THE UIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. CHEST PROTECTORS j AND CHAMOIS VESTS! i IThis is the time of year "A4 Swhen we need protectione from the raw, ccld winds.4 A chest protector is much4 Imore safe to wear than a sweat- er becanse yon don't have to4 *leave it oif when yon "dress4 up," and being out of sight, it 9don't make a man look slonchy 4 * at any time. We have them 4 for ladies, too - dainity, well 9made and comfortable. 4 50 Cents Upward. 9CALKINS' - PHARMACY. The Store- STYLISH DRESSERS FURNISHINGS CORRECT FADS Of all manner of articles that go to; made up a gentlemen's wardrobe hlown for the first time here. FISK, CLARK & FLAGOS Complete line of fine neckwear.1 EI. & W." COLLOARS, Newest Shapes1 _ Barkers Perfect Fitting Collars. Night Robes 50c to $1.00. e Laundered Shirts, 75c to $1.50. Bath Rohes $250 to $3.10. Fancy Hose 25c to 75c. U Black Hose 12%c to 50c. h Mens' Sweaters 40c to $4.00. Street or Dress Gloves $1.00 to $2.001 Umbrellas 76c to $4.00. I Fine Suspenders 15c to $1.00. h Newest Novelties in' Cuff Links, Shirt Studs,r Collar Buttons, etc. Mens' Fine Under-- wear 25c up. ' Mens' Fancy Front.: Shirts 50c.r MACK & Co1 Nothings. Like them over seen in Ann Arbor before. There is a styie and finish about our gods that quality alone can give. Sec north window. GOODSPEIED'S. MAIN STRIEET. WE MAKE CLOTHES FOR ME WE IIAVE THlE PREVAILING BUT EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS OP WOOLENS FOR OVERICOATS, BUSINESS AN D FULL DRtESS SUITS. ALSO THE NEW THINGS IN TROUSER. INGS. WE REQUEST YOU TO LOGE THlET OVER NOW. I13 Suth Main Street. WAGNER & CO., Importing Tailors. Lamps Expressly 4o. Students' Use "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure wielight, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of thle city in our canIs at 10c per gallon. For sale only by DEAN & OMPANY. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I"la' lle ulingerIpllayed on lt'e1)0- "A Baggage UCheck' will -be tbeat-( Iroit Athlletic Club tloam Saturday traction at1the1AthensTheater011101' lisilt 1'teDuquesne 1'Athltic Club of Pittslslrg. Althloughlit i as his irst. row- alight. A 11ewchaplter of 111he111 iomml el ;nt ehalo'd11c yinot Delta has just bellnestabllisheld at :110 l1blyilug his 01115011011. Denby, 5110111- Uso-ovrsity of Illinoso. fall'96.1>1. lytl 001111r10n1d11e1(1tie Ml"s. l'iliflO1', aecolllpslllied by 11v M i-sIligilty \Wagolllrst ovenl. 110111ll en- liugree, G~ear a111 Davis, of Detroit.,1.1111(0 111d Denlby will play inl 1h1 wer 01gosts at the1'Alpha D-lta UPhi 1lll1111liiml10e et %atulrdy. 11110e0(Saturday. Today's Tennis Matches. 110111 IW. Job, U'. of "i. '85, 1.'87. of N 1a010hv onllyl 011 the Girml of _Me-Aurdy S Job, of Cli- tenis tournamlent Osince last Tf1Iesday. 0010. ills dissolved 111s partnelrsipC tdy11. il(0111,n 1010 andi will 110a10110e110111'itn.C:Ilieago. 0011110 at 2 olo sarp. The 00111 Woillbacller, ovhsovas elected cap- fiaals iu first cIlss singles an~d one 1t111 of 1110 Mich~iga tam btlO m011.at1ch11 1001 1 in i'the 'semi-final 1 roun~d of has1 been prvent10d by sicltnlOOO Leon1 douibles will be'pliayedI. Tile 11115101i'5 playing, witnessed 1110 pr101i0e511 Illi - ill 1110hrot class semlli-finals10arc blip- lnois Fold last 'T'esday115 iglt.--Plo' ley vs. 1I11ss01 at 4 p. mn.; anld I. DalI- 1111111. forih vs. AMee 1at 2 11. 1in. 111 11511111 'P~e lexlllletllgof 110Milli It . Danfoeli a1d1 Herrick will play Plitiical Scienlce Associationl will be (1000 andt'Mee at 4 .p. ill. Tile tallow- he1ld at Ann Arbor. Oet. 21)t11rind 30111. ~inatces are scheduled iu tile soc- iThe sessions15will bliel1111ill'Tappanlansolda11s s turnam~ent: li'irsi roun~d. Itall. Tile full p~rogramG will be lprint- Verdier vs. Denby, Colbuell vs. lacobs, ed later. Lockwood vs. W~ilbur, Baoriow vs. Jer College Balines .Nturd.iy resulted as negan, Ilteigelulaun vs. Osborn; sec- follo~w 5: Chicago 21, Noel itw-een 6;011(d rotund, 81111100 vs. winnelr of tile Illinois 34, Purdue -1; Anies College 12, Verdier-Dely contest. Minnsot 10;Harard18, row 0; S. C. A. Sunday's Address. Princeton 101, Cornell 0; Ya1le 24, InI- ians 0i; Uennoylvania 41,. Iafayette 0; "Tile Sources of our Belief in till -Notre Damno 4, DeP~luw 0. Bible" uas the subject of Prof. Yesierday's Detroit tFree Uress 0011- D!Ooge's address in Newberry Hall tainedl a full-page write-tip, withlIillus- yesterday morning. In introduction, tratiols. of til e chlanical lalboratory. tile professor dealt with tile value of rile stuperintendent's office withl Prof. the Biblical writinogs as literature 11111 C'. G. Talylor at his desk, is tile subt- thleir intfluenlce upo11the authlor of oue oct of one of tile illutisratioos and( it 0o10 tine. Bitt tiheir chief worth to is dtotI Prof. Talylor that 1110 tree 110.lito saitd, was nat ias literatuore.,lout Press was enabled to se0ur0 so Hoch as a revelation froll GadtIsthe imdi- valuable umaterial u11)011tile subject. victual 111113 to direct 11hI rligioulsle. Gunther's Chicago Candies! -.-=-IN BULK OR IN PACKAGES FROM 5c UP -AT-- Mumm ry' ~ SoreNo. 1lB N.Washington Sn, MUm erV Dru x M re Car. Fourth asve. W. J. BOOH, Pres. W ANOsLD, 1st Vic-pres J. V. SansoA, 25 Vic-pres. JOHN C. WAL, Ass. Cashier. StA - Savings - Bask Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Slck 10,00. Surpu, 81501,00. Resources, 81,0000 Ognzdunder the General Banking Lawn sellhs State. Recives deosits, hys and elsexchange ne principal cities afthIe IUnited States. Drafts cashed upn prper I dentilcatian. Safely depsit bxes to rent. FICERrS:o Cristan Sack Pres.t W. 1D. Harriman Vic-Pres; Ca E. Hiscock ashier: SIl. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BAN KO"ganlsedrlol Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Prfits, $4,055 Transacts a general banking business. roreign exchange bought andsold. Furnish letters of credit. E. . KINNE Pres. HARRISON SOUL. Vice Pres S. W. CLARESON Cashier. Cr. Sain and Huron Street. Captlai850,00. Surplus, $30,00. Transact a general banking business. I. Rpmpr, Prs. C. E. GENEo, Vice-Pres Penn. H. BELSn. Casher- CALLAGHAN 9 9 3405S. STATE STREET Law Books F. J. SOMLEEDE. 340 . STATE STREET Book Binding........... 1,coas and up Salid Gold Founain Pes .....1.00 and up. Waerman and Wirt Pens in stock and Pens Repaired. Whoesale and Retail Paper, a% lbs. of Lin- en Paper for isc. STEINS ! A RED - HOT LINE -AT --Lai WMt ARNOL Jeee Music Studio PIANO, PIPE ORGAN AND COMPOSITION. CONCERT PIANO TUNING R. . KE1VPF, From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 312 SOUTH DIVISION STREET. @ MUSICAL ! @ Mel Gillespe, teacher of Mandolin, Banjo and Gutar. Istructor in Ie University Schooi of Music. 1 years experience as a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Musc C's. Store to arrange for hours. : .1.1.l Holmes Livery Stable! 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service F IRE During the past ten FR 11 years the Toledo Laundry Co. have kept their custom- ers goods insured against fire, a fact that is appreciated by their patrons' Best of work and Prompt Delivery. Branch Ofice 123 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich