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October 25, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-25

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ARL Am, Alk t




SPLAYED GREAT BALL. pose MNichi gan this ear. Others in Freshman Law Election.
-IL Dthe1111e were cosiderablttlo 1w im
N IL D 'Varsity Defeats Oberlin by a aility. The taner tis one t he flrst year law lass indulged in
Has received a full line of Novelties Score of 16 to 6. yo re "whirlwind" and bease of btO hen the electionca noe off Salr-
for Fall and Winter in acrd~iuie rprin n o dy morning there was very littlte ele-
Mirchigan put p the real artie Sat- toneein, -an t he eleven otc es were
USts,±1U~±eIin iheadihwork.tie itd gan eldedl t11elet nls hna oe n ii
> > ri~~01day in the ay of football adOh-letd n.es ha n ounu wt
etrlin went fown to defeat i.; to . The Vriytclste ee;~ tVery lttle eonfsion. lProf. ohsn
and VBYC~ib1I1S gnne as ierc frm bginnng o ith the audieicee nt were wyarmly
aridOvecoaing gtee as ere' fom egtnin t pplauded. Washington, the colored itisided.
ed iyears.t uht nrpriesinlyortor, also idid well at lthe other leaf. here were two tickets in te field,
Fugledsiworkaafsfulhhackrprtisingly-th'tTneti'ident Ticket" and the ''All
NO. I0$ E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN siong giiieplayed y (ihrlin igaist ititt tW s wpnn tswere vry good tid i
Purdu_______________________ 'ihe anit Ohio Wesleyaend , i; iinneig ndiintignresl urd 1"oes follwivng are the ofiera
i.('t 5tha theteain rus introvng imcertain gints.Baer,sho replaced elected:
ra tiee, together with the famct tat ake tqareiltielsttr residecnt OL.inrhlo l-
A leg etM' iigiani sis making r ot itmiiffer- ote; vice iesient, W. I. Alln, of
'e u (,iii shiotwimg in tiesetret lraciceyfninniles of p)lay, got into ''ry lilt
e t ~ ~ w~~ ~~ ~ little aixtey ~~~itsecIve tliai thasofc t;rcl less ie tivf ;sci-ie ieil'it hill
Cl 00 ts. s thwekitcaudiiic t rhttith rmeiiiosatn anitypredcessr ak~rer, of Mssor; thrt vice pei
C ho olte fetie monIlattryofhi heelsrg's.. tote ncote ofiii'bse-ichon t Oherlim stat~natthe nit of ifue hetifG. (,' 811hof Ohio; financial
laarut'tisrwithoftttelsaaaon.I so la, seceefary.(, A. Andrew, of tRhode
tame islewil;ors'aiprd tug secretaryg111.sW
Fresh every ek I aved thegamemexteiteil ht Mmlii Fiel. Trie yelling erie deafening ,,andIlan;rcrigsertr, .A'
gull hadlia srpise ini stor'iC i ti'tarts tet tlnthsi Iyii eans, of Colorado; treasnie. J.1
Onyinpness i s h 15inito the wtrothain an o iil.Evr}icia tiesa utille, f Aoniamma;sergentitat-aris,
ti on. tie his year. The rushes wee tesed i~ino tal..up s he I i.B. Buster, of West irgia;toast-
Lowney's if yon titlei and harsly a srimmi-nge paseelsh iisst essMr
ofhowling stdents and ech e it-...... ....neal; oratorical tei-
prefer. twithoutt tine' eiig called, shle sesnc eiasiicle hl.Alredtilt "r gt, O. fi.Htan, Of Inthiaa; ahleti
Ohcriii' was rought 11. c is conmimimmaisgee, calTed'aas-lt.of tloiensio.
PALER 1 PARMCY. ncittsnes orit varityplaer at itws qiickly focued atd haded hy th
Si ~isii~sorit iust lit)ei1)50ba~nd, the teattiwaeocrariedtothi
________________________________ c ie. The gamewts ab isolimelyi fiies 'iiiipui,.The victory was a glorious Seniors Elect Officers.
froislngginmg and only sitfriendlydyteem n etueOeln ~ctt owns
negtprevatleeOhemonmietheeipieistogtplai atrmay ftermmonmmtie sininecass
iees aldimom ieopsn )-t ~d Mit-higai stas not oteommfidentr of tis' liis-ar~andmmii ngitemig sh-
ATHEN S E t oe Miciigumisumtie line,'L Ciut-im s osucss itmmismmt met .atsleletedthi l-
THEATR I ciii all hins 'et previouic effort.I TCm Oluelinkikesd off to itciigai's 15 -es for limoeenstimg year, as folisv:
wtS505 NYtas a tos".'of stoenghm Not 0ot13yidi e tmogcryn hs ilhs Presitent, rank S. Simimomm, of D-
TUSDY OTBEh6,9 ttcommiletely oit-llay lime opponenmti, ast s-1e0cmm itm d Oitrot; sice lresideinmt. irsIsoc
TUSAY COBR26 T bu epermittedt no gais to tbe tim-de le fiat sowni Iaanmmi themtel lie Stielsiey, of OramdtHtaven-,;secrtur,
imomigum limitsandl oiilie'u"gurd hack pit, aleady desriehdiandmiovecheos iiiclutoy hi.ttarevey. of Oak Pmrk Ill.:
A.. plyssioase openimngs of -ll sectsmu nd mnstm ln.I hmmiel 5Om'treasetmr-4,A.S. em, of Mumekgi;
GA.. (~'~bD Ibtcked for sure gains. (tuimttmghriuiimside imto the haids of Betty, trim, foothall ismiuager. A. A. lc'hher, of
iHt a teruws not fur bhindind itta- eithiaclertfeld, muades uutouehiuse ihiekeom; baseball nmmmiuugt', 1rel 1.
PRIE-25c,50c and 75c ci miii yest Morehiea. tmmming- iii-eIi caammmum fsmcl ffei, of Dtroit; tructeknmmsuuiugr.
Li)snatingofthtbi, it)oetimit. Goal esas kicked. 'Thes'score Ioee-rrd tIehe, oLt Buu'ia, Ii.; les
stiI WI ecptionies isaccurate, aimdlse-leu oniwas n made on mimiout anmilouitifluke" pet,Fleech (amss. of 'AnnimArbo; hi-
cts tfensivee linvai-~riablty heistfor umuitl wsesoougli to tush all lie'spirit oriaii. (harsles iH. tFaell, sit Dexter:
Just Received a Large ad Elegat inm ali~tlest gass. Bali-i, af right out of atn opiosing te'amm, lbi ut t.ich- prophet-ess, Miss 1, lsriee' oatnriy, of
Lieof New Pipes uecl, eras a onurmris.. tes-w gigan play~es shoesed tei aihe amd AnAlo- lso-im,(imlsS
noisend Cold Lunches at all hours. Agents iron'u madmse through hulmimaol hi' smaShi-liiei iu umtiii st.Io ii'mtns, Of Detroit.
for tHuylers and Willamus ad Werer Co.'s oilup nimte'fereicecoihit ay~ that rest of this half the play sas on a pos, Theo contet 'for pretilemt ewas not
Chocolate Boa Bonssciilshmsawicomt. ceo th ntltie'al neter inewer eithemrgoaul as close as usus exrice.te iuoc
R. B. 'JOLLY' & 00. attieotiler tackle'.wasaonot so cromig.hathi.t' 20 ars link. Tie'haulf emitli-sbei-tg eic't 'tI oiltie'seconde balot.
3 .)3 i1,1 sta s rau. tbut mneertheless plaiyed it egreat gamut, -.'ihlimtie'core 6 to 0t iOhel's fuss-' oir tie tositimi of treausurer thueresuas
Biennett and Teetzel, omithe ens, msails'andelthis'Ohioani seec ilithi feathe.souse'strife, hit all mie'tihie oics
THOSE NOBB SUITS!boor showing inioffensive wtrkisand fIthSiisecnd lfaiamn tekdweven'qulickt'ilti.
oH s. Eash, hoever, maecle-ssn good gineu ubosuit 20 y'ardslwene thuy)'wsr-t Woman's League Work
M IIWARD THE TAILOR, tacke. tRight guard seas Jichugans his-it for' downs anthi t'iball we-t os-i-.
wea--kest plaue,.andcitiiwest here' lut Mihiguan ws hell after gainmg 12 gle se-ri cco-mpiihisud tt the lra-
STATE STREET. Oberlinmdmmahsost of tegains. Be- yards andethlien ofteiths' pluy gist's'timeemltte'bylie Womn's Lea~gue has
mhiilimo line evry -Meiiigattma.lu auhlto Mie-iigai amcl again Oberinbten ser- grutifing. Os--n ift)- yonug
showedutexcetional utiit)'. tehi~5eldl lio 'varsit)y. Egle kic d i wistomutn hae behes lp meduto tva'riius
111'1platt epartr aindtto his accmu'mura iuuarslsanidt Haninanm reunuedithita uosiionucii s wles em~rc
W .LIIIIR. Stie bis due to uchof _Muhc-h-puntforthe time ditaue thin u-esand ithe matis.Athe'woan
3~~~~ OOESTOR E. ge andSttsrt, at tie' halve-est een iitkin his ilanee. After ei shot gain stnt tts'dnem.
__________________ eidoee' sltie time, andilhit limo line thrughothegilie Ent~ige kicet25y-ars Tie sork of tie'league disisot ndei
bt tem thu-n eer. Hiannan, at full- to Htannan whio camemo backs 30tyars hut-e. thits ittrose to inmuhcetas
Stndents should try us before hrack, eas nevos at terst, and his n- bfore tbeng tuukeud. trom lire sumit nany as possihle of te onug ludie'
makngo aniyaporchase. Weure fortunatoftumble of a rather toor snati Micigani coimmeceeto pliaiyand tth eiti triomumits i mnmier smme'in ots
large stock of Law and Medcal bisk hy Cunninghammm, enablled Ohoerliu alevwas forced downlie' field std feet o ally themisels' to ime' S. C. A.
Books, tn short, Text-Books for to bRock hris punt ansi score. Ateti-nCaly hovd over for the tet tonch- Or solue othe reigtosodhsy. It is ex-
every department in the University, that he played in great form, punted dowvi. iiogg nised me dificnlt goal. tremmuly purishabhe tat eithin the nstsx
new and second-hand enables s
to sell at the lowest price. long, hbucked tie line for goosd gistight mntnttes of pla~y reuaiesianomintw uo nsithus osme n oeroki sill te
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta. ande his turn long runs upon gettimng tie 'that timme Caly eas twice pusiusd iuhuummetl anti lut ino exeution. MIrs.
tionery at low prices. 'al on tie kick-off slaritI )tIie'ligan'sOviser for tonludoevis and fIs'gg kiketd I-.N.Set t is one of tieisadre itt te
Make ourstores your headquarters. rallies. h'othm goals. 'Tle lust touchdown stas muiisigemet of tie' league.
Ic- on Oberln, Capstain Chou, at lftinmace n tie darknes-soandu it sas difi- - -
W B OKS O E giuamt was ia hot In himself, oustdstas it-ilt for Oelin is ollowrthe al. 'Tusereis someut-aulkofalitusmithson hti-
DUU~~ DIUL~aeconsistent gronnd gamner. itosher, Tie isiting teammandshsuisiorters. 41insua ctibobeing fornmmdstamlng the
Up Towa Dos Towna it lft end, stopped sout everytihig -in nuimber, reurned omme' Saturday students haling fromi tha section of
5. State S. Oposie Cortiloues
Ain Arbor MaSts. around hins end, and is te est to ot-I (Ctiuiiuued oi third pag). the state.


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