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October 26, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-26

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tt* 'Of

, . la u.

VOL. VIII. No. 22.



t t

Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings'
Fresh every week.
Only in packaes-
tile a pound.
Lowney's if you
Just Received a Large and Elegant
Ltiae of New PipesmI
Hot and Cold Lunches at all her. Agents
cr Hylers and Wlliams and Werners Co.'s
Chocolate on Bon.
R. E. JObLLY & CO.
308S uts State Sreet.
PRICES:-25c, 50c and 75ce
MM 11M 1MM N
Students should try us before
snaking any purchase. We are
hound to satisfy and please. Our
large stck of Law and Medcal
Books, in short, Text-Books fr
every department in the University,
new and second-hand enables us
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta-
tionery at low prices.
Make our stores your headquarters.
Up Town Down Town
S. State 8t Opposite Cuntloue
Ann Arbor Main 9t.

Plans for the Coming Year.-
Famous Speakers to Appear.
i1ns- Pihilosophiceal Society will be-,
gill its series of public lectures next
iweek iwith a papber by Dr. Pillsbunry,
the inen-uuesnber of tine faculty in theI
,pisosptsical deptmenst. ie officers
of tine society pnromiise exeileist papiers
far this yea-r frenin senie of tiene sOst
nsnousiuent ineil in the ceountry. La-st
year, 'Professors Peanbody, onf Harvanrd,
Sn-ts, of COrnell. auntdtDewey, of C('il-
s-sign, saddsressed tine sne'erings. Of oius
own faculty Pronfssonrs Wsniey. Stn-
icy aind Winkler rendsti piers. line
prnogramn for thnis yeair has inst heels
dinfinitely asnuneiesi, bunt swilt aintlenir
,in tineDaily asnoon s anrrangend.
Ttiselfis-era of tins-secely arens
follossvs: "C.-H. 1-arrell,- '98, presidentl;
E-. Rt. Sunderlandci, v7.nice ipresidesnt:
aunt W. I1. Whnerry, '985, secretory ands
tre sursier. 'Tine executive -onmmuitte-e
is-tnta.inseenting yesterdiay a11151 e-s-d
tle following adv-isery bsoard fer line
cuirrent yeanr: Pref. Rubs-st :1. Wen-
nP-ref. JTames A. Craig aunt Prof.
Iias-in X. EKelsey.
line regicla r naeetings ef tins sos-iety
ar- meld en-ery two er tntsn- seeks.
At these gathnerings sen nse nib-rnsf
tine s-eicny readis a pater en a pislotse-
picalsn to-pin-; after tins readling tineipa-
ine-n is insfeennatly dscusesed. Al-istu-
in ils of tine pisophsiican l epartment
arc eligible toeibn- rniiis.nns in-s
ins-gentto join tinesocis-tm nd51toins inli
insistInn ins anmeetings. 'Tine anein-ty asks
a. smaslliinitiationfe-e. !stno110dueis.

Tennis Play Renumed.
Tins-fsaii tennis tnsnrna~nent i s re -
suinedss yesterdiay oni tins-fsnciiiy -ourt.
Tine nets- couirts we--srn- still sogy, ist
so 115 istiies inn lirat claissiilges or
in dodibessn-eeplanye-d. Tsssisy itwo
nsf lienew55csourts will be readsy for
tis. Beginninsg stit 11 -icis-k ise
matichn instine sesn i-finnis of first chi s
-inglsg,-nandtwIc ontiests inn tine snsi-
flialsroundssiof slsssisiens will tie tayesi.
linhe secosnd ncass is-in aisnstn-nill inn
till off as rtiily is ntine linitedni ins-
Inst of courts snill pesrinit.
Tine best isntchsin in eefcn-s i ehiiss
yesterday Nc-s nbeiten-siWiisir ant
Los-kiooi. TPis developeds-en rtin-in-
t est tenniis yet displasyedl iii a sinoind
s-mass c-ontest, and approachnedie-ry
meanly line stndardi ef tine first n-miss
tsnunnnansent. 1WAiltanis stesadiiness andn
spior lisnitlg on Massthinnats-i
inn straight sets ti-1, -33. At tins-,miies
timesstiss nnatchs-nas inn innogress (101-
buirin i a ndscoiss n-rc sturiissiniy s-ens-
tentinng fins- a c sise inn tin s- ssn-smn
rosun; Coibsirn non tie finst sn-I 9-7.
Wist Jacotis sWen tin scn-sld (,).I.Tins
slts-c issntinsnacalledni icn nit nsf
darskineas. Inn tine finrst roundssiof sn--
osnd scmass singlesJerns'ntsnnndefeatesd
PBnrlowc my ndfault, auntd (sbornwas
givnnthnin - u ithfroin I is-gelsniin mby
tefa sl t.
-M n'tisenssesduledsiforttday rs- no
fso-n-s: irlst slaiss siig-es nni-
linalmro ini. IH. Daniforthi vs. Menet i1
a. si.; dolessss, senii-finanlirondis, It.
Dsnnnfssrirln d stHerrinckvs.(Gore ant
Mees ot 11-si. t.Dasnforths sndlihaunts
me. usset lantdIRipkleynt4 1p. n.; snec.-
ondssi nmine siigics. irst iondin, Venrdier
sn. Dsseny iiuninishned. (Colburin vis.!

Educational Advonces.
Tns-fsliis-ing antis-is, itakeni fromnithes
tndeendeisnt, still inn- nf intern-st as,a
sonss~isnls on f tins sist-nmadiein
tins edtucastisonalsiinsititsntisns of then
s-sentry -fromin11872 toi I819-l-5:
At tins-n-nriiersmte liners- n-n-srn-in,-el--
ingcssslandsupieriorn-tn-s-minisal institun-
sionn s, 11t52 01tuden-nts;sit the mlt
slats-. 81,3t)2. Tine fiarienitotal givs-
olne studieint to every 201104 of tinelnsiss-
laitioni, asdthtin-lastts (se1i0to n ic r
909. In shsosrt tine proportneehads
sssnbind. Soenis of tinenoting-es :n-prs-
senstedt ni-ccsak aindprecteintiouns,mini
tis is not thesir-ineram crctnsetn-nd i
tins posest ofte-nhaves-tine foern of ,
gr-at teacheris. Tin s sinsrnay sineo-ns
lisat out of 484 uiveissrsitiesnrantciii-
lege;sis-epting.,:146 anisnit stomien Ins
n-dsergraduiiatec- ousrses; 27-i ins-ncines
thni 100) studelnnts estc-h in utndergrasd-
mote courses. Tine :numabe-r of instnrus-
torn inn tine 48-Iinstituntions.s-n-sin122278;
tine ninnisr of studnts of anll las--.
1890,372.(if these 47,014 c-sre in tsr--
parnatorny deparntmneints, ttS,69its inn -i
le-giaste, 4.173 in gradsuate, aind 26.43P-
in pressiasi lnisartsineits. Thne-
fleani iiShIn ng is imptressiv-e, at-
though totals tinre gisv- no hinit of tine
acntialistats- ef thin dividiualischnoolns.
Tine totannofef ndiowtmennt findi-sn-epnrt-
eni fist univsersities ant-i cols-gen 's $311,-
52((5); for colleges forwsten, 0,55;scolso e nsg , $0,-
:84,24:3. Tinesvalne othtie nmasteriail
equsitmn-t ef finn- throe-c lsss-osf
tsigier inlstituntionn stken ini tin s sitil
ordser is givein re issxtis-eiy as $13~4.-
053.4:35, $158,50t8, $13,72,9s4ls.
Harvard's Librarian Dead.

M~erit Appreciated. Jcscins iuinisseni; se nJ-utnsndsi.Snin- ts.1ssinWiu -,itsriinstle-
- issns s-ow s. c-innnnr of tins-Verdhier-Denniy Xsardifinnrts-lily yeanrs, mgiones ofths
fisrers-are an-hnes-e manhsnanle v.tsbrn istkson enevrtin-gi-~t it
jounrnalism an slrge n ilproportiniias inter-Class Football Schedule, thin ivssrsisy, hwith sn-sis scissnsiand5,
thmosse n in e longs-fie-idtof ssorini-ssise tine tunlin- at ilarge-. lis-nt hisionis- :n
j-ourniusm.sns fssnwesternisitss-Tns- l e a b inhr-(isnss footibasc nsnhul is (smsmnhrinigs- miast t-ninsy, ef stilrnuntt-
insremen-ty dislayedscediitaiim s--arrsnngedt is ins followsss: s-nthersnian, aI snnnhiestion resulnsg
is-ririse isatheir jonralistic latbers: Fridiay, Novs. 5.-Wvss'01. fromnna hieavsy t-ois.
sins V. of Wt. Daiyandsitine Daily (lard- 'Saturdaniy, Nov.t. t-'00I, in. t'ts i.. Dr. Wimssom wsiisann indstnriosnssaunil
ihesl, of 'tire Univrsity of Wiseonsin. Monsay, Nov. .5-h98I, vsm. thighs nrnnifie swriter. tis fin-st ltesrary nwonrk
Pine rss-ent visit of Presindent Ann-Sn most, atPs1It (tGouindis. of insuoesainne wsnt st iory of Diux-
dres of Brocwn Univsity te Annl 1-ininy, Nov.-12-'98 vs.'*99. isty, tins-originsal hseisonfIsis faily.
An-tir gave tine editor of tine U. of jof. Monisisy, Nov. 18.--Wimninnr No-n- 1Sts.Amonsng Ihis snrim posnusrtunt -n--emis situ
Daitty ann adtmnirnabe susuotunnimy for '00 1.,sitPFairtGronuinnts. fils ttiiniionrapnhiy nsf Origiusul (Jui~surs
nsojing' fine loealaand city taaters F-idsy, -Not. lhs-Wimem Ne-n-5 vsma tnt trlssinaof iSiksuiepears hiReiders'
~nsthue took it. ecsecured a lbug in-.sinsnet Nov. i0. tssitnink sat(iftins- Annertc~ns its -sn
tis-nisus fromn Cp'resideint Andtresss, Satturdasy, Nos. 20.-+Wtlne- Novs. 12 tosn,- "hmi: tnssin-'Columbus,"' ""rum
ssintcin, in view of tine proumineuncelitosevs-ntinner Nov. 15. (Ps"ittisI I't i~snnein-nnan- ns"'ilt-
usiniets President Andrtews lins linen lMounl.y Ne-n-22.--W'outerNoas. 19) Struge-ins Ameiric-ai between ns- eiring-
thn nst on sacount of huts recent difiul- as. winuner-Ne-n- 20. lists ni n -- riin fuens169l7 n) 17;%"
lies -nnits tinetrustees of lBrossn tnt- llhe'Atieiic Ansecisfi ons s-nill jprosvieIns anditi snsIsatlilies-lins- slited-st. a m--
snmnity, nmaie inferesting readting to tinse uunmn11e-andi refseree forn nm-acenmorisul iistoty nf Btostoin,"sGntlhits
naiy tins-least. Tine local daily did tact gsamesnstndthei manasger sof sins tic- grisa.i swirki tins "Narrtivss'anti
csuntsutn a.wsortt aboutfnrsindenat -An- nouns teans t tinsisoss-ntinmsmndo ills-- (5itinsu l ttisntnmy f Anmerica,si nn dx -
stenns, and tine correspnondntseof bothn lucia. hilsuslisasr-aul sriesif nigint ssl-
fihe }Deem-elf and 'Chicaoedamilies s-nemsr iuni-nnnunmge rrs insst Ihandni inn ninns. s asesnrin of sinceisni imponsrtaunces
eauumsleely scooped." 5list ndf tiene n-sh11y5-inutendmto Insytiy whssi sichI sipearedssiths fie co-muss--
'thin Dsntiy ('an-nitat, pubisedstat the notsnt lethasitiSstunrdasy, tOm-iinn Tinsse tiousnsof a s-smmitteiifnenttins- lnsss-nnns-
busais-euity of Wisconsin, is not atnll lists"still Ibe inubishedi isin-t uIiiins-onsn-Its tHist al Ssns-ty.
lacinin oenterusrise. Recently, in oem Momndnnd anI pitt sts smsst beinstl___________
sin-n- to call finn-atfenstions nf timeolin- by Wedtnesdasy, Non- :1.A inn-w isnit nutisn .iumt. IatIsnsiniis i
sin nts to nnanamperfauftoe-ne mseeting I. -T. lf1iUiD, Anal., Isan. et fsmlfornthsins Uppyii nofcn-smsto
mtni pnupose of wiehwaisanto unake on- Athens Theatre To-night. isinnoinceasut aeists.
ni,< mugnsts for tine annunal football {sssniscbisghgalsnfollowedsshe e xalnme
gnsn xvct-n-n-i tinesota, tine (artnal Charleis 11 la tsney a-s, written sn--onf (Oxford nd rut efusnd tin grIuit its de'-
stfc-on-is-t ~lalighst to get out aa sinuecc-sfmui fsrce coednieis. ills gins-n-to wsomesnn n. 'ity slstdetnthonk
nts-I-tat endition oof time ma-nmna, cIichi -nas I latsutffot . jA-lin ge Ch(eck," is oath n-nt fo hals- stegecis mit cshnmndmns-
mristssIinn esnmsinnal, tine college cole. Isaidito inbeIsis bent. neseut if ws-eon sweemisuperminttedto.

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