THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ONWARD AND UPWARD! Science is driving commerce, and one must either keep the pace or be left hopelessly behind. That is why we have secred iflhe exclua- sive sale of clothes bearing the labels of The Stein-Block Co's. and Hammersiough Bros.' These clothes are far-and-away ahead of any ready-made clothes that you have ever seen. They are designed by gnius and fwsk- ioned by skill. They are equal to the best made-to-order sort, though they cost but half. So convenient to have ready-to-wear clothes the moment you neel them, without fussy measurements, " TRY-ONs" and a multitude of exasperating alterations. Money Back If You Want It. Come Today. Lindeusclimitt & Apfe1. 221 SOUTH MAIN STREET. PIANOS FOR RENT ANN ARHORI MUSIC CO., 205-207 E. WashIng;ton S1.. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD. Tine Table. Sanday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIM1E TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. 8:43 a. m. *7:30 a.m *11:15 a. mo. 11:25 a. no 4.46 pm 8:40bp.nm. 19:1 a.m. '8:055p. M. *Rusn between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. ;Runs between Toledo and Howell. This train Sonday only. All other trains daily except Sunday. E. $. GILMOTIE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo _0. MWI0HIOA1N GUENWAL The Nagara Fall: Router" Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Mall and Es --3 47 1B., N. Y.. Chi .. 8 12 N. Y. Specal..._ 4 58 Mall - 5_______918 *N. . Limited.. 6 41 r. M. Eastern Es--- 10 u5 Western En-___1 55 AssM. G.R. &K. Ex.---. 551 D. N.Expres- 55 Chi. NI. Es_-5--940 Atlantic En-__7 30 Pacific Ex- ii-- 153 G. R. Express ...i15 *North Shorn Limited lo an extra care teals tn be acharge of$2.i0sto New York than on othoer trains. 0. W. RttooLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Art.. chicaigo. Ant. Ann Arbor. U. of M. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms ,322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing op stairs Old friends call a;gain. We welcome now onoes. ..R. TROJANOWSKI, RENTSCHLER, 1TE PHOTOGRAPHER Welepbone '#O. ANN ARHOR ENOCII DIETERI.E, EMiBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended Day or Night. No. 116 E-at Liberty Streel: Residence, sk3 Sooth Fourth Ave. Phone us9 RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR. KINDERGARTEN, 12 Hrn t Call and See Us, Foun-, P en. . . - / - . . '- . ' _ '%"" _^- -.6- FOR A I 0. M.MARTIN, HALLER'S HO LNC FUNEL DIECTOR ~ JEWELRY STOREI l0T;scsss-x wo.ra U.o Pi~ ans an TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. ROSS GRANGER, Teacher of Dancing. T HOSE considering the subject of dancing are reqluested to call at the omien of Ross Granger for correct information in regard to classes, private lessons, terms, etc. OFFICE: Ground Floor. GRANGER'S ACADEMY, Maynard Street i Athletic Notes. s ui 's'sill bt tssitlt- te dirts'-ion ofLst lClsitgo Univesrsitly hltdscrelt rac it ' faisttosOxford str ots'. 1t(11115 ty tics' ibis wee-k. (Iill ittils willshte' Iormsitil s~lsol- llolddt'ii.Mi(-hisll' itacklit '9', sis ns Oiatiollswtil) zit lIsiesig0. soltc.fiitlgt anst (xftortd lss's mlt il W1'iilt Caiisar«Wih sty is ittiiig lltilt spo11tsity lii'.toseeri-lost1 (wildssil i's ilsi in-hyftesto- . 11-sl'-''t( r is ilyIl'ltt''l~ Sitorl iii Ii~ilttr'sttittiireto ''sisl o 1 tinloltt lisltioilsi: flihesMsie impotanitlilfootibaillae of totday sires- osfollsso s('is.Io 's.s Do yost wantilto a)o 551 iis?' 1It so Noribst-wsts- Ililintois "s Isirtis; 5 it p.pa1sonisit''lso \Mu-lteri- luniiy. ICoslar'; 's. lnisiis; I'riisi-i's tD s-s ( irsst'll .Icetcuistffsi30cetnt;, shilt's i ents I't'itisyl'si st. Laifsytits; lit'si~vi 'ork gtisl tl. Will. It. Fox, A-I. '-s. Birowns. 427Maynarsiti. Asosist Se rtiry of ' lThe-- 'svslis t-ssansil footbllili lii 1 it'sttii iisiiitsiti. Collsirs 1 -sill, -ilf's : W(-4tointslsii 3 sittiand 51:1: is o 's ichN~ (16si hrtlis S ttents, tind ')1iit-7- art c-I's iltttiisiit'i is: tt'e I's'iii ii 5illisos itill prsiopohidolli. Wo'trk giuiiisanteedi. t's-tear51s ag.Wini. It. -ox, Ag's-lit 427Maiyssrsitl. hKIioiussi, t-nd, sindiiWoolard, 's '7f fori thuis yl'ic-sisiis 's '0 s-siy ttii-iii ilsslaudy oilsalariy. -No tolk ttiiigoti is sili- otisil 'is' ~t 111 iiss de~li's-snug. Appily toW:is. i. Fox. <51 elil ost pos.ilisil i itlyed________ atIl'vetit ltsar tooill-s -ic li-c427 ''s's rdist. 2 Ambulance night or da. Residence,.102 FifthA-sene. ANTON TEDPELj HEAP~tA~lt1NO RO 'Trunks, Valisrs. Ilreas Suit (35ses. and TeesoPeg. Truths and Yallisowe uite neatly and cheaply. K0- ,37 5.Main Street, C. II. MAJOR .;9~ 1l: e At s lalicfxnoatcts Have a comiplete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mulsdings, EtAc. Specially of fine iaierior decorating, painting, frescoing, iiutingand paper hanging. only iheCest of workmoxen employed. Work guaranteed. Cn fI. MAJOR-& £., The Anrtistlc Decorator. To lJ ent!W The Largest ]Line at Ejrygele., Sans- dries and Sappllsa at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EI 1101M Telephone No. 5. One doer East of Ameri- can Hourse. Tan Same 1OS, (uaantee. - Foot Ball 2snppiea For '97 Every P l*efs-te game,. Managersell doweto welte fos sampl- r's a ,s rcatoes before Pure-lasit. Then Spalding Officsa Adopeed by Yale. F'rivet'ionPennsylvania, ilarvuod, Cornell,and a13 asker leadi~ng usi- versities. Each ball trstrd and yackoW. and sealed in sepereate boxnithbrass Inflator Price, Ss.nn. Spalding's S0flrtal SPooes 15W guide fo, '897 Edsted by Waass'xn l*Nes Post- paid, in crals. Catalogue of Fall andi Wlonsr Sj IRMs. A. 6. SPALIRS & EBB., Now York. hltadelphla Chic ego Waasijfgtor. RIIRT*ORI(7. 0017E8U2L The bourn of 'otsrse 21, Dere i- meet of Rtleorical Theory, wilt ba NIomday and Wedgy ndy, atIL + F. N. cOII. i BROWN'S DRZUGS'TOREB. CORNER MtAIN AND HURON STREETS is the place to Register. This Register is always consulted first by the Messengers-It's FREE. I The Famous "Joseph Bohman," and Washburn _ m MANDOLINS 0 GUITARS For Sale at SCABRESMaesc Store 114W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor N. N. - We have practicing k - rooms for music students. U~niversity School of Dancing, State Street , opposite Law Building Terms $V5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 50 cents. Offlcc-4-2)7 Thompson Street.