THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY., Vublished Daily (Sudays excepted) during the Collegt year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. GreICE: Times building, 711 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITORt T. y. Tuo-wAS, 17. IiUSCN ESS MSANAGOE" 0. H.iHAMS,'TS.. EDIITORS E. L. GeISMEic, 'i8 L. F. S. SUAIONS, '9S. B. B,. M1tsElAsv, '93. iHB. Satvs.I,u 'S8 L. F. Mt. LoiEs, 'l9t. i. B. CORwiN, '99. C. 111, CoEtN, I99.Athletic Editur. ASSOCIATE EDITORS W. W. Hughes, 'S8. S. W. Smtit, 'i9'. F. A. h'ucib, '181E. Louise Dodge, 'ill. W. P. Mo~rrill, '98. Butler Lamb, 1900t. A. SI1. Saith, 'It. C. Lull, jre., 99i li. The subsription price ofitbe Bully is cS0 fur the'ar, with a regular delivery beforecno0000ch al ty. Notices. comunica- lions, and other ematteintendedl forepublics- End of Fall Tennis. As vvas.;stated linXedticoctay's Daily liii flnnis loiiinmiin closed 'Issesilay af ttlisoon wIt uliithe oals itn d:oblcs. 'f i' tiou lepize.-tichiewiesev otiby thIc sesvoral winntes are a's followaz: lionlsbll ,l sivee, XW. D. Hlericik, iii -:cet libyI. of1It. AtilcileAs: 'itti:cn; 'cld iizc:, AVicisoi tik:'). lBut- le Lamiib. iiecui'lt'(l by the' Overural IXI~ hiC,()-; I onsol~tii prize, sils i e m-e:ti'hlbox. i. Miylaoul, pleo' tei by AX'ig,Ka &1'. Si eiiii lallss Siligico -1 u like:'. failcy hai cirubh, ililcy'.pres'ei'ied liv :lliocill& Soil) 2:1dii i . fmily pip:' 11-litler,'. A. 1.. '..Xkiniooi, plie nted biy 8211u0i, St:'onii& Co. 1)0111:1 -la,1st ie:. tlwo': loeii : ri:ii'ki'Io leeik :111d:1 iriv 7. ': ' lild by ..G. S)I~lhlg& Tos.;::'..d: ipr: iizeI w s'cilters, 2iiedncy :and ilel y,.piesetedti ly Mitlchlcll&aCo. _ .-- , .. , ..:...: .:.: t -- \ ' HAVE YOU SEEN OUR FALL STYLES IN kIf net give B5 a call. 6 N. MAIN, OPP. COURT HOUSEi Linmust be lhanaildia at tihe Ilitiy offce lie- fuse S p. m., or w~aitled to thc editor before3 and (,:1 1l::ieay Iti. o. P. in., of the dasy prcsious to that onowche th~ey are exipecte'd to appeare.Moe frth Tam suhscriptionso may be et :5Thec Daily MnyfrteTas Officec, Meye's or Stofiles Newsstassd, r._ with Bistineclssooaer. Subieribers. will ce-ar - ''ulotl- l 1:1:11 of111E, :' 11 ') ii':):t fer a favor by rcporting promptly at this office any failure of casrriers to duniv-epasper. Nv~' ))o "ll'o5'sl "III) -icd,'to : 1' The ialttcallediito lthile rilililli i i c f 'uo lililthere ii'1s sti «lii's 1::':':: GIVES YOU THE CHOICE OF 50 DOZEN SCARFS - - - - Flowing End Four-ini-Hands, Teks, Strings, Pnffs and Eons. Not on old one iti the lot. E ~ sThey are not Dollar Scai f- or1 '1 cent Scarfs, _but~lthe best ties that cuss be produced for e0 See Our~ Window. ...Gents' Furnishers and Hatters... frosit PreidclnIteesiltiss re:'o~sdillg the tllli'eipions forsie i'Suippoert:of Silo elev'en. Itis Io be *hopedcul 1.11no: 5111l !t he nlii'11110' ili'tiiig orgt to gssaou' Iis lba'ik :lccollil eic ly'. Of ell+ thss e il na-sellelhas lu I alceorilhig7ly. 'Itle trilltoIMir til: lis will be It bug:111and i ha'rd011) :10 ex- pressed lBili e eolmunichitln-aBd will be correslpondlingly itileluiS e. 'So don't foig:') us«icis 01'ruitcci' yoii' siib- scriptioni is cluse. Th'ie 'emlarkc of Casesare's abouut co lug, 'seeig and cllscnqelBO i s a shioit antd esisy uvo Itoetescribe Saltliec-uv's two to onie ilit hi' s'soulilWlt ,sioee either. 'heIle 1100)pieaisitig reaturee of thie Victory- is 1110'sloe of the score :1s cstiplatrecl with hatof 111hecssten teamus, who have played 01 IL-ighl. 11111110. '1'he pi:-00 'ii l is card lILlitli ile liii' 11211I S o .S o I1 e' ?.l wox.' illSs of the tr is p :': st'S i; l . Itll lllel 1 0110.