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October 31, 1896 - Image 5

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-31

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If Wou Are Thinkin~g of Buyin~g a
SIT rnVr0j
do not netglect looking over our immense large line of the choicest gairments made in this country. We know that there isn't a better
and more complete line of
il. in this-city and we claim that most of the merchant tailors cannot give you near as good a fit although they will chlarge you double the-price.
aPDr Suits at front,$15 to $20 are simply elegant, notning~ in the ready-made line to match themn. Hammersough Bros:' Overcoats
are thec swvellest made and only handled by us. You will wan~t one of these.
Time Table (1 evised .tpt. 7, 1896.
P. M. A. M_____________ -_________
Mel; and Ex- 347 NY.Special_. 73 .-; r
N. Y. Special .4 s8 Mail ..-___8 43Eatr Ex---117 N S.Lmtd_.92- , .i 5 1'?}" x+
A.~er Mo- 1 17 M. .. Li .te ,_.,
Atla.ntic Mx -._703 Pa ciftie T;.... 21
33.0. Exprecs. 4, Ex {t ClcoocNt. E x15Sa :_: swat Ball Bearings ar othe Bicycle. Don't buy apen until you have examined
0. W . RUGGLES, c 1tg. Wu BAER and tried the new Packers. All sizes, all prices. Pen exchanged until your hand is
0. P. & T. Aqt., Clg.At n ro
suited. Tuali PAULhiL0 PEIN Co., Janesville, Wis.
- FIEHlR~7 TO 9 P. M. "' ! FMCU )99, 47 S. University &vo,
RA L I A .Half pound boxes 10 Cent. Pound boxes 20 Gents. s
Time Table, Oct. 27, 1896. We liave just received a freshle tt of flibsoo's Ifoglishl Fruit Tablets it, alll
NOTH - - - flavors. - - -
':30 a, ei. ,i 7: a mi . M/V mo'--a.-.-x--.,CC .--e- ---"GtT r, Washington,.
11 30 a. m1 53:s 3m LV I1e'7: Ii.iJ_-~ 1 J I 'uL2 K.JU'.JL or 4th Ave. el~
4:80 p ~nm iuS a___________________________________
"L.uUteuAsia Allshu a 153 oled oy. AI L lit. I-ve 3n 311 ll3 1 ii, xol tu l I m i l 1) 7 It lii' 3ilt7io "a ' rirni1.1":101 -13 . - Oox3,1 I
All tilaclsdllyc .ci ea Sunday' 1i. 1111.e) 7ll mit lv. 1. ,, 1 11 i"r ' I i 1( 3 1 lil. 171311 -I11111, 1131 lii'i .tS
W. TI0317. IT . ie. A.Too O . . li iilol 1113 iiiilliilt 131.P1a3 n 3111 ereex Li l eao r ,tll3' 13111 hove11 11 u-, Ati ",
3l1y 31. 311111' wIllli}~ of1 et 1111311 proved'l 3333 , 301t 1l ' - 1113303'33a 33.3.1.} mo a lb m ' o wa%1
THE KINDERGARDIH BILLIARD HALL t 1 13 r 33113. 31.3 31113333 tloll iiweightl, boe Pllii i' a." .o .03 0
.AB ROAO TIBKET BROKERS ,fulllly 11 lick n aso;it(e(, beon111337i '31333337 11r1333311lli-r, 97 1.. 1h1as m~ll -31
Wholesale CigaCs, Tobaccos audf hoo 111333C1 313 1133313'c 1 fst 131ell- 111 11 00. Its l so 1101 lildt e Ito 13- The Only Steeping Gar Line betw-en To-,
.3 11311 3113.0 fole his wxt it333. I~ t11' e t3111 Oro1 tif 1.3st y 1133. 1fte is a3 IllCm 3111.31 , teds asd Golumbus.
131 1h I103 tS eh1 ml l t.1 a111 a1t1 . the 3111 n so1111 e 011333 33.31 'l. Ilk culls 1013 The Only Drawing Room Gar line between
ANAL HEPOTGRPER A-_1 (111330 3333i33311133 3311' D9 11113 1133 shi 13 Ot3b13 promii l 1313 1 Teteds CoW.u Va.helatn
Was'.to .B1.k s 'ul 11373113 '13 7.1,t xesi is Big "is31 1 333'e ~d 31331i ll l laltd;i131 0 Pullman Cicao.
Ann Arbor. for ah 1131' tio 1 a31 d lt1 31 1 133 1133 313' P I l [ 3131111': 01103011 , t~1311''; i-llIl l' . 33111; iTOME ONLY LINE with 4t im cashilwnydatil
booetween T aledo a oClumbus e
j 3.O131 ( 11111'1 . -rt 1311 313 1171 1' B(l f 13311 "110.111011'0. idr e],W ih TOM ONLY LINE it 11S traian emc wayal
11101113 ll101'1f 11 3 al IOxel1 lll I11111 betweeo Toledo, Bowlng Green si
111.SS00 lul 113 3013 131 lIl , iti' tie13'l o 1 13al1 l111'33 TIM ONLY LINE w i2 Itrs eaocn way daly
p lo it' 1 3111 3111l1 111 will 1 i 13 1 MalllowC( '11 111331y 131 111333310 betwee e ot a d Chalesowne 10iltlf d )t1,1 I NYDR C LlSN. be w
e w L n 111 3 ili fiend13l sa11 d133 e1''iiiO,, 4 ebhe Virgola.
l 11ff 31 1031-0011.i 11131 11111 3il3dnegod% . TOE POPULARV LINE etween Toledo, F0e900. r
W.e ' i.3i I Ii.~ f Rike1 3311(131 X) 3l1' 1. ria, Bucyrus, Grnvll 311 d Newark.
E N T I oorl 1110311121 11' 1113711 III~IIS ,113 .111 1 11 111 e 53- eeloo etc., mill Se cherf llyrfarnisted by any
tul Iti 01 11 3 11101 '1023. 113111.1 1111 of 1I3N oo10 to r en33 at 81-73131' Agent ofl~ theOha Ceotrl Lises.
L.-uchno ulC .Prec1',N.1' ,Iog 1; al MOULTON HOUK, O. P. A.
*PA1'ENT AP-PLIED FOR. ltl1i n(1 .y .1.tll1' l~.No8Wliel 3.301er7 TOLEDO, OHCOp
SO'KpdefV High Grade Fountain Pen ") orSottmd an GRANGERS ciAgEY OFdes aANCis-
it If cannot obitain at you3001 BoMStore, to UNLIKE ALL OTHERS IN tir.T. R' ro31351now11. 305s. state ot. f14thr sesn. t isrestslreceive eeve sucsat all Irue
Introdace Pen in yoma scholas on 1lelespt of "uesaco 0D01 IRTN Fuea 3etr lt or 'anr tet
cash with, order, we mill send by register Construction and ® an Metalli Oakt and F'fel radlte lor 3Myoe tet
mail one I'eS at 21) per cent. discount. Collins. Embalming a Specialty. No. 17 IS.
Clabs of fix's at 25 per 'eait, diacoant. Combination of Parts Ilourtl are. Subscribe for tile Daily.
Clabs of Senm at NO Nor cet Nisodnt EvrDatNwEnoe1U TO DATE IN IT'S BUSINESS METHODS.,
N.N N.,; 174EvrPatNwadNvl Price---$2.50, $3.00, $3.50 Complete and Practical. 13 Wide-a-iwak~e to tile interestx of itsparn.Reonbeiit in.llts-
l'ltt=Inin rc'n.an ~edxcsas n adagmn3 thr profession,
Call at office of your College paper and see illustration of Pen, and cotmltu~ecigadhs u favneetare cllrdially incited to call and are ns.
opinions relative to same. Address Rooms 1 and 2. THE MICHIGAN TEACHER'S AGENCY'
WILLIAM H. O'KEEFE, 60 Main St., Lockport, N. Y. 28 S. STATE ST., ANN ARBOR.
Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed.
ST DE TS BO KS OR Crane's fine unatinly for polite crrepndence. Best linen papers
ST D N S B O S O 9~ sold lay teund Clig Curds Engraved.

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