I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Science is driving commerce, and one must either keep the pace or be left hopelessly behind. That is why we have securedi the exclu- sive sale of clothes bearing the labels of The Stein-Block Co's. and Hamniersiotigh Bro's. These clothes are far-and-away ahead of any ready-made clothes that you have ever seen. They are designed by genius and fash- ioned by skill. They are equal to the best made-to-order sort, though they cost but half. So convenient to have ready-to-wear clothes the moment you needl them, without fussy measurements, "TRY-ohs" and a multitude of exasperating alterations. Money Back If You Want It Come Today. 221 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Tindeuschmitt & Apfel.k PIANOS FOR RENT ANN ARBOR I\IUIC CO., 205-207 E. Watle ton SI.. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD. Timae Table. Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. NOnTH. SOUrrH. 8:40a. m. *73a.m '12,11 a. m. 11:25 a. m. 4:40pm, 8:40 pm, 19:10 a. m. .8:05 P. *Run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. +Runs between Toledo and Howell. This train Sunday only. All otber trains daily eacept Sunday. E. S. OILMIORE, Agent W. B BENNETT B. P. A. Toledo 0. .MWLLQAN INT]RAL The Niogara Falls Roate." Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR Mall and En.___ 307 B., N. Y., cbi.... 5 12 N. Y. Special.... 4 5 IMail .5_______915 'N. S. Limited... _OdS5 rutM Eastern Ex--.-10 u5 Western Ex.1 __15 . . . CR.&bK. Ex.--- 5155 D. N. Express.... 1 10 Chi. Nt. En.5 _ 940 Atlantic Eu.___730 Pacifit Ex--.-11 30 GS. R. Exprenss...l15 *Nortb Shore Limited is as extra fore train to be a charge of $2.10 to New vork than on nther trains. 0. W. RUG GLES, B. W. BAYES, G. IP. & T. Art., Chicago. Art. Ann Arbor. . of M. Shiaving Parlors alWdBath Rooms 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Bale Dressing op stairs Old friends call again, We welcome new ones. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHER Telephone ':0. ANN ARBOR ENOCH DIETERLE, EnSBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended Dayor Night. No. 110 East Liberty Street: Residence, 33 South Fourth Ave. Phone 129. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER, WASHINGTON BLOCK, ANN ARBOR. KINDERGARTEN, Qio ~ O Call and See Us, The Famous "Joseph Bohman," and Wasbburn MANDOLINS " GUITARS Per Sale at SCHAEBERLE'S MInniestore 1 14 W. Liberty St., Ann Arbor 'A Nroms for music stdents.in Parker Foun- Pen. / 1 .. L 'FOR A.... 1 OX.N MARTIN, HALRS HOT LU NCH UERLDRETR -- - JEWELRY STOREI -00lmnga TOiaty U. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G ofM anOUTL' 8S.Sat tNO. 000 FOURTH AVENUE. Buo M itto n UT 1 8S tt t Ambulance night or day. j 1 i~rIlesidence, 302 Fiftlb Avenue. ROSS GRANGER, Teacher of Dancing. ANTON TEUFEL, HEADQUARTERS lOB THOSE considering the subject of dancing are requested to call trusnks, Valises. Des55Sull Cases. amd Sat the office of Roos Granger for correct information in regard Telescopes. to classes, private lessons, terms, etc. OFFICE: Ground Floor. Trusts and Valises repaired neatly and ceeply, No. 307 S. Main Street. GRANGER'S ACADEMY, Mayard Street.C.f1 AJR&C, Robert E. Leo. AT THlE ATIID'NS. NI.VAO &C. 'flhe Artistic~dcoceaters "171::' DiyO i'''titOfllltI2 lrlosi:'119 rg'O~i peratic iiie le -oes oiii'Natioins Seiro,"'s,l'' stle ,l.se eniiliiAtnll Arth tils so' t er~litls'tl"Itort F,. Leand0100tlte South- ou10will tbe "°The Isle' of ('"halo:Itlot:" trio Conf'ederacey." It is wr-ittetoby olwr ovlwichtwi'e~o's t~o the:'.tsl:s Thetoore ott Oct. 22. Tit1e ecotmpany is Itenry A. Wihite,.112. ,A '. tD., D.0. 1,, leaded:':btoIttcholrdl (Goleniof 1"ld .1e: prlofessor' of liository ill the Wooltog- I'1soty"foamt, aod Roolherioos' hor- toi taod Lee loiversity, ais 5frouii iloiinoe forme:rly lt' stor of "Tlit:e1I'- tilt ipress of1t00e G. I1. Ptiliiois Soma. tol Mister.'" r od' tiiMs The' work 1:00 be'e'i pritteo throwou'hst Sh:':'oooitno will htive tdtlt'supplort of froti: originail sources ais o'. ttooole ~S Och syll-hkowsn otrfisbs 0J.1. ' lit: 'host sitogle volsios te ior tod I Kingsley, loot-lob F. Stoarks,lacle of 'General JLee'thit otttts yett bie015ot- CIh:tliooan a dIt l liaoiio':ttooio.. 'lit- fel rl. Nth totoittpart of1: -wool, 41-slCopay tcomptlrisssevensty ipeole, iii- fit' titlte su egst 0, relite. Ls'patrt :tlig 0 1:11fulloollet:0 ltd sompolete' or- into e seOeossialo atntithe 5war1'of1tie etoosro:. 1'l'1oo'leb'of -('it~ilopogtpe" is rt'os'lioo. Sevorol ecooaiters ae'ii: ven 1otolor tile ( ]d irooonof Da~iitlBierro & ov'er to lots eony loft'el lot s cototee("0., st-otformeoorly exploited ,Miss tier- toll Wtit Wolhil.gloiltcolie e 'so or - oloiott'In "'i'ie i'oetoog Motst:'r. Have a complete line of Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. Specialty of fine interior decorating, painting, frescoing, tinting and paper hangin:g. Oinly thoe best of workmen employed. Work guaranteed. C. fin MAJOR & CO., The Artistic Decorator, TANDEM S To Bent!!!1 The Largest Line of Bicycies, Sun- dries and Supplies at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, Telephone No. 8. One door East or Ameri- can Bouue. The Nue the Guarantee. SPALDING'S Foot Ball Supplies For 197 Every Reqtuiite for the Game. Mtanagers will do well to write for samples and special rates before purchasing. The Spalding Official Foot Ball. Adopeed by Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, Barvard, Cornell, and all other leadin~ uni- vwrsities. Each bail tested and pactsg , nod sealed in seperate bus with brass inflator- Price. $s.oo. Spalding's Official Foot Bail Guide- for 'S89T Edited by WAL-TEa CAMt'. Post-- paid. io rents. Caaliogue of Fall and Winter Sports, FRtE.. dclitt. Nit:' look is iproftusely illioslo Ot- col onol sells ott $2.20. T' settior elittooro wi~illolto caia- eils tto oo-inte tittlit.'sfori' tilt'ss t'le'ttilllintt Roomio 1(0, Rigiteo'rioog Biuildiing, at 2'clock otis eventiig. 1005' 'Ott t'ockor:1 street between Mad~isonistret :and12Wellosirtet, a Ibi- cycle c'r'atk.tFinider lose rettiri to 530 .S. ';Division street. Ka~laimto),o. }'otllars 12ticuii, cull's 3 en-ts, shoirts 8 ct'iit, 1an:d-slt'' iartic'le's in sooortioti. Work goototecol. Wi'nlt. It. lF'tx,geit, 427 Miyorr tlo. r T'AN-VER-A fesw stud .'o~s to solicit :ii'y Oil solary. No rollcitig or de'live'ring. Aply to W-1. it. Fox, 4127 JMoiymaoit'd0. BROWNYS DRUG STrORZ " CORNER MAIN AND BURON STREETS is tne place to RLegster. Tis Register is always consulted fitrst by the A.6SALNG&BO, Messengers-It's IFRIEE.AG PIN &BO SNow York Philadolphia. Chicago Washington, -UniversityScolo anng Stt"tre. dpst.LwBilig, RHETORIC. COURSE 21. Stae Sree., ppoit La Buldig ''il N ut ors of Coarse 21, Develop- Tetms $5.00 a semester - - Single evenings 50 cents. nient of 'Rhetorical Theory, will lbe Monday and Wednesday, at 11.