VoL. VIII. No. 19. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1897. FOUR PAGES. i REGENTS MET YESTERDAY. about a much needd and welcome ii- YERKES TELESCOPE. - lrveienat in Lunvesty Hall. Con Many Important Appointments IS~O50IO"io0' nowli10 Many Notable Astronomers at Its Has eceied afulllineof ovelies r 1ndR1ptL1s School Furniture Co. fo areei d fulWinerofinovlisMade. uwhreby thot compnoywill proc-ed t lDedication Today. - elisti the lowser floor in Iniveriy SutToues he 3oi'd of Reents ae nfl ~l uhSas h opa st oa t aeGnvj ~osn SutT o srPresidentsoffc ssera ith c, aeti' oeato in witin Sity dhys- trsient iarioci'of tic niversity ot Thoei ' ofice j1~~0~~et n I ail w ~io500 tChiecagoanywiito odfat lly eevat Iscratn and Over(oadtings n Presidest Hutchino in the edia'. Theoy will cot 175 aice and aou;t (icgowlllhilyn-cptegra or oao hsgot okatr1)110 will e putint. telescope 001 otseratory presented and the egents didl 0000get do-wooto Prof. 1 . .Coe wasu rane otatls oio yM.aeks 1 leave of absence while in trs capacity Chicago. Te tprearations has e ee NO, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN tousiness until omie tine ater thoe its cifegieroncNvl i-01a niarinnoo tl sale. No sinilar n__________________________ al hour. oivs t sit i iiiti t'e veit evtii tlilrciesit in ioiilor- I~heregntsdecded o gar 000enew taining oitri ''antc" frooiiotoace, both asregorods fito spectacular $tCfOfor the firsi fifteen oweek' isue Moiri o aDciril f'eiseiool iifeatures aiidtits lotiely cientic Iio- otte loiiiaGcO- hvso o oIw iocs of le ooeting anidtthe re- Pitiis. t 5050it~ ha ii $40 wvvasoapplroritoedltor newocbos gnt ajornd"worlolfihs never n schsoo-a gotherng thc lt s or the aniotoiicol loohratory. ___________ of astronioomeras paos liii prcenitoil Cho ol te ... liso Jenooie Dunnoo ondolMrs oo. se0 Tech Clubs Have Organized. te oservatory al tos week. 1ltnso-ro graduaoteod aaoooooes fromooTheiotoloing itself is amm oosoooeot to Fresh every week. the 1Piotoersily Hospital. IDilloioiO as Thoo' Toci (leeo'ndMdolinhi(lots liii0 ii'ciet vvloodreo t s-1000. It Only in packages- IcoTr oiindures were alsoangrtmed to .ve or ganized gain ts yar uiliolhas beeno ouniooicd blall atron-MissLtePafldint iteexrmy-avabeTo cc.'stonsthhnsmst runed- 60c a pound. Woilooniof bot years mien lav-e'rtirneod 000d vototo ostrooiyinto the wIhle wvilo Lowney's if you The follwsing apploitents wro' owhat vacanc iooccur oill bhso'n00000lii nooll. pirefer. made:ot'H.ILO. Sovcroance, oosistoiit in e. oil tetrs of otho cub's reodrawn00 iThoe wvok 'thus toorohas beon iveoio''o p nim p' gpppthoo'"oera libtrary; I. J.1.Adsiiiconi. as- eoirlyoil tomooote o'giici'iig Odep10rt00oveoro'tos too'forth oanual o'o'o hg oat PALMVES 7 p3111 istait to Dros. Doroce adoto ftt: iwent000001evory oenginieer sioholiioelplfetoarduofooletcoitorofatthe LO.orootys- * to 000000 (~eann ' . iheoiistaor ii nr- ts aloeady siuoesstl moveo. tDoriog 'olalJoournal gaudoila oooooootofatc oootr- ____________________________________ Sioosisos, saolry$500; 'lTooootihe to'slron 5iv-oationiia 1trip i05 Oniii- epe-s. Arinil to'pleakrs on hlter- r IV VM WIW VI/ Khi oani iitosistoit to ohair of otis- Btot 'hstilo'theo'roeti iooo.toftoe .n- ,rt sitoos o'ii' D. I lcy (0-, 00' o Q onsdsess o 000ooloiy ; Goho. 1). MWil ioiorih tt Slo a o'ol," s tlo 51.0 00000s 00h Noi\iofC vo'tro vo'rit y htr. Itonrir N codo ;klot, tssitaiit too Sec-retriyo ito 0holilht host yeaoor, i i ssiroo. I05i'oiiihrs. of 0 to' Paris, l'ace. 01- VI oh iut aslr f $750 hois olotols 100 is iiia 00ii lit 51 fort oooinln l orvootoyo; tDr To,. d. Ilbs 0ol oo0ys o to ohcl i l; ItihiDS. eItorio,-mob u00 a0(_1.'bo1) oill lie'ttoolob 0 id O IiI Oi'bmroty oi igmtu l hso uta o un i eyi n.ttor blaco' o ooo'n s .K04:15 to. in Ro10 m1 '0 I n 0000 0 .liones I . ello'o .o heI to' l h'ti oy oh- The AT ~ ~ ~~~ sos moour; Herbeort i. S0 000.0001oh th' oi0; Lnuiloiug, wit 0a secial ohihoooou-l 00Sorvtoooy; Pr'ofessor 11. '. Looo , of 01he 5'Detot. M0Suseum ofiotAms, assist0not in 000for molooinohs. Thie'o '-uansaiotis olilotateSo 0'nCivisois-:loafossorm'(ars' ATATHENS THEATRE o to ' 'ousiuuouo tt asalof t$100 'uS footimGe ubo' wh ilh ohse "oh S-' 1lrange. olofao, u ,ainyooms; on /17 Boo"a o' o 'oo 'aeoukh, Iho asoisoot,0ur0dohys-moro-motog,)co. 20a000l(0ii RooooiuI'root'oso O'0 romoold Sttoeo, tf hei'Leanm- The Three iiuarusiiien 00intoo' 'luso'aoou 5000sooar';Noooomi :1.Touoom oiy Itou. tl-ce,'fos tood 0th bo' oo-I'or uookiouoo's'ats' of t'liiLi W Oood anmiior and t m io lo u t in 00to' 000000 000blh clubso-. 7Is ~yo n00 0000. 1 o'oil- o vigu ~PRICS :-5c, ~e, 00 ad 75 Otoso 0000 Iamemst Rtae, oasistantiit 00shuo ca0l00sing 0or' ssio c0an1 Islay 00 1000 0' igott tin 1a re'o ot' 'xte"ldtoo boc Othi o hal 000 1lobo at ory Saoolary $0)flion oor ita~lul' hoooolobtory foil It't ooiou mos l today. limo'foom oI i'oso'oml- tranmi t . Dwuugim. S.., '931 assistlantldbls iloeso' ixatiatoiihO"ltiO. Iouo iltouke' 110000'ittt1:0 amobal11 JoitReceved a Large and Elegant litoo ea rs'reene of Oio' o'outooo'riog oe- i oo'elo bomctuo'oou mll boo'sr. Thl.lio Line of 1Ne,= I*pes I rmoemt; Robt. 0'. tousrool. ossit- Tennis Postoned. obo'oltoo~loocvaoILiess sill boo'udemb Hot and Cobd Leeches t all hours. Agents fi0001inoflTusdaynighstradredr out aooahotoi, I S - 5 oh-icyto for Hulyer's amd idVllams and ernrs C.s '$2"00 B 1Illomy, oispoenosing cerko ii tone o'r t f lis un- algilfIo'mor'ola ofoshoe JoAlleghen It.se sto1.0.ibToheo Chocolate Bon Bns. holu010olou looraosoou' heth rp viea a'ia'r o.1 eeday~. hs afternsoooutmlimo loms 000-1 i'sutah lomof hi'obso''-t oo'c y -iltoo' R.IB. JOLILY'8& 00.]f0,1(h,;. L. O 'aIt. ohlme, a sistolloinu inepmt oill o-osoliuu. The oo' ooomioi ioioioo o bymo'lou' Aim. Tok, 00n mob h'i'i'sidi notaoh~y nslay ns .aIsnle il epaydad loon lrprwllrciv h, es Pae riggs waso55roa~looito'od phao'uuuoi-t t ol 000tol i bi e .iuo-iiol rmoi iiilIbeoffettred'otbo)' t'i'o'l'ramt .Xotmimi, ivorsity ra~toatinthou'wim-tin l'o'unoi o THOSE lv ® BY SUI S! tih vDoc: "sa "Ngoley's al sol ary sors roduced o be.Teirxim naccsi ffll i riyo ico i.Gv ________________________ limo' thefirst roundmobof sonduutcloss iuglos000(0 otutci.o iooosa oilbo tos $10illQpr bseoonfindocntmndoo t herereafter lislu-cnlShfed f«si osill probably0be1rw1ho'f00f. homsnot uitlhi staff, andot nearly ll aiu densou oenie o lern-mof M ILWARl THE TAILOR, timeihll moo Cleumedicoal botiluthg. Al- Tebs ace (hdldaeR fteSa'cofcas ae.ceae l Doanforthmvs-a0Meec utI I.in 0., and R1slimos-itfora;- Goov~ ioernor to .nor, of 111- STATE STREET. brt 'Maras javeior of the uedicoal sotbaotRipily svs. f. Danotihu oaun oosis oxphe'oltod too'elrescvuob ooldimg, wasagiv'enmco eluug'of thou'ala- I'Se ot4ptmo e n b~l' .0 .C .I h Ro hl uies orahorii.co, dead Rileyroom. C.A.nIstheRoomMaaeBusieh- oraoresded oomantonca bis boo tw ostrpi-ssof the on'aoimt oratory at netos S l sillnjcton.'h excelent tennishop10010010by theo' 110too ate the ommmer of stdetsn Tlefllos-tog odegreesose;' on--formoer in lis mthoithlo uloniohoo'easistedb by te S. C.A. loosgral fored. .oD..+rak on.F.Byioin; A. muuooolo elioooaoeioeot fao'rite 000010phased05theiauhor itoies iso chrg.(v-r 3W OR S T =R ]umtb on S om ali dS.B M.,..onC. booany for the lhonor of plyng lHer- 1000 sbomol-'bhaosi'beenohledo to jos- ___________noo ns snColn; Ith. CS IonM .oJohnunmF rck intemelminmon op round. lionst us wotier, stews-arda oundory Bown nd Alice Mf. Stevens; D. tD. S.. Junior Laws Elect Officers. otomo, ietc. In the ehui or s-k 125 lpairs Students should try us befor6or00'H WC adeeher haeoe tienmaced.o'o.Be side' lose f- making any purchase. We are A vieofl hnswstnee h h uirlv ls lce h th ot h .C a vr ermd bondto stsfnndpeae Ortofthaksm-aaentrettie'sfyjmio loanodsol''o' ple'ao-sortelu.. .A.ba vryyarnoro large 'stock of Law and Medoal uraaoiutaturing drug firmi of 1trederik lowsing offices at le moeotimg held ys- a0 personal cansass, anoaceertained Books, in short, TextBooks for Stearns & Co. for 'the $350 felloos-hp erday in Uivesity Huoll, \ie Prsi- al1 le particularobin regardt to the every department in the University, mm pliarusaaceufical researcho s-hih wsodeont Buslopreiding: Presiden, Ful. roomso for remt and also teo'boading ton sell at t the lowest price. l ie stims year inreaed from $300 to $50). tonlTihompsono, of Conneoficut, 1, honus' ol dtleir loation. Blank Books and U. of Mf. Sta. It was also deided to place an eoss-o- vice prsident, H. A. Fenton, 01 Ohio; This wak is dome in uany colleges tionery at low prices. -o n10ach of ble hositaS; $2>) 00as 2mb s-le e letotC.. Daoinom, of byble olege athoities. Te S. (1. Make ourstores your headquarters. approopriateod to e expended for 010' Montanua; 3ot sice preidenot AV. It. A. of thos Tniversity, hoevoer, ha parftus for the WVonoam's (byconaoiumao. Moss, orf iiga ;n; recording see n'-10galgo decitedol tha it «omod he to y Dr. MA~ctAuriok wso' e° canteod leave ho tar , D. F. Dillon, of 'ttstsi~pi; o o '- Oheio'interests of blur mino'e'iouton to o W nA nA' BOOK u comingoelis course in nervoumo anotomny resiondlog.secretary,. . 0. tlsmortlu. Ibis sw-ork. anmd bthuls hecomme hotter ac- Up Towews nTown 'from 2 to 3 louro. of 'Miclin; itreasuurer, T-. T. 1-bcoolim- uaintod wiili he gonroriity of 110e Ann tArbor ppsiteaoun t.ous Thme regnts then determninedl to brimig I erly, of 'Texas; allolotoc InanagLer, lb0 astdentsa.