'HE UJNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~CHEST PROTECTORS tNV' emoe ~ AN CHMOI VETS! 106 S. XCain St and 342 S. State St This is the time of year )UIVRIYTEXT-BOOKS, 3r NEW AND SECOND-BAND. when we need protection H IAS FULL LINES OF NOEB KSan 9from the raw, ccld winds. 4 OEBOS n *Achest protector is maccliSUENS 4PLIS Smore safe to wear than a sweat-STDN 'SUPI . 'V er because yon don't have to4 9leave it off when yonu"dress4 Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery u p." and heing oct of sight, it and offers all at the Lowest Prices. 'V don't make a man lookislouchy4 * at any time. We have them4 for ladies, too -dainty, well ®o ot er 9made and comfortahle. 4FoFrtYes 5 o Cents Upward. CALKINS' - PHARMACY. 4 GOLDEN, SCEPTRE ~ Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. The Sore- _*" ~xr.P. vo tdtt %I1,~ i ST'YLISH DRESSERS FURNISHINGS CORRECT FADS Of all manner of articles that go to .made np a gentlemen's wardrobe hown for the first time here. FISK, CLARK & FLAGGS Compete line of .fine neckwear. "E. & W." COLLAnS Newest ;Shapes Barkers Perfect Fitting Collars. -Night Robes 50c to $1.00. Laundered Shirts, 75c to $1.50. IBath Rohes $2.50 to $3.50. Fancy Hose 25c to 75c. Black Hose 12'2c to 50c. 'Mens' Sweaters 40c to $4.00. Street or Dress Gloves $1.00 to $2.00 Umbrellas 76c to $4.00. Fine Suspenders 15c to $1M. Newest Novelties in Cuff Links, Shirt Studs, Collar Buttons, etc. 'fens' Fine Under- -wear 25c up. Mens' Fancy Front Shirts 50c. IMi nA C-K &CO "The Rochester," "The Yale," "'rhe Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every student should use Dean's "Reid Star." It gives a pure 4white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale Gnly by DEAN c& tCOMPANY. 214 South Mrain Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I First Chess Club Meeting. ''A.Bagage 'lio('Mi" attte Aitons 'r li il' t eottig o)rfithe t nlvt'rsity ~Thete r lonigiti. (Chessti Clubiwill ho told 'Thursday Itis ~, 'ai".1a,0" Snow' lost Sid evenling atI 7o'cloc-k ill the Eniginooc- pounids intt urtday's game. ing Library. All looers of tile royal T'heotluivorsity of California is at gamne are inviteto 0at'eud. It is 151015- iltosent conducting a swiviu;gtour- able thanto ttorutal hbusittss mooti nanitxnt. will is' 1e1(1 uitil after ',Hanks-ivitig, Drt. -Nanse'i will lectreatithl lii- tintge. but re'gtlar iightts for' practice versitfy of wXiseotl-in atn Is fatiiotto will 1be kept. It is exiseotod that plte Aitioi'ean totr. tttettihbeshii) this year will ist largt'ly Tit'~e will iso-aa nottiig of the gitn- iaet' of that oif last yoar, as isr law (lass at >1). il. tolay it'rof. wtitt stutdentts have already sigoiied Myeeloit's ra. their Intentriont of joinitng tih' elub. Ttte 1oe'Le r is taken to itie tiraitliig yearly iteuthorolip fee is fifty cent's. tattle yesterday, making twenity-two it' All alptli'aliotts foe niieobersil:it all itiluding the eoacets andititit'shiottld 1)0 addressedl to Stalisit Raek- ager. ts, secrtoby attt rsasutrer, l'si!i'1oi- to-udlidat's for thte freshtman gleeott01 House. cltub wililiso exattitted at 4 p.m.ttt e- Valuable Works Destroyed. (lay itt ltsssst C by li' leader of tIeto *00 glee c11i1s. Ani Arbor" Argus: Dr. Alfred Hotn- ".1iunis1"' Baird is exp(ected either to - ~in fortiterly of tiete I'.of V., lost (lay ot' totiortrsw atndsoill tssist ttllpi .a1lls hiousehtold goods, inuouscrip-to. vosmeltittg ansi insidentally gel in cost- pintinigs antI fagntily psortaits. besides dilisit to 1p1:' Sal-t taa is fine librasry ott dramtatie art and °lit'Etiglisitdllttttlrepsorts tliteratutre~ by ltoe recent fire in Detroit. lia-g e ireaaoi itsett os er -Dr. Hineqttin's library was one of espcialyin itesoitiitiy uttses asi1hemus t itant of its kind in the in thte gt'adtiate titpsartlvttt. cotuntry, and besides Fretnch dramiatic , t1ss Josepinta Vadet', oi'f'T'aver'se works .it contained rare editions of wCit''ic1sttsi tias tes the "It of 1 1slys in Italian, Spanish and German; walze an a~a~edtllil th "?. f . among others, annotated edlitions of Waltzes." 'ploy a s eingtspublishted Caloron's "El Stogies Irodigioso," and bty Lyon & Healy. of Cticagsi. Goldoni's "Le Donne Ctiriose," the ati- Stssst of the Vrsity to' i tog oknlsy'nnetationas being marginal, ant ipt- sigrtIatas'ti1',yeresu siaylt.otsebittg ptltan s1ed 1to Itave been tn-ado by the aiut- sore as a seti fS'itttid iy' ogatls'. ors. It is a loss which cannot tse esti- Mlost of thte work was, ttInlocking rsuatetd. kicks. 'frhe ba eioticandsisates respssnld d tATIt'tt1OSE COi IPt'lO IT)ON. to laista its Butler's call 1tlttutday Studiettha tiawisht to tmake1u1p Latin tltsornitig. Ovser fifty,. how''r. itave Prost' fot' entrance to thetsi'tiiset'sity sigtsifiedsi an ttenttiont to 0011 0e out itt wil inst I nllststt211 at 4 is. itl. ott 1)c111e)pite(lits Iandttifssttrtttith'tS. .TO E'tII It. DRAKE. Gnnther's Chicago Candies! --=-=IN BULK OR IN PACKAGES FROM Sc UP -AT-- No. 1i3 F WasiinetonSr5, Mummerv y's Drulc Store tGor. Forth ave. W. J. BOOTH, Prs. W. AoNOLD, tt Viceprs . V. S055nAs tod Vicepeso JOHNs C. WAtz, Ast. Cashier Statg - Savinys - Bail. Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock $5000. Srpilusl,0. Resorces. $1100,000. Organized nder the General Sanking Laws of this State. eceies deposits,-bys and slls exchang on the prncipal cties of the Cnited States. Drats cashed pon proper idenification. Safety deposttoes to retk OrcEs l Chtstian ack Pres. W. D. Htarrias VicePres' ChatsE. iiscock, Casher: i. J. Feits Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL A oanz Arbor Capital, $10,000. Surps and Proits, W40O00 Trsnsacts a general banking business. ForeIgn exchane bought and sold. Furnish letters of credit. E. n, KINNE re. HARRISON SOUL, Vice Fes S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. s rer Ifhamrs ink Cu. Maini and Huron Streets. Cpta,.$50,000. Sorplus.$0,0.00. Transact a general bnking business. . itesse rPes. C. E. Oneese. Vice-Peso PanED. i. BEoSF. Cashier- CALLAGHAN f 340. STATE STREET Law Books F. J. SCHIJEBDE. 340 S. STATE STREET Book Binding- - -L......I... cents and p Solid Gld Fountain pens-..0..1.00usnd up. Waterman and Wrt P'es in stck and Pens Repaired. Wholesaie and Retail Paper. 3% bs. of Lin- en Paper for 5W. ST~ZNS! A RED - HOT LINE -AT- eWMARNOLD, Ledin HANGSTERFERWS N ICE CREAM SODA 31 G S. S Most Excellent T T 1B ChoolatesnA F Hot Soda. E B __ _ _ _ S RCii. FORTHIIand WASHINGON SS T. O MUSICAL ! @ Mel Gilespie teacher of Mandlin, Banjo and Guitar, Instructor in the Uiverity Schol of Mlusc. 10 years experince as a ieacher Cal at Ann Arbor Music Co's. Store to arrange for hours. ... Holmes Livery.- Stable! 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service FIRE ' During the past ten F 111 years the" Toledo Laundry Co. have kept their custom-- ers goods inured against lire, a fact that is appreciated by'theirpatrons Best of work and Prompt Delivery. Branch Office 123 South Min St., - - AniiAror, Michi