T.IE UNIVERSITY 01" MICHIGAN DAILY. Keep the a sFeet Warms Z4 ]k hot water bottle is just 4 the thing for cold feet and 4 a sre relief for most aches4 1 and pains. 65c, $1.00, $125 4 y and $2.00 are the prices. 4 9 $1.00 gets a good cne that O y we can warrant not to leak. , SCALKINS - PHARMACY The Store- STYLISH DRESSERS FURNISHINGS CORRECT FADS Of all manner of articles that go to made up a gentlemen's wardrobe hewn for the first time here. FISK, CLARK & FLAGGS Complete line of fine neckwear. "1. & W." COLLARS, Newest Shapes Barkers Perfect Fitting Collars. Night Robes 50c to $1.00. Laundried Shirts, 75c to $1.0. Bath Robes $2.0 to $.0. Fancy Hose 2c to 75c. Black Hose 124c to 50c. Mens' Sweaters 40c to $4.00. Street or Dress Gloves $1.00 to $2.00 Umbrellas 76c to $4.00. Fine Suspenders l5c to $1.00. Newest Novelties in Cuff Links, Shirt Studs, Collar Buttons, etc. Kens' Fine Under- wear 25c up. Mens' Fancy Front Shirts 50c. MACK & O N. *. etmore, 10(3S. Xmi St. and342 S. State St. 1UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, I ~NEW AND SEC;OND -IAND. HASFULINE II~S OF NOTE .BOOKS, and (STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices. For Forty Years GOLDIEN SCIEPTRE Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Lamps Expressly 4tS tudents' Ulse "The Rochester,' "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50 each. OIL Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure" il..wielight, is odorless and does not char the wick. Deliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10c per gallon. For sale only by DEAN & CO MPAN*Y. 214 South Main Street. M-vichigan Well Spoken Of in Ohio. 'The tLantle, 1Ohi,,o tto le ulineesity'.4 tieliiiation5speaksi i ctinjliniietary tlones ef the ireit meet al-reiiiOhio last ; aeturd-iy at the liaud o (f Miehi- gr itiltS 1nd 1(15 llut he : gal' WOO COeil tIrll f reefriel sleggjing zald oet- iablei'folures. Serahieg of l'teia- lion of Mlichligvan's facultyrgadn Ohio Wesleyain, it says: 'ilefaeulty frot-et 1-,Uiiiersity rof \Mieliiganulieve forbidden their tceul toplay filyy mere grlis with (tio d'esleyeii I'll eersity betiuei Itiey lal~yedltheiir (-(sell Yest, lullier tiie mne of tus brother, alsoe beeauo' of slugg itig wh1.ichthey clainedOl . AV. T. indlulgediniithflrugiett thle gaille. Thsis greatly tole I'regritted and it is sotrely lie ereid itt tiIdlOito -Wisle- ytll l'iversity loiplay 1h11 coa1(1, 1w11 is ln-efessielialioeinail i-ll tuer feel- ball gael. i~ef a 4:cigce It etieil by priofe'ssiona~lisli once, iit is a dttiu- colt fask to reever its lost prestige alld tile Sooner college teems play strictly ama'teur fotaill 'he helter it will hi feerlilt' fair ntamle of aiiuiteiir slert." Webster Society Program. 'T'he programl of tile ZWebster Seecietv fer tomorrow nigtliir will be as Pollews: IF-odse,. J.G. tMoConkey; realeot. 1=1 A. Mtoere; essay, 3'. S. tPirry; eratit, F. G. Mason; 1iloprouml)ilus, P. Wbister. G. IR. Gould. andI A. 31. Cex; debate. "Resolved, That the senate of tile United States should be iflboished," affirmtmeive, . tL.t'Legg, E. R. Slieetz,. niegative. Cs. Kingsley alnd A. B. Evans; speech, E. P. O'Leary; music, E. I. Tisdale. WAN\TED-Iloom and board with German speaking people. Address, Student, 315 tHnron st. 20 Engineering Society Will Meet. '111 l l li liii'ii'liP .ii' 'tug illigSit- cit lfor tis sweek siill 'be hi-d leinsr- i'(i I lil t tS p. in. lProf. Alexanider Ziii-il will addreess lihe society*. cl'aii- A thiee inltails ca1111t1coinvenienttly ti . e l'Iivie'tfirolniPriof. Nutc's 1re011. lii,- ttoetitig.isillbtIwhlldIthere', te- ith- 11t1h. Evteyone iocordi~ily ill- vited to aItti-iii. Coliseum Objected To. TliiiUiverrsity Alumniil .tsoetiin ill ('icarge olliects to Micitigali's lly- ing CItieago in lttie Colisenln . 'l'llls- glevilglDay. .. .jalllesin, Presideni ill the Associaetion,seas iere yester'day eiiit arlicil with liiie llal.-lgeelt iii f~itoe of playing otit of idoors. The Cr1lttt'ct fore i'Colisetitl lies net a-el bteenl signed 1111 the swisites of the} olilill iililiy111',rantled. Tihe iiafl'er wilit 10 ehidrecided untlil liii' nest lietilg of -the boatrd. Ninety-Nine's Practice. Ninety-nline' liss hail tlheir first feat- il?. practice yesterday andl fie pros- peels for' the season seetm to be 'bright. Capt. Stein of lasi yeat'stoani., ryes quite liepeful as to 'ills chances for tile peunant. Lovell, who playeid !ack in '93 'is nowon1 the team as right half. 'Mlanager Blown urges everybody 1o cone out atid try today. '9 0 SOP LI 'N -All candidato for the '.99 football to-sin tare , fe esled to be on the etupus ud 0 gyotnasium Ibhis of- lernoon props d(lto play. F'.' MISBROWN. 'Manager. Subscribe for the Daily. W. J. BOTHn. Pres. W. ANOLD, st ice-pts J. V. SorEENa, 1 Vice-pres. JOHN C. WALZ, Asst. Cashier. State - SavTjlls - Baik, Transacts a general Banking busi- THE ANN ARDOR SAINGS BANK Capital Stock, $0,000. Surplus, $150,00. - Resources, $1,10,000. OrganIzed ueder the eeral Bkeg Laws I eths State. anclrsdpois usrd Isells eschange or the prircipsi cItiesyof he Uelted States. Drafts cashed pse proper Identficaton. Safety deposit hares to ret. Orrlceleol Christiae Mack Pres;. W. 0. Harrimae, Vce-Pres.; Chs I. Hiscock, Cashier: 0. J.1Frill Assistat Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BNOrgaledme tCapital, $10000, Srps ad Profits, $40,000! Transects a feneral baking bsness. (Foreifn exrcharge boght aedoold. Frrish letters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE Vice Prs S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. sgfLrm1A &Itfaniem1Mnk Cr. SlenardCHhorseStreet,. Capital,$50,000. Surplus, '+3,004 Trasact is general arking business. I. ifture. Pros. C. .CosrEN, Vice-Pre Foot. H. 0 Ls .Cashier CALL AGH AN 9 9 340 S.STATE STRFET Law Books F. J. SCHLEED7E. 340 S. STATE STREETT BoohktBinding- - -10...... 5cets and p SllO Gold Foutain tes.... -Wl0ad up. Watcrman and Witven's instock cd PesiRepaired. Whocsale sad Retail Paper,0'!, bs. of Li- enl Paper for t0c. Buy a good lookinig ONLY 5oc. WMt ARNOLO eee LIANGSTERFERWS N ICE CREAM SODA 316 s S. S Most Excellent S T T E Choolates A F Hot Soda. E ,slCa.FOURH endUWASINTON STS' T. @ MUSICAL !@ Mel Gillespie, teacher of Mandolin, Banjo red Gutar. Instructor in the University Senqol of Music. 1 years experience as a teacher. Call at Are Arbor Muaic Co's. Store to arrange for hours. ... Holmes Livery Stable! 509 E. Liberty St. Central location. Good Service E Duigtepsteifyears the Toledo Laundry Co.. have kept their custom- ers goods insured against fire, a fat that is appreciated by their patrons Best of work and Prompt Delivery. Branch Office 123 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich Gunther's Chicago-Candies! -IN BULK OR IN PACKAGES FROM ,C UP -AT- T~ Q4,.., No.yl123IR Washington St Mummerv's jDruuQ Mor tr. Feeth ave.