWARD 40 State St. dE N'iS'SCI1LIo10, POTO A H IR ANN ARB3CR. MICH-. ]?OOTBALL SUPPLIES SNecy;ling for ime player - Jackets, * S ckcings, erseys, ShioniGuards, e to. Spaling's official Intercollegiate i3,-,et Ball, officially adopted by the Inoter- uollegiate Aseiaiort. Complete Iota- Suagar Fall and Winter Sportfree. 'The 'ame he Guarantee. Ai. G. S?'ALIN.G & BROS., New' York.,tChicago, Philadelphia. IN THE EQUIPMENT OF A STUDENT'S ROOMI tt in generally concerded that a stringed in- .trxment is almost an absolute necessity. To -ecuire the greatest rnjoynment from the rchase vetsthe bentyour noney will afford. '8x ert judgment nanoene the "Bay tt"instrumen t inesat inthe werl10 An ecellentintrumeot is the BAY STATE $"0.0O0 We haveon ocatk cheaper linejon, - than ti,n btfor an ub-tantil, snvc- able instrument, at a low priean other Instrument manufacture can compare with It, ,Send foriliutrated en isgue, JOHN C. HAYNES & CO., 43-"03 ''anblnicton Street Boton. R NGLtStI: Students desiring to eosuit with Professor Deiniinon will -find him inilRoom10,T.Ht., at4 p. in., -Subscribe for the Daily.. s :i I -- - --- ----- - -------- ------ -@grp4 _ G' We ilitedoareerĀ®O p. a I I 0 i s ol1Oe..asaeton pond, L8 10; eane. ter puand, 40et^ O5ilOBtt.159 Palt onlyii o, t For $3.50 a Suit We ore offering a veory suiperior- article in Men's Combination Underwear Made by one of the best mills iii the country We insvito inspectionl. WA GNER o 3&k@ 00., MEN'S FURNISHINGS, 21 SOUTH MAIN STREET, UNIVERSITY N OTES. .. I ((it'l l 11ibrar tieDr(Slotver will .111 l'I'(Olk 1t. 0o.111':0 )G (77, i1:ticn115 51 (.ollstl i o o 151 (5." cery ust- at lil rt l- iiuo1i. No b ((liii's wor(10 ii 1(1110 ttill l t Tiii'i' sill 1ito5 theet1(112 of 1t 1(Sfil sI ttlolt ((coil Slttst ts sclight. owe- lit lla ss ti s dl'iettitt-l p 1. Ill. Ito11to tcflit.Iscti'o)f 1 ttirg ni' itlec elect I a otitoalnI (i". of -'-tictit1 o - trs--lt hmtoi rote11. 1111e ii(ariiouy5e (1150 15 il (lemthI ilosic oell-feesillltit tealis)osill meet te -iflet~roli itciiout Ilto ':;;t illIBoomitiftiSuttsric i t th ic .\tticie-ld Sal- ati tihe scotolof Murss-. 'st11,0:1 aternoon a ot 5 t ti-. .Ma1- T'leo1It lo t so il 1 edall 5overSte socr I Idloss o 105 1(11ha(lie frostiiuii i sioli ues li in a10011 ilt e aconittill li- (c tot il: ts ilt' he ossiefast<'se 't ,''te Eitto-tti fi'eate toilgist'o -1 Ott telt sr 1titti f 1 .I liic losI tso 1o (111 ('5i i Ma t s. Mal-tit's, 2 Si i. T' l'tcyt''o.. ot'i so firt h(its se~ioi i ' s ttwtll st iit<_ I titittay eitle it tl(5'l(oc. iliitl. Anitldtti'stttti fee of '_'.uc Ills Ilresiat s~tldyt l t ry Ma.ste ('ol- II ll l whr e it, it tii iii' ile t e aiti f - r ch Iil b c Irt. St.o tonTIOI.y WARD tit't11iiES. fo1-ere u'wtill bei'stoldt ts.2. intd 2. v'oierI+'or1011 il (lite subtit"An gist111ilnitdliglit of, Nit'.,tor for- other Pliat'of ills' Nt's' Eitotctont." itansces eiceeii-'20 iiles froit . ELB. tHoue o-. 1trtto f last- ytar,'S 1Alto Arbore,uitil lidtulighi of Not- 4. grieui-iis tiss 1(1 Itcotaititilifot -'tenitt, 40 Allasbteiiao'are., St instructor i gine15ceringg at1tielt'-it i- nguteoruos. toren iea nd"10(1 ksinglte lins, Colorado. title bloctk fretti tsiiUiS. Riot re- The Euginetering Sott'ltty ttfill titeeS t cd t Fridayvwit o tta t S p. inl. ilin teCII- tiusic wh11110yott eat at tie Portlanit. PSThat havo perfect combustion and do not IL~af~l/[ sokeor smelt: The New Rochester, The Tale, The New Royal, The Perfect- tion Student, Thte Princess Stodent, The Empress Student, all nickel plated, with latest improveentts. We sell what we ad- vertise and guarantee quality of good. and ore never undersold. THE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK Capital Stock. $50,000. Snrplus, $505,000. ' tResources, $1,i0t,0t0. Organized usder the General SanIing Laws of thin State. tRceiveso depooito, buyn and sells exchange en the principal citieo of the United States. Drafto cashed upon proper Identification. Safety deposit boses to rent. OFFICER,:,:Christian Machk'Preo.; W, 0. Harriman, 'ice-Pres.; Chas E. Hisocock, Cashier: iM. J. Fritz Assisttant Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK ra ie 6 Capital, $.100,000. Surplus and P'rofits, $400000 Transacts a general banking business. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Furnish letters of credit. E. 1). KINNE, free. HARRISON SOULF, Tice Pros. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. F. 0. Sco.EN the' State Street Tailor. Latest Styles. Bet Sotids Inside Prices,.tWe do every thingit.ocrlite. Cleanitto.pessing and reparing at lowest prices consistetcwtith good work. Goods coiled for and delieered. Wte ieSk to please. 20 S. State S50ecc. Site us a call. r Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUT TLE'S. 48 S. State St. LAW BOOKS! Buy all you canatofford for present and future use at our Lowest Prices!T We shall be here for a few day'stonly..... .. .. .. Callaghani & Co., LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. At Schleede'n, 1S0 South State nt. CHAFING DISHES, y TABLE KETTLES, L1 haindsoisehitie oiid Chseap. WM ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELED. FREDERICK J. S CIL3EEDE UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY. Binds Books trom 255cents upuarsei-, Sells Solid SGolsdFot Itailets for $1.00,iod 3 lbs of Liten Pagclotr50tenits. 50 S. STATE ST. MUSIC SUDO PIANO AND COMPOSITION. From Stuttgart Conservtitory, Germany. 22 S. DIVISION ST. Groceries, -:- Provisions and all kinds of Sanitarium Foods for sale by Stimsori & Co., r24 S. STATE ST. Just tReceived a Large and Elegant Tie of New Pipes! Bet and Cold Lnehes at all hours. Agents for llsylers and Williams and Wernersi Co.'s Chocoate Son Bos. R. B. JOLLY +& CO" 20S. State St., Sager Block. Subscribe for the Daily 0 DEAN & COMP.ANY. 44So uth Xain Street.