THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f A Rousing Letter to Alumni. 34 f tAf "1he tootbila l~ll gaeliol 105seli~t Published Daily (Sosdays excepted) during olilt tiho'ollolciicit-ilar letter 1to .51 the College year, at aliniiithiat couild bel 'reached: THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. My Dearii'8Sr: Orricn= Times building, :29 S. plinisSt, be- tween Liberty asd William Sts. Followilig lthe new +J sicillof hobol WDNE N I MA-NAGING EDITOR J. F. TiiOsAS. '011L. BUSNESS IMANAGER 0. IiHoS, '00 L. EDITORS H, B. Soii1i.AO. N'0 L1,, Athetics. E. L. DEosiso. '1)1 L.- - - Monday BUTLii LAMB 'G, - - - Tesday G, 0, icvnsiTT, '00, - Wedesday T. R,. WOGIIOW.'0, - - Thrday A. CosroEt, '5,- - - - Friday 1. A. CMPBrELii, '0, - - - Satrday The sbcrpto price of the Daily i R2.00 for the college year, with a reglar deliery before no000echci day. Notices, commnica- tions, sod other matter inteded for pbic- tionomot be anded is at the Doly office be- pop. n, or al of the dy peeios to that on which thley are expecteld to appear. Sbeitsomybe lef at TheDal Oflfce, SMeyetr's o a Sodet's Newtad, ior with hisisss Mlaaer. SaGclber will con- fer a favor by rep~ric promptly at this office asy failire of carriers to deliver paper. Tloe iiorc "Stiudent iiiilieailjolc''aile of bei Sprung iC 101 an11 :111 Gli ingil publicli; liey sre theiiistltoeiiiian11 Ilii(,"Soivenir lgsi'.' Wilrilli lii's heir claim ito lb'e oiislotele by tlsdenc 1 iisamytey. FErrny year5 soebtody wosrrie tiii'life o1111of i- verislers auoinljures legiilialicoloc.' jouricls btsp Ciinhg otiabouiliiiile pages of readilnlg miitr'miixd tritl fifty page00s f 1lv'riif. 'Ciii'clii dsh'ttiisy oweis it to iself to(1 iiioralti lieses cteeslfl. Secret Practice Again. Al.lii110h ieiilas mmet isedllipit 0,10 decided toliballi e 'arity prcicie bindlolcloedil als aid lthe lpublici 051 aginilexciotlei. '.]'elie ld wsoaset of '1111adl licolse of Ils, iii''I:mps tiie'woik conintled iiin 0111111'meli rot. The scribs loydpi lir ussi hard gooo aidls)di'lltei'ro.a'gil 0ioil toi a. single toco w aiwld themeil's scores o Safely. Dr. Vaughn to Lecture. Dr1. V. C. Vauighanii will givi'hklec-115 Dole Oil "S. PlesurgiCMSocow and The Pole of .NbA . Novorod," Sluduhy, Oc. 25, and R1ev. Eli lay3, of Lit. .Angele, who %wo o Icliaepa re'dlii'iiii, will filiia lir Liaie. Siigl dms 0100 or' Dr. Vatih. 1lilec i'trei'hole: single adisioin 10o011011 f 121che lO i l1etris lac; corse lcks'ts fol'121hu- fors $1. lfhe cl for football eilitldli'0 fo' th' class of 1300 loom brogti out a goodly iotiiiter \Wedn.jeday, bitlthier moos a lch of hevy iiaerial. Rlhl~~l Apteid, theonoicoer. is iheorius thaI the "'eooy"' Men 'omne out. AlloWill be given a trial. Th'1e line iii n oiD be coached by Car, of lot yers All- Preshn'an 1t0a, and h' acks 1'y Clark, of the Samte eleven. Do you want to saye money? If 05 patronize Th Miller Laundry. Collars 1 cent, cuffs 3 cents, shits S cots. *ork guaranteed. Win . I o, Ag., 427 Mynard st. coahn s asellC a10otet l 1 instictd b lii M1ichigninai~lgmentllfor Ille athledeis'iailis; wove arv' rangiel an aliiiiii fo 'tiall Cliii'fr teii i'riy this sea1so1, mwhich is to be1'playsd re Onii'Saiturdy 1t 0, ndi1151111Yi'of( ll' fellowv arid Mlei, bthoil ,11ieldi'ila behilnd theline,thave11p15'isediiito ir1e- Amonilg i li' playe'ircs expecedlre J.1 I. Moelberein, '89; AN ',. Balesy, '111 lilli ~ ~ Hell-Jimoandi (hrli'ilirl; (G. D. Prs'vc'e, '1:; Damps Dye, '; . G. Ha- sillit'9 ;ut utor iio n ' 97; s', '0 o-a 11an Ciesle liii eera".lrr ii. 51. 1w11 Ii's.e ound Lano, tillslay i neeed Is. hall oii rallnuiwilly..e 'lss i; leo. a '.c o sdi lw l 1101 1 . n s lovs iiilous i edifer ent'sleiiu Icsssno111 11.iiiT.iBats yiiisviid lifocknCicago;i J. esHcle. an Dumn 51 oeo Geo 111. Csrli odd tnd CiA llo.01 1 of Detroitih 1)10. Ills' ' Ooroiof 's'aind uiRipi, icy tsarmiigt., ate raniSuprlyfor Mviluig'foento,5t 3061.ndtleven~'r theiold l;e;ra iliviOn oi v'colilin sspie'ftheivf'stothatsil 11's 'oh'ssi ARlsolet.ll'oGs'r+'.S Aesid A'lliGranger-sil ltoielli , haveal 8 ubrt iolstheir sirhsicO lthat1)1re coniss Alile sDellciof, 111 S. aolli cli., and lasse PslTe adssork a eSpeciilly.dsre.Gr 25' .la1 enw ny dst. T2OMA 1MoAnt, O27' CONVENTst s. Pinurt ae, DocalCultroa Mpcan oint Gita, ioin Thor.TudOf Hrp ST MSCONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, E OIABTHSTEET SROES!i -OF- Every Description I A LARGE LINE OF C!LSHOS SEE OUR WINDOW? BEAL'S SHIOE STORE, l0l) N. Main Street. Opposite the Court House. HEAVY WEIGHT r ' ! . ° .+ i ' i _ t ' / //// /1t / (r j/F z t -- ,r \ a , j r il l . j Q t r / ( << , ;,. '\ .. FAN CYSBACK COVERT COATS A rough descrip- tions Srappedseams, wide facins edged oith satin, satils shoulders and sleeves, sheleton bacti. rerealinoitlie rfancy plaid which constitutes the bach of the cov- ert loth. Ats to the aippearance of thiese coatscwe re- fer you to thie ac- companying illustrtions, OUR@Q SWELLEST ® NOVELTIES. NO3E'S Star Clothin~gHoUSe, o oSnuth Main St Stvdeots LectvrcAssodooatioo1 Single admlissions will be sold for each entertaiiimieiit as follows: Nansen's Lecture Sousa, and His Band_ Gov. Robert L. Taylor.. Six Other Numbers- _$1.00 Reserved Seat .- -1 00 Reserved Seat. _ .75 Reserved Seat -- -.75 Reserved Seat --_ $1.50 1.50 _ 1.00 . "75 SAVE YOUR MONEY BY SECU3RING A SEASON TICKET. Season Tickets, - - - '2.00 Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50 Dress*:-:Your :-: Neck resJust as becomingly as you do the rest of your body-wear a tie that feels right and looks right. We're going to help you out on this Tie question. See Our Window. THREE FOR ONE DOLLAR Cutting Reyer & Co.' 201 and 203 South Main Street. - - Ann Arbor, flich SHOES SUCH AS SOLD} BY US They arelthe luxuries of shoedoin, the "elixir of life" to weary feet. It's unjust to your feet to do without them. WM~. J. A PRILL., fig EAST WASHINGTON STREET..