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October 23, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-23

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, ' s A .i "


Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
All egretti's
Fresh every week
Only in packaes-
60c a pound
Lowney's if you
----- ---- ---- ----
PRICE:-25c, 50c and 75c
Just Received a Large and Elegant
Lin.e of New Pipes E
Ht and Cold Leces at all hers Aget
fr Hylersand Williams ad Werers Co.s
Chocolate Bee Bes
8l3) ,t -I e e ia ,rat
Students should try tie before
making any purchase. We are
hound to satisfy and please. Our
large stock of Law and Medal
Books, in short, Text Books for
every department in the University,
new and second-hand enables us
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta-
tionery at low prices.
Make our stores your headquarters.
Up Town Down Town
. State t Opposite Cortiose
An Aror MaiSt.

Both Teams Are Confident of
3liciigan mteets Oberlini today in
what has all the ear-marks of being
the hardest fotgt gaime to be playeda
on Regents' Field this year. Oberlin 's
leant is by all odads the strongest itt
the !hisory of tat institution al
coiies deternilned to win. They have
already defeated Purdu(ie 22 to q, and
the Ohio W~sleyats, wits held Mtihi-
gala to a 'tie, 14 to 5. Mihigai's play
has imaprovedt greatly sine'thit'W6-
leytin contest tand Obetlin will notol lnt
it ott easy task to win. Every player
ont the Stais adetermsinead to ale or die
slid the specators are asred of see-
ing one of the greatest galie of the
The laigest crowd of Itie seasnsi
asos expected as there are tataty Ober-
in symupathizers attending sctotl ter.
Michigain's fortes on te ide lines
will ihe undaer the ititedite direction
of t. B. Potter as ed yel-mat~ster.
Sr is expected that yelling twill e coi-
tinuouts. Cotapeteat officials Sat"e
been seleeted analtiersawiiSe no
danger of unfairnest or negligence.
Michigan uill line tip as follows-
'leetzel. 1. e.; Loekwvood, 1. t.; Caey, 1-
Conninghtou, c.; Snow, r. g.; Baker
t. t.; Bennett r. e.; Felvet, q.; Htogg,
. i.; Pinagree, r. h.; Hantnait, f. S.
Oberlin taill foint as follows: Most-
e, 1. e.; Edgeron, 1. t.; (hee (Capain),'
1. g.; Morehead, c.; Hogret, r. g.; M22-
Doiald, r. t.; Beaty, r. e.; 'W. tFauver,
q.; G.SFauvear, 1. S.; Washigtn, . h.;
Engle, f. b.
fTe officials taill be Nate WFiliatis.
Yattle '86, wits has refereed es-ry itit
portalt football mntch iplayed ii D-
ivoit in te lst teta 3ears, and J. W.
Kniighit, Princeton ''W.
'Varsity Practice.
Ceoach Ferbert pitthSie 'rsity men
through oly signal practeice yesterday.
'Tere was ti ntiore sap ad ega-
lailly 'ini't-' ply thou has bent seta
as any tite urning ts s--k. After
practice te eitbs-s of tieeait
ia rticipated in a spintitfromt goal to
ga, Coley winninitg andilPitgree se-
ond. Tie scrubs linaea up agitsaeaci
stter aliadte "firss" scorel tato
touicdowins. A feature of their workh
seĀ«as a isienonina rota of 1 yards
waitout stopping. The scrub race was
soti by Haltc.
S. J Beringer, '97 P', tnS.1L Wag-
tier, of the ;same litss, tae engaged
for chenical work with te 'errell
Chenical Mnfacturing o.('0of (in-
inali, Ohilo.

Choral Union Concerts.
Tita-best talent of liihetitasicorld-ra
has again betn secireal for le ('listall
Unisit series tis year. Te ofiets, of
te ahorushaveSaenlactat titthaleuandaa
care ini asrrangig for te conta-arts asai
the res-stlt is certainaly-all tSl ou otl
Sit desired. Tfhe May Fl-esivalin hs not
yet Siten fully decitetd upo.it 'is e-
pectedat l ileSact-'1-iig tDutchantofs
Waganer, atill e rtnderad usontstht
occasion, tbut thitl is ntc cerai. 'liii
arrangemeasnsctitits'annotibiihlcal Sti'b-
fore Jaanary. The follotelag is a list
of te Concers:
Not. 1.-Thtomtas Ocesra.
thee.10.-Mr. std tts.(GestgeIte-ti
-lain. 1-flerfonas andthie Deri
Priliitot'tsinia' (hub.
Feb. 9-a yendelssoli's St. Paul.
Claral U'ioint and Chicago Fesivali
Mat-a-it1it--Mr. Iattsot, atg IRe-
i tal.
Jeffersonian's Open Meeting.
"re lots lea-ure romtta'as twel ilGlest
'lTursaty a's-ciing at thie spen maeet-
ing of tie efersonitn Sociey. Prf.
Tiruiebloodl presiaded analat teoawitt'-
lng of te mieeting maade somie timetily
raemtarks, campihaig te inpottcct
of dietating sotitiessanal rgitgna-v
lis-t to eatrly atfiliate tltatts'les.waith
site of the societies.
The pritiipaul uaisittan t t' pr-
giamltwa-athSiedebatea, lt-e qestint lb-
lug tlesoivesiTata the etsiasrIit 5nay
af lt'tiRetublican pat'y listsbles-iaa
swise one" J. 11. Bailey, W. E. (Ox-
toltr atitd F. Chailes supportead the at-
ia'tiatiiae, ansS S. B. Hskins A. J.
Lacy and S. Snger, te negaidves. 'flit
Judages were Prof s. Ilemet, Jansiona
tiltSTruehlood. twhoirendercaldtsit'aS-
ison in favo'afte negtiae.
BOO0 Elects Officers.
'Te sophtotnore' class nt-et otati
C' yestearayeffternosnia snaielected itn
e'xecutliv a'c ciittee ta-ilt-i taill basis
afier the iterests ofte class fee ti-'
eemting year. 'Te followinasgta-ire te
tmetmabers chosen: Genral Caitmiaiti
1'. C. Kisey, of (raindSRapis; base-
ball nmanager. Willittii T ait, of
Detroit; traskimaniager . .1. 1'.Me t-t,
,f Meinomintiee;-caimaatao sa sctl
commttaittee, Ga-sige Baldwtit, of St.
Jolios; anatitmber of social emitta-
tee, Mhiss Rluby Rihardsn, of le-
roit. VToetminager of te footal
icnat-will a1so be a sta-oter of te ex-
*ecstiae coaaiiee.
l Oberlin arrived aS 8:42 this monig
- ala. Ann Arbor :railroad, ad are 01
Ite Cook House.

The All-American Teem.
Of S l li-Ametaricaintemtthatttas
picked'a at tealose sf last seson, its
hrteecreinaiss undaergradattts. Prince-
taoi, at-Sch Icods ts- list.ivoitg four
of 11r teamtttselected,Sas lstash ltley
tintS ('hiauc. tairdandoteidsiy. full
rend laft hat, respiielei- in te Al-
.tAmerlcatn tima--up, are is coleg.
whtraand'tu woodtrlilthis'gard'
chosen. ta-ari-gradta edlaiat Pennutsyl-
vania last year. (tiibart, tite of thes
picksedletnis, is another loss that 1ha0
waeakeethsie tuakies. 'Tle Yate s-
leitis, Mturhy for ackle and
Fins-Sat, tquarter. alit' no longer t tal-
lege.Ot'f i th Hairsvaralpair, Captain
Cabot is fountd agaia at endi, ut
Wrigitington's collge career is aSOan
end. Of te iten ahisesi sustsi-
ues, Fultz, of Browan, Brtonof lHar-
varal, Minds, of Peusylvooia, ehinsdi
is line, antl Cochran, I its'stos;
tIitis'lat.Lafaytehi, stilS - XWhe'ele,
Harvtard, i his linot, taillpi11y'agsin
thils er. Noie of these si' int wer
conssitde'redl is the sileciot of tie All-
Aumerica-teamsa of 151).i
Today's Important Games-
''Te luos t mportatsgas'sto ibe
plasyedl in the aest todayexcliuiglt'e
Militigan-Obeariiu gamie are thos' It-
tweeen ('ileogo azn-iNorthlwesterni at
Chictago, ana l Slinoisisanal Puirdue, at
(tia1itiPoi ti. On forsti dislay thust
far ('it-ago ialdIllinois tre Sisaeimsst
lisel- o in.tChicagot has stlretdy
thts'ilts'l ishr strengthsni is playig
in a mianntier styletd by the' exetsa'tsa
n Sas~ls'si an wel-seasonead. TheInth ii-
aesetsss eist, awhule riualsheavies'
tdissoC(iscaigo, is osithissster liandt
slowa-anti greenu.T'I~thue ha sisbee
too shsori to Srisg outS lt'etie
Illinis ou;.flt to nin easiy as Pur-
lust'hat ius 'b i1n playig iniftfiere'ntly,
aehile thea'formser has eni doing wsork
its good shislslyitsherlistitory. 'iSt
aditatasga' of hssmsa grouads is also as
greatS 'ep o anlinllsois tea'am.
5In thi s'tterni gatin"', 'rini'e'on,
Htararant d sial n'syslvainiat stll rob-
abhlywitaiSigist ('ortnell, Brownanduna
Lafayette respectiv'ely.T'he Yale-ln-
dan sgamentatrats lt'egreatst ohtr-
isi anallthere'is aievecasts nce tti'fo'
(.'ora'll's ictorious cew-of hst 3ear
swas iianqsuatte a sst night at Ithaa
by thea'alumnsi. Inithut'afitnon ian
slttatiiuueetug waoshl isaBoau-
utah hal aund a policy of alhlehis
adopted. Anmong the mosst prominlent
speakers atthSie anqluet ta-s 'residcaitt
Jordon, of itoiforal University.

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