THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College Year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFICE: Times building, 329 S. Mate St be- tween Liberty and William Ss. MIANAGING EDITOR J. 5F. THOMASx, 'l0 . BUISINESS MANAGER 0. 11blowS, 'lb L.. EDITORS 11, . Ii.Sausn, '98 L. Athletics. E. L. G~ASM, '9 L.- - - Monday BUTLEiRLsAE, '5, - - - Tuesday G. D. IltfisUT, ', - Wednesday . K. WOODRO5W, '9, - Thursday A CsurnLL,'9, - - - - Friday L. A. CAMProlaL, '00, - - - Saturday The subsriptiun price of the Daiy is 2.0 for the culege year, with a regular drlivery before non each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended cr publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily officbe- fure 0 p. in., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. i., of the day previous to that on which they are espected to appear. be flesftit TeDal office, bYrs rtoft' with Business Maager. Suhriers will co- ler a favor by reporting promptly at this office anv failure of carriers to deliver paper. InI the TYcreS telescope the ' Cuver- sty of Chicago lhs secured a miost valable aqisitionl and tise' exeiss of today are a fiting husur 'oit s d011- 1)1?. lihe'university isto esgrau- iated oin its gssd fortune. The pracice at tRegets' Field tis iftcoo wit lbe opens and it is ad- isaible that as many as possilse shitiiul310thisre to create a lttle e- -ilusiaslm. The Oberli gaiie solm- ises to ho one of the hiarisst of tle season al d.notisig hat usay help Mfichtgssii win sosuldbelss1.ft tnsois. College politics re just nossr iides stll swviy andso90far asoajugent san be formued, they seemhi to be lillrk- eii by an absents of te dark lantern ,acties lisi hsve heretofore tmarresi such esitests. This is iproblbly sie 00110h fact that '97 tils grtduated more' than to aly oher reaso. Mlichiganennsian lBard Orarnize. The Me~iganeisian Board met for the first titus yesterday afernoon tr organizcaton anti to diseuss lanlls for te '98Sannll~. 'J'le oficrs of tis' boai'd areT. 1. Woodrow, '8, siansg- tig edtor, F. S. Simons, 9, assista nt manlaihginig editor, L. L Gisiter, '98 L,. bnsin'esosiaager, ansi 1.I. 'Tnr- ner, secretary. Ths'eoisttutioin drawsyli p 1111d1re-- otnisenied for adop1tiol by tes last year's board was adopted after a few tumror changes had been 11m(1. Te pubicationi'to now a. cus'aination of lte three frmer annual: Gastlian of the literary ansi engineering deulat- ients; 'Palladiumi, ;the fraternity ai- nutal, and Reso Geste, of the lw d- plartmtent; and space in it wil now be divided as follows One-fonrti to the fraternitie, one-fourth to the law d- partmnent, and one-half to the literary depaatment to include the organiza- tiens and general university matter. Tue fraterities, law department and literary department each 'have four editors on the board, and lie officers go by rotation, Paul CGazeneuve in "The Three Guardonen"at theAthens Theater tonight. Miss Allie Deffzen l11 S. Adams S., Ypsilati, Panite, Dance Work a Speciality.. 23 S. C. A. Lectures. A ' bsare' assosnesien list.aleady Ibes'nsissde' ofaisessries of Iciunres 111501 the .sssiologc1oless'm to be given u'nsdr lihe'ausics of lihe S. C. A. 'hist notsice' low ssumes11i' deitnite fsori. 'Tis le-tures wil ie six in 'nubsr. T'hs'forlei-strers, iProf. rlaiis C. 'fo-sr, iss Jn. eAdams, Ws,,siington Glladesn sansd Myor:Joies, of 'Toleso, tieaslit asseus in ltsir sisiialfiess' of work. Atasty oiler 'Weseri colleges have tried in vain to 'bring their t, their hialls. Thbe fact lsthtresisen Itarden, Of 0the. C. A., vistesditie Chicago 'ommo~ns last snume ansi beameis'issrsoially aOcsttihsd wits these sisinst icrssslisgts, as-issins for 'thsir ettte oillinguness to apspssr tefore sn Ansi AbIor ssudienuc'. t'rof. G ratii Tyor-iosnducts st so- ciliistlemniniC(hiscsgs. Its'is tins fully qusaliiesi to speak fromis this pil- ital sise of soiology, ''he sate of his appI"'aranlce will be Nv. 20. is louse Nasiass, whoishas chasrge of list HulIIouse, (''itiago, wisildk frsii ,iss womans51' point of view. tHer le- tWres wilt be two iiinnsmbr. Wa'shsinigton (Glasissen, f Couibullss, Ohio, wilt also dei-tser twoIetre. H~e is ' aosopislistroraor- -an( schlsar, anid his taut will give tis' studsets' sde of tle questist. Psre reassni andslItheoiy ssil iundoibtsdly snook his stieraisess. Mayor Jsones, of Tots-do, oiltlressn'lalHis-businesmail's vis'w. Mir. Issies 'is mlayor, sditor of a druy apesr 11115 ow-ter of a large shot factory. lHs has aplitedi ens-vont isdeas i is bulsinss ansd bss-omse fais- 0o1s for hito ideas ott socioloy. All of Oeseietuies wiltle deivsr- esi -before hs' holidays, exet hoss by- Jaile Nasass. Tim first leture is given ty Prof. Graani 'ayisi. :he S. C. A. hs been to consisderabdle ex- pense ino prepring tilsCorsi; the travelig exenses of tse speakers roust also be paid. For this reson a normstial fee sot 50 cents uill be cag- edi for hs- 'ntire course of six letreso et'nroew'iihhwoii be given in .\ew-- berry hali. 'Varsity Practice Yesterday. 'Vursity pralciice 0w00 Igiihldeiibe- hind closesd gaes yesierday. 'hre seemed-sIto behi' t iproneiset 0er the wok of thsesday before, unless it wso in the iteerenc, whichs got satoess quiked and had moie layers iii its foumaiot hlan hleetofore After ate.. tilt practiice, twenty minuutes-so-sit aganst the scrts was givnnbletieti sedthe lplay u-s eveun. "'PtllBe- iugr Awoosters' frouuuDetroit amd 'layedl ticike onth ie scrubs, and to getlier with Cachi Stvenson at gurs, gave the 'Warsity hine the harest tins' it has 1ud this year. Steceto work at thre ther tackle posiion was also a feature of tthe srub teai's uplaige The 'arsity tried sone ews'pay for short gains, but did not show any great strength. Practice today u--il be epen and it Is probable the Normals will -be ovetr. FOR RENTVey desirable ouite of rooms with stationary bowl with lit and cold water; lut water eating; bath, Inquire at 439 S. Division t. DETROIT, filcH. Makers best finished U. of NI. Flags and Fraternity Emblems 3zefore Havin2g Your - .INS7FECT TdiE WORK PĀ±hoto a Taken - ..A. The Berryman Studio (Sunccessor to Gibson &- Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. ST. THOMAS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CONDUCTED BY THE s ISTEBRS OF THE MONROE, = CONVENT Piano Forte, Vocal Culture, Mandolin, Guitar, Violin, 2 Banjo, Harmony, Counter- point and General Msusical Theory. Stuely of Harp, ADDRIESS, ST. THOMAS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, ELIZABETH STRcEET. NOTICE. There svill bs-a imeeting of His' Mich- g. anensian Boai- th lis afternoon sst 4:15 o'clock, in theomn 9. GRAND OPERA HOUSE! YPSILANTI, MICH. Monday, October 25th, A Comedy of Yale College Life, now running with enormous success at the Globe Theatre, Lon- don, Englarnd. MISSRHANCIS, OF YALE. With floe best comedy company travelling, including MR. ETIENNE GERAROOT, As Frank iStayner, the Yale Student. Every Student sheuld see this Comedy of Yale University. Teleplisone C. W. Riogers, Ypsilantt, for re- served seats, Saturday mos-ning. Special motor wililswait until after perfoenm- ance before returning to Ann Arbor. Stvdents LecIvre Associatioo, FORTY-THIRD SEASON. THE UNIVERSITY'S GREATEST COURSE. SLATTON GRAND CONCERT CO --..-.-Oct. 30 HON. WALLACE BRUCE.----------------------------------N1Vov. 5 DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN-----------------NO.16 HON. ROBT. L. TAYLOR, GoT, of Tennessee----------Dec. 3 LELAieD T. PWR---------------------Jan. 22 BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, Chicago Alumni Number - _______Jan. 29 SOUSA, AND HIS BAND------------------------------------ Feb. 25 ORATORICAL CONTEST-----------------------------------March 18 HoN. J. BURTON---------------------------------------Aril 18 Season Tickets, - - - $2.00 Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50 SOMETHING NEW! Those Hat Bands -------AT--------- Cutti ngw Reyer & C 201 anid 203 South Main Street. - Ann Arbor, lich SHOES SUCH AS SOLD BY US They areithe luxuries of shoedomn, the "elixir of life' to weary feet. It's unjust to your feet to do without them. 'WMl. J. AIPRILL. fi9 EAST WASHINGTON STREET.