w° THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. P *+ ' Delta Upsilon Convention. a__ D. -Before Havin~g Tour H.__D.__Cobuher, '8, 11as jus. b Published Daily (Sunays excepted) uring turned fron the sity-thrd annul P o ostiyn NPC IEWR the College Year, at Delta Upsilon convention whicti was P o o5 T ] e ISETTEWR THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN held with thet' Amherst Chapter at Orric,: Times buihdilng, 32 S. Male St. be- NrthoniptonMIass. Judge 1. B.Sler- - ween Liberty and William Ss. -eiaao hcgwsreetdp MANAGING EDITOR det 'and C. G 10",i~,c h The Berryman Studio J. F. THOMAS, 'M0L. BUINSSlAAGe thgaiu chaptter, ws elected secod (Successor to Gibson & Clark) BUIIEPSSMANAGER sire president. Te iixt ccivettioii EDITORS will te held at Peiiiiyvaua. 112 'West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. 11. 5B. SanDLMAN, '50 L., Athletics. Marie Troy In "A Baggage Check."________________________________ E. L. 0 IsMIn, 'at L.- - - Mnday BTvies LAMI, 'O, - - - Tuesda y With ticareis E Bhn.l''s "A. Bag. ST. THOMAS G. D. Heunam, ''0S. - - Wednesday g~~ek opn,%~i 1ani A P. . Woonisow, 'O, - - Thursday C'0tlok ots'cwtc Oiti S ErcRVAR Y FMSCB R A.IAP3~ C 9Jsei, 0 - - Friday 10oithe Athes Theter toight will be'LU'.E1 A~cili UI I. A. (turociL. '5, - - - Saturday seen iiiettf the cleverest lit'le dncers CONDUCTED BY TE oin the fare co miedy st'e, M iss M arie sS r- iR Tiroy, ho, though tut 1itSetrlsof ag, 1 7 The subsription price f the Daily is Sio ics'sesal ig"r-ace of-il. I iie' 'whoi OF TE for the college year. with a regula delivery hefre ~K ~~'ICNETfre noon each day. Notices. communica - I_- liens, and ther matter inteded for publica- MON OE ONo~N, tlse must be handed in at the atty osfie be-_ for 8 p. i., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. i., of the day pevious to that on which .Pano Forte, Vocal Culture, t Ni Cssaft they ae expected to appear. atT TheY Daily Subscrptions may e leftatTeDlyMnonGirVln ih, Busies's oranager. Newstad, m.or Mnoln Giar'ioi, AriN OD LIN s* OficBue, s ey aer's oStofibes willcon-Banjo, Harmony, Countet' fer a favor by reporting promptly at thin office any failure of carriers to deliver pper. point ad General Musi~cal GUT41sBA JS The Daily hastllced boiexs in the , \ Theory. Study of Harp, The Washburn is the one and only '\111tal :wi *id hothelawi' IitV ttiliii'iMiss Elln 1.. lc jmake of world-wide reputation. Sold whih t ope t se feqenly se.y firstcass dealers everywhere from 4-tl ieli'stoso'fr'suoii bsete$5.0upward. Imitated extensively Alntcsnesitmss signed cil- so he=sre that the name "Geore il nicnn'sc, drpedins b -e " a '_ l o eST TO A DDON ERVTRYO, MSCAWashurn" is burned upon the insride. itt.,tututitii'ar iii' uilosyinga orilig.12's 'sQI"i. S. THOAS CNSERVTORYOFiMUICWabeauifulWaBbbrn Bnkncotain 5ins'ct11iV'iitts-theflitni's n o' ELZABTH IIEE. itg portraits and letters from the D tiltr tam's ii i c ioxs. bC- oltrsIcttcuffs tgcentts. shits r nkoCl~EtnsNriaS _______________ 1teachers, mailed free upon request. INs' wotld suggest to thti' turn - ittili' /rtnts at the Ailer gency. Address Dept. U, tostt't liae it woll i tha.t nfit wellTO Itld'ilstlt'_f rotis tit lt Con Wabash Aveeand Adams St., Chicag. 1t stsist'1tactsthtcnfctwt i cnveniencs'at 074 P. tierty st. fsototlt latis. Quito' a inumsbr of tt'- sits players stirs'keptotfromth etlt1'1,i Inirrilt gameti of Studay by te COl-1 iisttiotl oftetoucsrnamte'nt that tfter- L c u frtadeniat.-ss c to i toti. Foot'ballii's adaortids.0' lEv-ery tatets kitows thtstheo is te- o.- FORTY-THIRD SEASON. lug tisneitted ty lis cohtee couirsehashdytso.ann;hrwr bitt te sotettitt'5 nts it ditlicut hshdterot huig lorwr THE UNIVERSITY'S GREATEST COURSE. jost tttt kislt'tg itloworts Ics-has been desritodty somtte of o'rablis pillt htanofgens ltokrd.Iis i- cslielicoor.s as teit, 0.Olivo 10 s-eat sn, oJonsnupkithe nitioil. Miss fTro-s plly andir "aco- S TO RN OCR o- - - - - o.3 O xiy Ian s m e up te.atr f'ul, thd soon ottnce nrs)l into th L ON (O G R - --- - - - ---- -- -- - c.3 viry well in theo'followi nnttnr : hat fhradec n e pca HO .W L AEB U E.____________ ________N- 1. ('once ntrailt.or 1h10 atiity to iat fte iotne lo irsoca-HN ALC RC.-----------------~ ty in the last tct is oe of the prettest DR. FRIDTJOF NANSE.N-----------------------------.-.,----Nov. 10 hold tile tinitd excltsively anti tersist- thitgs in the terforialt. ter sain-- O.Ru.L ALR o.o ense entl 10oii sujeo.H---------------L.--TAY---------------------------------------------------- De.- 2. Distribution,. or powr to arranige ~1 ilbefris's iiua LELAND T. POWERlS-------------------------------------- Jan. 22 tutu clssify knoswn facts.gtc' ss-l a o eii x- BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, Chicago Alumni Number- _Jan. 29 3. tetentionl, 01'posver to hold facts. ke.SOUSA, AND Hs BAND-----------------------------------Feb. 2 25esoo ove otetwa n n neetdi h ~rjcto RTRCLCNET------------------ ac 5.n Pnowero ndnc.o iaigianoolins stnd gias an obtaini a HON. J. BURTON ------------------------------Aril 18 Po weli tsrihOljuatmn tor 0-cinghhtbrittiftl book about ieit free b -li-v------ chrpdsrnilto "we 'twritig to Lyon & Healy, Citago. It SS onTces 2.0 wilili is ftlse, that which is temporal, conttain toortrats Lovser 100 leading SesnTc t9$20 aind that wichiiis essential. aitists, together sithi frank etices- Southern Club Organized sons of teir opinutt of the new 107 Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50 iocel Wshvburn hInstrumnts. Des- WThe students fronm the Sgott met cripions atd prices of all grades of Satutrday isgtt and organized a South Wtslburnsfwa the citapet ($1.00) D ress :-: Y ou r :-:" N eck ern Club. A constitution was adopted upwards, are given, together withI a anti officers elected as follows: Fish- succinct accotnt of thisppints of e- Js sbcmnl syud h eto u oywa er, of Kentucky. presidest: Nukols, elleace wvhich every music lover Js sbcmnl syoud h rs fyouoywa a tie that of Kentucky.,sice president: Hloward, should see tiat his mandolin or gutar feels right and looks right. We're going to help you out on this Tie question. of Oklahoma, secretary; Mlurrell, of Ipossesses, Address, Dept. I, Lyon & South (al~oilna, reasurer. Thils is a Hlealy, 199 Wabash ave., Chicago. 23 see Our 'Window. THREE FOR ONE DOLLAR revivtal of the Southern Club of tw Mr. Granger will Iave the advanced yasaoadlkthtersucs-casidacn metWdedyf orgization it is purely for social evenings this winter on account of the C u tting R eyer & C o purposes and Ias no political aims. Clotal Union meeting Tuesday even-lmefrmteSuhrecdilyng1821ad03othMnSre. - - AnAbr,'ih invitesd to bcomelmembhers and keep CAGR in touch. tnformtatiots may 'be obtain CFR i'd from any of the officers. The metmers s f my class in Chaucer will, for the present, prvide them- SHOES SUCH AS SOLD BY US For thtefirst tine in years Prince- selves with 'Sweet's "Second Middle- They rethe luxuries of shoedom, the ~elixir of life" to weary feet. ton's second eleven scor-d against he English Primter," Hempi's "Clicer's It's unjust to your feet to de without them. 'varsity. The score was gade by a Pronouniation." The class seets T 7 drop-icE from te field, the 'varsity Tuesdays -and Fridys at 0. in Romit 'Cl'(T. JV . A.PR ILiL., being unable to blck. L, GEORGE HEMI. 1i9 EAST WASHINGTON STREET.