THlE UNI~vERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. EN YO"6010' H0AT- IAIOI C!1 ANDEM 0$25.00 Suit f0o? $15.00 foe rent at seasonable rates. e 0 M. STAEBLER, !ETOI Style, Quality and Fit Guaranteed. Cyce Emporium. Oae doo East of Amei box of t ae'oD .T NK R & S N PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVER 11i Hatters, Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Solo Agents, Royal Tailoro. ottd get tlto beat service. FROG °IN -YOUR-THROAT" Y ottman's Hats, Rulop H~ats and Waterhtouse Neckwear. Office and Stable, 32 Forest 4 vwth you. You'll nee(Il No. 9 South Main Street, - - - Ann Arbor, Mich. Ae. elpoe16 teeo otgtl.c __________________ Branech Office at Palmero' Pharmnacy 10( Cents. a0 ilsnoeeep THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS RANK -.0of 10 ets. a sample to Capital Stoo, 5,05,000. Surplus, $50,000. ____nadr_._rce: oud $.8 ua-Resources, $1,0,0000. rf at oud, 40) eta.. OraizedunadertheGenralatnaking Laws ' - -dtoaiocost e of this State. Rleceives depsits,Says and SSttO, i1s0a10 n sellsa rxchangeon the prtactpa citties of 5h. CAKN'0 HRAY ___ IdUnited States.,iDrafts tasked upon proper tx;& OFFIesCERS sttaMck Pees.; W. D. oaum mm~a®®s~caozam ~eams,®a~a -.-- -r I arstmana, Vtce-Pres.;Chaos E. tHiscock, ______________________Cassitr: M. J.Frtz iAsstat sh~sier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK fAn Abo W O F4 1XE or 50 u i}Oapttat, it0t,000 Srptusanad Proita, X40,000 Fo 3 .50a 5ui Transacts ageneral Sbankinsiess. MAKSOTO ORDER Ftoreign rxchange bought aadsold. Farntsh WO11End M N' e tre offeritig tt very stuperior article in lettersoaf credit. MEN ad ME 1 FSt' E.I). KNE, Pres.IIARISON SOtULE, Fasy oFtinigShoeistntall the ''.lh-S. W. CLtARKSON, Cashie. e . F. 7 (rweiiFi tle State Street Toaittr. Lotest . . , ."Styles Btic G oods tnstde trices. 5We do Beat Plac onetofiithe }best 1mills5itt1the counltry. We inv-ite every thsitin or t.Line Caningt, errsite Best . C8and epriltg at lstest priceseonosistentswitht IieeCl1it. gsod tootS foods coiled ior atnd delivered. for l We tel: to pleasse. 20 S. State Street. Give iiaopatrangR%"' . w w.= @ ®., as ciii Chocolates. 4MENA6 FURNISHINGS: 21 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Hot Lunches. VE IT uT. SU\1)AY MA SS 1I 1L"I'IN G"TUTTLE'Se 48 5MSate St. - - ° (lCoo:nttil li kis Nesfr11m0;Firt 51OA 0 S <43 S. Main St. - 'Upstairs. tills\-ohl. I Ray aI 1y111olicaniiaeefo1111111r tc('ln l oii 11 ll1olis o ltti 111 t\\lse is l os ct fod fo lat t ' oclt~l. "s t !ll.,1111 111 tell-ipresenot tandsfuture us t ou tr Ils iiaseiwhoihy, esos .111 1 a - R.J}11 l n111oell- of'lithe 111rdii iis iiiiiih weuPrce. q titt Slel(tcd II l l nl1lll\1-11' luld O'\e h lb hee fra es THE OPERA HOUSE JEWELER, to 11111111fil e . Stoiell llll 11;1ll l 11 ,ti ofeet-b. ysayosd theIsc lrirs shalobe hre fo a fe Ir.It ll isrlosisi leiil. 1 ' Itu llty. \ .ll tt li s 011111 , dl~ll11 l Illde.ay sit --GIVlE 0I1)A CAL L. i1S11100ls ltl('tle '0. fII (sl u(l.Ie l i fl' t le 11111C allagl, i &Co., pH TOT .P S ~h'lDE0i . 1111leoohis l11111li,1 11l " .'J.J1(D.LLL0tllieullltiril Les foll one veil111111d LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. S- Spetcalatesoto seniors at tr e h (vi ii 0'Sn( 1111111 5el At Srtleede'a, 50 Saoh State at. two \\'e11101 riwtillz-,viii(-iiifails llr i1I r ryr ar Z1J1110is l1111111 I 0 11ll t lit lli sLarlod herlill l 111'li C A IGiIH S tta hs1el otoldUtl\k(- . \r6 E. Huron Street. l ovIl1111II 11vIerlIIltii iIl Illkillit 111 1 ' i tlocstI olish j 7 H FIO DS E /\,f t fl , 1 t 0 111 1 ill still 11112 Of1 i3st' !t t o oit 111 sudls 01111 sake t lA ilaild ETo T Ltait eo eO tl 10O l ollli I 11' 1 lf 1, t111 thi 1 arklae I 1115 es '(--Alya dsomet i ne and .-X-nt on " e IsfI till. Itoyl lef1otilo tlllilll 1 tisi1l1 4) H)1111115TEu1ilFOR { Mort. oil dtitlstis ti 1111 111 115lt01 ii 1 ilt _________________ Trnsviai lS 120lIe WM.l e ~i h.I'1i ~e :yl1\a fll~e N) 'io. OLOLEAINDJEWELER, IND) TOILESCOPHfi7;.le io l'11( 11111W Soo stha''IOve 1 11 111111g lllI' 1111("r4. Net 11110 I;IIIt Trunso nd Valises ileosleef Neatly ly e oaf I d '.The1it iiI'll'- 11111 0111 :hs10 011 1 1 1 ii ~c 11 IFREDERICK J. 5CHLEEDE CsoisIllsel 111 yi.1No 111'slS.o io Ieils(II li div t1Ii UNIVERSITY BOOK BINDERY. terla's ids ind of o s omolilcr11s upwards. :11:1 wil u ltwl 1e. I l l llll-5iv.o f 11 te 011 lil t oi il tls. Sells Solid 011111Foiltait tells cir S$ 1.0 11 n h a v e yo t seen Ibtose tlbloy A 10111 0111llcll - 11 1:1 'l ty lie e 1Ii i s t 1111 111111 I (S. Itugolls i. 11 1 v o 5 0 h se n b y1 i e S . S T A 'T ' ST -. Seit Milard s ttrui eatot. 11 ireli AoAl or110,\y l II cel l illll e 1111111 F ic0r s i 'l oIt u-c1Mii eaf-ll ther boa. P1111 7t ~ ~ iiS Ntis At-isle dull it us' ltlls e rily 1e-~sI111 liiitheD~t ly otlie. or MU SIC IST U D4 IG.1 ( WILWARD 40 StateM el o ('il ,5(tOle of 1100'oat ilsl (Il~s 11110 fIisif. I PIANO AND COMPOSITION, (I~. , c+Cf fill liniO tias 10 1115111i lettlefeot RI NkS4)sH .1c15I~rRt l0 411Woolieoasv avl-.. <3 J1E~1P pOiltgte1111111l5.1litolitCsiiis' and 1TennisiI Ph1,1 O1C1,. H ~ T 011. ii.1. oft-tt'h ! (irl Il I FroSto utotgirt Conservatory, Ose00011. ANN ARBOR. ICH. lrltlttt1aiao tttilebetestd tiev-oss 111 '(1t, ath22 S. DIVISION ST. ______________________________ tteti Iliti dlt- 'eisss Assocition o115 blockisik rolill (atltt, Iot ri- .; o osti i . i1d toa vlIse l o ltl fin itt el. ,.l the tissa~iatistl. It is;0sery likielytha Itt-NOkSk:Stuetladeielg roees, :-Provisions e sk se ist so-ll ~sole 1 consultwiths-ll Professor Dettimon swill anti all hinds of Sanitarium w o i'ttlt1AT ee liod l lle aitd ,ill sle ind himi in Rloois 10, T'1=I., at 4 pt. 1n.osfr aeb roomlti stetot, at 11 Wiltot sl. daily. Stirn' son & Co., 4 S. STATE 5T. FOOTBALL'SU PP L IE S T A A' That hays perfect combustion and do soot ~E rythong for teplayer - Jatkets, smoke or smefll: Jast Received a Large aadFlegat Shoes. Stoek asa dersea'sShis Guards, Ln f i!ge etSp-%tdinsaoo~ialIntercollegiate The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfec-L Y o Ie Pipes! Boot ailotsialiy adopted by tile Ister- Hot asd Cold I asehes 'it alt Sears. Agert oiteeti te Associatioa. Complete rata- tion Student, The Princess Student, Thte Empress Student, all for iuletrt and OWilliamsan sd W'ernerssCoL togue Fail ad Winter Sparta free, theChcltBoBns Nametine uarantee." nickel plated, with latest improvemertts. We sell what we ad- cRootaEDBoaBoss..Y 0 A. G. S~pAUING & BROS., vertise and guarantee quality of goods anod are never undersold. 20 S, Stale St., Pager Block, Nw York. Chicago. Philadelpiha. ___________________ DEAN &t COMPANY. Subscribe for the Daly Subscribe forthe Daily. 44So tth amain Street. I