THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 5 THE WHOLE T1HING In the Clothing line are the famous makes of --A w-- HAMMERSLOUGH BROS.anAN __ THE STEIN BLOCK CO.'San SUITS AN OV R AT Made hy these celebrated makers are models of heauty, latest of styles, perfect in fit, made and trimmed in the very hest of manner. A GUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY GARMENT. We are sole agents in Ann Arhor and Guarantee these goods to he the hest made and hest fitting the country produces. We allow you to take these goods home on approval or to other stores for comparison and if you buy and are not pleased when you get home, come hack and get your money. We return it just as cheerfully as we take it. Our store is not filled with cheap goods hot in Fine Suits and Ovrcoats we show two to one to any of our competitors. Come in.-W\e are :Bound to Please -You, 221 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Lindeuschmitt & Apfel. ANN AR~BOR RAILROAD. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Tinme. NORH.nOUTH. *12:15 a. mn. 11:25 a. mo. 4:4a p.n, 8:40 p.nt. 19:1a. m. 8:05p. Ia. *Ruan between Ann Arbor and Toledo nnly, tRans between Toledo and Howell. This train Sunday only. All othertaln daily excepttSunday. E. S. OtLEiORE, Agent BENNETT G. P.A, Toledo 0. NTThe Nioa era Falls fRoats." Central Standard Tinse. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. " KNOX " " CHRISTIE " "HAWES " HATS ) per n ^ Ylk n inri xr IM 4 ^ Alar clacks ! (WARRANTED) $1.00 Each. IWM ADNflnfL EADING JEWELED. FOOTBALL PROSPECTS. (toi till u tt (toni Seod page) (jUUIJS hEtJS9 ~v11nUU .anrn ~i 3br FOR A HOT LUNCH -00 TO -- TUTTLE'S+ 48 S. State St. MR. AWALKER IWHITESIDE 4WM JEWELORSSEROT Ie Consents to Play "llamlet' Hererin Makers beat a Each. Constderation oftt(GenerailRquert filisbed fronm Our'Theategoers. I, If M. [lgs It is very rarely Ithttmaacor itt tirs- Staninitg atnilreptaltlisu of IIr% fd Walker Whiteside'ctni be sirs'rildsl iLtcksarte all right atid also (lie tutu atack lRes, (lie weak sotalas it Ito x litlita, gtuardsandtel eitret, ore (lie aiest liositiotisto liii1itt a short tiet. For ltese tiositiotns it rerltles EAST. WES5T I- todeport frinta well (defriotale itt ltifli9l ttIUM. P. M. Asthiiilthy iit ti iii o ls.i ioftetb rical ss'ork wshicthah-s l.1 Mall and Es___dy 4 B., N. Y., Ct.S 12 tieti hiate bhi eta ont1Othe i 0ltp;t5. Just Reeived a Larges and Elegant NY.Speeia--_- 4h58 Mailt. ..____toe___s918s tiiihhhbdtanttlantnhl~eil tar Ihm at fN w Pp liastern Es.---15 s5 Western Ex-.1 551 leslihh'las ti ielati tilBiit iliterence lttitoaost ineo l'evP A. M. 0. R. & K. Es. -500 h eaduehsbel elat. 0. NEapre~s..15 5Chi. Nt. Exs.5-- 94050t1. u: ihtl-stl i lhlhl.~,learl~ty11d (earnest app- ' frtitl tt Hot adCosldLuncses at att tours. Agests Atlanttc Exs._ 70PNhacifte Es.___1 0 \n ao .wll t.payd S ortHuylere's and Wiltiamns andIWersers Con's G. E. Express __11 ii tilie. No l'xies ;d i st555- nlits '. Alieie liitls'I hrtt o os 'North Shore Limited is aslestra ftoesteats ernl (rip trilllbeite, Wittheit'plIrV01to 1depiart frottahila setl 11th i.51lisao15.,hR.E. jOLL.Y' & CO. to ite a ceatre Iof$.to tNew Yoerk than os 5111 11tidl sill (pre'sentl, it'eAtiti' s other trains. trill 1lise d ftti rtitheiteb lggameiis,'20 S. State St., Sager IBloek. O. Wy. RUGGLS, B. W.HAYES, 1h e l 5tl tt1h.11101 (iliragot. 'lit:0 Eheatr (li 'ali 4 e igt hlii' 11.10's ______________________ 0. P. & T. Agt., Chicano. Agt. Ann Arbor r I itleillifuitl follow-s: illatel.rlpiiert it "lltailet," V-lan~ UAItRST CH O A tiltA liii. ill (lie grits' and:vigoir at Idss ill's'- R u e JI TYSH O c,?Jih as. vNttrtttts. tlts ability. OFe c -Icia s.,IapiHo n ilf Oct)1.6-1110i avs. OhbiiS(-all.'omteRoa Cnevaoy Opposite Law Buildisg. Teras Low. lliAllioias (ht51'hIC THlE U. OF M.I 1AILY.breStuettatCeray 0011cr, vaei sl SutarCrmty 271 Thompson Street. lct . 21-firilghti:vs. Oi~iil. (Contintied traon lirst Page.) Teacher of Piano, Organ and Ill. li-Aliilitta. n.bhtiitii. litnd toSitury5' IimlseltfIdurilng the fotits Musical Composition aNits' i-'Alich~ia 's -. t'ttlhii. lot's be is 1hetrieat a fiariloIri tss lie AI.SO THh AlRT OF TEACHING5. Nov. 20-Airhigol 5s. 'IWittab"erg. oplportunyth e a ly offioiritis (tint of .51 1W1WAtDetrait. keeping liaiselt postd.Ill' assi oad STUDIO: Nsv.l13-l-Mlichigantlvs. -Al ililisiot. sendtilinlyouir inOam'earlyOl'e i lh1'22 Sotith lDivisiohn Street, Atn Arbor Pianos for RentAlt(Chi'ago. o(ire. 129 .0. hail tis.. or leaet ith yitlt Noi. 21 lit ligtlrl 5s. ('itilsigO. .n uhrzdslctr V ...X.....To Advertisers. 'litrittgh 1111 ilpsjlrta iii- 110th' L I) - 'n otefc ta l c i;- h atl.iltretehsiaswr Has received a full line of Novelties (IsNugit li.AatBOR llid 'MUSii'latICgstlCOi'Si'ltsii1forai''t 'Fall and Wintte' itn ANN ARBORMUSIC CO. ileitS, e'5ri'll'iay.hnd ei'°r'yothlielily oav 1lli't0Iaremtaitiopiti dtrinttSte sa- 50300 E.Wahinto aces,1stve(beenlldeitdillit u alion.'flith tttliir pe-riit Cf'or i t' Suits, Trousers, 203 07E.Wasin-to to itit'rbc(aulise etf(lie filet Ct(ha is nliittwasasil i '5 alarge Is liii' ltt is aills extrabedtion, ite !1 'tells oit liittg torteeatoudh i'tsittdita i ill and. Overcoaut1ng'S as (ll are givelil o00 1 l ti sirs ?feth'e(ire ot'isnowa 11largEi hilll' Sf 'cas andilhetraltat ofti theiessity for rtilAl its bath hoispitlals far c'ltital wor NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN R ~ ii"Copy, 1o0attemitth las 1te11lale h en,1's tei't 11 edirtsl schools open. _________________________________ * a ~ts p1l taids 11ithleir regItllot'(Iltes. Call an Ills State St. Agelicy ityout me THE PHOTOGRAPHER (tthl~e