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November 03, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-03

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tIjc4IL f AlW lip
Qtr(TN I Li 1D 0 NO MORE DETROIT GAMES. by ihhemKatc a. nmore thanlolat at Pennsylvania's Increase.
T'University tf 'ennoclsania opened
Tl eading Tailo This Plan StronlySugeedby1 11r these cirennistancrsisi to with til argeotnuniher of suet
1 t hewwndcer-ed ant thait those wino lave
MtcCale. in its history, 2SUTlt. It tos thought
. 1(heel)most itt inaicly (cooiieted with
4 AND IMPORTER. yIcIIiIIts 'itlt c ntepatsoltha't one ri ason tor the increaoe to the adoac.Ae"ue'l~>tefloNl otstoii ivstn oegmslt ulo c omtr cou
_____________os-setytt ielnei hsthe olosirnin - h lS i te1)sooh nton d lnldt rcd omtoy aern
-FULL OHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY oiilllteloniDeiltr-mt o nitcOltcn oegmsnoltos
Of]l!St light: 11'. L. itth~atLY. the rgsrtou i h
l.dtr 'liii'Joiiriiah. 1l,1stg bs-e-liwtole Utiversity tos otilltuincomplete,
NO, 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN.,cc tioted w-i1 ihigtan atht- lis for Athletic Subscription. pa rticorlarly iiilrile tirofestonal
i e litithree years, it rmai ned1forI ''e l tr ll~i sti((,t thatthe ttEr s coci, enid till lie so for ihoiit
f tie110t inert t-St dI iii x i~~11 r ft his' lt(tii- scht is sub- Ihie eeks lon ger, tile totaIl inher
PLOWS'CH ICAGOCANDIESa 08tidi- o tt iids fthiiiistuents whill Aserzoeilitis- i
Sat ll iv. ii cit ill ha lls of tll'sthu i l ihsil 1 t.; l ero ms( e.Iotf tdns s-i iis eitrd i
foA heegod.You 11 fsid iiolii-
orncr 'to y coe-iin pundis i a 11 ill onosri is it1i'. tar from i. Iiwci i ilslll shole rtit-iristv. 301.l' tes 2-
a p od, os lhave Lownies' itf I11is thei Ilitciit aiiiiii h is l li is- teliii s'ciii deeid'sssof thelir' i thlli team 400 ore seiolledini the delsai'tmits
V yoa irefor themi. Alo lte fuesst, Isldc te tit i f Ar 111
Ciseotalte Creams at 45c a hoiunud - ll 'iiiii'il iii 1 111111-osills t s-ter hieu drss-acly f :rt w
thit Cyo s-er saw for tie pllice. 0"- "Go lihe'asi ti lpti-s i foiiithou on, -
--- - 0 son iii old11llicilitll. 'i' iii a l id lhistIl sl a!. --s illpli v i c-inei-us. uciuuli, tile ols-ge., itie
PALNIER'S PHARMACY. 0 ll'i h10 i~ll'st fieslel ti5s dl-. 'h111 I ililtsx i 1dhas hl nisinloll, the tdtlll-s i- c-Ptool, anlid r t ie-isntilie
46 S. STATE ST4 after 11,101 iis-i>"dv t toti' slays 111t l l 11 'l iili Ilittl to gi l qluii Scihiol.-Thieuetgsurc-s drio tcit ulude
f® 'iii ' isghs 'o te id llrlitllst ioi' aIi s lii'u-ioyiisots ssi students iin the Muedi-al Sch -ticlwh
GRE T ..I I oE SA wom eo svr- l ~i-iiguil111,1111 aiightii ii f~i- hov- - he asriu c s tki-coriises forigraduaesllt-. The (at-
"til SturayNov 7.wA illI aLi heiogy M tiy-ls 'sa i-le ]t -i-s-one(, to take
lw gctinpie.Notig a kec i n ) ii( as l-il ll te i-llllcll I il y tl- I l A uu lpl - i--theig, 4 gililliati'stu ti is initei lls' tll-
otgiilpice. Our Footwi ellc -s teti hose oll'If NNil ii 1 ' ONve isho ld t 5 11 11'IIt-ilii 'lliilllsltll s tilal Selg , gle as totl of '3.itst. so
5c i oties foe i__i___1___________llt_-_______'l6 '11 - 15 n s(rili l tst1 ll'he forith-lltIuc IIl i 1 ti
5)t0isOliucs for ---------- - - -- I uliSlli 111hil111l stlshoullilitig isa110'ndii' theiils l'iII'i tli lit ther ~si s' ileenalisg
S4.50 Shoes fbr__ _____--- .3 5 cn i,; t 11 h c t' x e s
Si1111 Sloes- for -- -- -- . _ci-_ - -'' 11s ld lt
,$25 lhes fur 3i-----g-----1-i-- - i,11111544isitilt it 1'- i i Slt'shs i woii'(i'l lioni-stis' Iii il ii-cl 'i cii sc ic tiiis if 11-
I tll lliil'1'~ 1 -ii I 111 ii Ocw eit is hlisl- that thei is s"til-
Wasin to RI,,'i asin to Ost I purposI se o let tils-'s illho I s'is's iilllls t1yilth111- Isoul- its su scrillItish iilthe i'ho-li'll ii-i'isiy - wsill Pse
!EVERY sIT ~-L I D NT to soositlget ' I i n time111' Ilill still I-il ;11 .utile. I I. _1L.-5---I l. still fll ihici' i1tssc i -I'I Ilitlail


SHOQULD -REGISTER theii'I stroiti lilil sciisolshc h 11 l'lsil i - w.ltsIl hsl(:.(iisrl,n
- A T- t i iii lIn h'ir l-aill to I gI(Cllt ill' -'fur'tot-l 1iis111ss.1ssftstudentili 1now
aBr owa's a S.tore+n.11.Aers/ e ndf b N c No Women in nohes Hokins, ;-atlls 1111 tile Ilives-ctv sf Cl(t~
It costs you notllinir.Do not ne( lect it, 0ls- ihis' 1 s~lldin 1111 far isilessis110ltvd~ sfllw:(1d
I1e-i)11s-hu Ons-ii,111i'' Ii us tholselill10 ii lllllils''5i s-sote is- ifi 1.55l s it its- 1 S 7:'--- c--
t io.lis s lt~lis Il i' 'ii ll his sflisuosay asuttstliii.(lsh
i " s v I ! heun \iui lts ii ion.-- th: iltlislnc-sis'st, llil; 5iil',5551
1101- is thiss- 'siststieiii spis-hishiig isis usu fs i ed 10.ii I - - dai'e n Th a t
Fowvler Comnbinatin. Lady Sits 'ii lsI s-Ii~iiIAWl-Illills Hlin s-:ss.tl 'ii si'isii ,tiIl-111
k:it t tt(,A iiitk ie n-1(11111111iui aruci st of is!).) ws 1 10till
Bohind. For KetcB I"h livieinte lsigo
11111. 1111Ii ut 111115 1ispiltisItuss'ots' sI01111151 NoticeofutSecret Psactino.
TUCKER Q8& CO1.!is lins I'llle Ii i.iohill' I(
TU K R 9ill V . y 1 61(1 hy-1<V a Wilil ta l sf lis tenlil by the fact 'usi s-sict slunh-' lalil ci r Xts
UNV R IYSCHOOL o h usi~l "~us,, tf~e hr
'U I V E R S I 1e illu-isi' '11't e 01 igs etIll ii '0iiI11 b 11 it nills heuilu-An 'its-u I_'n; ishist-e iseldlalit ilii-lil, Illli l rt t o s
O F DA.NCING tenuil ol, come slt .u1;1 see Ill-ill is ithyIt' it were .tIi iuu''''111sitofIllsthis lliuns5111oluigamel'tIllAhilneiltllluht
Opposite huw nuilding.$3.00a soeeter for huhos sissofononyistwme.81tld.'ethrte esrvnr
27 tompeson Street. s - I heyis lll(ll'- atu his1 11u1 Aiu woulitlilluuluL hn ul the-aislosucceelidedil in 111 iot-ug any
- A T -- [ heuu eI I iivesu-pIls thusicr l tie tdulul li ts' sf ui~ltrgildnhull ii suuu s'uittiu's btnhcuitof tros-us ht is-will ibe- 1111-i
__ e- s-u 1 .s- iwork'lhardul ndul costintly; o (I t- etl. "'lei uu tee lies il'o or w 'fle tiociii siill lulls's
1WAHRIfS BOOUK STOREk devohe thisieir hlues'uuu'u'g-fist thirithi shuuttinug stit fiwomen-u, sihos have- Thursuday- umorninug liatlA )o'hui o ssover
W~e invite every student to visit utuueus-iIA - usilsto111151'it cearly-ls'ubue s-e svillits ini the i-lriu'esi sensue. thliiiAliigauu (enutraul.
our stores. lWe have a large supp1lu uiuo'usitrs l i usu thisirwourkli i siotisllI illl'ii111l iuhgss uuiChc~totu~ iill~'li
of second hand University Text foha hnet c h lgetFotCfeg te-wl aetk
Rooks for all the departments. appr{irllu byPA'thinseuwhio shuould lul-hi'schouluisa i urta Gtue' 5reatit W'r'itsri nun si-ill airie ii
Law and Kledical Books. German
and Frencha Classics. plsreiate- it lmost -AMiuuellulis leridiay'moing., 1 i t 8:s.-)
We sell the host student Note Thue(ChicIg'o Iltlllitli s-einhbeforet 1111 dilguilullwslr hAy('urnl-l lust.sihucre thuey-siill stIay' atthue West
Books 20 cents eei. itheusss-lsonlopeed, tisi enuough inte~sr- siuuiuiur 5-till the ' IllirA- exIseduitli Htl 'leiIei-l i gueticu
lWe buy and exchange second Ouishlthh emisto shavuse sone sunieur t sslils iandl tuusints andley iA 0115 eus-I-
ib"m -and books. hllarlir eyPill-I' eilthueumonley suit- ( sou wllease ait S8silock Salturdayut
Agents for the lWtaterman Foun- rig-lt,.asint~g no~tinig i ern, Bu. ilt e'ufotus".athus- at theii- oolihuerni slullof eing, andlOcu hsAu> Alss,
MahmtclInstruments and ishellwe sil' slto IDsiroitto10 heetthus- Melstlh'shayiforto-hue purpoIsueeuOf(heli-ign5uliiliputa4sO
Drafting Supplies a specialty, best hvill 55 call obithetiy ssill studys~ig lie'glaieirs. obsoerng tie Sundiuay a terlocii.
The best prices to everybody. lnt 111' icileveni)0cents apsiece to oee jvIsisuious in flue lulugnetieIneedle anld Gv satilisgo nehb-ino oobl s addtsfrtealfeli
Give no anormtin atrial iin
VTA.HR'S BOOK STORE cotuld lie 51511anyssheure in the 2 Iciilll ntriluthnaloltlle111-temm are reiito sr Ili et allfeielua
Up Tows Dows Tows try, elItlogy of ehie legionhaid was lusue- 4:t5 p. ill, on flue calnlpulo near the
0 OS. State at. Oppoaite Court House, -
Ass Arbor. Main St. As a result thue mnley subscribed eesful 11ill linos every resplect. gymunasiunm.

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