THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. * Students Oversee Elections. There is to he a iiew feature intro- Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dernsg lured ini the count ot allis Isn Sal the College year, at Frauwisco oil electioni night, which is THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. it inoox m111int for ipurity in piie 11 OFFICE: Timses building, to S. Blain St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. for 'the leoIrial solerv'isioo of elec- - tioii u torns. The serv.iees of in equal MANAGING EDITOR .. F. Tnolwss, 9t. illul~leilr of studilents fi 0111 111' 1 iiver- - o~ ily lof Ca~liforniia andsifromliSianforli BUSINESS MANiAGxER ~. ~. I~~-o. 9S. Unive'rsity 1have ileenl seuredl illact is clllks 111d lidslon111thie nigh llo EDITORS 11111tio1. Tillstudlelnts will b i id led E. L. GEISsERn, '98 L. 1. 5. aso, '98. B. B. iMoEnass'N, '1). Ii. 1B. SmnnaMAN, '18 L. intlo sldhioef dabout 211 each, eaeli F. il. Lomis, '9S. H. HI. CORIN, la.'9. 1111dcr itie clanlillilliofii 101111ain, 1w111 C. M.lGREENs, 9. Athletic Editor. ____ ~l~s3at1110 11h1reelcororls undlie11hin1 ASSOCIATEI EDITORS w0110c111 s '10l1s.110. Foeli elll 11e111 W. W. lHghes, '1. S. IW. Isibh,' II'Sr 'of 1a district., line -pivateil'is F. A. Fucik, '981,. Louise Dodge, '991. " W. P. Iloreill, '10. Bntlee Lanmb, 10. statill iondi 1a111oltheiiffesilsrenlt ire- Tile subsceiptionl price of tile Daily is :;.t0oo ' shone st'51111111 (I' s, anal111(1 report foe the college year, 01111 a regular ldelivery fil11 .1 ril~nto ila0l'lrlsl'all. 1110oilake' before nonO lcilday. Notices, elmmuai-I tiones, and otlher matter iintlssi111! '11'1 teI lid l hebj14eleyhl tion must be ihanded in1 1t1tfile Gally '" 'il - i (1110 ls 1 11 ~e'hl joie 0 p nit, or emailed to the eionr eo p. in., of tie fday pls's 1,1115to thlat on whiich 110u1'. 'iit l~i'1r111'llreportls lit once'l thee are explected so apear. Subscriptions mcay be left 1at TilDiy te 11119 II a11' M~inl, t'1111' Min loT11 h11e Office, Meye's or Stollet's Ntl'stllnd, or withs Buainesaslanager. Onoesibers still ear- cl~oll, 111111o1o1111e111111t1Peaciles fee a favor by reporting promptly at this office asp failare of carriers to deliver palper.,111'dqulrtl'rs. Suhscrilptions to lie AthlilticAtsI- swul1115'a511 lr 1119ret altodo 5'wilrls ch'iloD ar'e dhe, andi "tile laistof theleaissiig 0 taiir cout onlet1111111ion ightl. iiiiii'tlli,' thalt sure lprev'ent1ieoft1111'1.1111 'slielr" is plidsfor' h se'rv'ice, tainIiet of li-his, 15 hast. Itis readis re'qu11 llired ni 10olg i lle ii lhst wehv e 10cjtust been 111 111'eimore iperforme accep''t'ablly cirta in itiells. or less exilensive footbsall execursionilo 10 l'l1ab1150 311 lilllills fellll S8t'~oild. Detroit, in see Itle tellInllNsill; titthenl'1, i(I Io idlilllg 515a11aptinsin111121 dli'- thire, is 110 ole of 510 hut 5w110ca1111a1119'o11011110. ill ienter 1t11e arm~y, hissohsrilllli f e' ii oil 11'sllll' '99-H igh School Games. I'l tli-'.iit is liiieilmost dsesirving 111-- - Lail soisrrip'lti ion re'till'ri'suiltof 1111' fa irl'groundsills 1511'lIy 11ftelrnoonl the iability of tile colltors Ill 1o- 11111 1111'formerwn a cr e 11o19fi 111 ltI c'atefe iii'lil whose hllies1appea'ir 01on 1 to . 11119' 111e lhalf ws p layedi , ut their ii 'isti'd stevr llhorlllt 11111 i liiles111oslg. lilll' sas pr'vdliii- has .dlso 5 'iwiitot dilay, a01111 os11001' i'0'hthis'110111n911tiii'high 12111015 511tel who1iilvte-cnet paisdin' tile loles ssiiooe 91111 lll' 'liii'willlli'l0 111d111 ii lir addiesses 9111' solleclors h1111b1'nhells =1ills 111 111l iick, 'i1111 llnla111ys. chleto0 iild. Itsvouild greatly faicilii-11111 were hlli lfile ihwnis only mill'(, scrlied ovotlilliay up wsiholut snlit- O~il i i'bl l alii i ii ihig to lie approacheid. Aniy oeeof te slsl t ei thei hak Doiarilof lireellors of lihi'Athletic' +As-5 throulighthe line'. liiT'hegil~e oilliii snteiatioii will receive osubsripitions. sloi 1511 hnt iiiit'.19 - liiig, 11n111just illoilgil lisatlny vas Clues Teams. i'xc'iti'dto elause all r141-11 seliooi and -9'11)stud1ents15to lsokp forwsard its'hl il h anteeuso galles of 1he1past get inerest to lie result ofIthlii few' yealrs, soiie eisipute has ivar-glll ''lsril. 'lils'llt'li' lably ariseia over the qnalificatiions for bs 11'il11'ile-ls sl' o Iiieniherslilp on lihi'teamss. Tis year thl'eliusiiiiiiinsiipll)to the l~iiss'sily. _ I , , t ,s,. C'- s 3 n9 ::7 I !! _ s 5 r , G Ma I . - , siili te jury If shoe buyers and it's ones Dy a heavy umajority.tFootwearI bholnd he top quality. 'Ihle feet can't stand anything else. tPrices shloldlbhe loss, so as to keelp the shoe tax wsithin, hounds. You woon't feel oshoe10 prices. Dot thley wsill olakue you feel plleasedl. There are no corn growers like Dasd shoes. Colle t10 ps 1a11d1gel bomlethinlg that0yoii roll wear youirsel, inst easd of 1110 slioc soc ing your flot. L. VCRUN01ER, No ;Mamat DOZEN7SARF7-77-- -1 ri rnt Caientluehstie S. Gnts'lurnisersEnd attri-ans 44eSouthtStateSt.,fAnn ABo. aNoase doeente o. tha ethercamcdonthe pikde. o G LelndTPoers---------------------No.3 BostoLades'sphoniOrhestrd atters-------D. LuthrSLoutnMilStCagoeAnmit.NlA)-------Fb. 12 ImeralQuret-------------------Mrc1 THE NNUADMSIONMENT Charleses A. san. 21e Oraeoracal March.19 GE EA DISINTICKETS NO$NSL-Rsrej2he~ nsi Tuea.0 h t'Ple' dregVE soeSttstetanWh'S leek TorTSIeKETSreeh ~ H aMEisnHNumber 1.00orspnli Sceay ian e fort sil1be hualle 10olpropieLly' graidis all studeists as to tliiiir athleltic standing All uluagers of lass teams shallod 11and11 in thirecomplainfts aiidlrequests sonme time today is a inpiuhier of the athletic hoard ini eider that t11em in- tere'sts nmay he discussed at thie inoet- lug tonight. 'The following alumnni were at the P111. Kappa Psi house Suniday: C. B. WNootiward. '95, Frank Plain, '59, WIalter Holdena, '89, G. Fred Rush, '89, F. C. Smith, '92, W. W. Stevens, '90. F~ootbsaliliraleice for thei rest of the wisckswill lie sesrit. Ni)oDoe'xceplt imenmhers of theu'V'arstty ail Reservs ini unhiformI, will he aidiiittedin isidle of tile grounds. This appllies to all. H. M. SENTER, WARD HUGHES. Lot-Between 37 S. Ingalls sf. andl School of Music, a foathier boa. Fid- er please leave at the Daily offi'c', or at 10 Mayinard st., opposite the Schiool of Afutit. 20) S. Ingalls s5t.-One single rooim lighted, 75C. Music while yeu oct at the Portland.