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November 02, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-02

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_, - w*eooooooee@S@eo@Oeooeeeeoeooeooeeoooooeo
ro 84 ak 1oFW.IIaiD [Pond COLLAR FOR IT
lie toat thouoht are bes.
to hat e tred tot i petss'ttpona
_ you the fct torhiat our gtodo avtot
valoablie eattue act ood tots eto
- ~~it dote.00ottot do at I ttitettatoti- ®/
4 tdctoeit,letonttcaotyourot
monoey bok. e " /
10 - 04Y00U EthboJUdGE. -.,.
- If ~~tyott cct 'rtt ethat ilttot " / /"
SOI YOROINEtRotOr LtAin 1te.
ca' tp, by OythoePARKlER Obea L
-pea wthckthe CaredtTblat I ss.ON p&I M"I
Eect. I".IS IST S7 g ON U' .7Wo 81LcU oWe j
Office Hours, 7-'3 p. m. J. C. FREUD, '9, 41 S UNIVERSITY AVE ( :JTaAUA AN EE
*"el,,SSrSOe~ie ®®®e@.e ee.*O9e@*@O@e~ro@OS@
tetroe abeetttettIsedlsc t2 tttb6
EAST. WEST M Hlf pound boxes 10 Cents. Pound boxes 20 Cents. I ;!y1t" nM
Matl andEke 3 U7d N.Y.Sprcial We iave just receieved aofteeshtlot of (ilsoi'oElgisholtFreit Tab'let in l
N, YSpecal 408t Mletet 8 4't - - lvors. - - - -Ex _70___NS. _________-9_5_F_-_
tast ap' 17..t ti Wa higt. hjtot't .ot
Ataseo tfeExeto......u.. niery's Iu4Store, tCol-.l4theAvr.,ilM-i
I)N. Epres __ 5141 Wtters ie ___________________________________________________
t.. Eperes _ t11 t5Ct. Nt.g, Ex - 9 0
G.R E U------ 5 For University Stedets. Wisoosin--Oeoit Comne. -
. W. ReGLtecES, C. IW .IlAYEb?, ,-------o ~ ~ ci~
0.P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Agt. AnneeAbr . 'a a o
(,lto . P. nttti, tee ioti! of o II ilact ii dy e Hloll S tiecet 'e° t m +O.r
I '' Aimct lot fd tatc Stilt, mik i.0lie' ilt iii' wole 15 iblcitte t(1c ti 6 t-t n rec -P ig~ a h
1 ee a .0-0or iI It tlo t onct e tiiitc'ct of !ttfn 5 t1cl ho l ltk t1ti i i~ktOH hit' buttet1 atatcn o yUc . y
y. d dtocitto uic e tic ty iic c ltci'ti: I tt to, t itad Ir 1 1 tit1 1 t (fci c f 0.0cf4
'Ju~lt' i5 1 ttieie'e it .1 cici-titi et i eti t:. ott. 1\'i t 'I .iet 0- u i xttII 7. iiE
tc i cht:; e tetd til iceoi its o dattty 1tnectt I olt cll t' tllo ll i i d eti r op-_______
YL®g .The Onlg Sleepig Gar Lin batwen To-
RAIR .A.I .ttrd tf tctithly tn-tnthtmtiyerltitelet- 1 t''t itto f tlotrt .li , i lls fuIc' -Itt lea and Colmus.
Timte Tabel0Ot. 21, 186. bitt' r Tlll i' 'eigop and 1"t i lntcr- 1, 'c ' r elc in11c d i(ci.tic'.li. c!c Tei leeing o5 r Drawing Room Gar
eone. SoTttt. Lea between Tsleo, Columbus an
"130 a. n. 'v7 lita. s. cii' Legiono cf iHonore.' 'I( t cft c il t i t ea° ii. ittilittd M aretta.
.11:30 a. in. 11tot a. m" Thin e ltrDa ilpRo a Ln ewe
4:30lkp.mto t l . 0. 'l tt o'sic i dte illt'ti cin Iit b ttigco Ii' ,.o tt-' didiindtelli ftfl li liiDaba em Ca ie9ewe
Tleo, Colambs and Gbarinbn,
'BRus letweeesc sAnn tArbo antdtToledo oaiy ' ltd ,ich;11(1thelt lRiht '' Otlet i r t ,,;lnts let'' illyec 1 'lre Ii .V
All trains dalyecept Sanday ~~inQpepr ewe ouin n
F, GLM'cORE, Aget P l tc tietc 1.0e imtilarto tIt ffI ~ iot -c nt o,11 ihottleccc cci ~. l i'lmnSepr eaaoClmu n
.. .B N E T .P oed iith k ilittO of Old. 1taec "Icix ' cclot' : c l k i tc'( i l cltlti Icc'e'oc'of il' tloicic 1- TlE!ONLYOLIN with4Ctmiain eWy daly
ANN $ Q ( betwee antdo Clme not
ARB R 1i ye nr .Au n' lit 1P;tIwlole di 'ith'.Ier ill l iteec- 0 al e et ltlctllltU jcgiven ctc-iltfecreit THE ONLY L N' withtli etneac nyen
A4AIIU1 &t' i6ii , ookwthore To anC. r
at llci liececto iciteicti lic' e ele' eoico' tie' Ihe Ierie I' iery tt lwi-c e t THEO NLY h LY LtNEdw tth tratn .ach ti ily
________bteenr Toldo, Bawltng Gre matud
a lm inan(i ril1"n 11t1 5,,n Illo i5t)ITime Table, M~ay 17 189)6 cit itttcie ltrkl. t'i.'ielc .oc ~ o c '~' - Tid1EOLYLhEadi h2un ac a al
LeaveeYpiatitfrom (Cogres t., 11th. 8:00 ,Ccec i'iii'l f lll'- l'1'beeti- o li'Iv bi'dTH ONYDeta T E eo a (ieteien, WTo Vedo'
atd 1t:00ha. sm.; t1c:45, 2001 3, 5: 00, 6tk ;4t5i, 8:0k c ececcicte ie!tcati nLT t thetVrtini s tttoenTi
ad etthe . m. p" i ll 's eda r oCry-Ot.- - TEPOA I NE bttolaia To. eoFo
Lease Aas Arbor Juncton, 7:0,8:t3d and tl tt1014 ttltieC iteet il Aeitteetc'jtit ii i eeli c-(to itliii '- ra, Otucyas, Gantciteatn e ark.
echO0 a.sm.;ht15, 2leak .60,1 : 0 til7:1, 9:00 ad lie'abte plc i eiee .,fe 1c ttlc eio Irti t it 't aoetc oattt in ien
SUNDAY TIME. 110 celjcce. ticendc ouil rotc:aiii 1fe ec c i r fle'rttle til ice'Soldd\o. 2U.nd CrAetntfe. ilbokCecraliiteiaetbyany
Leave Yplntit m from Cogress at.,h:30,.3:30,AeitteO~oOattHm
5.I, 6t30 and StOlp.me. tc 'olleg c e lti-occ'c ett'l -een h tountet il c m i einitegtI f Nor.ii.for t-MOULTON bHOUt, 0. P. A.
" Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:0,:00, 5 0, -E1OOHI
700ianod St:3lp. m. Soal eilati to itae t eth e elditt ic-i cite iiC'tt-t' ec-tediitiU llt et111 ftl e T LE O, HI
Cars ran on ety tm Paret stgtrtrrtp11 u-i niln1uh c'N v 1
cnt; roamd trip ttobre 5 ceta 'itd t t r c'foe iliti t-iieeciece' iv'eie t.e it.,tl ieliltcilc ec.
C litrebgle otr e i ehal~tf of "'"Ililt Subtsribe' Ucrete Dailti.
ALECTINeRETUiS-ciee I neeettie' i-ieee-tlolalce.fc
EL~k~~ RET RNS HURRtAWt Anes Atbor tee eat hatts a fin
Received by Privave Wire at ti e-tli'cedeilttticelt htacreeielatcooct, e- This space is reserved
totteR rtiet eolitg'c or ice eteietlitee Matt Por'tland. Cae
THEKIN ER~-AT N, lullbe1115 f 1400stuent ,lke eGanalSlate tre c t tAtny cety n,u in for the Grand Opera
RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS, i pt'ffitiiittt- -de-''cieei ~ e .i e br-'i eeia1.1stt>i (cit
e otri te tiittI titti le It" cit e tee e o l nt fe t .ee
Coriter Main and Liberty Streets. of Itoll roe. H ue
'luet relikrtle' Of lt' ies''ileti.o ef oANDALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER
A{ sitch tolic-UteZtiud unv ities tit iiXWashlintgoniBlec,
ii cet in orgeilu tio i site c'ib Ieeeecud-AnnteAibor. ____________________________
tue ( etetetgceii icrnd l, iertiie'occ' GRANGERSACADEMY OF DANCING -
E R i ID eloteette iu tt' lerc.-Vititi it 14th scretotte -Putpisieeia-oct taney tmeo.
erOur emethodceInesaretsoucets. tUtoeed
lhNTIeplec r. Ioo, t ynrd tiree t-t.
imprtd tsfirt las.UP TO DATE INI T'S USINES EIHOOSJ New 1tui Cuff,
t ai.Jr Tr iganowai, parltots.up id--watte ntetrets atits pttroa.Henaoobtle Ice it tencca.All tloe'-t C I
_________.1_R________________________________ e atne tiiouaectteg, ard tecer deciroo advacemenet to tlecitproce~o,
cite corctiatly iortted to call citd see s.
0. b1MARTIN Funeral eiretor Cotht PATENT APPLIED FOR.
'.. tidMtalic Caskets and Feet Grade Rooms 1 and 2. THE M1HiGAN TEACHER'SAUECY, tboie o t ~iy
Ct ,a. Embaeming a Specialty. No. 17 ..t 28 S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR.
- Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed.
WATE1iMAN1*'S IDEAL at the
STU ENT B1K OR i ranee's 0etee unt atioltrngeittt, crr'eideitce. fHoo i lceti per
17 1IJ 1)i2 g' 1 J i 124,sold by the pound('alliog' Crds sEngraved.
SAiTBEHA "N & CO.. . . . .1S ESTP


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