ACT id1 Sd 033' F tl'v TO 'A AY1 . . ... _ . . oaLI,@ Leading Tailor AND IMPORTER, FULL OJHESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN, $PLOWS' .CHICAGO CANDIES. $ We have the Aea Arbor Agec Oy for these goods. Yeu 11 riad roath- jag nirer. .they came to pondi and half pound packages at. 6t0' $ a pound, we hare Lownis' if A yea prefer them. Alto the finest ! Chocolate Creams at 25cg a poondA that yoa ever tam for te pice. $. PALMER'S PHARMACY. t 46 S. STATE ST.* GREAT SHOE SALE Till haturdty, Nor.7 w' will make 01he fol- loain, roe to pricet. yoching marked op an price, hat the reduction 1s made from the- original price. Oar Footwear is reliable: $61.00 Shoes for. --------- $5.10 6.00 Shoot for- - - - di7 .S'.00 Shoes for------- ----d4.5 $1.5 Shoes for.- - - -.83 (5$.00 Shoostfor-- - - -.40 Q.5.0 Shoes for- - ----. -----. ---. ... O29 $1.00 Shoes for-- - --- - -. .--- --- ?.5 $2.50 Shoot for ........ 2.12 t- ale to cammeace'Thasday, Oct. 2. JACOBS & ALIMAND, Washington Blk., Washington st EVERY STUDENT SH-OULoD REGISTER -AT- 3rownl's Drug Store. - It "osts yosanothiict. Dic no1, Ooe..SciO it. torner of Main and Huono sts. Co-Ed Tanidem... Fowler Combination. Lady Sits Behind. For Rent By- TUCKER & CO., FIFTH4 AVE. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Oppasite Law Bduilding, 651.00 a semester for tmoilessaaa a week. 27 Thompson Street. -AT- WAHRS BOOK STORE. We invite every student to visit our stores. We have a large supply of second hand University Text Books for all the departments. Law and Medical Books. German and French Classics. We sell the host student Note Books 20 cents each. The best Linen Paper 20 cents per pound. We buy and exchange second hand hooks. Agents for the Waterman Foun- tain Pen. Mathematical Instruments and Drafting Supplies a-specialty.. The host prices to everybody. Give ns a trial WAHR'S BOOK STORE Up Tome Doswn Tows 2055. State at. Opposite toort Hlouse, Aen Arhor. Man S. Milard The Printer. DITROLT. p(flIGHIGAN i 4~ Located directly oppositc M. C. R. R. Passenger Station. Twvo blocks from U~nioii Station. Three blocks from Passeiiger Steamer Docks. In center of wvholesale busiuess district. Three minutes toy Electric Cars to retail cenitre aind all places of amusement. 200 ROOMtS. Cuisiiie tiun- passed. $20000 it recent imnprovemnts. Steaiin heat in every r0011.) American pianh Bates: $2 to .50 per day. J. ft. HAVES, Prop'r. tLihigh or -aliy 11101roWorthiy opplonlentl. kinows lthe'-gils trt 001g111, lioee, W. V.HIeninlger, 097h, is ii~llildays-5forevttoe iouthie m itleis itt Ilila 1191 relioable' gaiile oilleft tickle. jhitit, 11nd1is 0111of 1lligtiat sitillili- Aetiot' l liehigh lsiloto i 111(1 11019t heeti dy-, tlL, 1 aot lint, l: IOut 91119 iig till lte' varsity 01t.0guard1allotIlisiiight to ot - Voioi--''V1'laot sea- i-idle p titilols sincec-101)*1. Last yiaeyit.Ilie itovoetdiihiself t good teil hei 151N ii'tatOtt~11 01 the populari litable5apt11 oitt d is phlu eiiveto helter of lo(-tigin's faottuos eiiiiittiiitis lson050. team ..l. D.. NVoinbahere, '17, is Nvit tle G. 1t. 1".Villat. . L awo. kntowni ' Votrily. regtili1y, tuis veil' floer tte oat thteeota11Utos te to (outi'is ole- first1t1110. Itlihsolay11cotgtoid id knoowtedgeod the geelleal grotutot gul~il- tooler cinhis, e tiss1e--t Si 'lite'nle'- iog tlikie illihe westIlie will he inlgoile andhst ye1ar91 0W011 teeozi-i long retiuo'tiilored tt i o-igzloi fi tionth as stiltguaordototlithe War01sity'. reiotoricottel'yti5ili 11tielt'bat tiolf 'T'bis seiasoltl11eies1playoling ocgoood of .tie'05 PIreoi'gamelt. Ito'al1o0pl-s 01te(1dy 21111meiiatl, ioenter, and111015 be pltoyedoicil t ite'Varslity sinc 1 93. ois iltted 0111011t10dot lis :haoitof 00ike tlet'iiigoe iantiViltai iiouboootedlty vork welel. mlote i'a!ronoesi )orle of tektc'es ini 1. N'V. 1F. Ileililoi. ht, ,inde Suha