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November 04, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-04

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The Geo. S. Parker Fountain Pen is not the oldest pen on thec , LA ST E E$E
market, and yet nearly 200,000 have been sold. Why? Because each * OF EVENING DRESS
pen sold helps to sell others. People who use them recoimmendl them HPS
The following letters from gentlemen well known throughout the
country in their respective professions are to the point: r
"My Parker Fountaiu Pen is simply perfect. After using several
kinds I can say, this is the only one I have found satisfctory. It does*
not spill the ink and yet is always ready for use. I crry it constant y" GO .ELOT .D,2SW 1hS. e ok
"Without exception the Parker is the hst Fountain Pen I have
ever seen. Its the peia I have been ooking for these 20 years." a
REV. T. P. SAwN, Troy, N. Y :
' IRecommiended and zuaranteed. Your pen cheerfully exchanged IS7~N IEM R
until your hanid is exactly suited.'ISS -NT EM R
Time Table (Revised) Sp. 27, iSO45-_
EAST. WEST. Hlf pound boxes 1o Cents. Pound boxes 20 Cents.
M1al asd iEx-_37 N. Y. Special_7 15 We thave just received a fresh lot of Gibson's English Fruit Tablets tn al
N. Y. SpeciaL--- 4185Mail------ 8 4 ---Sl vrs. - - -
Eailers Es. iS.1 17 N. .imited-_.. 9257
AM. P. 5T u i er _ Zu Stor'e,1 7 E.Wahingteon.
Atlatic ES..7.35 Pacific Es---- 12751 .L I c,~J~~.,,~ Cr.4hAe
. N Epres-_-_ a 4e Westes Es...55T _________________________________
G. R. Espreso ._11 (5 Chi. N. Es___-9l0Ii
G.RLEs__. 5155 Western Athletics. New Movement at Toledo.
o, W. RUGGLES, 5. XW. ioves,
G. P. & T. Ag., Chicag. Ag. Asn Absre I ntl1irine i en (111(1 PoI-e.) i TheTolelo (oiciati o o lst week
rii nO..uSI eel te-ltii opp111 osn5ity' oe siul,-eiayalirt lt-h o .(.Ija-
d 01 e tabll15h111112 11 h i deal111in11t1111-11027 to stalolsh oa inv1al ad iiiiii
t11e li o Wll-li 111h1re WAi5 71,1 70 lplill. 114A. I and11111t1g.i iiti et-
; illn ii-d. lilei ri e of tk11 11ki ,ns sis 172 l ill 95h- il, seems to be :lit e lichail
RAILROAD. 7111(702 110(5 life. 1;realerii Eieuvll of hel 1111' ent11 uid1171lie ls 1110 e-
Tmr Tabe, Ot. 51, 196. -I li iils .111 ii11- 11ii11i fll'7 i5i10iITld
70 a. . '7:30 a,5m. I tionalid nd1taiu vaii-ycalriehdslli (itizos.
lI 10Oa. ns. l:ia. m.
5tiun between Ass Abor asd Tledo only111o1111stIouialb- pr-c 011-is. Til l 11101-ii 11(11an1 l'ii 2.(t11To111d111sl the
All trains daily TICEPI Snday.
E. S. ILMORE Agen i 111111 eIs pulledi-i 1 1-Sy fromi the i-l- lic 511ea,1or111191f li1n sbeing Very
W. a. BENNETT . P. A. Tledo . 7le-s lidls 7 e11cla(-11s5by [eI li-a- sccisf i.
ANA OR&YSLNIS RYselves. Theiiu 7,1201 ivs 1x0'vill11 n PLIICLECONOMY:Prfessor
________ ie lil5115 el~~ii101ti1ils5700 107Adamsosiay be conted ii Rosin 1,
Time Table, Bay 17. 1896 niotll to fle nie- ircoolstailn-r-. Tappan Bal, evey afternsson at 3
Leave Ypsilati frsm Cngresss t, i53. 810 I-v-r o ysemditn i tmln e
ad 1:55 a. i.; 1:45, 2:0,:30, 5:00, :4, 8:300 -15 5000( 1111 11lilii17Iocok
and 10ntip. m
Leave AA rbrJsnns 71,820ad oooo1iiill, ethicaii~ ~ll k l g. anti Banos to fent-.st recessveelan-
is:30 a. m.; 1:15, 2s3D, :00, 50 715, 9060an ltai, tooo. ish sic l -i ioriy Elit oiler lot f Pianos to ret at elisb
SUNDAY TIMIE sofolli 1112- ori o- 705 11(ededvo tO tins-k cris, No. S AV. Litery St. Call early.
Leave Ypsilati from Csgress t., 1:0,:30,
5100,6s:30 ad 9100 p. i. Ills ilov~ei l el 11-1ilIeisiO y i
Leave Ass Arbor Juctio, 2:14:, ~5:30, 2( S. Ig 111s st.-O0cc sigle roo
7:00 and 9:3061,ini. dofesilts 11175 o nol osufo vio-d. Ini lie Iglo-i 75.
Cars run sn eity Elms Fares sisge trip 5 -R_-td ,),
cats; round rip tickesiss.MPPAKR S n or1s 0f (,rovo-rC(lovela'ndolveorec
still - sioitiiii theuso- ion."'iiini. Sbiciibe 001- the Daily.
THE KINDERBARDEN BILLIARD HALL Aloha Nu Net Saturday. HiURA, AnnArbr at lst ha. a Siee
RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS th lh iooxe5y 11s$ He fo- The Portland Cafe
Whoesae Cgas, obace an I 115117 llt-ll ~ iilol-iliit, 5-.00 5. Maistreet. Ayhiiseato
Whoesae Cgar, Tbacos nd utcl~yna l: usi; iplocpt 1 o% ls te finsetTableBoard io city.05
Cigarettes. Sniger;- Theo-Aielili yoory' O . 155tNweet S-Dore ~ls t.oore-A se
tlaiy of Snday DOisr. 10:3(0te 2:0 00.ras
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. i;livlieitrl 1aier . 8..5iniil; id-
______________________l t.Rlsov-l.istaiiioiiy ANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER
R D sovtetyfor fthe1ot-iviioul1of (11100 Washington .Block,
1i7 oitieos is 111070- ooossify tia. Itcii Ann Arbor.
TH ("bltubbeailrm7.-7-otr legiive, err. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING
Diekprt;sen ino llr. (1iiiioiocitic's re- 14th seson. Pupils receved . Easyde
100t;11-7 8 _lie. floor, i M yard stret.
U.OF M. SHAVING PARLOR asd Bth- M c i a Teachers' o A e c
U.rooms. All appoitmsensfirst class.lvic ga ©
Imported asd domestic cigars. Ladies' a r t o - Ae n c
tic hair dresing and bathing paror, up Up to date is flu bsitess methods. Wide awae 1o the iteests of its patrons.
stairs. J. R. Troanowai, ao S. State S. OReasosable is its terms. All those con temptatisg techisg ad thse desirous of
_____________________________ advancement in their profesios are odialy isited to cii and se us.
0. M, nhdetllcc OluSnand Fine Erude 28 SOUTHi STAT STREET
Colins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 S.: Room 1 and 2. - AnAbr ib
Forth ave. AnAbr ih

il ter N aeVoln n
bTe soes oleo ntFM S ebnt
betlUSeepiToleoaB LinYe rmn ne-
7ldo andGl. mm.
TUe ONLY slIeei ortraein omary
iebwe n T a0 e lieri us a ndVa
The theg Drawin omGrlo ewe
T olAR1.13011 teba# C l Foan.
Wa~ ur. ea ae
P llmanfSlepeasfe tII e 1a . anod
MOUOLYLON wit 4011K. (1. R all
THisONspace ith3 rs ewayd
forthn edo Grannd O ndr
Newdlin Cff
TH CNL IEt Oweta al
bten TolAxlhad lBDi FTR_ V.
Subs L D R C L S o~oD~ ezLaderi irgnThe

Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed.
V J1j 1\1 Oj K T Crane's fine Stationery for polite correspondence. IRest linen papers
STUDENS BOO ST E9 sold by h on.Clling Cards Engrav-ed. I

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